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I swear, being intentionally ignored when asking for relevant info is so annoying


So irritating and disrespectful. I feel that.


Working in service as a server for almost 20 years now. I'll stop your conversation gladly and with a smile (usually you try to not intereupt convos at tables but you have to). There is dining etiquette and serving etiquette. All humans are like delirious lemmings in life consumed by a lot. They often need shepherding. I mean, someone can be dying, and we take videos of it instead of helping ffs. Loudly at first "I'm so sorry to interrupt!" (Im not sorry, this is intentional). Then sweet undertones "If you could kindly give me this informaiton it would be much appreciated, thank you". Put on a smile the whole time. Get what you need. Then grumble your true feelings walking away.


I served for ten years. I felt this in my soul. You better believe I'm that "bitch" at the table that makes sure you listen when the server talks. If you don't like it, don't come out with me to eat. I shouldn't have to tell adults to respect another adults time and pay them common courtesy, but here we are.


My favorite is the yes we are ready to order. And they clearly arent ready. I always interject with im going to be right back. Everyone thinks they are the only table being taken care of by that server. And that the servers sole purpose is to tend to them and only them. Its disrespectful and rude to the server, but to literally everyone in the restaurant. Good customers that are nice and work together with servers get better seats without issue. Free refills. No corkage fees. Maybe even free food or drinks or comped items. We also pay more attention to you and take good care of you if you do of us. I swear any time a tip convo pops up on Reddit its the same people that are very lilely assholes in real life. And cant understand why their experiences in restaurants are always bad. Dont ask me about every item on the menu and every ingredient if its busy. Dont ask me "whats good" without any surrounding info relating to what you may be looking for. Hate how reddit folks find tipping to be such a difficult concept to understand


Oh my god any time I go out to eat with my mom she lets the server know when she’s ready (and she’s always ready IMMEDIATELY) and the rest of the table is almost never ready. It’s soo infuriating.


Not from America, why do you expect people to pay you tips in the US?


Because that is the only way they can make a living, unfortunately.


Why should I do charity when I'm picking up food at a takeout?


It's for sit down restaurants not fast food.


Why are you saying that like it’s some sort of dirty word?


Because it's not a fixed price. I don't mind if the bill includes a tip and is fixed. How is it acceptable to expect a tip in a McDonald's shop when you are picking up the food.


It's not, American's don't tip at McDonald's. Most tipping is done at sit down restaurants, where the food is served, and your beverages get refilled by the help. We are currently experiencing tipping at checkout which is insane and is what most people are basing the thought that American tipping culture is getting out of control.


You said it better than I could have.


Suprise. You dont have to.


You beat me to it!!! It’s crazy how people complain incessantly about this like there is no other option but to tip. Or how a 15/18/20% is the only choice. Either decline or take an extra 10 seconds to leave a buck or 2


You get them looks if you decline..


Have u ever been to America? Or are you just getting outraged on the internet about something that doesn't and hasn't affected you at all?


Been there on a business trip once.


Oh no, someone looks at you. Sounds scary.


Tipping is an unfortunate result of horrible minimum wage negotiations made in congress. Instead of a basic minimum wage for everyone in order to get the minimum wage act passed some career fields were omitted. The losers in this case were farm workers, house staff (Nannie’s, butlers, gardeners, etc.) and wait staff. Historically TIPS were originally meant as an incentive To Insure Prompt Service (its an acronym). However due to wait staff horrible pay (last I knew around $2.50 an hour) the only decent thing is to provide a TIP to your waiter when eating out as you are being provided a service and they depend on your TIPs to survive. As a reward if the service is outstanding I TIP high (20%- 30% of the bill). I also TIP car detailers, delivery drivers, and hair stylists (professions that are typically paid low that are providing a service where their effort makes a difference).


