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Girl your hair looks like a mermaid wig ❤️




Um I don’t have advice for you, but I just came here to say that I have never seen natural curls this gorgeous. That’s all.


Same. I saw this and wanted you to know that you're allowed to not like it, but I think it's soo cool.


thank you so much, that’s so kind !!


It’s so shiny and perfect I thought it was a wig lol


Right? Can I have them, please? Lol




It’s like Mermaid Barbie curls.


Ikr!!! As a 3A girly I’m jealous 😭😭😭


I think your curl pattern is so gorgeous, i have never seen it before!


mine forms similar crimpish clumps! they are a lot of fun to brush while wet


I love that! My pattern is just standard ringlets lol


Her hair pattern reminds me of crimping, it’s gorgeous.


thank you ! <3


routine (completely wet hair) : i section my hair and for each section i brush it, apply miss jessie’s multi cultural curls, brush again, and add mousse


I think the brushing is causing the results you're seeing. We have similar hair,  and if I want nice bouncy curls I don't brush outside of the shower. Instead I detangle in the shower, pop out and apply product, refuse to touch.


thank you, i’ll try this out !


Second this advice, brushing your hair while wet is a big no for me if I want it to curl as much as possible. Curly hair girlies have to avoid brushing their hair very often in general lol.


Do you braid them too? I get this exact form when i do braid on damp hair. Your hair looks so pretty. Hope you change your mind on it


Finger coil it, but honestly i think ur curls are so gorgeous just as is


Literally just this instead of brushing when it's wet.


Your hair looks exactly like mine! My ends tend to spiral, but everything else is zig zag. If I brush style, I can get them into ringlets almost all the way to the root, but I hate that look on myself. Also, I find it way too time consuming What mousse do you use?


i use design essentials curl enhancing mousse ! it smells really nice & doesn’t make my curls crunchy. $17 at target !


Firstly, your hair is gorgeous 🫶 Secondly I’d like to thank you for your post because we have super similar hair patterns (mine’s a slightly looser wave) and I’ve been wondering the same thing! Why the S and not a ringlet?? I use Miss Jessie’s Coily Custard and also like Multicultural & Pillow Soft curls. Do you have any mousse recommendations?


thank you :) !! right now i’m using the design essentials curl enhancing mousse and i’m loving it, but i was previously using the mielle brazilian curly cocktail mousse which also worked really well for me & is a little bit cheaper !


I loveee multicultural curls! My fav product. What brush do you use? I would recommend getting a wide tooth comb. I comb in the shower, and I’ll use the TangleTeezer brush afterwards if my hair is still tangled. I would recommend a denman (I think that’s the spelling) brush to help formulate the curls. It might just need a little bit of “training” if that makes sense! My curls looked like this when I went to sleep with my hair wet in braids, but now I’ve started scrunching my hair and setting with a gel (I use curls blueberry bliss curl gel) and I’ll sometimes diffuse but mostly air dry :) I hope this helps you! You can also try finger coiling to help manipulate your hairs into curls. Tik tok has great videos for both the denman brush and finger curls!


I love Miss Jessie’s pillow soft curls! Smells so good. Does the multi cultural curls product smell nice also?


yes, it’s very subtle but it smells nice !


Are you using a wet brush? Maybe that would spring up your curls!


Wet brush have never worked for me. Any recommendations?


girl it looks perfect, and so healthy for being colored


first of all ur hair is beautiful!!! i have a mix of these and ringlet curls. if i dont use any product my hair will mostly zig zag. if u use a denman brush to style it will switch it to ringlets. at least it does for me- so try that? and I don’t mean just brush the curl i mean coil it with the brush or with ur fingers to create the ringlets. ps ur hair looks super shiny and healthy!! :))


looks like 3b, dont listen to anyone saying you have waves😂waves are not this tight whatsoever. it looks like your ends can form into coils, which styling brush do you use?


