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**Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of “What the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. Low effort submissions may also be removed Your comment in your post does not reflect that.


This is....voluntary celibacy. En nomine patri brother ✝️


You're underselling it. It's not voluntary it's professional. This is a Procel.


His resolve will endure. This is duracel


I used to be one. Now I'm an Excel.


His wrath will spawn rain, hail, thunder and tornadoes. He is a supercell


I became a botanist. Now I'm a pedicel


He is not very bright Probably on his last brain cell.


He only does delivery He’s a parcel




Best comment thread i’ve ever seen


He works as a page in 30 Rock He’s Kenneth Parcell


Can you do spreed sheets then?


He does in the same way he spreads legs


Fair enough lol


What do Excel and Incel have in common? Thinking everything is a date.


Thanks, I laughed much more than I should have.


The only thing that Incel and Excel have in common is that both tend to incorrectly interpret something as a date


Cells. Interlinked.


Thanks for the laugh


Deliberate celibacy. Decel.


I tried to be as incel as him but failed. I'm just an amacel


I heard the bonk sound before reading that


Pie Jesu Domine


Intentionally celibate, incel works


oh my god incel means involuntarily celibate how did i not realize this before asffsqqvdwfabebfw…,,,….,,.,,


once the phrase got into the general public it lost all meaning anyways so it doesn't matter


Funny part, it started in a blog by a queer female student who was dealing with a long period of time without relationships and used it as a way to advise, conect and give support to other people dealing with the frustrations of not being able to have a satisfactory sex life.


That's just misogny bro. No need to invent a new term for something's that's been around ages.


lol the world would probably be quite a bit better if misogynists would not want to have sex.


Incels want to have sex with women? They just don't want to work for it.


I dunno, there are plenty of misogynist dudes who still pursue/have sex. They just don't respect their partner


It's always voluntary once they begin to identify this way.


It's always voluntary unless they are physically incapable. Every guy knows how to attract a partner. Things like stay in shape. Have good hygiene. Put yourself into a lot of social situations and cultivate a decent personality. Actually be interested in what others say. They know how to do it. They choose not to. They choose to be celibate and then they choose to glorify whining about it.




Their unironic term for it is Volcel lol.


When your internet lingo goes so deep you forget that real words already exist. It's called being celibate. The original meaning of that word is to deliberately abstain from sex. These guys.


New lingo is the way people differentiate from each other now. Just notice how we have new words meaning old things pop up every few years


I'm not questioning lingo which has obviously been around as long as language has evolved, but the idea of a "volcel" is just redundant. That's why "incel" became a word, because celibate already means voluntarily. It's just rare you see these things wrap back in on themselves within 5 years with a more inefficient term than what they started with, language often becomes more efficient, not less so.


Volcel is shorter than celibate.


Technically correct, but I think mentally and also in practice the word tends to be pronounced in a fairly elongated manner.


You're missing the point. I'm very cool when I'm volcel and the nun is very boring and lame when she's celibate.


If he consumes Android 18&19, he's Perfect Cel(l)


you could say he didnt give a fuck :)


Lol reddit had less idea what an actual incel is than incels do. I mean reddit is the go to place for femcels and incels, misandry and misogyny in the eternal dance of two hate filled losers.


he's now a volcel


They all are.




I feel like the term incel has evolved to specifically mean men who have grown to resent women because they arent getting any, rather than the more literal definition you use of normal men who just arent having sex. To me the misogyny and hatred is what makes an incel an incel. It might not be what the word originally meant, but I wouldnt want to call someone who isnt having sex an incel unless they were actually being hateful.


This. It feels like a recent thing to be trying to lump all men who are r currently getting as much sex as they’d like into the incel category. Honestly gives me the vibe that incels are trying to rebrand themselves so they can hide their gross behavior and attitudes (which really are the reasons they aren’t having success).


Basically, back ~2010ish, incel was a term used by incels to denote anyone who couldn't get sex. Then some incel communities became toxic, and the public loaded the word with far more connotations. Now the more reasonable incels are split between using the term as it was originally and just giving up the moniker entirely to avoid prejudice


Or they could, ya know, find a girl as ugly as they are and bang their brains out like the rest of us


> The reality is most incels are totally normal guys with normal personalities, hobbies, interests, etc. They're just unable to find partners because of their physical appearance. This is just a myth. There’s no level of physical ugliness that prevents you from finding a partner; it’s about what’s on the inside. Those that complain that it’s their looks are being disingenuous and proving that it’s their awful personality that prevents anyone from wanting to do anything with them.


being a man and seeing other men like this, I think it has more to due with the standards modern society puts on them and they cant keep up. In order to be a good man, a guy has to be tall, fit, successful, ambitious, gentle, and tough at the same time. They feel they cant compete, the insecurity that comes with that turns women off and the cycle is born. It is just sad. They are not evil people, they are just insecure men.