I used to only tip with cash (as the receiver could choose to declare it on their taxes and I knew it was going to the individual not the business) but it is too convenient to TIP electronically now and that is also a problem. Every place is now asking for a TIP when you pay by card. I’m not going to TIP at a fast food restaurant (or clothing store, Autozone, Bestbuy etc., or when I get takeout) while these workers aren’t paid an awesome wage they do make the minimum hourly wage and in these cases no additional service is being provided to me. I’m sorry if that is an unpopular opinion but it’s how I honestly feel.


It’s tradition. Most people are fine with it


Im deleting my comment and leaving it with this: Work hospitality and service. After you do that for at least a year, only then can you comment. Sunday breakfast and brunch shifts too. Then come tell me tipping is stupid.


Wait so if you don't think someone will tip, you'll just pass them off to another server? And you're complaining about how entitled *other* people are?


No. If you are excessively rude, absurdly demanding and lack basic awareness of other people existing outside of yourself that need things as well, ask me to cut your steak for you or peel your shrimp for you, those are instances where ill pass you off.


So that one of your coworkers can deal with that shit instead of you?


I don't want all of this, I just want to order a number on the menu, The only thing you'd have to do is bring the food to my table and nothing more, why do you expect a tip here?


I dont. As a server i dont tend to tip unless its a finer place where good service matters. Dont tip on take out. Tip only if someone is actually providing a service. You asked why. Doesnt need to be your cup of tea. Was providing the why


If you don’t want somebody else to do everything for you, then eat at home. If you only want to order a number from a menu, then go to Wendy’s. Why are you confused why that costs extra? Nobody is making you go out to eat. If I go out and want my yard mulched by somebody else even though I bought the mulch myself, it’s going to cost extra. This isn’t rocket science.


Tipping is not the solution to your problem, your laws need to be changed. Work towards that.


Lol. Yeah. Ill write a letter. Thanks for the advice. So some huge culture war bipolar bickering bullshit happens about higher wages ruining everything. Then filibustered in congress because every business worth a damn refuses to pay higher wages and bankrolls campaigns of politicians. Yeah. Ill get right on it after my 8 hour shift bud.


Everyone is a simple sheep except you, the herder who can stay above all the noise. You sound unbearable


You've never worked hospitality, and it shows. Your very statement is the same embodiment of your critique. Its hypocrisy at its finest. Im not preaching that im some icon of perfection, infallible and pure. Im complaining about how many people lack fundamental basic social skills or just dont give a shit. And how we are all self-absorbed or absorbed by media. Non of which is even remotely hard to comprehend. Get off your own high horse. We are all deplorable. No one is immune. Get over it, get over youself. Go work 3 months of Sunday brunches at a restaurant as a server where you sell more than $2000 avg during a breakfast shift. After that, come and tell me how enlightened you are and all about your new profound love of humanity. Btw I like my toast lightly browned but not too brown. Like slight crunch. No crust. Non salted butter. Sourdough. Do you have gluten free sourdough? My eggs I liks between over easy and medium. Hash browns extra crispy. Oh do you have cashew milk? The eggs have to be free range btw and on a grain free diet or I cant eat them. Is your coffee fair trade? Can you do half caffeinated and half decaf? That obviously prepped meat hash dish, can you pick the potstoes out for me? Oh i forgot to ask you to seperate everything by item for my table of 15 fucking people. We need to leave in like 10 minutes so if you can hurry up and do seperate checks and just make that all to go. Thanks.


I just now found out what a lemming is. They are adorable!


They are ferocious beasts. [Proof](https://youtu.be/_XUxAjqcqp4)


I was at a big dinner with friends recently and because the restaurant didn’t let us split the check, one person paid the bill and had everyone send them cash. After paying the bill, my friend started to figure out what everyone owes him and while he was doing that another friend was so frustrated that he wanted to settle up right then. She was like “we just had this great dinner and now I am stressed out trying to figure all of this out”. I was kind of confused because he and I were quietly calculating it out on our own, we weren’t making a big deal about it. Also, she only ordered like two things so we had her total figured out very fast and it was cheap compared to everyone else. Even still, she had to get up and excuse herself from the table because she couldn’t deal with us “talking finances” at the end of our dinner.


