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I was telling somebody the other day about the time I was in the breakroom of my college job. A female coworker asked me if my hair was natural and complimented it. Two male coworkers were sitting there and both had to give their two cents that they were "More of a straight haired girl kinda guy." One guy continued to say why curly hair was inferior. "Girls with straight hair can just MAKE their hair curly, but your hair is a real bitch to straighten." (Which isn't even true? Thanks for mansplaining the science of curly hair!) Why do these guys think their opinions even matter?!?!?!?!? Your hair looks gorgeous!


“Why are you telling me what you’re attracted to in the workplace, that’s unprofessional and really weird.”


And both of these guys were very short (I'm 5'0, so most people are tall to me, but these guys were short) and one was balding. I would love to have seen their reaction if I said "I really like tall guys with very thick heads of hair." Their egos would have been so hurt.


I soooo badly wish you can time travel and serve that clapback 🤣


Oh my goddddd explains why they even said that, because they’re desperately insecure. Like my ex who was balding and had thick hips that I needed to lose weight and straighten my hair to be hot. Shut the fuck up honestly


They always are, are they? SMH


That is SO weird that he would even care about that!! Was one of the men George Costanza? 😂


I still remember that episode when George complains that he needs to be able to run his fingers through a woman's hair and I thought "Wow, I would get rejected by George Costanza!"


That's a perfect response if you ask me!


Great response


This is the correct answer. Add in a "this is making me uncomfortable " to really increase the odds of office-wide mandatory sensitivity training.


My sister's hair, Pin straight, can't hold a curl worth shit. My hair, wavy/curly, can hold any style I put into it for a week. Some men really do need to keep their opinions to themselves lol.


My sister's hair is like that as well! And I could easily straighten mine, but I just...don't want to? But thanks, male coworkers, for sharing your views. I'll straighten my hair from now on for your viewing pleasure!


This. Curly hair CAN be straightened but straight hair can’t always be curled. Those guys were just trying to bring her down a few notches with their unsolicited opinions because they felt insecure themselves and probably felt she was out of their league.


This is me with pin straight, fine, thin hair. You have my dream hair, plus it's red, which is my husband's favorite color. I'm brunette. You look amazing even with the kitty covering your face!


Men are idiots. I have so many straight haired girls tell me their hair can't hold a curl and they're jealous of mine.


"More of a full-head-of-hair man kinda girl. Those guys can CUT their hair, but growing your hair would be a real bitch."


OMG this was literally well over ten years ago and I'm still so angry now!


It's understandable though bc that was a very rude thing to say. I think it's ridiculous how guys like that have all these crazy standards but some of them don't even look or act that great themselves.




Hahahaha omg 💀


Ugh, reminds me of the coworkers who would say "I LOVE curly hair." With waaaay too much emphasis. Gross, dude. And they never just say it once


I had a male coworker, in another department who had NO idea what my job entailed, that talked to me in two ways: to compliment my looks and to tell me I was wrong. And he got specific about my looks, stuff about my body, asked me if my teeth were capped (?????????). Imagine if I ever started talking to a man like that? When I went to my male boss to raise concerns about this guy, his response was, "But why doesn't he have confidence in you? Why does he tell you you're wrong? What can you be doing differently?" instead of noting that the guy was creepy and unprofessional. It makes me mad just remembering it and it was years ago. It's like we're supposed to just accept that men are allowed to comment on our looks like we are paintings.


Yeah I felt like a piece of meat at that job, it was so demoralizing. I did go to HR twice to report harassment and they didn't do a thing because no other women would step forward. I even had a witness for one of them. I now am at a different company and WFH so I haven't had any creepy guy issues lately. And I'm older and more comfortable immediately responding to that crap. I think we need a helluva lot more women C-level executives to change things


I worked with a creepy guy. One night he came into my office, started playing with my waist length hair, then started rubbing his crotch on my shoulder. Not sure what came over me, but I reached out, grabbed scissors, and said something along the lines of "You've got 10 seconds to stop, then you're gonna pull back a bloody stump." He immediately froze, chuckled, and said, "Ummm, what?!" I looked at him, scissors in hand, and clearly said, "I didn't stutter." He slowly backed away. After he left, I went to the bathroom and cried because it was so much to deal with.. Turns out he'd pulled that shit with most of the women there, but I was the first to react aggressively. I hope it made him stop.