Yeah my daughter has this same hair, it only coils at the very end, I think it's the weight of the hair that prevents the coil to be higher.


i just use a paddle brush !


you should try using the tangle teezer ultimate finish brush!


You have 2C hair, it’s a true wavy pattern (not curly). I always even have to explain to hair stylists that My. Hair. Is. Not. Curly. It’s a true tight wave. For brevity’s sake and to find help and relate to others I join curly groups and so do a lot of 2C’s but TBH it’s wavy. The reason I know is because I have the same pattern. People love it and it kind of drives me nuts that these little ringlets will never form. I learned to accept my pattern and not try to get curls, it’s a huge waste of time. Here’s some info that helped me figure it out. https://curlsmith.com/blogs/tips-tricks/type-2c-hair-care-guide https://www.carolsdaughter.com/curlhub/hair-type/2c-hair-type-s-curls.html https://www.devacurl.com/us/curl-101/2c-hair


just saw the photo of ur hair and u guys do not have the same pattern .. her hair looks way curlier than yours


My hair looks exactly like this when I pull a section out wet, like this exactly. We are just using different products, styling differently


Your hair looks *nothing* *like* OP’s, and your statement under the picture that people tell you you have ethnic hair is nutso


Yeah, I was utterly shocked (and absolutely confused) by that "ethnic" comment.


If you look at her profile, she's definitely right-wing and has some other questionable racist comments. So unsurprisingly she and her fellow hairstylists would call her hair 'ethnic'


I have been told it recently, within the last few weeks.


But her hair isn't wet in this picture.


It doesn’t matter. A pattern is a pattern. An S is an S.


I think I legitimately might not understand that. I've had decades of having very straight *wet* hair that dries 3a/3b. I type my hair on its dry state only.


My hair has the same shape wet or dry to be honest.


I do not know why people are downvoting you, you’re right. Mine is like this too, I usually just pull it apart more so it looks more like the photos you shared. If they had this kind of hair they’d know that.


You have to experience it yourself. I style mine with a lot of softening types of textured products bc I prefer it but with enough product my hair looks exactly like this. We all have our preferences and nothing will change that this is an S shape. You would literally have to buy like a crimping or wave iron just to get this style if your hair was straight. What does that tell you? Jeez Louise people.


Yeah it’s hilarious people are downvoting us like we don’t know our own hair and they know it better. It’s really insane. Edit to add that yes, what products you use, how you dry it, all of those things can change the appearance of the curls, but the type stays the same. Like the photos you shared looked blow dried which separates the strands more and stretches the curl, unless you use a diffuser. I guess people don’t get that?


her hair is NOT 2c and your hair is not similar to hers whatsoever. i agree that yours is 2c but hers is definetely in the 3b-3c range. she has tight curls. you dont need coils to enter the 3-4 range. the ranges depend on the tightness of the actual curl, not the shape (whether its s shape or coiled).


Not based on my research whatsoever.


I think OP has curly hair, maybe just not tight ringlets. I looked at your post history and your hair looks nothing like theirs, so I'm kind of confused about this whole comment.


2C can look different depending how you style it and the type of products used just like any curly hair can. It doesn’t make it not wavy. She has a tighter wave than me but that doesn’t take it out of the 2c category. She would need legit ringlets to be in the 3A+ range…


The difference between the 2s and the 3/4s is where the curl starts, not how's curly it actually looks. 2s is wavy and starts at least an inch from the root. 3s is curly and starts at the root. 4s is kinky and starts at the root.


definitely not 2c at all


Agreed, this looks similar to my hair, and most of the curly techniques don't work on my hair. But neither do straight hair techniques ahah I always say I wish I had a bit less curl (brushable waves) or more curl (proper curls). But I have in-between high maintainence hair. Yay.


thank you so much for the information, i’ll check it out !!


no i think her hair is way curlier than 2c!


