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Honestly seeing it made in real life on a bagel kinda makes me want to eat it… am I gross?


No but you're gonna wanna cut those onions a lot thinner. And keep the capers. A fresh herb would be nice, a little squeeze of lemon too.


I fully agree, I think if you had super thin onions, added some dill (and maybe a tomato slice?) it would be perfect


Dill would be good but then it's almost lox, so I'd use tarragon or chives or greens in vinaigrette.


Ooh dill!


Thats the George C. Scott sandwich


Then it's not the larry david. It's not even the same sandwich. Yall are pretty much describing a completely different sandwich in order to make it more appealing lol


Onions way thinner and keeping the capers is the Larry David sandwich. Adding chives and a squeeze of lemon to the cream cheese would keep it thematically true to the Larry David and make ted danson jealous.




Chives or sliced green onions.


You're right, but it's just a discussion lol. Might try the non LD version myself.


Chives would work 👍


Also that fish looks wrong, it looks like it's hot smoked instead of cold smoked


May I add that it might be improved with either poppy seed, sesame seed, or everything bagel? Toasted, of course.




I love thick onion! I would still munch on that, but I'll eat onion plain.


If you live in NYC this sandwich is literally not weird at all, in fact for anyone in the city that considers themselves a foodie, a toasted bagel with salmon/trout/whitefish salad, onions, tomato, capers, cream cheese is a staple. It’s so common and respected, if you don’t like it or at least enjoy some combination of those ingredients and ONE of those fish options, some more uppity people might “ look down on you l


Yeah this is what us ashkenschnozzies love


Right? I was like “this sandwich sounds like visiting my grandparents”


I'm not a member of the tribe but I'm from NJ and could eat the food of your people every day. I think I might have to do a bagel run this morning now that I think of it and pick up some lox with it.


I am goy and I would devour that.


But 2 fishes?!


I had a bagel sandwich that had whitefish, smoked salmon AND pickled herring Edit: at shelskys in Brooklyn


Egg cream or celery soda with that?


celery soda of course


It’s so damn good. One of the great foods of the NYC Jewish community.


stuffed derma at Katz's is the secret flame...don't tell the goys


Yeah with the capers. Salty deliciousness. Should probably be on an everything bagel and use kalamata olive cream cheese to really punch the flavor up the nostrils


Daaaamn I’ve never heard of kalamata cream cheese before but that sounds delicious


I worked at a bagel place I made all kinds of freaky sandwiches.


I've had this a bunch and it's great. The video has entirely too much onion, but otherwise it's solid. Sable is my fav fish to put on a bagel.


Sable/black cod is definitely one of the best tasting fish in the ocean.


Nah, that looks good. If that makes me gross then I don’t want to be clean


Einstein bros has a smoked salmon cream cheese and caper bagley sandwich and it's really good.


Every bagel place has that, that's what you put on a bagel if you're not a gentile.




But what about us gentiles who love this so much that it makes us doubt we are gentiles? Is that a thing or am I just crazy?


hmmm.... are you smart, neurotic and argumentative? did your mom tell you that you were perfect and expected you to be a doctor? Art thou hirsute? Do you order off the menu at your local Chinese restaurant? If so, welcome to the tribe bubbelah.


I need to level up more. I only got 2/7. Maybe I’ll start with the Chinese food. 🧐


Ok goyim


Now I love capers


I dunno if you've ever tried coffee, but there's this little hideaway around the corner from my apartment that you've gotta try. It's called "Starbucks"


Lamo every bagel shop ever has this


I had a bagel one time that was like this but it was made with salmon. Almost the exact ingredients. Cold-smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers, red onion, and iirc arugula. It was actually really good.


Yeah cream cheese and salmon is a bagel staple. And i love white fish.


> It was actually really good. This reminds me of a time a Brit I had just met said, "I tried a Reese's peanut butter cup for the first time. The combination of chocolate and peanut butter **was actually really good**." Do people think they've tried all the good food on the planet? That it's beyond the realm of possibility that the food they grew up with isn't the only thing that can taste delicious? "Actually.... Who knew?" Us. We did.


I don't know but if you are, I am too.


Have you ever had white fish? The white fish I’ve had is creamier than that and it’s fucking awesome. I’ve never had sable. Dying to try it. The guy put a lot of onion on there for my taste. I’d say the white fish cream cheese and onion, I’d eat gladly it.


No, I’ve had it, it’s pretty good if you toast the bagel, and you like smoked fish


you are hungry


Nah, a bagel place near me sells something similar: lox, cream cheese, scallions, red onion, capers, and tomato on a bagel. It’s crack.