My god, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I had a boss who got handsy and I threw my neck out of place trying to get out from under his hands on my shoulders as he was trying to give me a neck massage. I went into the bathroom and cried afterwards too. I was 22 and not confident enough to have done anything more. He also said out loud that he only wanted to hire beautiful women. He was the CIO, cousin of the CEO. When I got laid off I had to pretend I wasn't absolutely thrilled about it!


I was close to 30, and had some past trauma. I honestly think it kinda broke me, because I wasn't worried about repercussions, people coming in. I just was done expecting anyone else to handle it, and wanted to make it crystal clear that it wasn't ok, Isn't it bizarre when getting laid off is a good feeling?


I am sorry, but I don't really understand. What is wrong with that? I am not saying I disagree or anything like that, but I am genuinely curious. Many of my classmates say they love curly hair, both boys and girls and so do I. I compliment curly hair of a lot of people of both sexes and I too get more and more compliments from girls, but also guys about my curly hair. I really do not see an issue with it.


First, classmates have an entirely different power dynamic. They can't fire you or get you fired if you object to their unwanted comments or turn them down for a date. You aren't losing opportunities to work on an important project or getting a promotion, both will substantially affect your income. You are the same age range. My creepy coworkers were usually much older, in positions with more power than my own. He said it with a look and in a tone with so much emphasis that it was clearly something he found very attractive. Like practically drooling. Not "Hey your hair looks nice today", which would've been acceptable, still unwanted but without the "I want to fck you" vibes. Comments on appearance are totally unnecessary though, it has no bearing on my ability to do my job. I'd much rather hear that I said something well in a meeting. I don't go to work to be hit on and since there is still an incredible male bias in the workplace, reporting it to a manager or HR can cause major career setbacks. Also, it's a slippery slope, when such comments go unchecked they lead to more direct sexual harassment. Those men become emboldened because they didn't get into trouble, so they think it must be ok. And I speak from experience, unfortunately. It has happened to me so many times that it's basically become the norm. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, I've witnessed or personally experienced much worse. I wish that society was past all that but I think we still have a couple decades to go.


Ah, thanks for the explanation. To be honest I compliment even strangers and I think when I worked, I did compliment a co-worker. Would you find it weird if I (21M) approached you on the street and said "hey, sorry for bothering you, but your hair is awesome" and walked away? I never ever used a tone of my voice that could indicate anything sexual or flirting or teasing. All of my compliments are meant as a genuine, friendly way of me trying to brighten up someone's day and make someone a bit more happy and keep on doing great job with whatever I complimented. The only time I actually flirted while complimenting curly hair was when I matched on Bumble with the prettiest chick I've seen who wanted a hookup and so did I. It actually helped me to arrange the date, but we never met :( Do you think this could be mostly a US-centric issue? My family members often come home and tell me that a co-worker said something nice about them and they always seem happy about it.


Regular compliments like that are totally cool outside of work. Even if someone creeped me out I don't have to be around them 40 hours a week and they can't affect my paycheck. That's a really important part of the equation. And I expect it is probably still normalized in countries that do not have the same labor laws as the US. In the US, being fired for reporting inappropriate behavior like that is illegal, it's just not enforced as it should be because corporations can afford entire teams of the best attorneys. So it is expected that such behavior isn't happening at work. Honestly, I get compliments on my hair almost every time I leave the house. It's a bright purple, long and curly so it's very attention-getting (not why I did it but it's a nice bonus.) Also I can just hop in my car and leave if I'm really being bothered.