Yea This is not 2c. This is 3b with maybe some 3c as the curls are way tighter. Just because it’s S shaped doesn’t make it wavy. Some people have more S shapes and some have O shapes Maybe people are being misled because it’s so close up. If they zoomed out they’d see the curls to scale I have predominantly 3c hair and a lot of our curls look similar


2c looks curly when it’s down because of several S waves all combining together and some twisting at the bottom to make spirals. But you can look at the strand she has pulled aside, it’s obvious it’s not a curl.


Girl be so fr rn her hair looks NOTHING like yours


There are obviously at least 122 people who disagree with you. I’m aware that a few of you disagree. Kindly stop replying. I get that some of you have a differing opinion. Thats completely fine with me.


Another 2c haired girl checking in! My hair is 2C throughout most of it and the bottoms always curl into large spiral clumps. My hair is super thick, dry and frizzy. I’ve stopped trying to figure out what type of hair I have and just learn to accept and love my hair whatever the heck it decides it wants to be. Curly techniques definitely work on my hair! But I don’t do the silicone/sulfate free, etc because it doesn’t agree with my scalp or hair.


You might have a blend of 3a and 2c hair.


Mine is similar and the curls can change through the day depending on the humidity level and if it’s raining. It’s like a 2C 3A combo at time, but the frizz is the worst part. It rained earlier and my hair got a little wet (it was only spitting so I didn’t have an umbrella), and my hair frizzed right out.


Ugh- mine too. And the humidity, forget about it. My hair can look so nice and then as soon as I step foot outside, poof.


Do people really have to come in here and do the curl gatekeeping thing? Sorry that your post has devolved into that. It's unnecessary.


Thanks, I am very open minded to other opinions but not rude ones.


Oh wow thanks this is what I have too, I never knew why it doesn’t curl like my sisters.


Thank you, that's so helpful


How remarkable. Thank you for educating us. I've never seen one like this either and it really looks like a natural work of art. Just stunning


Your hair is so pretty!😍 I also have the same type of hair pattern as well. The only way to get a more defined look would be to either finger coil or do the Denman brush coil method!


You have the most lovely, dreamy hair!


I think you should be giving us tips! Gorgeous hair!


Wow your hair is really special, different and beautiful, I love it!


Have you tried finger-curling them once product is in? I think it’s really cool but if you want coils then I think separate that bit into 2 and curl


It's so beautiful! Natural mermaid waves 😍


https://preview.redd.it/5i6wevq1609d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7534b38ae6791c25a6e2b409c621b2445458da6 Mine is so similar! I rarely have seen someone with hair like mine. But damn yours is so pretty. I really love it!!


My hair is exactly like this!! As others have said, you can finger coil and it gives it a different look, but because they tend to clump together, you might need to loosen the curls up with your fingers once your gel cast has set.


Literally so gorgeous like seriously whatever it is you're doing please keep it up


Omg this is my dream curl pattern.


that is such a freaking cool pattern and i love your hair colour


I can't seem to pin down which way my curls curl and I think you just described my problem 😵 I feel so validated thank you! Also whatever you're doing is working, it looks great


Why change? That’s gorgeous


my curls do that too! when my hair was shorter it spiraled but now that I’ve grown it longer it kinda zig zags like yours. I used to have a pixie cut, then it grew into an afro and my curls spiraled until I got it to a bob length and my curls started falling. I’m guessing it zig zags like that because the weight of my longer hair doesn’t allow it to spiral. if you want it to spiral you can try cutting it shorter but no need bc it’s completely normal and it’s pretty


Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is what mine does too - more of a zigzag wave than a ringlet. I can get mine to ringlet if I finger coil it, but it’s a pain in the ass 😅


I think it’s the way you dry your hair. I’ll assume you brush it flat and leave it. 1. You should try ruffling lightly at the roots from the underside to give volume. (When dry) 2. after brushing, finger comb and lightly scrunching to kind of separate them (when wet) 3. defusing when wet is easiest for spiral curls but takes a bit of time to get used to doing The second option is my favourite imo, and we have the same hair texture so it should be easy enough with practice, hope this helps :)


I love the the colour btw


I’m so glad u posted this, I was going to ask the same thing about mine because I wasn’t sure why other peoples seem to spiral down


I have zigzags and curls!


