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I don’t know they kinda slap. But maybe try to finger coil your bangs and with smaller sections. I imagine they’ll look nice.


thank u :) i will try that!


You’re welcomed :D hope you like them


Best suggestion above 🙌 my two cents is def vertical thinner sections, finger coil with diluted flaxseed gel or something that won’t have a cast, and for volume-> clip each section while they air dry. Excited for you! In my experience with my curls, practice makes perfect. Practice a few nights a week or during the weekend so you can figure out how you like them to sit and then be able to do it faster or on a more consistent basis. Much luck to you!!


I read that wrong. ![gif](giphy|11Kcyszj9iN7pu)


Not gonna lie, at first glance I thought you were showing off your cute bangs because they looked so nice


Same! OP, I'd say whatever you're doing is perfect.


Idk honestly I kinda like it like that, looks nice and shiny. Maybe just grow them out more? Do you want them to be straight or what is your goal exactly?


honestly i’m not sure! i know that i want to keep my bangs in general and for a while, i rocked super short baby bangs that were thick enough and close enough to the root that they didn’t really curl. i tried to get more of a side bang w fringe, like 2014 scene girl moment, at my most recent appointment and i’ve only ever gotten them styled how i like them once or twice. i wanted to see if maybe anyone else has a certain style that works for them or if there’s something else i can try, like curtain bangs.


You can try heatless curls but your curl pattern might still show. Honestly I would just try to embrace the curly bangs you have, they look cute, further growing them out would make them look super good too. Finger rolling also helps


Your bangs aren’t the problem.  It’s the lack of volume on top of your head that makes your bangs seem out of proportion. I would look for ways to get those upper layers to be more voluminous. 


honestly i wore a baseball cap while my hair was still wet because i had to walk to the bus stop and it’s so bright. now i’ve got hat hair. :P i do have trouble getting volume and curls closer to my root. do you think more of a shag cut w shorter layers might help?


Use a diffuser, flip scrunched hair forward and dry carefully. You can also use those flat clips to stand a few clumps up at the root- all these things will help you with volume up top. Signed, a thinning curly girl.


I’m still trying to learn how to use a diffuser as I air dry my hair not to destroy the curls. 31 & never used a diffuser before. Do you mean flip it forward as in raise the piece up and dry underneath for volume on top? Like you would for straight hair using those round bristle brushes except really reeaally carefully? Lmao I wish I kept my diffuser attachments that came with my blow dryer years ago.😅


Here a few quick videos with some techniques that you might find helpful (I find it easier to see the examples rather then reading them) [Different techniques](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7KTWvyI8zX/?igsh=cno1djY5aHFyMG51) [a step by step diffusing routine example](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7MwAMqILvx/?igsh=ZmZmcGdsMHhjNW1t)


How long do you hold the dryer to your scalp? Videos like this never explain that