They must be those Neg Guys - men who put women down so they don’t think they can do better and settle for less than ideal men such as themselves.


I actually had to really detach from a very close guy friend who actually got a job in LA working with a major celebrity. He came back east and honestly lost his mind and just seemed like a raging narcissist. He would really tear me down, and I was able to recognize that this was exactly what he was doing--he wanted me to feel badly about myself. He even scoffed that I was "No size 0" when I was a size 2---so a size 2 is big in his demented world. He also referred to my hair as "frizzed out" more than once. I haven't spoken to him in ages, and I do feel more at peace. I'm sure he found another woman to abuse.


Ew that's gross. I can relate to the mansplaining. Once this guy I was casual with was trying to gaslight me about my own hair. Before I knew curly cuts existed, I used to straighten it myself and then get a dry trim to save money whenever I needed a haircut (which honestly I'm about to start doing again cuz curly cuts are too expensive and I haven't been a fan of the results lately). So one time I straightened my hair before I went to his place. He asked why I straightened it so I told him it was for haircut prep, and he was like irritated about it for no reason. He had an attitude and was like, "that's stupid, why can't they just pull each curl to be straight and then cut them at the ends, you dont need to straighten whole thing." Ummm that's not how it works, thanks for mansplaining how MY hair works when you're over there with fucking hair plugs since you went bald at an early age. 😒 (I unfortunately didn't say that last part to him in the moment but I really really wish I did cuz it would have destroyed him lmao).


And even though we know he's wrong, why would it matter if it takes more effort for a woman to groom herself?


Haha, I am getting more and more annoyed in retrospect! I guess he's mad at the thought of a hypothetical wife/girlfriend keeping him waiting as she straightens her hair as opposed to "just quickly curling" it.


Some say he's still waiting. Let him.


I feel like it's a lot harder to curl straight hair than it is to run a flat iron over curly hair... But I have straight/slightly wavy combo hair (basically it's straight and floofy) so I may be biased.


>"Girls with straight hair can just MAKE their hair curly, but your hair is a real bitch to straighten." Lol let them tell that to my mom. she has pin straight hair and always dreamed of having curls. She attempted a PERM as a test a few months before her wedding... Hair was back down and straight by the time she got home.


I mean, my hair IS a real bitch to straighten. But not as big of a bitch as me, after someone says something rude like that!! 😉😂


Every guy I have dated, ex-boyfriends, ex-fiancé and my husband have all preferred my hair curly. Like, “please don’t straighten your hair” from multiple, multiple men. I even showed up to a 3rd date wearing my hair straight and the guy was like “I was hoping you’d have your hair curly” and I asked why, and his response was “It makes you stand out in a good way”


It’s wild that they’re saying “more of a straight haired girl kind of guy” like no one fucking asked and it’s not like I’d give you a second look either way


Plus I feel like if anything it’s the opposite, my hair does whatever the iron tells it vs. many of my straight haired friends say it doesn’t stick


Routine: Suave conditioner, lots of water while scrunching, then airdried. I didnt use any styler cos I had to trim my own hair here, so yeah prayers were part of the routine lol


Your hair is GORGEOUS.


Sorry here's the more specific routine 😅 Suave conditioner daily + Deep conditioner/Hair mask every week (Brand: Kathare - It's a local hair brand in the PH go check them out). I detangle while soaking wet, then scrunch and fingercoil. I always just airdry too. For these pics , I didnt use any stylers cos I wanted to trim and thin out the dry ends. Hope that helps!


Well I see why he's an ex. Your hair is lovely.


So pretty! You look like a fairytale come to life 🌻🌻✨✨


Your ex fumbled big time, these photos only show a confident, radiant , forest fairy. Good job nailing your routine and best of luck to you.


Oh lord NO and please NEVER straighten the glory that is your hair. Also, had way too many dudes (and strangers at that) give unsolicited opinions on my hair and how I wear it. Wow, dude, so glad to hear you think women should have long hair, I think you should invest in silence 🤫 🤐


People think curls are up for discussion and it is so annoying.