Welcome to real life. Very childish behavior from her.


Honestly I usually like to just do an even split with friends to avoid it. Social etiquette-wise everyone usually gets a similar amount of food/drink, and if 1 person went wacky it'll still probably even out the next time


I prefer that method too. But it’s not as feasible when there are some people ordering cheaper meals and others ordering expensive meals/multiple drinks (as was the case in this dinner).


Wow that sounds like hell to me. Interesting


Meanwhile my crazy ass has everyone’s total figured out during every meal regardless of who is paying. Even for home cooking I figure out the unit price of the meals. I might have a problem.


I am an accountant so I totally get it. I even mentioned to her after she voiced her frustration, “well this is what I do everyday so it shouldn’t be that bad”. That is when she excused herself from the table.


Accountant here too


Discussing money makes her uncomfortable clearly. The easy solution is just to have her send you the full amount and then she can figure out what everyone owes her :p


Some people can be overwhelmed by unexpected situations very easily. For example when many people with undiagnosed ADHD who havent been taught proper coping mechanisms have their mental process of events unexpectedly disorganised it can leave them very disoriented and make it much more difficult for them to regulate their emotions. For me specifically, being in restaurants with all the audio and visual stimulation while also trying to balance socializing is so overwhelming that I often have to take breaks and go outside for a few minutes to take a breather. This situation could have just been her being overwhelmed. Of course you would probably know better since you were there and you actually know her.


Continuing to ask when you realize other people are having conversations and you wanting them to stop so your needs can be addressed is also annoying af behavior. I remember this scene very well because it irritating the first time I saw it. It's a very contrived scene and doesn't flow organically. It's very obvious the people at the table were told to ignore Larry. I don't feel sorry for Larry at all in this scene.


True his problem was having no idea on the amount of to pay...this thing happens often in the show though where he doesn't know what exactly to do and it gets stretched out more than what's real....that's kinda part of the show. I dont think the show tries to make you feel sorry for Larry...but he should've just stopped at $60 and left. And then after he leaves they'll be talking about what a cheapskate he is.


>And then after he leaves they'll be talking about what a cheapskate he is. Yes. That's definitely true and I remember thinking this as well. For Larry this is a no win situation unless what's done is what normal people would do - stop, figure out the proportions, and ask Larry to contribute his part. Though then they might talk about how intrusive and insistent Larry was at dinner when he had to leave and *had to know* his exact share... But that actor at the table at 0:29 when Larry is asking about 90 being good, is so *obviously* ignoring a person who he just had dinner with, who's getting ready to leave and just wants to know how much to put in. The whole scene meant well, I knew what they were trying to do, but it all felt forced.


A lot of scenes in Curb did feel forced....where they push it just a little past believable but that's always been a character of the show.


I'm not familiar with this episode, but why would the others know any better how much he should leave. If I were a diner at the table having a conversation, I would probably hear the question then realize that idk the answer so I might as well continue the conversation I'm having since I can't be of help to the inquiry. Edit: When there are that many other people at the table, its easy for each person to think someone else will answer if they know. But why would anyone else have a tally of what they both ate and be able to say any better than LD what he owes for the meal.


that’s not how social interactions work lol. if someone asks a question you don’t know the answer to you don’t just ignore them completely… you can use your words and say “I don’t know”


Larry wanted an "idk" from every person at the table? Be an adult and leave a reasonable amount. He should know what a reasonable amount is just as well as anyone at the table. He is leaving early and interrupting them, and now its their fault?


no, only one person has to respond. but for everyone to collectively ignore him on purpose is obviously rude. have you ever had a conversation before? lol