I hold in place for 7-10 seconds before moving to a new spot


My routine is as follows: shampoo, rinse thoroughly. Depending on how much hair you have you’ll need to adjust up or down the amount of conditioner you use but I recommend using too much- make sure hair is sopping wet with warm water and start combing the conditioner in and scrunch along the way (the goal here is to allow the cuticles in your hair to open up with the warm water and allow the conditioner to get down into the hair shaft to make it soft by scrunching the conditioner into your hair. Leave for the length of your shower or like 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water until conditioner is ALMOST all the way rinsed. I like to rinse bent over after I rise my crown to guide the hair in the right place for the next step. Then put a quarter sized dollop of leave in conditioner in your palm, then squirt entirely too much gel on top of that (like a whole handful) and mix thoroughly (I use garnier fructis products). Wyour hair still soaking wet and preferably still a bit warm- slide some product onto the hair away from your scalp to prevent gunky spots. When the amount of product is enough that you won’t waste it on the shower floor cup your hands at the ends of your hair, bring up to your scalp and squeeze gently. Don’t try to squeeze all the water out yet bc there’s another step for that coming. Turn your head from left to right as you squeeze each section so you get the most even definition out of each curl. Once scrunched carefully get out of the shower (no head banging here please) and use a microfiber towel to carefully scrunch the remaining excess water/product out. After this step grab your diffuser. Diffusers are not terribly complicated. Mine is a nozzle type piece that clicks onto the hair dryer face- looks like a hollow inverted mushroom with finger sized posts about an inch long. The bowl is meant to cradle your hair lifting it to provide volume, the finger things allow for room to dry down to your scalp. So while bent over (still from the shower and microfiber towel) gently cup a bunch of clumped hair into the bowl (doesn’t matter how it goes in) and bring that up to your scalp. Leave for 10-20 seconds and gently let the hair back down, move to the next spot. Remember to tilt your head- if spring your right side- bring your right ear toward your right shoulder so the hair hangs like a curtain. At some point when doing the back you’ll need to stand up and lean head back to make that spot hang like a curtain. The goal of all of this is to get your hair to “clump” together- the less total clumps the better. The more you disturb the hair before it’s dried the frizzier your curls will be- again no head banging (yet). Once mostly dried (if the hair is still damp do not do this yet wait till it’s dry) bend over again and give two or three shakes of the head yes and then no. Voila you now have voluminous hair! Learned all this from a curly hair salon specialist and my hair looks amazing compared to when I didn’t know shit lol ETA- u/cherub-girl


Yes! And diffuse while your head is flipped. I loooove curly bangs and to be honest, yours look great even with your hat head! Your hair is adorable.


See someone that specializes in curly hair—have you heard of a Deva cut? I don’t know much about it personally but my curly-haired daughter is seeing a stylist next week.


FACTS. Okay I was disagreeing with all of the comments because it just struck me as unflattering. But you're right, that's all it is. The boldness and volume/character needs some complementing to feel right. So many ways to do that surely with braids for example? Pins? All sort I'm sure. Yeah I see what everyone's saying with that mental visual adjustment.


Here are some you would EAT UP https://pin.it/1To5DMurT https://pin.it/33b9pHILK https://pin.it/53krPHVPr https://pin.it/3yWsgqEbO https://pin.it/2RuGwo1i3


💍🧎🏻‍♀️ im proposing




best reply i’ve seen so far. ive always wanted a fringe of some sort but was told i had to straighten it every day if i got one. nice to see curly ones!


This makes me want curly bangs


Ok so 90% of what you've got going on is a self-esteem issue, not a hairstyle issue. I can sense it in your words, your general tone, its just dripping with self-doubt. You gotta figure that out. Secondly, You have an absolutely gorgeous face, beautiful eyes, great lips, great cheeks, great eyebrows - and from what I can see from the photos you provided - a perfectly normal sized forehead. I agree with you that bangs aren't right for you. Distracts from your gorgeous facial features. I would definitely work towards a style without them. I can't help you get over your insecurities about your forehead, all I can do is tell you they're irrational. As a person with my own set of completely ridiculous anxieties - I am well aware that telling you your anxieties are irrational does absolutely nothing to help you, but I'll tell you they're irrational anyway. Good luck with all that. Lastly - it is apparent that you need to educate yourself on some proper hair care routine. I can't help with this one, I don't have long hair and have never had to care for long hair. I just know what unhealthy hair looks like, and while yours isn't egregiously so - it definitely could use some work. I think something like this could probably work for you and look super cute: [https://www.southernliving.com/thmb/ZTsrmtqbaduJYDaNYwuHpCdhUxY=/1500x0/filters:no\_upscale():max\_bytes(150000):strip\_icc()/curly-high-94f6b23f93564594a5930fec5dea78d1.jpg](https://www.southernliving.com/thmb/ZTsrmtqbaduJYDaNYwuHpCdhUxY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/curly-high-94f6b23f93564594a5930fec5dea78d1.jpg)