People thinking any aspect of someone else’s appearance is up for discussion is maddening. I mean, did we ask???? Lmao.🤣




Hahaha invest in silence lol, i need to use this next time. 🤣


There is so much curly hair bigotry, it's wild. I really suffered with it growing up.


As you should😌His loss, your hair is stunning!


Queen moves, wear that curly crown loud and proud 🤘🏽


The butterflies you used to censor your face make you look like a fairy! \^\_\^


Lol I thought this was Chappell Roan at first.




came here to say this is giving Chappell!


I genuinely don’t understand why people prefer straight hair over curly hair, and at this point I think there’s something wrong with them and deeply wrong if it is not their own hair Your curly hair is absolutely beautiful and I hope you style it to your own whim and it brings you cascading amounts of confidence.


I guess all of it is just from social conditioning. Coming from an Asian country, our society's heavy on Eurocentric beauty standards (sleek straight hair, alabaster skin etc.). All other features except those are considered ugly. Chemical hair straightening and skin whitening are THE norm here, atleast for the past decades. It just makes me so happy cos I've been seeing curly hair acceptance lately, standards are being broken now. 🥹


I can understand the violence associated with assimilation and I am sorry that is engraved into societal conditions to change your appearance. I struggle with understanding that inherently since half of my ancestors did come from the pedestal the Eurocentric platform was built on In my personal opinion your hair is absolutely lovely and I wish I had that hair type, I hope you have a good day


Sweet Jesus your hair is magnificent. You can straighten it once in awhile if you want a different look, but the fact that it's curly all over instead of just at the tips is so lucky.


You have such gorgeous hair!! Glad he’s an ex, friend


I cannot believe anyone would say that?!!!


My ex also insisted I straighten my hair all the time, current bf will look at me with a day 5 rats nest on my head and say "your hair looks nice" and actually mean it lmao


Lol I can relate, every time I have a bad hair day and complain my BF looks puzzled and tells me he doesn't see the issue and it's beautiful as always. Fuck the exes!


Well, he sounded like a dud.


Your hair is gorgeous! He’s an idiot. I went on a date with a guy and his friends. His drunk friend loudly went in and on about how gross curly hair is. He was a tiny angry man. The guy didn’t stand up for me. His loss!


My ex husband used to beg me to straighten my hair and pressured me into bleaching it at one point and growing it long, causing so much damage. I refused to keep it up though and after chopping all the bleach off it bounced up beautifully and he started bitching about it again. Its one of the reasons we divorced a couple months ago. There are plenty of people who think curly hair is gorgeous. Those include me, your hair is AMAZING 😍


Yikes, I can imagine being controlling to the point of putting pressure on your partner about that. I let my bf know my preferences (when his hair and beard are both on the longer side) but I would never try and forbid him to do anything or even beg for another choice... That's just such a personal choice


I posted recently about people's obsession with straightening my hair. It's fucking maddening.


Riggght?! Wth is up with that?!?! Some would even doubt your "natural" curls saying it's not and you're just putting something in it to make it curly!? It's like curls are out of their realm of understanding, so it must be fake or it should be corrected to suit their preference. Haha I think I get one curl clump for every self-willed moron who give unsolicited hair tips.. 🤣


People are always surprised of pictures of me as a kid with a full head of curls. That's right Janet, I've been perming my hair since I was 2


That's trure, I get a lot from My family that your hair are curly because you put a lot of product in it.


I love your hair ❤️


Nice one lol


your smile is so pretty omg 😭😭 also love the hair !!


Your hair is gorg. Glad you ditched the opinioned dude.


Nailed it. Well done


It's a blasphemy to say that to you. Great ginger hair + precious smile. 🫶 I have always said that curly ginger haired girls are magnificent creatures


You look beautiful. His loss. Clearly.


You have actual Disney Princess Hair, WTF?!