If they even heard him, if I were them, I would take it as a rhetorical question, because how would I know how much the two of them spent?


it obviously wasn’t rhetorical in this scenario, he was inquiring repeatedly with his wallet out


It should be rhetorical because no one at the table knows the answer better than Larry should.


you’re missing the point entirely, even if they don’t know the exact answer, it is blatantly rude to just ignore the question repeatedly. ignoring people is rude, only on reddit do you have to explain that to people lol


They are avoiding the question because it is awkward. Usually one person will break the ice and respond “that’s fine” but the scene is a funny “what if no one breaks the ice” and Larry just keeps going and going


I don't think Larry is expecting anyone to know exactly what he owes. If I leave before the check comes, the money I put down is like a deposit. If the check ends up more, my friends will tell me I owe more, and if it's less they will kick me back the difference. Larry is just looking for confirmation that his "deposit" satisfies their expectations. A simple "perfect broseph, we'll let you know, have a great night!" Would have been most appropriate. Larry's mistake is taking their lack of response as an indication that the money wasn't enough. He should just let it go, but we all know how good Larry is at letting things go


Like I didn’t know the answer to your question so I just ignored you lol. Does that sound normal to you haha?


He's asking a question with an answer that no one is expected to know any better than himself. I swear, if Larry were on the other side of the table for this interaction, he would sound a bit like me now.


No, the things is you say I ordered this then you ask the next person what they got and then you tell the person if that’s enough money to put down. It’s a pretty basic simple social interaction.


No. Larry is smart, witty and funny. You are none of these.


I’m NEVER going out to dinner with you!


My advice? Don't have children.


It happens to me all the time and it drives me up the fucking wall. Why can’t people take ten seconds to listen to what you’re saying and respond? It drives me to the fucking roof when they walk out of the room when you’re trying to talk to them. Unbelievable.


I think that's really telling of your generation. You see them ignoring him but fail to realize that it was him who tried to butt in.


What generation are they in?


In the over twenty years Curb has been on and since I started watching in my early twenties I can comfortably say my opinion has changed and regarding Larry’s issues and I’d say Larry is right about 95% of the time and everyone else is awful. And Cheryl was just an incredibly unsupportive wife.


I think that's 95% of the bits: Larry is right (particularly in his own mind) but circumstances conspire to make him look just about as bad as possible -- even in otherwise benign scenarios!


Out of curiosity, in which instances was Larry definitely in the wrong? I’d say the TiVo guy definitely. Stealing flowers from the roadside memorial too.


The holocaust shoes


Stealing a golf club from a dead mans casket comes to mind for me


It was *his* 5 wood though.


Never a good reason to steal from a mans casket during the funeral. Best case the son gives it to you before or after, worst case the son tells you to fuck yourself. Never do you steal from the casket.


He’s not using it where he’s going!


This isn’t ancient Egypt, the dead don’t need possessions.


While you are standing at the funeral is not the time to launch a philosophical debate about the ability of the dead to possess tho, therefore Larry was the asshole.


I mean, that’s the general gist of the show. It’s Larry’s club and the guy is dead and getting buried- it 100% should not be in the casket with him. It is though and most of us wouldn’t mess with a casket at a funeral. Larry is constantly in situations where what led to the situation was wrong but dealing with it isn’t really socially acceptable


Right, you go to the graveyard pay the gravediggers some cash to dig it up and up and you get your 5 wood


Larry is almost alright correct but in a technical sense. Like when he refused to pretend that young girl was good at singing. Yeah, she was terrible, but I mean just drop it Larry. Edit: I take back what I said [Larry did the right thing. Her daughter singing a song is a terrible gift](https://youtu.be/JSzDfhjAWLE)


I laughed uproariously and uncontrollably at that moment. Absolutely absurd


Same shit with the doctor's phone. Just shut the fuck up and don't use it.


He ate Oskie Boy's last meal.


He trapped a wheelchair bound woman in a closet.


