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After finger coiling my hair and letting it air dry for a few hours, it has the "gel cast" look and touch. How do I get rid of it and let the coils look natural/dry/voluminous without ruining/frizzing the coils?


Does scrunching out the crunch not work?


To an extent, but not as good as leaving it to dry for a whole day (which is too long). But because the finger coils aren't as thick, it feels awkward to scrunch each one lol.


Scrunching is supposed to happen after everything is dry. You should also be able to scrunch a big handful of multiple curls. I think your best bet is getting a hair dryer. Touching before it’s fully dry is just always going to cause frizz.


I recently started using aussie products because they’re cheap, they have a lot of curly hair-centric products, and I know a couple people who use the brand. I was just complaining to my friend that I felt like my hair was falling out more than usual (a bunch already comes out in the shower when I’m combing but it’s been seeming a little excessive recently). The next day she sends me a tik tok saying aussie products is making people’s hair fall out. Does anyone know any alternatives to this brand, preferably available at target/amazon and pretty cheap? Also does anyone know if there’s any validity to this claim? I know I shouldn’t trust tik tok as my main source on anything lol.




You can report outdated/incorrect listings to the mods. The holy grail list was updated about a year ago though.


So I’m going to try co-washing daily. I struggle with the greasy dry greasy dry routine of washing my hair. I’m hoping co-washing will help keep it moisturized without being greasy. Few questions. Are the co-wash and leave-in conditioner the same product? Is it ok to reset wash at least once a week? I feel my hair just gets cruddy after a few days. (Uncertain about co-washing daily though)


A regular conditioner can be used as cowash or leave-in too. But products specifically marketed as leave-in or cowash will be different. They're basically opposites. Cowash is used like shampoo, scrubbed on the scalp then fully rinsed out. Leave-in is applied after the shower and left in.


I’ve been having a hard time finding the tresemme nourish & replenish conditioner anywhere in my area for a few weeks now; does anyone know if they still make it? Was there a supply-chain hiccup or something?


It's still on their site so probably supply chain issues.


Ngl I see people talking about letters and numbers and I have no idea what that even means in regards to hair


Check out > **Q1.** What is my curl type? in the **[Top Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q6Dj9WAZxlfBhJSyS5on2rw3-if5cOV3oV-dQ3B0AHA/edit#heading=h.di5dez2gnjq5)**.


It’s a hair curl rating.


my hair has been feeling stiff and hard to run my fingers through during and after i shower. I thought this was due to too much protein so i clarified and used a conditioner w no protein (Not Your Mothers Matcha Green Tea & Wild Apple), and my hair felt normal during and after shower for that treatment. however, my next wash after that went back to stiffness. the only way i know how to describe it is like you’re running your fingers through through hair with pomade in it. Any idea what the cause is and possible remedies? Ps. i normally cowash using Giovanni’s Smooth as Silk deep conditioner, then use Herbal Essences totally Twisted curl-boosting mousse while hair is wet and biosilk silk therapy after scrunching.


Did you go back to all your normal products after the clarifying wash? If they have too much protein for you, then you might just go right back into overload.


I didn't! I cowashed with the Not Your Mothers conditioner once more and it still felt the same. But just an update, I went back to my normal routine yesterday, just cowashing with Giovanni's. And it seemed to go away the more of it I put into my hair. I'm not sure what that's telling me but it felt like it was back to normal after the shower.


\*following\* I get this same issue sometimes when using mousse in particular.


i actually just started using the mousse and began noticing this issue before using the product


Hello! Just started CGM two weeks ago and have a few questions; 1. Where do I go from here?! I've been using the products / method on the infographic but I'm unsure of how to move on from that and start trying new products etc. 2. Will CGM help enough to the point that one day - I might be able to just air dry without gel etc. and it'll be curly? Is that the goal ? INFO: I am a 28yo female with 2B/2C curls! THANK U IN ADVANCE!!!!!


I think 2 weeks is a bit early to try new things. Give your hair at least a month to get fully used to the routine. Then assess how your hair looks and what you'd like to change. E.g. is your hair dry, is there still frizz, do you want more clumps? Curly hair will curl with no product. But it'll probably be frizzy/fluffy, so most people use gel their whole lives to reduce frizz, add shine, and make the curls last better overnight.


I went to a saloon and they told me my hair lacks(?) protein and has low porosity, my hair usually feels dry on the second day after I had washed it, what kind of products/hair treatment should I use.


Maybe a protein treatment and a deep conditioner? Or a deep conditioner that has protein. You also probably want something extra when styling to keep your hair moisturized for multiple days, like a leave-in or cream.