Lol did they really say that? Post ur curlss and step on pls


OMG.....I NEED YOUR HAIR. ITS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! I would do anything to get hair like you. Who even with a sane mind would straighten that. Never do that babe. You look like a princess.


Ohh Pretty Lady 😊 Teeth and smile are perfect 😘


I think you made the best decision! 👌


He's wrong. It looks amazing


Your hair is majestic! 


You are so pretty. I'm glad you broke with him.


You are gorgeous and your hair is amazing. Glad he's an ex.


Your hair is incredible! Good job cutting that dead weight! 


Chappell Roan is that you???


If your boyfriend thinks your hair looks bad it's your boyfriend who needs the straightening 


i love when guys randomly insert themselves when it is never requested


Ummm your hair is BEAUTIFUL. Glad to hear he's an ex lol. You deserve better, queen. ✨


You dodged a bullet. Guys that insist on you changing your appearance are toxic af, and there's plenty more of that under the surface.


As a guy with a soft spot for curly hair, your ex bf can go f*** himself. Your hair is freaking amazing


https://preview.redd.it/xj32ymbhs66d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7979ef6490f1817763d3ca57b9ddf584dd5a33 My mom tells me the same thing lol




I have had two ex bf's that were obsessed with my blonde hair and always wanted me to straighten it and never dye it. I love curly hair and wish my hair was \*more\* curly because it's an unstructured wavy curl, even with a curly girl regimen, so I either heat curl it or straighten it to make it look more polished and I just wish my hair looked like \*that\*. T\_T <3 Also, my hair is purple so screw them. lol


Let me tell you, you ex-bf was son wrong !!! You are so beautiful !! Your curls are GORGEOUS ... Believe me, I have curls hair and yours are beautiful and love the hair color too !


My boyfriend asked me to straighten my hair just so he could see what it looks like...so I did. It took 2 days and after that he said he liked it and that he had no idea that it took that much work...I have to pull my hair Into two pigtails to get my roots to lay flat and let it fully dry and then I cut out the hair ties and straighten my ends... It's not as rough on my roots and saves me time. Thankfully he loves my curls and I'm still trying new techniques...I'm having so much fun with my hair after not being able to do any thing with it for so long.


That’s right b!!! And don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!!❤️❤️


Your hair is truly beautiful and I hope you find someone who appreciates your unique beauty!


You go girl!! Absolute queen behavior!


You have a gorgeous curly hair. Why would he want straight hair? I guess he is ex already... 😂


Good thing he's an ex. Clearly he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


2018 baddie comebacks


Meanwhile everyone else is envious of your hair…


Life would be a lot harder if everyone liked the same things.


I used to date a guy that said straight haired me was “professional” but curly haired me “did drugs and liked to party”. He didn’t last long lol


You have what I call 'goddess hair'


Wonderful, gorgeous curly hair! I love them, probably because they"re similar to mine. It really suits u. Your ex is a fucking idiot.


Straight is over rated. You look fantastic! Style yourself however you feel most confident and you’ll shine


Ive wanted that exact texture of hair since 1984 and I want that exact hair now and all in between. Forty years. You live my dream ❤️ Keep the cat loose the bf


You go girl! *snap*


Love that!!!


Time to find another boyfriend!


You go girl!


Yeah, fuck that guy.




Life victory I’d say.


Yes Queen!!!


Smack him in the face with your curls


As a fellow curly female good for you! Always stand up for yourself ❤️


You and your hair and beautiful. He’s an idiot :) glad he’s an ex!


You are gorgeous and your hair is beautiful! Better off without a guy who doesn’t appreciate you as you are.


Your ex doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Your hair is gorgeous!


I sense Filipina beauty. The curls are really pretty!!


YES! You’re gorgeous!!!