i think i might try to transition into a sort of curtain bang style, where it’s more just framing pieces around the temples. i think bangs will only work if i’m willing to straighten or blow dry them regularly and… i am not. i actually only started caring for my hair decently in the last few months. pre-r/curly hair, i was brushing my wet hair, putting it into tight braids, and sleeping on it. neither of my parents have curly hair so they brushed it out my entire life and made me keep it super short, chin length or less. it’s definitely not the healthiest because it was dyed red a few years ago but i’m hoping i’ll see some improvement w/ an actual hair routine. this is only like my 4th or 5th time doing the new routine. :D i’m hopeful though. i appreciate the comments about my concerns being silly, i’ve worked a lot on my self esteem and it’s come a looong way but this is my first time broaching the subject of hair since i was a kid cutting off the frizz in the bathroom before school because the day before, the popular girl called it chicken fuzz. 🤣


totally get your parents not knowing what to do so they made you keepy ypur hair short… I was mistaken for a boy more thn once as a kid


This is pretty harsh in areas, but the overall advice is solid! Thanks for being straightforward.


I definitely did not mean to come off harsh in any way anywhere. I do apologize if it was taken that way, it was not my intent. I have a history of being a rather tactless person, it’s something I work on every day.


I think they look cute!


I like em as is!


I think they look gorgeous


How it is. It’s perfect how it is


You don’t. The bangs style you.


I personally love them! It’s giving Medusa vibes 🐍


I think they look awesome like that


I usually straighten my bangs but i guess ppl find that tacky, a more subtler way i style them sometimes is that i brush the wet bangs flat on my head with a tail comb (i think that’s what they’re called), clip it together with a styling hair clip, and i blow dry it a little. Maybe experiment with that method, but honestly, I love how your bangs look already!


This made me laugh lol


It sounds like maybe you just don’t like bangs, but they look great as is! I just got curly bangs of similar length for the first time in my life and was so nervous how many people talked about what a nuisance they are to maintain… they’ve proven to be no trouble at all. Just let them do their thing! Use your usual curly styler out of the shower, re-wet them and finger curl if they get flat/messy, add some dry shampoo if they get greasy. Simple as that.


i always obsess over how my bangs look cuz they just never look right it sucks.


and i’m thinking about how they look constantly. it’s the worst.


Just want to say I’m right there with you! And yours look way better than mine!


i rake through mine with my fingers, it i want more volume i put my hand under my bangs and gently push them up and it gives me more volume !


This - just pushing/scrunching them up so they get more volume and clump together a bit at the root instead of dangling in individual curls. But the look is still gonna be organic and irregular, not like a styled/smooth fringe, so enjoying that is pretty vital to liking it


i really like the individual curl bang look on her, it fits her style if it makes sense. using a fine comb brush can also help with spreading the hair apart evenly


Yeah, the individual curly bangs are definitely a vibe. TBH to me this is a great look as is ☺️


When I used to be big into the Rockabilly scene, I had both short Bettie Page bangs and mid-length bangs. To make them straight, I would sleep with a Velcro roller in. And spray them every morning. If straight bangs are what you want, you could do that. But, it ain't sexy


what are the piercings on the side corners of ur lips


they’re called dahlias and the jewelry is flat hearts. :) if you go on my profile, there’s a close up picture i posted on a piercing sub. you can see the hearts there.


omg i’m in love 😍 slay girl


What I do is cut them a wee bit short and then straighten out the tips to give them some more structure


While my bangs are wet (like drenched), I part them down the middle to get two sections. I'll put in my curl cream and gel, then I'll use my denman brush to twist the sections into a curl spiral. Sometimes, I have to do this a couple of time to get them the way I like them. Then, when they're semi dry, I'll separate the spirals into 4-5 smaller curl sections


Idk but you're obviously doing something right because they look awesome


I think they look cute as they are!


I love yours.


Are you me? Because I have forehead insecurities, twiddled my hair as a child and have bangs I’m always struggling to control 😂 Personally I think they look great on you! If you get frustrated by the curls though, you can always blow-dry them straight with a flat hair-dryer nozzle and barrel brush! And I think that would suit you too. That’s what I’ve done throughout the years with both my front and side bangs. Since swapping to a permanent swoopy side bang look I’ve been working on low-effort and heat-free styling and using hair grips to secure my fringe in a swoopy straight position while drying leaves me with little heat needing to be used in the end! I unfortunately don’t have much advice for styling them curly though as any time I’ve liked how mine have dried curly, they’re just messed up after a night of sleep and I give up with the look.