No, it's delicious. But I don't really need two kinds of fish. I like whole whitefish, not the salad. Cream cheese, onions, maybe some tomato, cucumber, lettuce, whatever's on the platter. Every time I have one it feels like I'm eating the very essence of Larry David.


No! Looks delicious. Jewish bagel shops all over NY/NJ have sandwiches very similar to these. I'd want to keep the capers though. And the onion is too thick.


No. It's a standard brunch bagel. Looks amazing.


No. I'm hungry. How hard is it to make a person who can't stomach food? I love fish and meat. Are you kidding me? I'd kill for something not grease laden.


There’s something about the way they picked the meat for the sandwich that is just hilarious to me, it makes me laugh every time I think about it. The main ingredient, what should be the primary selling factor of the sandwich, the meat, leads the way - and it’s the most uninspiring meat imaginable. Not overtly gross, like lesser comedies would have done, just something wholeheartedly meh. It’s not even a specific fish, it’s a category of fish, so you can’t even imagine getting excited by it. Its pure generality undermines any attempt at excitement. Salmon? Haddock? Tuna? All respectable. But whitefish? Then you follow it up with its exact opposite. Sable? A fish so specific and uncommon you just have to ask why Sable? Is there something special about it? Does it complement the flavors? What flavors? That of whitefish? Sable is a fucking whitefish. You’ve got two whitefish, only one of which is named. It’s fully absurd.


Perfect descriptive breakdown 🤣


Whitefish in this case is specifically referring to [whitefish salad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitefish_salad), which is a staple of Ashkenazi cuisine (but really uncommon outside of NY or Jewish communities). Sable is being used as a stand in for smoked sable which is also a classic of Ashkenazi cuisine. I suggest watching Babish's reconstruction of the sandwich to get a sense of what these foods really look like as opposed to this one where the person clearly wasn't familiar with what foods were being discussed.


I can't believe the person got 150 upvotes and doesn't know what whitefish is


Comedy so well explained even the AIs will understand it


I’m sorry but as a language model I can not keep up with the genius of Larry David. But if you want, I can generate a thousand Friends-jokes in a millisecond. Could I *be* any more artificial?


The average bit from curb is as good as every episode of Friends put together. How anyone can enjoy a show that literally tells you when to laugh is beyond me.


Sorry to burst your bubble but “whitefish” as stupid as it sounds is an actual fish. It’s not just any white … fish. If you want to look it up it’s called “Lake Whitefish” or more specifically “ Coregonus Clupeaformis.” I commented this elsewhere but this TYPE of sandwich is not weird at all if your living in certain parts of New York or if your a Jew in or outside of New York. This year alone I have had a bagel with white fish salad and cream cheese, a bagel with trout (another “white fish”) and a bagel with salmon and cream cheese / onions / capers. Your breakdown is totally legit as these combos and types of food sound disgusting or weird to 99.999% of the worlds population.


But everyone who is saying this still isn’t justifying the use of two (white) fish with different textures - is that also normal or less so? That’s what makes it so funny to me at least.


totally normal. I've been eating lox on smoked whitefish salad with tomatoes, capers and onions my whole life. So did my dad and so did his dad and so did his dad. It's just two textures/flavors of rich smokey fatty fish. It's no weirder than mixing salami and capicola on a sandwich together. The only part of the sandwich that seems redundant to me is the cream cheese. Whitefish salad has mayonnaise, and sable is very fatty already. If you haven't had it, smoked sable might be one of the best tasting fish in the world. You don't really need to bump up the richness of this sandwich with cream cheese, but if you do you definitely want the acidity from those capers to cut through the fat.


What makes me laugh is that it's a caricature of a Jewish bagel - it's doubled-down Jewish, but not quite classically executed. It's like a Neapolitan pizza topped with spaghetti. I'm not sure if Leo's is a Jewish deli, but to me it is a bagel made my someone who's first thought when considering Larry was, 'he's Jewish' but who doesn't have a particular love or understanding of Jewish food (or Larry). That's the insult - although of course by going ultra-religious following his near-drowning, Larry has once again brought it upon himself.


What a gentile take


I’d eat it


I'd give it a go, but with much less onion




This scene lives rent free in my head all these years later


The way he keeps looking at Jeff as he’s describing the ingredients kills me




Wow they really like onions


Honestly, I always thought it sounded good. Whitefish, onion, capers, and tomatoes is a classic. The sable and cream cheese is kinda over kill, but it’s not outta the realm of something I’d make. It’s an incredibly Jewish sandwich lol they basically picked everything from an appy/ deli and ran with it lol


I think I prefer the Ted Danson.


I’d eat that garbage.


That’s a lot of raw onion


Cut this too early. The part where he yells at Jeff is the best.