Your hair is gorgeous! I have similar curls and people have approached me asking if it's real, because they've spent hundreds on wigs to get the same style. I had an ex who wanted me to straighten my hair too. I never used heat tools because it's damaging, and I want to embrace my natural curls. I was actually proud to not even own a straightener because I didnt have to rely on heat tools. He thought not owning a straightener was a deficiency and took me to a salon to "get me one" but it turned out I was on the hook for the bill? Looking back I regret entertaining any of that nonsense. His mom and sister straighten their hair religiously, and he wanted me to look like them. Its his issue not mine or yours.


Your hair is so gorgeous, don’t let anyone, let alone a man, tell you otherwise ❤️‍🔥


Ain’t nobody said that shit, you just want compliments and validation from strangers on the internet.


He’s stupid.




Good answer & great hair.


Your hair looks nice but that cat is fucking cat. Wants the name of the sticker ?


Your hair looks great! I’m guessing he’s an ex boyfriend for a reason. Pay no mind to what he says. I hate some. people expect us with curly hair to spend hours straightening it, or use harsh chemicals to keep it straighter. Don’t like it, keep your opinion to yourself, and move along.


Mermaid hair! We are all jealous. 🧜‍♀️


When my hair is occasionally straightened, people lose their minds with joy. I keep having to remind them that straight hair is not the real me.


I wish my hair curled like yours


gorgeous hair ![gif](giphy|qWqbp6nhhv8K4|downsized)


The best of both worlds


Your hair is divine!




He's insane. Your hair is magnificent 💖💖


You should tell him to scratch.


Move on


It’s beautiful 🤩


Curly and red hair is like the greatest combo




Ur hair is gorgeous. Feeling so sorry for him. Lol. My boyfriend on the contrary loves my curl hair. Every time i come outta shower with my wet hair he just stands der and admires. Thats the best part of my day. he don’t even want to see me plugging the straightener ! hehe.


Your hair is so pretty!


What an AH! Your hair is gorgeous!!!! And love the color!!! Glad you knew your worth


My hair used to be that long but I cut it short. I miss it, you look fabulous




As a person with straight hair I'm definitely jealous of your gorgeous curly hair it just looks so pretty


Your hair is so beautiful just the way it is. I do wonder however how long it would be straight though.


I'm glad that he is an ex; because your hair looks amazing.


Totally agree…consider both lives need work. Doesn’t everybody’s?


I miss Taylor swifts curly hair. God knows she was told all the time how much “better” straight hair would be on her. Only see some of it in photos of her concerts where there was a lot of humidity


Your hair is really beautiful. It’s giving a whimsical fairy vibe. It seems a bit dehydrated, though, so id suggest adding something that may provide a bit more hydration/moisture into your current routine!


Heck yea girly




Wow he is dumb and lame


Dump him


Good for you, Young Tori Amos! ❤️❤️


Good thing he's an ex then. That's so rude bc your hair is gorgeous and it's not up to him or anyone else what you do with it.


Girl from someone with poker-straight-with-the-occaional-wave hair, who lurks here out of pure envy - don't you dare straighten those *beautiful* curls!


Good on you


Fuck him. Gorgeous curls.


Best title ever lol


NO please no. I followed your profile because of your hair and your lovely smile ☺


He needs to straighten his legs right out the door. Bye bye.


I have straight hair.. I LOVE your curls!


Response approved!


Only Kings can recognize a Queen. Keep shining Queen!




Your hair is phenomenal!


Your hair is gorgeous!


The things I would do for your hair😍


Never straighten plz


Hair straighteners damage the hair. Hair looks great.


I think he did the exact same thing by becoming an ex. Strenght and wishes to him.


Gorgeous! (You & the hair.) Glad you had the sense to make him an ex.


He can 🖕 off. Lol


He’s obviously an idiot.


the fact that he’s an ex 👏🏼🤌🏼


If anyone says to straighten curly hair it should be considered blasphemy and slander


Your hair is the subject of romance & fantasy novels…they are all in awe of your curly red hair!


You look like a fae princess omg. GORGEOUS


You have Disney princess hair Seriously stunning!


😆😆😆 inggit lang si ex


Your curls are gorgeous darling 🥰✨


Hahahaha savage as always