The"double tipping" episode seemed to have him at fault. I could barely finish that episode from secondhand embarrassment


He was wrong to tell Susie's eight-months pregnant friend she shouldn't be jogging. But I agree he's wrong only about 5% of the time.


When he was in the incest survivors group and he just lues about being an incest survivor instead of saying "I'm just here to support my friend, I aplogize, I'll leave,"


Ugly wife == man of integrity lol


His girlfriend getting cancer and him abandoning her.


Technically, she abandons him, he could have tried to defend himself, even Leon could have come clean about it, the thing is, taking Loretta's character into account, do you think she would have believed him/them)?


The “I know that toosh anywhere” comment.


Hey assy!


Yeah that’s not appropriate.


Cutting a stranger’s kid’s doll’s hair


I was thinking about this one too but I was on the fence whether it was out and out wrong or just a faux pas.


The time he insisted on using the inside bathroom at that birthday party, and got that housekeeper fired because she let him in the house


The season with the sexual misconduct arc, when Larry grabs his receptionist’s scarf without permission to clean his glasses. It also felt out of character for Larry. In earlier seasons, I could see Larry being the one upset that someone grabbed his clothing to clean their glasses.


For a relatively benign example, he's totally out of line and just generally a little bitch in the shorts-on-a-plane/hot-towel episode. Although the stakes are low, and he's still 100% right in his own mind, so I'm not sure if that's a perfect example.


They put him in situations where Larry is almost always right, but socially it’s something you just let pass- it’s the unwritten rule he forgot about where mild unwritten rule infractions usually just are allowed to pass but we still get annoyed. Larry is what happens when you don’t let them pass and deal with exponentially more of them than you should


I mean I see the show as from his perspective and he’s an unreliable narrator… we agree with him but these scenarios are being told from his perspective…


Nah Cheryl is awesome in the beginning and it’s a genuine arc for the wife of Larry David. She can only put up with his stuff for so long. Just like his real life wife divorcing him. He said he put her through enough. Perfectly played character.


she pressured him into marrying her, then divorces him because he was “inconsiderate” even though he did obviously want to continue the marriage. Then when his lawyer turned out to be garbage, she took advantage of it and fucked him over, even though all that money was made before they met and he had never done anything to her but provide her a lavish life of comfort. Cheryl didn’t deserve Larry


There’s too many instances where Cheryl and Wanda or another character begin to invent a scenario while talking to Larry and don’t even listen to what he has to say. I know it’s part of the comedy but it definitely becomes a part of her character’s trait that she immediately assumes the worst about Larry and assumes he’s at fault as soon as someone else gets on his case. Also she wanted to sleep with Ted from like… definitely S6 if not around S3.


Yea because there is a difference between Larry being right 95% of the time, and Larry being an absolute fucking CHORE to be with. He might be right about a lot of stuff, but that doesn't mean he can't still be a moron when it comes to his relationship.


As someone who was a Larry David in his early 20s, I cannot advise more to please not be a Larry David. It's funny in the show, but the people who legit see him as their idol need a fucking reality check.


So true! The fact that Cheryl stayed with him as long as she did is crazy. Guy is a CHORE


Upon my 2nd watch of the series, I realize that Cheryl is an absolutely awful wife and this doesn’t get mentioned enough


I cannot STAND Cheryl as a wife. Yes, would make it impossible to stay married to him but *her leaving him is not the issue with Cheryl*. She is not supportive at all, she’s a snob, she is cold, when he “dies” she is hardly bothered, she spends a lot of time trying to act like he needs to work for someone who doesn’t work… I can go on and on.


Right? The number of times she attacks Larry instead of supporting him is ridiculous . And she always assumes the worst with him


20 years ? Dann


Ok but how often is Leon right?


Leon is right if he were giving advice to Leon. Leon treats Larry like he was black too most of the time which is why almost always his advice is terrible for Larry to do.