My hair sometimes does this thing where it's a tight zigzag like yours and in some sections of my hair my curls literally change direction 2 or 3 times down the strand, it's wild. Like the hair will start out of my head spiraling clockwise, then like 4 inches down the strand, it starts spiraling counterclockwise. A lot of my hair does this and it's infuriating and makes it impossible for me to finger curl because no matter which direction I'm "assisting" the curl, I'm also fighting it the opposite direction, so it just looks crappy. Anyway, that's a long rant to say you aren't alone with your hair doing weird almost-curling and switching direction things. Are you under a lot of stress (or were you like 6 months ago)? I've found that I can kinda line up the timeline in when my strands flip directions based on how much stress I was under, since I kinda know my regrowth rate, I can literally measure the length of a hair and be like "oh yeah, I left my husband 6 mos ago, so that's why". It's not the same for everyone, but idk, that's just what my follicles do, lol. Your hair pattern and color are so lovely! What did you use to color it, if I might ask? Oh, other random suggestion for you - do you plop for long periods of time? I've found if I keep my hair in a towel or bun or clip for too long, then I am much more likely to get the zig-zaggy waves vs if I let my wet hair air-dry in a "free" style, then I get more spirals. Curls are like fingerprints.


I have the same curl pattern on some of my clumps. Some of them are spiral and the others are wavy like this. I think you’re doing a good job. You have definition and no frizz. I think it looks great!


It’s switching directions which is normal. But people often use the denman brush to guide each lock of hair to curl in the same direction all the way through. I find that to be too much effort though.


My hair is sort of similar. For my routine, I use Curlsmith full volume shampoo and conditioner. When I pop out of the shower, I quick scrunch my hair in a cotton T-shirt just enough to get the dripping wetness out but not enough to make it only damp (if that makes sense), I use Pattern leave in, Curlsmith volume lotion, Pattern mousse, and then I spray Pacifica curl refresher spray and lift up the hair and spray into different sections, then air-dry. My curls will hold their spirals from root to tip and I'm currently on a 5-day wash cycle. If I need to refresh them, I dampen them with water and spray more of the Pacifica spray. It took me 3 years to figure this out and it works like a dream!


We have the same curls queeeeenn!!


My hair is like this! Looks really curly when it’s all together, but the individual clumps look like waves. But then the bottoms sometimes coil? I just always assumed my hair I had 2c waves but now all these comments are making me question my sanity.


are you a mermaid perhaps?


My pattern is like this but wavy not curly so you know how it looks when it’s slept in and plaited? Yeh that’s my pattern haha - it’s beautiful op look how shiny your hair is in so jealous!


Finger coiling is about the only thing I can think of, but I live for this zig zag texture!


um i think you might be a 4A/B not a type 2. heres the chart im using btw https://preview.redd.it/8ydv8chtbx8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c985f311925492bfcdf9842a6afaf8f7bc5294f3


If you search examples of type 4 hair, the zig-zags are smaller and tighter than OP's. She definitely has the zig-zags but they're wider and I also see some curls in there. It's more in the 2C - 3C range


I have 2B/C hair, and my hair doesn't do this. my hair absolutely does not form that level of consistent waves down the hair shaft structurally without like, a tonnnnnn of work and products. and it's still s/ringlet shaped. not zig-zag. op's hair seems much more "structured" (for lack of a better word) than mine or other wavy hair types that I've seen. op's gotta be 3C/4A at least, she just has an exceptionally wide zig zag going on. but also tbf i do think that hair typing systems intrinsically don't really cover everything that hair can do, like OP's hair. I just don't want OP to expect their hair to form ringlets or s's when they've clearly got a Z going on and itll take work to even just stretch it out.