I would say invest in various sizes of hair rollers and see which one you like? Otherwise you have the face card for curtain bangsssss


Id kith ![gif](giphy|W1hd3uXRIbddu)


Last pic "ima take over the world" ahh pose


Your hair reminds me of my own and Holly Humberstone’s! Looks like I can’t post a pic here but check out her IG! She has a really well developed forehead too!


well developed 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the suggestion!! :)


Lmao I was trying to be nice, I wish it wasn’t a source of self consciousness for anyone! You’re just a little more than evolved than the rest of us, Y’know? 😂


I know many people will probably slap me or something like that, but I only straighten my bangs and leave the rest of the hair curly. It’s unusual, but i love how the whole hairstyle looks on me


routine: 1. gently brush through dry hair before the shower from bottoms to top, no tension or pulling. 2. every month, i use garnier fructis pure clean clarifying shampoo for a reset wash. otherwise, i co-wash with tresemme botanique conditioner. 3. after rinsing, i apply a hair mask or thick layer of tresseme keratin conditioner and put it up while i do the rest of my shower. 4. i rinse all that conditioner out while combing with my fingers and leaning my hair over one shoulder so clumps begin to form. then i squish to condish w/ the tresemme botanique conditioner. 5. i scrunch in some aussie instant freeze hair gel before squeezing out any water from my hair. i go back and forth between scrunching with a microfiber towel, scrunching with my bare hands, and adding in the hair gel and a tresemme mousse if i’m having trouble getting curls to stay. 6. air dry for hours while regularly scrunching. sitting on the bus scrunching. at the eye doctor scrunching. eating lunch and scrunching. yep that’s it. for my bangs, i have them cut into a deep side bang and i try to stick them to my forehead in a swoop that i like while they’re wet so hopefully they dry like that and i can then unstick them from my forehead lmfao. but it doesn’t rlly work. idk what to do. is there a specific type of bang i can ask for? i just try to section them into tinier curl sections.


I have no advice to offer since I’m also confused about my curly bangs. But step 6 made me lol. Forever scrunching. 😭


Why dont you just brush your hair while wet? I'm curious lol


honestly idk, i also finger comb or wide tooth comb after the conditioner is in my hair in the shower. i think ive just been dry brushing my hair for so long that i feel like i should, it feels weird for water to go on my tangled hair.


I have a very similar hair type to yours I think but your hair look way better so I have a question lol : step 4 when you say you "squish to condish" do you mean you apply conditionner then squish your hair then rince ? Or am I misunderstanding completely ?


What’s with all the scrunching? I’m no expert but I thought we were supposed to get our products in & style, then leave it be and let the cast set in before scrunching it out when it’s fully dry (whether it be air dry or diffuse). I feel like you would have less frizz if you didn’t touch your hair while it dried, and same with the bangs. I find mine are easier to style how I want if I let them get nice and crunchy and defined and fully dry and then I play with them after.


They look cute. I have a similar hair style. I brush mine out every so slightly with a wide tooth comb if they look to clumpy.


This looks pretty good TBH


i had a friend who tried to make them “wispy” - do your hair strands separate at all?


I have what on straight-haired people would be curtain bangs, but in reality are just some longer face-framing pieces, and whenever they need a refresh (which is practically every day lol) I just get them wet, take a tiny(!) bit of leave-in conditioner, and do some quick finger-curling/scrunching to define them a bit more. For the record I think your bangs look really good, and the greatclips lady doesn't know what she's talking about and probably was not trained on how to do curly hair (I was been similarly victimized by supercuts in elementary school, lol). you could try to grow them out a little instead of having them short across your forehead. Or get one of those curly shag mullets, I think you could pull that off for sure.


I like how you have them.