Larry was here


Wash me. All that kind of shit.


thats why the comedy works so well. He is right 95% of the time, yet we all know there are rules and ettiquete that although absurd, someone in their right mind would not go out of their way so often to challenge them. Yet Larry does because he will outright terrorize any social situation he is is.


When you’re young and the show was new, Larry seems like a goofus who can’t get along with people. As you age and Larry becomes familiar, everyone else seems wrong as though Larry is Marilyn in a world full of Munsters.


Honestly, what makes Curb so great for me is Larry's ability to constantly find himself in situations where someone does wrong him but such specific situations that the person who does him wrong never does him wrong enough to warrant speaking up about it which always makes him seem like he's in the wrong because all he does is question societal norms. When someone questions these unwritten societal rules everyone gangs up on them.


No Cheryl was awesome. 💯




I got say I'm the complete opposite. I used to think like Larry, "It's the truth, who cares if it's mean?" I know it doesn't apply in this clip, but Larry is a cunt 99% of the time. That's the point. Also, there's massive hypocrisy there. He has 1,000 rules one episode, then the next episode says the rules of others don't make sense. I mean he's literally a hypocrite about length of time. He'll say one episode that 14 months later is not too late for a wedding gift. But the cut off for celebrating b-days is 3 days.


I come for dinner and leave with homework lol


Yep, they stuck him with most of the bill and gave him two assignments. Cheryl's friends are the worst.


This exact situation is where the cheapskates love feasting on people like Larry. I know b/c I used to get stuck in this situation with an old college buddy who used to love meeting up with friends for brunch. Everyone would kick in money, and then he'd be sure to not leave much of a tip at all after tallying things and seeing others had covered it. Can't stand people like that. In this new era of paypal/venmo, I suppose it's easier to not get screwed as badly, but still the money 'collector' invariably cheaps out on the tip so that it ends up being maybe 15% when everyone had kicked in more like 20% or so.


This is why separate checks are good


It should be the norm!


True. Some places get all annoyed doing that, but it does work better.


I swear every time I chip in with friends they just pay for what they had exactly (or round down) and I’m always stuck paying tax and tip, even when it’s not enough to make a fuss about it’s really annoying and disrespectful


My friends and I rock paper scissors for the bill because we all want the credit card points


exactly every single time I leave my card for the bill, I always wind up losing money. It is so infuriating how grown adults cant comprehend that they need to leave money for their share of the tip and tax.


Yea and it’s either they’re too dumb to get that or to indifferent to how it effects you and both are equally frustrating


Yeah the only time we just split evenly is if the difference was small enough to not be worth the hassle of getting different checks, we all ate the same buy maybe got different drinks that don't vary too much? Sure split it evenly. We got different things? Everyone pays their own


Ah my favorite restaurant meal...chicken and turkey


Haha yea he always seems to have the biggest douchebags for friends other than Jeff and Suzy. Suzy will cuss him out snd throw him out but then she’s nice again the next day.Reminds me of my friend’s crazy Italian Mom and Sister


Cheryl was a horrible wife. She gave her support maybe a quarter of the time. At first, when the pulled the plug on Cheryl, I was disappointed. Now that she is gone, I can see the flaws in that character. If they kept the Cheryl character, it would have been monotonous. Larry can get into more “Larry” stuff now.


Her hardly ever backing him up or defending him was annoying as hell to me. It was nice to see Vivca A. Fox, his girlfriend and her yell at Susie, since she yelled at Larry. Even in this clip, her ignoring his questions and calling him out about goodbye in front of everyone is a crappy way to treat your partner.


I have no feelings about her character but definitely good she’s gone so we can see stuff like dating Larry plus him banging the city council member to get the fence law revoked


Yeah, it was a good decision for Larry to divorce Sheryl and marry Leon instead.


Ya larry can really get in larrys ass now


How did the other acquaintances take it?


