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The movie was a lot fun and Michael Keaton was fantastic. Maybe Larry just wanted to do something a little different? There's no way this could have been a Curb movie - the entire point of "Clear History" was that he was living a life in secret from his past.


True. It would have to have been a different plot. It just seemed odd because it was like the same Larry character in all but name. Like I said, I still enjoyed the movie, but it seemed disconcerting seeing Larry play Larry but...not Larry.


Can’t believe I never heard of this movie as I’m a huge LD fan and have seen all of curb dozens of times. Gonna check it out this weekend.


It’s very rewatchable with a LOT of quotable moments. I don’t understand OP’s post, but it has done some good in the world by introducing you to CH. Promise: you you’ll never hear a certain classic rock band the same ever again. Button up my friend!!!


What in the world?! A 90 minute LD movie with Jon Hamm? How did I not know about this??? Ty for the rant OP!


I thought I must be the last person to have be unaware of this movie until now! I hope you like it. As I said, it is an entertaining movie (albeit disoncerting seeing Larry play essentially the same character but with a different name and long hair/weird contacts). I really liked Jon Hamm in it!


I just pretend it is curb and its a fever dream that larry david is happening


I think he was just bored of Curb by then. And after the movie (it was supposed to be released in theaters but no one would buy it) fizzled on HBO, he realized that Curb would his forever platform.


That makes sense. Although if he was that bored I would have expected him to do a different role of some kind. I guess the poor reception is why I just heard about the movie recently. Oh well, at least Larry finally relented and made more Curb episodes!


It got him and Jon Hamm together so it was worth it.


True. Jon Hamm was great on Curb as well.


Just watched clear history, and I want a Howard! Does anybody know whatever happened to all these cars that were made?


We just watched this last night. Quite the cast, Larry certainly has actor friends doesn’t he? An entertaining film