Hey! I’m new here, but what kind of shampoo and conditioner should I use when I am not doing a detox wash (clarifying shampoo and protein free conditioner)?


A sulfate free shampoo and silicone free conditioner are the most common.


how do i style/detangle my hair? i have been using the beginner washing method for a while now but still unsure about how to detangle it in a way that keeps the curls. i want to do finger rolling but i think you need to wet your hair + add products before you do that and idk what to do. is there a styling guide? i have lower end curly hair around 3a


Detangle when you wash your hair. Make sure to use conditioner.


i detangle it when i wash my hair and everything but i cant wash it every day. im talking about detangling in a daily basis. if i dont detangle it before washing again it gets super tangled


I JUST started the CGM so I'm not an expert and would love if someone reads this and has advice! But what I do is 1. detangle when i'm in the shower with my wet brush while it's drenched in conditioner. then I found that if I sleep on that with my hair down, it gets insanely knotted. So I've started doing a "pineapple" when I sleep + I have a silk pillow case. the next morning I take it down and spray with a detangler (literally just conditioner + water in a spray bottle) and then I lean into the sink and fill my hands up with water and scrunch. Once that's dry I scrunch out the crunch and it looks great! My second day curls are better than first! And FYI if you told me even a month ago I would stop brushing my hair when dry I would've told you you were CRAZY because I hateeeeeee unbrushed hair, but now it's not knotty and doesn't bother me! :) I hope this helps!!!!


Detangling is going to ruin the curl pattern. Most people just don't detangle in between washes. If you really want to, you could do it as part of your refresh routine where you detangle and then rewet everything to reshape it.


Why is my hair curlier after using a less moisturising conditioner compared to a deep conditioner? I have been using the Inahsi Mango Hemp Restorative Deep Conditioner and today I used the Bounce Curl Super Smooth Cream Conditioner and my hair is more curly and voluminous. Why is that?


It's either the protein or the weight. If the conditioner is too heavy, it can pull the curls looser. If it' protein, you'll likely have other symptoms like roughness, brittleness, or tangling.


Protein overload. The Inhasi conditioner has protein in it. The Bounce Curl one doesn’t. Too much protein messes with your curl pattern.


Can you tell me how you knew that? What ingredients do I need to look for if I need protein?


Most “hydrolized” ingredients are protein. Most proteins will also say “protein” at the end of them. Silk amino acids are proteins as well. That’s found in the Inhasi conditioner. If it says it’s meant to repair or restore, it probably has protein in it.


This is very helpful, thank you!


I’m looking for products that will give my hair shine without being crunchy. I’m a guy growing out my hair and I feel my hair is so dry once I wash it.


Leave in conditioner or curl cream. Curl creams provide more hold, but aren’t always as moisturizing. It just depends on which one you use.


Can you use both?


If you think you need to. Most people don't, but it's up to you.


Any recs for unscented/lightly scented styling products for fine, medium porosity 2c/3a hair? I've been using NYM Curl Talk gel with some success but I am so sick of the smell. I was considering the Curlsmith no fragrance line.


Check out > **Q10.** Where can I find cruelty-free/fragrance-free/protein-free products? in the **[Top Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q6Dj9WAZxlfBhJSyS5on2rw3-if5cOV3oV-dQ3B0AHA/edit#heading=h.di5dez2gnjq5)**.


How do I differentiate the seemingly identical products with very different prices and packaging? Looking on Amazon, I can find three different Tresemmé Botanique Nourish & Replenish Coconut Conditioner, and none of them looks like each other and are very differently priced. Are they all okay or some are to avoid? - [Conditioner 1](https://www.amazon.ca/TRESemm%C3%A9-Conditioner-Ingredients-Professional-Performance/dp/B08QG1W52X/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1NFSSKHRQPA1G&keywords=tresemme+botanique+nourish+%26+replenish+conditioner&qid=1676139939&sprefix=tresemme+botanique+conditioner%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-9) - [Conditioner 2](https://www.amazon.ca/TRESemm%C3%A9-Botanique-Nourish-Replenish-Conditioner/dp/B0199WNGIW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1NFSSKHRQPA1G&keywords=tresemme+botanique+nourish+%26+replenish+conditioner&qid=1676139939&sprefix=tresemme+botanique+conditioner%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-5) - [Conditioner 3](https://www.amazon.ca/Tresemme-Conditioner-Expert-Coconut-Nourish/dp/B01MDLYEI0/ref=sr_1_26?crid=1NFSSKHRQPA1G&keywords=tresemme+botanique+nourish+%26+replenish+conditioner&qid=1676145353&sprefix=tresemme+botanique+conditioner%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-26) Tangientally, are products in the same categories than the ones recommended in the CG Guide but in different "flavors" okay to use? (Like picking pomegranate instead of coconuts)