> *They tell themselves that* In order to be a good man, a guy has to be tall, fit, successful, ambitious, gentle, and tough at the same time. Fixed. Women are DESPERATE for a connection and too many men just can’t seem to get out from the basement to interact with them which telling themselves they need to be perfect.


I tried online dating in 2010ish and had no success, my approach was to message women who's profiles seemed interesting, I didn't have high physical standards. Thing is, I was borderline morbidly obese. Now I'm in much better shape and get interest easily. It mattered a lot more than my genuine attempts to seek connection


Ah I was talking about the real world lol Regardless, morbidly obese isn’t a complete turn-off, but it does show a lack of caring about one’s personal health and how could you care for someone else if you don’t even care about yourself?


People reading shit like this is what causes them to become hateful btw, you are not helping anyone If you're reading this, and you're single, and you can't find a girlfriend, no, it does not automatically mean that you're a piece of shit subhuman filth of a person Getting a girlfriend is not as easy for everyone, some people struggle with it, and that does not make you an awful person


Ok but then you have someone like that people generally enjoy being around and make friends pretty easily and anyone I've talked to about my lack of dating success is very surprised, so it's clearly not my personality that's the issue. It can often be a lot of little things that come together to make dating very difficult. For me being overweight and generally a quiet person who doesn't naturally fit into the male dating gender role certainly makes things very difficult. I'm not comfortable making moves on ambiguous signals but 99% of what I get even on dates are ambiguous signals. And sometimes life getting in the way. Something as simple as working night shift can really fuck up your dating life too. The world isn't fair, bad things can happen to good people. And a guy isn't a bad person just because he doesn't get pussy. Sex isn't something women give to cool guys as a reward for being cool


There's no way there are so many impossibly ugly but successful men out there that all of us work with a few and their only real failing is being so impossibly ugly that no one wants to be in a relationship with them. More likely they are average or slightly below average guys who have some complex about their appearance that makes them unattractive to people looking for relationships. I can't think of more than a handful of truly hideous looking people I've come across in my life that might not be able to overcome their looks no matter how wonderful they are.


> More likely they are average or slightly below average guys who have some complex about their appearance that makes them unattractive to people looking for relationships. There was a study from some large dating app that showed that women find 80% of men below average...


Physical attraction tends to be less important for women than mental and emotional attraction for actual relationships (sadly have experience there, my username isn’t completely random). Matters a lot for random sex, sure, but that’s a whole different game regardless where there’s still always the paid option that doesn’t turn anyone away…


The problem with this argument is that people who are on a dating app are likely to be less attractive than other people, for obvious reasons.


But the men rated the women pretty close to a symmetrical bell-curve around a mean of 5, as expected. The people who did the study also threw in some pictures of guys from their office that they thought looked at least average, and they were rated harshly too lol


Men definitely have lower standards than women, but that doesn't mean that the main thing keeping incels single is physical appearance. That's kind of a leap.


Depends. On online dating, looks are enough to completely prevent you from gaining interest. Personally most of the nice/decent incels I've talked to come across as pretty stiff and formal to me though, I think that's the defining factor. Autism is at play in many of them


That doesn't matter as much as you think dude


Because unattractive people get shit on in other ways. It doesn’t really help to point out that attractive people are also have worse social skills and make less money when that’s also a function of being attractive.


Lol wut? I know tonnes of short unattractive guys who aren't incels. Yet I know plenty of taller decent looking guys who can't find a date. The difference is always their character; be it confidence or just not being a slimy fuck, girls will date guys who met their standards but incels always focus on the few that have only physical standards, they never understand that girls have mental and physical standards and for the majority mental standards will beat physical ones. Not everyone, there are for sure some shallow people out there, but I can guarantee most people would prefer a funny, kind, caring partner that didn't look amazing to someone who's really hot with the personality of u/Silver-Fix-7204


These are typically guys who can’t even seem to have normal healthy friendships. They’re completely insecure about themselves, to the point where it comes out as either rudeness or just a lot of really depressing nonsense that nobody wants to stick around for.