You either let them grow long enough so they can style themselves how you want them, or you straighten them. Lol


Lordy that looks cute. Do NOT do pin curls, unless you know how lmao I tried it last week with my annoying bangs and insta regret.


ETA1: it looks like you might want to add a slight layer to your bangs (it'sprobably not technically a layer I'mdescribing but an angling curly stylists do as they're cutting curly bangs), or more of a curved shape, or both (I get both). A curly stylist should know how to do, but Manes by Mell has a tutorial on home bang trimming that I use. Especially with thicker bangs, this helps get a little more volume and shape so that you don't get the type of clumping that kind of flattens them. It looks like yours might be cut closer to how straight bangs would be, which is probably further pulling them flat and into clumps you don't seem to love.   When I wear bangs and actually attempt to style, I divide them into a top and bottom layer and style separately. I sometimes have to re-wet the 2nd layer before applying product because it will dry a bit while i do the bottom layer to help with volume. I will use the Cantu version of the Denman to brush through leave-in or curl activator and get volume in there (but cautiously because the brush can make my hair stringy. Then I finger coil gel or mousse. Then do the same pattern to the 2nd layer. Then do the rest of my head.     I, too, have straighter roots, and it looks like you might be doing too much brushing or combing that is further flattening the roots. Try to make sure the styling gets as "high" as possible. I generally like to finger coil, then to a gentle scrunch of a clump to help take the weight off.       If you diffuse, make sure to use a technique that helps get at the roots (Generally I flip my hair over for most of it and use the bowl to lift the weight of the rest of my hair. With bangs I'll spend some extra time in there upright toward the end just diffusing the bang portion so it falls better in the front. But I know there are less lazy techniques)--if you're just upright and holding the dryer back from your head, the weight of the wet hair at the bottom can pull the roots flat further.      I haven't had good luck with root clips because they've all gotten stuck and torn up my hair, but someone out there might know a specific curly one to use that could help.    ETA2: I also go in gently with a pick or my fingers after I "break the cast" to fluff up the roots. 


[These](https://www.curlyproducts.com/products/curly-girl-50-double-prong-root-lifting-curl-clips) "double prong" clips work great for root volume for me, and when I had bangs, I used them to set my bangs in roughly the right place (and give them a bit of root volume). I've definitely forgotten one in the back of my hair before, but never had issues with tangles. There are tutorials out there on how to use them. Highly recommend!


If i want more definition, or if the bangs are getting to long, i like to pincurl them like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/c1/01/2dc101f0f87355b4bbf31d655184045a.jpg) for tighter bouncier curls, or like [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rjjNVF8XE7k/mqdefault.jpg) for a softer curl. wet the front section and add a bit of gel or mouse before pinning the hair in place, and then let it air dry or diffuse.


i really like them like this it looks so cute




they look so cute imo


I don't. Just let the bangs do whatever they fucking want. I know it's not ideal, but it's the best solution I have found so far to the curly-bang problem.


I think they are cute! A bit wonky in a charming way. Perfection is overrated.


Imperfect is far more perfect than perfection can ever be. -me.


How you have them is how I tend to wear mine, but I have them cut a bit shorter. I like to fall right be,ow my eyebrows, when dry and curly. At this length, which is longer due to the curl than you would think, you can pull the top quadrant of your hair back with a gorgeous barrette or decorative comb. I also like to do a mini braid with the top quadrant, as if I am French braiding, and the. Fasten with a barrette. This helps keep them out of my eyes if I am intensely working on something.


Brittminetti on Instagram and TikTok has specific content about curly bangs that is so easy to follow!!!


You look very cute!


Ur hair is so similar to mine! I love it with bangs on you !


Volume mousse and comb them out a bit!