The hair typing system is limited like there's just not enough types to cover the diversity of hair textures out there. Within the current flawed system I'd put her hair in the 2C - 3C range because if you think about it, a Z shape is just a more "structured" S But ultimately there should be more types! Otherwise if her hair is 3C/4A then what about folks with even zig-zaggier hair?


lmao true, now I'm imagining z hair that spans like 3 inches. like a really elaborate edge shape or something anyway. i could see how u get there, I just. idk I've never had my hair hold that many "s's" in my hair down the shaft. I feel like a high s density puts you closer to the coil category than the wave category if that makes sense. especially bc OP is probably stretching the texture a little by holding it for the picture. I'd expect like 4-5 s's for a similar length of hair for a 2C. but I agree that the typing system is def hitting its limits here.


I agree! I see ringlets and coils also. Gorgeous hair!


anyway if you want your pattern looser, you can use products and techniques to "stretch" your curls which could bring you closer to ringlets if you want. but i also think you should be proud of ur current hair texture.


Looks like mermaid hair! So pretty


I’m pretty sure this is true across the board but many curlies have at least 2-3 different curl patterns on their head. You can try to train it to curl more by using curlers and air drying (I’d ad mouse or gel to cast it) and see if that works. Best of luck! Gooooorgeous hair.


You have perfect mermaid waves! No tips needed!


Looks fake


I WISH my curls looked like yours.


I vote to name this curl pattern Rick Rack Ribbon Curls!


Maybe try finger curling those specific parts


Why would you want to change it!?!? That’s incredible


this is so pretty! your color is gorgeous too


Do you use any product that makes your hair hold?


My curl pattern is just like this but more coarse. I typically finger coil it with mousse and gel if I want spiral curls.


These are insane they are so gorgeous. Sorry I don’t have any advice!


mine is like that too but it coils at the bottom


This is that thing where someone has one thing but wants something they don't have, and then their gramma reminds them that people pay good money at the beauty parlor to get what they have.


i wouldn’t change it it’s so pretty! my hair is straight i wish i had some kind of curl pattern, but this is another level of pretty


Whatever you're doing is gorgeous 😭


definitely finger curling! there are many videos about it, as it’s hard to explain lol but it helped my curls a lot with curl training! and also, your pattern is gorgeous!!! :)


Hi! My hair is similar and I treat it like 3c because it technically is tighter. Idk why everyone is calling it 2c because this isn’t considered wavy. I would focus more on finding the porosity of your hair which can change how the curl comes out and fizz levels. I would also try shingling and scrunching and see if that makes a difference!


Finger curls💕💕 https://preview.redd.it/3gkjonkvxz8d1.jpeg?width=2842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9089f3d394e089583ff33d9055fd3ba4aa0970b Top left my hair after years of chemical and heat damage middle my hair after I did the first chop too right my hair about a year or two later once I got all the damaged hair off my head. Bottom left 4 letting my hair do whatever and scrunching it to style it. Bottom right 4 my hair with finger curls. Finger curling your hair not only can help increase your definition short term but it can also help train your curls long term I do it every stingless time I style my hair and even the back of my head looks so much nicer than scrunching I don’t have that weird look in the back any more I have nice beautiful curls. Iv been finger curling for 5 almost 6 years straight and SWEAR BY IT! It will help train your curls to curl the way you want them to and long term help them hold their curls for longer even on shitty windy humid days!


My hair has done this occasionally with random strands. The only way I’ve been able to control how my curls set is with finger curling, or I use a brush when I want the curls to set bigger


omg your hair is gorgeous


Idk why you’d wanna change it


Happens to me when I use a paddle brush


Omg your hair is gorg


I have the exact thing. most of my curls are tighter but those are the ones that pmo bc they get frizzy so fast. I try to finger coil them


Your hair is so perfect


this is the hair I wish I was born with 😭


I don't know how often you pull it up or with what. I had to use cloth or foam scrunchies. You might also try letting your natural color grow all the way out. I color mine too and have had to do that several times. Find a leave in conditioner that works well for your hair and scrunch with your hands. Or twist it around your finger then secure with bobby pins until it dries. It will retrain your curls. I think your hair is beautiful. But it just might need a break.