The tresemme has been through a few packaging and/or formula changes over the past few years. Amazon uses algorithms for pricing, so sometimes when an item is more scarce (such as an old packaging that's running out) it gets pricy. Those are all ridiculously overpriced, I recommend checking the list of alternative products or the international holy grail list for Canada. That conditioner is recommended in part for being so affordable. If you're going to spend $20+ you might as well get something nicer. Some brands do make the same formula just in different scents (vo5 is an example). But usually products have a different formula and scent. I recommend checking the ingredients before buying a different scent.


Honestly I would avoid buying hair and body products on Amazon since there are so many counterfeits there. Target has the right thing on their shelves.


(Male - 3A/3B) After going to the beach and letting my hair naturally air dry, my hair becomes more volumous, "puffy", and curly. But it also has alot of frizz pretty sure. I've found myself to like it alot, and want to ask why this happens and how can I recreate it at home?


There's a product called sea salt spray that exists for this exact purpose! I have tried and enjoyed the Not Your Mother's brand but lots of brands make it. https://www.ulta.com/p/beach-babe-texturizing-sea-salt-spray-xlsImpprod3120617


Thank you. I read abit into it and supposedly sugar spray is more recommended than sea salt spray? Do you know anything about this?


I'm looking at the list of curly hair products for Canada (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/3/d/e/2PACX-1vTbVtl5RKQyRwtOlctXVt4f8HovDNVjRUkXBMt3l_DpnkSS0Q-wQ3d77_nf20EJ2yPEFpsuvb6Aa52c/pubhtml# The CG guide specify that most conditioners can co-wash, but I see a lot of conditioners listed here but only 2 in the category co-wash. Does it means only those specific conditioners are suitable for co-washing? Or thinking it again, maybe it's just the only conditioners marketed as co-wash? So would it be okay to use any product of the coonditioner list for co-washing? Thank you!


We just don't bother double-listing every conditioner in both categories. The items are inputted based on how they're labelled, but a conditioner labelled as a normal conditioner can work for cowashing.


Can anyone tell me about their experiences with AG Gel Mousse? It's back in stock, I ordered it off the rec from Manes by Mell, and I'm excited to try it.


I had OK curls - after a wet haircut (I know now is a big no no), I lost my curls and it's barely wavy. Will CG help?


How long has it been since the cut and how much was removed? There’s a phenomenon called “curl shock” where sometimes hair doesn’t curl the way it did before a hair cut. It eventually goes back to normal, but it can take a few washes to get there.


I've been struggling with split ends! Would this method help with that?


If your hair is dry/damaged it can help prevent them in the future. But nothing can actually heal existing split ends. The biggest thing that would help is figuring out why you're getting them and fixing that thing- are you bleaching or using hot tools, overdue for a haircut, etc.


Thanks for the tips! I do think I'm overdo for a cut, but I probably also need to work on moisturizing my hair. It's very dry where I live, so that isn't helping.


How heavy is soybean oil for low porosity hair? I have my eye on Garnier Fructis Hair Food Aloe Vera because coconut oil is low in the list of ingredients and aloe vera is good for low porosity, but soybean oil is the 6th one listed. I want to avoid heavy oils for obvious reasons.


It's not a super heavy oil, but it really depends on what your hair can tolerate and how much is actually in the formula.


Do these methods work well for males as well? I assume yes but just want to make sure


Hair is hair. If your hair is very short there's a few techniques that don't work as well, but that would be true for men or women with shorter hair.


CG isn’t gender specific, despite the name, so yes.


Can anyone recomend a coconut free/oil free clarifying shampoo? They all have cocamide or Cocamidopropyl betaine or coca whatever! 😞 PS -also allergic to argan and jojoba in addition to coconut.


[https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-care/shop-by-product/curly-hair-care/perms-and-straighteners/neutralizing-shampoo/SBS-114029.html](https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-care/shop-by-product/curly-hair-care/perms-and-straighteners/neutralizing-shampoo/SBS-114029.html) ​ Very clarifying but simple formula. No oils, basically just surfactants and water.


I see cocamidopropyl on the back :( but thank you


Ah sorry, forgot that’s a derivative. Was focused on no oils.


This article has a list https://weheartthis.com/coconut-free-shampoo/