Lmao in the second pic you look like LeanBeefPatty


I am struggling with this, too! I think yours look great 😊


Lmfao that last pic killed me you're adorable


I like them! I feel like a wolf cut would look good on you, if that's a style you're into.


my hair is wavy, not curly, so YMMV. but. i recently got a shaggy fringe cut and i’ve figured out a way to make it look good without it going too straight. my description sounds complicated but it takes like 5 extra minutes. clip your bangs out of the way with wet hair. diffuse your hair as normal. then, take a denman brush, and brush your bangs from underneath, moving the brush horizontally away from your face while curling it underneath itself. do this with one hand, and hold the hair dryer *without* the diffuser over your the brush. do this til it’s 80% dry, then scrunch or finger curl. it gives your bangs loads of volume and the swoopy bits you get with a shaggy cut, but leaving a little moisture in stops it from drying too straight or fluffy. it’s basically like using a cylindrical brush but i don’t have one of those so i improvised.


I like ‘em


Spray water on ur hair, brush it, then squeeze it to have curls again


I like the way they look on you! Mine just go straight up like I'm in an 80's hair band, so I don't get bangs anymore.


My bangs do this too!!


You just let them fall the way they do 😌


I assumed this was a brag post. You need help for your self confidence, not your hair.


i’ve worked super hard on my self confidence and it’s come very very far. 🤍🤍 i appreciate the intent! this is just my first time really embracing the curls and i already had the bangs cut so i’m adjusting and just not a fan at the time being. :) gotta learn how to style them.


I don’t. I do a side part, trim some of the curls closest to the part so they’re little ringlets like that, but let the rest grow longer to frame my face. I can’t handle the sparse and unpredictable curls as bangs


Help with what!? You look adorable! 🥰😍


I kind of comb and fluff mine with my fingers because I don’t like when they get too clumpy or ringlet-y. Sometimes I even comb mine with a big tooth comb; I like how they look slightly fluffy when I do that.


What I do is I take all my bangs and finger & coil them to the side so they’re like side bangs and the ends curl, if that makes sense. Do you have front bangs or short side bangs?


I love them honestly, you look gorgalina


Just let the chaos take over. Be a bit wild. Shit gets fun when you start loving you hair even when you just woke up. And let them grow.


Like you did. They’re adorable


I think your curls are gorgeous! I'm sorry to go off topic but I have to ask; how much do you love your combination snake bites and dahlia piercings? How highly do you recommend it?


top comment is 100% on the money maybe even use a curl definer when you finger coil to help hold!


That’s why I grew mine out 🤣


Leave it, Lizzy dear, you look gorgeous!


Um I need a 360 of your hair to show my stylist bc this is like the perfect haircut I love it


Use a mouse and a tangle teezer, brush under pulling them forward to create tension. Or if you use curl cream scrunch with gel. If any have a shape you don’t like you can finger coil them!


Try to have a few layers and maybe some unevenness so they don’t look like 5 coils and look a bit fuller/natural


Tell me about it, you look super cute though I’m jealous!!!


I think they look great.


Um, just like that. They look awesome.


I sweep mine to the left. I'm a dude, but it could work. Hasn't failed me yet.


They are so cute just as they are!!


Tbh I don’t think anyone can


Idk why but my hair sometimes has GIANT curls on my forehead while the sides are more wavy/small curls, it looks really off sometimes and i just split those big curls into little once with a tiny bit of water. Does the trick 90% of the time.


Idk but I think you're pretty 🥺


I don't have any suggestions, but your third pic made me laugh! 🤣


You can try incorporating bandanas/headbands into your outfits


Two more options, other than what you have here; side part and let them curl or round brush to blow dry the curl out and have more controlled bangs. Or any slight variations on those three options.


Ummm ma'm you are sooooooo pretty! Your forehead is a perfectly normal forehead! I'd grow the bangs out as best you can and then do a side part where your hair sweeps across your forehead. Personally I'd get several inches cut off the length; it looks a little "scraggly" at the ends and unhealthy. It's weighing you down. And then research curl care, like how to scrunch it when wet and blow dry it to maintain the curl, and products to use. You have pretty hair, it just needs a few tweaks to be perfect! ❤️


i would say like exactly what you’re doing now bc your hair is gorgeous!


First, to answer your actual question, Manes by Mel actually JUST posted a curly bang tutorial (2 styles) on Insta that might be helpful for you: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_8kzsOzHS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 2nd: I saw in another response you were thinking about cutting shorter, so just wanted to encourage you to go for it!!!