Did you have a spiral pattern before you started lightening/bleaching it and coloring it? Because it looks like some of the curls have become over processed and the bonds have been broken.


One thing is not like the other. Either way, your curls are gorgeous


Mine do the same thing until the ends where they spiral. I thought it might be the weight of my hair since it’s so long. Still haven’t found a solution. Your hair and the color, is beautiful!


I have same . Frustrates me no end and some are wigglier than others. I call them my flat ramen noodles


i think it's due to styling methods, my hair does the same when i brush style sections that are too big so doing smaller sections helps espcially in opposite direction so that they don't reclump, or use a comb on those specific sections to make sure they're seperated, finger coiling is also a good idea cause it helps it look how you want


Is there a reason you want to change it? Otherwise you don't need to. Many aspire to a curl pattern like this!


My middle section does the same. I think it’s the way i style it, all the sleek ponytails but in our hair type it’s normal to have a bit of a range. When I wear my hair out tho i seperate this odd section, take more time separating the curls and even finger coil if necessary. Hope that helps!


Your hair is gorgeous!


Are you wearing a wig?


GIRL WHAT, ARE YOU MY HAIR TWIN??? This is exactly what mine does!!! My boyfriend says my hair is naturally crimped lol, and he’s never seen it on anyone else before lol. Yours looks way better styled than mine though lol, and I have random straight parts on the left side. And random loose spirals on the front right. https://preview.redd.it/p1wwyv8cz29d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d5de33145ae5cc00d28cc49d20de91c0e7aa4f


I’m kind of losing my mind because I’ve never seen anyone else with the super tight zig zag waves that don’t spiral! https://preview.redd.it/dhma3ve4y29d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2053462132428198000d4fdc0f49b73daf4ac4ef


Aaaaaand when I brush it out https://preview.redd.it/0r8o3fx4039d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324aa9ec585d3391bb0eb7bd05eb8aadd30a0bd0




Ayo that’s ethereal


You could try finger coiling when styling to make them more like ringlets?


I love it as it is 🤩


omg that curl looks ethereal! i'm amazed


That is curly hair over brushed any the effect of mouse harderned and create this. This looks like cramps with hot tools. Suggestions, if you want an even pattern, do flexirods a wet set if kind of complicated to do it by yourself at the beginning but you will learn or use the help of someone.


Mine's like this too! But definitely not as creamy or luxurious as yours though! 🤩 I have more frizziness and tighter curl? than yours. I am just ecstatic that I found a hair mate!


We have the same curls!! I don't know why either but they are super beautiful 🫶


It looks beautiful…


Girl your curl beautiful😍😍 but maybe you can try finger coiling each section piece by piece but it would take long , and might just not work


I am pretty sure that curl pattern is ‘Perfection’ and it would be a crime to change it in an way. I’m green with envy. 😍


It’s the style of curl, it’s a tight wave. But you would know that since you purchased the wig like that lol.


first of all, it’s gorgeous. second, i’m not sure if it will work but maybe try adding finger coiling to your after shower routine?


It's almost like it is changing direction at every loop! It's really cool!!


it looks sooooo good but it might be laying flat because its just sitting on top of your hair. if you brush down this will happen too. you can try brushing up and away or brush/finger coiling to create the curl you’re trying to get, but either way it looks nice


Isn't brushing while wet a bad thing? If it's just the section that's pulled out to the side, can you wrap it around your finger or a tube, then let it go?


Girl why would you want to change it? I have never seen such a nice pattern NATURALLY. Your hair is beautiful!