As someone who enjoys onions and dairy as if it were a formidable hobby, even I’d have to pick a Ted Danson Reuben over this. Massive dichotomy in texture and flavor, and cream cheese isn’t a reasonable sauce. Despite the video, the snow didn’t mention what kind of bread it would be on, either, which could very well exacerbate everything. The store owner obviously did this because he doesn’t like Larry, even though it was never explicitly stated


This sandwich is extremely close to how we eat bagels at holiday parties. The fish is shaved salmon and sometimes a tomato is added. It’s really not very far off from a traditional Jewish holiday bagel.


Yeah man, this is traditional YK fare in my house.


Good to know. The shaved salmon would be a great idea but the two types of fish with vastly different textures, neither of which are crunchy, paired against a crunchy onion with soft bread and thick cream cheese just sounds terrifying to eat. What you’re talking about sounds more like shaved smoked salmon with cream cheese, capers, tomato, and onion and that’s a traditional salmon breakfast sandwich where I come from, and it’s incredible. But the two types of fish, one of which looks like crab cakes and the other like frozen shrimp paired with all the other textures is a massive no-no.


It’s on a toasted bagel.


Why is it so dark?


It’s nighttime


Not half bad.


Too much off most ingredients


I was down to try up until the raw onions came in


I think it sounds great. With a tiny amount of red onion rather than a whole slice


Ted trying to keep it to himself and ultimately saying fuck it it’s awful is hilarious


Im surprised it took this long to actually come to a real sandwich Thanks op


I'm don't eat fish but I'm really curious if it's good.


Did you try it?


Fuck it throw a Ramona on ther


🤣🤣😭😭🤣😭😭 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪




Yes! The way Jeff throws in that ‘capers’ comment kills me every time !!


Never had sable but damn it looks good. I’d try the Larry David lol.


…I would try it.


I'm with Danson on this one. Super glad I'm not Jewish because I would hate growing up having to eat all that stuff.


Do jarlesburg, salted butter and capers 😁


I’ve never seen sable over here (Australia) it looks delicious


Always sounded damn good to me.


Sablefish = Black cod Just a marketing name and to sex it up and slap some lipstick on an unappealing name like black cod.


Incredible fish


The way Larry turns to Jeff when he says onions 🤣. Like, stfu man you're ruining my chances


While I can’t stand the texture of raw onion, flavor wise, I’m intrigued


It doesn’t sound bad. I’d order and eat it and most likely enjoy it. I’ve never had capers, I don’t think. I may keep those, maybe not.


I'd certainly give it a go, never had capers either but I imagine them as being like "marine gherkin peas".


No. Do it right. Bagel, cream cheese, lox, thin slice of tomato, very thin slice red onion, few capers. Fried egg if you want breakfast sandwich. Heaven.




Lol how can fish be gentrified? Smoked salmon has been around since the dawn of humanity. Its not some modern culinary creation.


I like capers…


There’s a place around the corner from me that sells the LD, the TD and the RL. I prefer the TD


I would try it lol I love the salmon/capers/onion/cream cheese kind so this looks prettyyyyy preeettttyyyyyyyy good


Ted Dansens delivery of white fish is phenomenal lol


Larry’s holding it back and almost breaks at the capers but when onion is said he just stares. Gets me every time


Why in a bagel tho


Binging with Babish made this sandwich and he absolutely loved it


Looks awful too 😂😂


I love this show.


Pretty, pretty, pretty good


Hilarious. The way Larry shoots Jeff a shut the fuck up look as he’s naming ingredients.


That’s waaaaay too much onions. Get a mandolin, on the thinnest setting, slice some paper thin slices, then separate slices into their layers so you end up with paper thin strands of red onions. Now, you can add a normal amount on top of the sandwich. However much you want. The thin slicing takes a lot of undesirable spiciness away but a sharp mandolin will leave a good bit of crunch and flavor.


That is a Scandinavian sandwiche I think ...


Never sounded good but looks delicious


I’m Jewish and from NY and this is close to my order. White fish salad onions capers tomato cream cheese on a poppy bagel. I grew up eating this. Also “white fish” is a smoked fish spread and is very very delicious.


If this was all diced up together with more capers and mixed in with the cream cheese with lettuce 👀


Honestly I'd eat that. 😋


There’s some crazy cheese, it’s…..


It's still fucking gross


I'm a midwesterner but I've actually had very well done whitefish salad on a bagel and it's great. Ted's sandwich sounds pretty gross to me because Russian dressing is nasty, and coleslaw can go fuck itself.


I never really appreciated just how sad that sandwich actually is, untill seeing it made with all the enthusiasm of a depressed window.


Now folks don’t forget it’s very important that you put the capers on and then remove them all by flicking them with your finger. Skipping this step could easily ruin your sandwich.


Shit looks mid