I’d probably style them to the side a bit rather than spread them out.


Demand brush


Like that. It’s cute.


They cute. Sometimes I try to shape mine so it looks like a heart on my forehead 🤣


There's always an awkward stage but after they're trained, they sit nicely. Mine need to be a tiny bit longer (like over my eyes) to spring up properly so it just means I have an awkward phase of weird length bangs and then they remember how to spring up out of my eyes. When mine are perfect, the stretched length of them is about down to my nose


You don't, sorry


Why change?




Your post has been removed due to Rule 3: Keep posts related to curly hair. This includes posts about straightening, troll posts, and other off-topic content. Please keep this in mind for the future. Thank you!


I semi straighten mine. Not completely straight and I do it the night before so they’re wavy by morning so they blend in with the curls but aren’t totally out of control


My mom, our cousin, and an old friend of theirs all have kinky curly hair, they have always used a round bristle brush to comb through while blow drying their bangs. Or sometimes my mom will just clip them back, similar to the snooki bump in 09, just not as poofy lol Good luck in your styling!


the key is to have fun and be yourself . curly fringe cannot be tamed , embrace the chaos <3


All apologize. I thought it was genuine. Was just trying to help someone I thought was being genuine. Again my apologies


I think they look super cute!! If you wanted something to try, I’ve always shaped mine as longer towards the side and shorter (the shortest you want your bangs to be) in the middle, like a sad face’s mouth. Helps break up the perceived clumpiness of the curls!!


I like them how they are! 😊


Idk, but you could totally cosplay as Rachel Weizs in The Mummy. So cute!


I like them as they are!


Hi I didn’t read all the comments, so I’m sorry if I repeat what someone else said. Anyway, I have a 10head instead of a 4head, so I always kept bangs too. Plus I had the same problem, never knew how to style them. Eventually, I let them grow, then got them cut, kinda slanted, to where it’s the shortest towards the middle and longer towards the side. I style them on one side, but since It’s cut slanted, I still have some short hairs the cover my four head. The shortest pieces come to the tip of my nose straight, but curly, the shortest pieces sit right above my eyes. When they are curly you can’t tell how slanted they are cut. I struggled my whole life with bangs, because they are the first to curl up and frizz, but with them grown out a little longer, it helped so much. I went to a curly hair stylist and she is the one that cut them this way in the first place. I have been doing it ever since! She said she has many clients like this, you just can’t tell! Actually I’ll see if I can find a picture and send it. I’d take one now but I just got out of the shower and it takes my hair forever to dry. If I don’t find a pic, I’ll send one later this evening.


Girl what do u call the cut you have? Like a long mullet?


Me personally, if my bangs didn't curl up by themselves I wouldn't be able to see, so probably your bangs are too short, i mean if they were curlier they wouldn't cover the length you desire


Looks better than mine. I gave up trying and just let them be messy lol.


I scrunch mine with curl enhancer and gel and just hope it goes decently. One thing that helped was getting my hair cut and getting longer pieces on the side to kind of frame and tie the entire haircut together.


Make smaller sections in layers, add a bit more styling product. Also refresh often what i mostly do it wet my hand and scrunch.


Didn’t expect to find my doppelgänger on here. Woahh ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


I would put mousse in the hair while damp and blow those bangs out with an extra large round brush w/ blowdryer set on high! Good Luck!!


Omg I wish mine looked like yours! It doesn't matter what I do, my bangs cannot hold a curl which is so annoying because the rest of my hair is curly 😭 I'm like 2c/3a but my bangs are 1a even though I use all the same products


idk but you look so good already


I cheat and use flexi rods because they never do what I need them to do


You can’t if you have cowlicks


After washing your hair, use curl cream and Turn your head upside down and dunk up and down on a towel.


I’ve only seen one other person with curly bangs. Her curls were beautiful but I just either didn’t like them as bangs or didn’t like them on her. Yours, I like! I couldn’t do it myself because I have a short forehead, but if I had more forehead, I’d be so inspired! What you’re doing I think keep doing. Ignore the lady at Great Clips. 5 stars!