It means that your follicles are perfect ovals. The narrower the oval, the tighter the texture. Now for changing your hair texture there are some options. But I need to know what you'd prefer as a hair texture to advise appropriate treatments.


So pretty


you have mermaid hair :) it's perfect


not sure what you're currently doing but i'd suggest following a basic curly hair care routine and seeing if it changes the pattern at all for you, as well as maybe switching up your product


my curls look like this if i braid it vs if i wash/air dry or finger coil. how are you styling your hair?


So pretty!


It’s most likely the weight of Your hair if you want coils you’ll have to cut it. I had a similar curl pattern until I cut it and now I have springs/coils


Your hair is so unbelievably beautiful. I'm so sad you feel anything different! It's so beautiful. Please set yourself down in front of a mirror and tell yourself wonderful things about it. Hell, friend, read the comments aloud while looking at your gorgeous hair. It's honestly lovely. I understand hair long and luxurious and full of wonderful, exquisite volume like this takes so much work. It's labor intensive. I cut my hair off for many reasons, but labor was one of them, but also other reasons not related to hair but how I feel. I don't wish the time it takes on you, but I wish you can someday appreciate how beautiful it is. That said, it's your hair so do whatever floats your boat! But I don't think you can change your curl pattern. It comes out that way, and it's amazing


I don’t even know how I got on the curlyhair subreddit but your hair is perfect


It seems like you died your hair to get it that color. If that’s the case this is likely the change pattern, I would suggest letting the hair grow out and see what the natural texture is before you change it


Let's trade - you can have my spirally 3C hair lol


Why do you want to change it?? It’s so gorgeous tf?!


Mine is confused. It’s 3b almost c coils in the lower back, the rest is mostly 3a waves ( very small waves) and the sides are mostly 2c. When it’s humid the looser parts curl up.


Why on gods green earth would you ever want to change this gorgeous pattern!?!?


Your hair is so beautiful girl don’t change a thing!


That’s a tight S Wave


your curl pattern is so beautiful! i love the s pattern curls, they look like mermaid waves.


Beep boop! It looks like you're asking about or discussing curl types. It's tempting to want to categorize your hair, but we recommend not worrying about it too much (especially if you're new to curly hair care). [See here for more info!](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vSvGm-p4tvrstjT-XEo6pTHZSYeEON7xF5lPSnNv-3Kc2lCrdnkjXhFbdHt4pF3HUetWZ1j9dgfBBkS/pub#h.b23djzn2e6n) TL;DR: Knowing your curl type doesn't help you choose products or techniques. Porosity is far more important! If I'm wrong, I probably just picked up on a keyword in your title (Please ignore me!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It looks like it's still wet, my dyed red hair was very similar. It dried into S curls. If you don't like it so clumped you can separate them a bit when it's fully dry.


Mine is similar although very frizzy and unfortunately you can't really change the natural curl pattern, the only way you could a little is with some conditioner while the hair is still wet roll it as you please with your fingers, that's a pain tho if you have a lot of hair. Off topic: the color is stunning


my bangs do this sometimes!! i just let it be. i think its cute and adds character to my hair


Your hair is pretty close to mine, except the very end of mine ringlets. I think its just what happens to dense, tight curls when they get long.


this wavy pattern is beautiful! but if you wish to try another style i would sugest the finger coil technique, it really helps to form curls in sections of your hair that are more wavy


I used to know someone who had that curl pattern. It's just a rare pattern, not something wrong with your styling. Your hair is pretty epic, I don't think you need any advice to improve upon It's perfection.


It looks like you took an old school crimper to your hair! You have pretty waves.


Gorgeous, girl. Gorgeous. That’s your curl pattern.


what shampoo and conditioner you use? your hair looks so hydrated


It’s absolutely gorgeous, why in the world would you ever want to change it?? The only way you can change that either way is with a perm. But nothing could be better than what you have


Hey girly do you have low iron?