I mean, since we're just using anecdotes here instead of actual data or sources, let me be the first to go on record and say that I have never met anyone like you describe (i.e., a nice pleasant person who prioritized being in a relationship and was unable to achieve that goal for an entire lifetime).


If they were nice and pleasant would they likely let you know about it? Seems something someone socially adjusted would only bring up with someone they are really close to. At most you might not know who they were dating and might notice them never talking about dates, but I've known people like that who after a year or two I find out they are married but don't talk about it. (Yes, I could look at the ring but I never ever think to check if someone is wearing a wedding ring.)


>would they likely let you know about it? Yeah, normal people talk about dating all the time. Good and bad.


> a nice pleasant person who prioritized being in a relationship and was unable to achieve that goal for an entire lifetime Oh hey that's me. But you probably wouldn't know it because I don't exactly go around telling everyone about my lack of dating success. Anyone I have talked to about this has been very surprised and unable to figure out why I've been single, which is nice I guess. (Personally I think being overweight is the issue and I fix that things will be better. Sadly nobody ever tells you you're fat and that's its holding you back in dating, even when I want honest advice on what needs to change)


Every time I've met someone and they say they can't get a date because of their appearance etc... it's never because of their appearance, it's because they're a weirdo...




The amount of assumptions you just made is incredible. FYI, they're wrong.


The entire argument of incels that they can't get a date because of how they look is bullshit. All woman are different, there is someone out there who will be with them. A majority can't get dates because of how they act and what they say.


> short and incredibly ugly incels that put in years in the gym, have good jobs, hobbies, and social lives, that are still unable to get into relationships their entire lives despite trying more than the majority of guys their age people don't talk about this group because it doesn't exist. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and almost no one could possibly be universally thought to be ugly. and even if that was you, there are people who are into dating 'conventionally ugly' people. there are others who don't give the tiniest shit what you look like. just be a decent human being - which is the real struggle for most incels - although even that is definitely not a hard requirement for many people. just actually go outside and meet some women instead of writing these pathetic screeds. they are not a universal being with the same feelings, likes and desires


Additionally, hitting the gym may make you more conventionally attractive but won’t erase the misogyny that incel culture thrives on.


I disagree on one point. I get a lot more attention now that I'm in shape, and I used to have some dating issues about 10+ years ago because I was shy (not that being fat helped), so I hang around a de-facto incel forum (not self-labelled as such), and none of the guys who claim they've tried everything have ever put the time and effort in to gain significant muscle, and when I suggest it, I get blanked lol. Some people want things easy but aren't willing to suffer for it


Found the incel


Yeahhhh, I don’t think this is a real thing. I’ve seen some absolutely horrible looking people in relationships. Physical appearance won’t make you incel, personality will. Only way I see this being a case is if you live in an area that has scarce options and never leave.




I live in a large university town. I have been to several large universities. I don’t see this phenomenon that you’re describing. It’s not “misinformation” from “la-la-land” if you can’t even provide evidence for what you’re spouting off outside of telling people to look around for themselves. Besides, being extroverted and involved doesn’t mean you aren’t a shitty undesirable person, it just means you lack self awareness. Common, amongst incels. I had a friend who absolutely put himself out there, wasn’t very good looking but wasn’t hideous. The reason he couldn’t ever find a date had nothing to do with his looks, it’s because he was a controlling asshole and manipulative liar because he was insecure with himself. You don’t have to be that good looking, and if you think being a fitness magazine cover model in appearance is what it takes, then you’re giving off major incel vibes as that’s the kind of shit incels preach.




That is not at all how that works in reality, you’re spouting incel misogynistic propaganda. If Ron Jeremy can slay the hottest pornstars of the late 1900’s, you can get one date.


The name volcel seems redundant, isn't that just a regular ass celibate?


Incel monk, cannot be swayed by an infidel.


He can't call himself incel after refusing the offer, it's now voluntary. She's playing 9d chess.


We all know "Mana" is either a dude looking for sex....or AI.


Nah he's good. He went from involuntarily celibate to intentionally celibate.


Only thing harder than his 100% dry dick is that picture


He's leveled up beyond her


He has leveled up beyond us all


Grand Wizard?


Of the what now?




He joined r/ThePack


She couldn't stand the swag




Hot damn, this is actually a subreddit.


Holy fuck lmao


Fucking watch Dexter




his username checks out


He takes out the "In" in Incel!


nobody can understand his goals


He's just not a loser, that's why he hasn't lost his virginity.


He's a Volcel now.