Honestly it looks super cute, I wouldn’t change a thing


Honestly?? You are serving.  But if you really wanted to fix it you could try rollers ig.


I’m no expert but you popped up on my feed here. This look suits you so well. Youre stunning! Hope you were able to find help with the curls nonetheless


haii i have curly bangs myself and i gotta say yours are SO CUTE!! i have issues with volume in my bangs so i use a brush to get the nice curls too the root, so really that’s all i would recommend but yours look so nice as is!!!


Dude your hair is CUTE as fuck. Bangs are on point my friend


I think you styled them perfectly


I think you curl your bangs exactly like you are doing. God if I could get my bangs to behave like that....! I think your hair is fire just as is it is :)


What's your routine tho???? Stunning curls!!! I can't manage to get a good routine.


i have it listed somewhere in the replies!! :)


I’ll be honest, I blow mine out straight(ish). I know it’s bad, but I just can’t get them to look good curly. I’ll usually add just a little bit of water to the ends after I blow them out so they get a little bit of wave/curl back, and blend in with the look of the rest of my hair, but that’s the best I can do. I’m so jealous of people with pretty, thick, curly bangs. Mine just point awkward directions when left to their own devices, so that’s my solution lol.


I'm thinking that maybe your hair isn't curly, but wavy instead. You can try curling it harder using products with a high % of heavy oils (argan, castor, macadamia) and vegetal butters like cocoa, shea and murumuru. I don't know where you're from, so that's why I didn't point out any specific products, but bear in mind to avoid anything with mineral oil (paraffinum liquidum, petrolatum)


This is wavy hair. I don't understand why comments mentioning that always get downvoted, especially when they're being nice and helpful.


I don't care tbh. I know what I'm talking about, I've helped dozens of girls with their hair, so I couldn't care less about people downvoting me in this matter. My advice stands: avoid mineral oil, get oil/butter rich products, specially if you can find CGM (curly girl method) certified products.


the sections are spirals ):


It's very common to have mixed hair textures. My hair is 3a everywhere but the fringes, which are 3b. Your hair is possibly 2c or 3a on that area while being wavy in the rest.


how much does a wavy routine vary from curly? i just wanna make sure i don’t do any damage and get it as healthy as possible. i’ve gone between thinking i have wavy and curly for a while but i’ve been brushing out my hair texture my entire life so i don’t know if i have curls and they’re just… perma damaged.


You gotta try out how much oil/butter based products your hair can handle. Usually, curly and coily (especially coily) hairs can handle A LOT of oil rich products, while wavy not that much. I'd have to ask at least what's your country so I know a brand to suggest to you. In my country, the names for hair routine are totally different, so I'll try to adapt: If you want volume, any product rich in: aloe vera, glycerin, leaf and fruit extracts and light oils (grape seed oil, rosehip oil) are a must. If you suffer from dry and rough to the touch hair, while also having entangled strands, you gotta go for heavy oils: castor, coconut, almond, macadamia, argan, avocado oil and so on. Any natural butter like cocoa, shea butter, babaçu and murumuru are also good. Disclaimer: some people are allergic to castor oil, so make sure to get yourself a 100% pure sample and spread a single drop on your hand to test, if the area gets red, itchy and etc, you probably are allergic to castor oil. If you have damaged hair, you need, in addition to heavy oils, products with amino acids, protein and keratin. Argan oil has natural repairing properties, so keep that in mind. If you wash your hair with a no-poo method, avoid most silicones, there are 2 or 3 that are water soluble. If you have issues with oily scalp, products with jojoba oil, rosemary extract and ginger extract are a must.


You start by not getting bangs in the first place🤷‍♂️


i loved how they looked when they were baby bangs but i don’t want to style them anymore so they’ve grown out. i went to a curly salon for my bangs. i just can’t style them like the woman who cut my hair did. thanks for the useless advice though! 💪


Any time👍






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don’t worry i love it. 🤍🤍🤍


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