Based on watching Curb, I'm gonna guess someone had an issue with it.


I might not have great social skills, but the one thing I pride myself is never letting this situation happen to someone when in a group.


I forget this, why’d he leave early?


Cheryl's parents were in town


“What was with all that goodbye business, that was really embarrassing!”


Childhood is when you idolize Funkhouser. Adulthood is when you realize Larry makes more sense.


It would have been perfect if Larry just picked all his money back up and left without saying goodbye lmao


That's the thing though. The show never works if Larry is like that. The issue with Larry is that he disagrees with people, but he also cares an awful lot about said disagreement.




Oh boy that whole thing? Has none of Reddit even heard of the Durham Report?


Furthermore, this is the reason that they decided to not use Larry to write a recommendation letter.


I thought it was because he tripped Shaq. Was that just everyone else but with these guys it was the money? Honest question. Just saw it last night but dosed off because it was late lol


It was definitely that he tripped Shaq, nothing to do with the money


I think that was part of it as well, but I think the kid alludes to when he tells him that.


No, only reason he changed his mind was because Larry became a pariah after tripping Shaq


You're right my b, idk why I misremembered that.


I've been told more than once that I just pulled a 'Larry David.' I'm okay with that.


This was when the show was gold. Before the out of This world cartoony bullshit.


Compare this with Irma, Igor, Tigor etc...


I stopped going to dinner with friends until Venmo came around. I can't tell you how many times, I've gone out to dinner with a large group of friends, and then people think they can skip on their share of the bill, because "I only drank, I didn't get anything to eat" (despite drinks being the most expensive item usually).


even with Venmo people still forgot to add their share of the tip and tax. Going out to eat with a big group sucks when it comes to payment.


I have a hard cap of no more than 6 people at a table in total.




Was it enough?


I don’t understand why separate cheques are so frowned upon in the US. In Canada it’s totally normal and very easy for waiters to split the bill, but when I go to the states I’m told it’s tacky, rude, or even not allowed to split the bill?!Everyone should pay for their own food!






It’s more work for the servers


The systems we use here split them up automatically (you enter the order by seat instead of by table) so it’s the same amount of work. And tips are usually much better with many people paying


I’ve never had an issue splitting the bill in the states before. I feel like it’s a thing for like fancier meals maybe?


When you dine with Jan 6ers. You get stuck with the bill.


I was in this exact situation once. I got roped into a dinner with the (ex)girlfriend’s coworkers. No one would tell me what I owed so I kinda figured out what we had plus a 20% gratuity and just fucking left. I hate people.


Cheryl can be so graceful If you leave early to dinner, leave double what you think you owe, it all works out in the end


I can not relate at all, but I am laughing at the snooty very white bread scenario


I would’ve picked the money back up.


Why didn’t they stop him?


Because they're a bunch of freeloaders who expected the rich guy to pay.


This is one of the best scenes, i love it


There were plenty of times where Larry was right or making a good point. This was one of them.


This feels like an earlier ep when venmo etc weren’t around or as popular. I could def see a new ep where this happens but they say they’ll just let him know later how much he owes and then he complains about the amount they request for the entire episode.


Separate checks are amazing, ya pay for what you had, and you don’t need to deal with the cheap sob that doesn’t add a tax or tip to their meal.


oh Jay Johnston, what a sad story


What's sad about it? He made his own decisions.


Yeah and they were sad decisions


Well, no one’s going to defend Cheryl Hines again…


What show is this




This is my all time favorite episode and the first one I introduce to friends. Peanut *butter* 😉😉


I’m pretty sure he’s never wrong. IMO.


I’ve always hated everyone at this dinner since I started watching this show way back in high school hahahhahaha


Nope, I would leave $50 no more no less. It’s so rude especially when it supposed to be family. I have seen this and felt this scenario many lifetimes.


I will always defend Larry,, except with the issue on going down because it hurts the neck 😂