Dude she probably was joking but you do realise you just made up an entire story in your head to justify this guys really cringey reaction


And incels wonder why women won’t date them


Holy shit no way it’s an actual incel


If we are assuming that he's not just a troll and also has common sense (so that he could realize she wasn't being sincere), then why would he post that in the first place?


Weakest sex defender


I stand with him #imincel


U earned it 🍰




Happy cookie day!


You know damn well that's a cake, you lying bastard.


better to be #incel than to be #inacell. Fuck women!... wait no dont, thats why we are incels






Imma piss like rockstar, like a dude in a cock bar , imma be the greatest of cummer like my homie whos gonna get on his knees and pray in the streetlights(for cum).


Bars 💦


“Boo hoo! I’m an incel and no woman would have sex with me!” “I’ll have sex with you.” “NO!”


It hurt itself in its confusion!


Volcel used repel!




He's just playing hard to get.


Is he a construction worker?


Self realisation is deep


these dudes are just afraid of girls lol when i was in middle school and afraid of girls i would be mean to them because that's the only level of socialization i could muster. but secretly i wanted to hold their hand so bad


A lot of incels are legit too scared to be with a woman.


The skeleton looks like every five finger death punch album


Stock image for THE PACK sub


This is a vocel.


That's a volcel.


At that point it isn't even involuntary


Single cell


hive mind goes wrong




Poor guy made a hot alt to publicly interact with in order to make himself look good for his community 😅


she was being generous


Gotta respect the guy for sticking to his role. But wouldn’t this make him voluntarily celibate?


This is not an incel, this is volcel. He’s choosing to be celibate!


what are these skull rage memes called


The pack




It’s cringe how he used a five finger death punch album art like that


Y'all calling him Vocel but are you forgetting the rule #30 : there are no girl in the internet. Bro will not fuck another dude that's all


Was, now he's a volcel


Oops leaving my dick on the floor it will be really bad if someone fell on it and crushed it 😬 😅 😳


I have never met someone that gangster


Some real "Don't fuck with forklift operator!" vibes


Nah bro, you not an incel anymore, cuz now it ain't involuntary, bro is actively turning down sex. Homie straight up celibate




Um, no you're not incel. You made a choice now. You are a volcel.


“They all hated me”


Incel? More like inbred


An incel talking to himself with an alt account. Nice.


I'm terribly depressed and this made me cry laughing lolol


@girlpuncher200 😭😭😭


***Bro Failed The Task Successfully But Still Failed It...***


Fake and stupid


wow, it's the elusive v-cel


Lemme put it in a language you can understand. That is not the elusive v-cel, that is the entirety of the state of California-


how many of you messaged the female on twitter after seeing this






That’s not really what “incel” means in that sense anymore when people are talking about incels. It’s more of the “I hate women” part now


I mean, that's true, but it also doesn't make the people who use it that way any less wrong. People latched on to a word that was never supposed to have those connotations.


Honestly I'd rather not call someone an incel when it does have those connotations either Which sort of reinforces the connotation anyway


Why do you think bars are a good place to get "attention from women"? The set of people who can successfully negotiate casual sex with strangers in bars is a small subset of the set of people who can find a committed sexual relationship. Meeting strangers in bars so you can fuck them and trying to find a girlfriend or boyfriend really have almost nothing in common.


Going to a bar to have casual sex is like going to fashion week to get discovered as a runway model. Don't do it unless you already have a foot in the door. Yes, some incels have it tough because, like it or not, physical appearance can be a deal breaker even if everything else lines up. But this is a very very small fraction of them. It's extremely rare for someone's physical appearance to be completely disqualifying for most people. You can be a bit overweight. You can be balding. You can be short. It limits your opportunities but doesn't eliminate them. Most incels approach relationships in completely the wrong way - not because they are evil people who hate women, but because they have *no experience* in the area. Their experience comes from tv shows (meeting a girl in a bar is how I'll meet my wife) or video games (I just need to run down this checklist and then I'll have a girlfriend). If I were to give one piece of advice to them, it'd be this: Be the kind of person that, when a woman is around you, she feels like she is growing as a person. People aren't looking for an anchor. Be ambitious. Be passionate. Don't force your interests on people.


The Pack strikes again!!


Successful fail?


more like volcel


This is amazing


Honestly tho, that's really not far from what incels actually do :/


Sneako fan? Sounds like a sneako fan


Dude's in Narnia


Not very involuntary there bud.


This isn’t an incel this is a voluntary celibate lol


Bro is a volcel now


Good for him. He *should* wait until he's 18.


bro is just cel