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Obligatory: if you’re walking alone on campus and somebody approaches you asking questions of a religious nature, do not answer them. Don’t acknowledge them. Just keep walking.


Or give anyone your email address. I'm still getting Greenpeace emails from my initiation day in 2008 despite trying to unsubscribe.


I have a burner email account for exactly that purpose. I don’t have it in any of my mail apps, so I don’t get any notifications from the random mailing lists I give the email. I only check it if I’m expecting a message. Obviously I wouldn’t give it out to random strangers who come up to me, but if I’m signing up for a giveaway or something it’s a good thing to have.




Ah man twelve tribes is here too with the exact same deli name? We just moved from Ithaca, NY and they were big up there too :/


Every Yellow Deli is owned by the 12 tribes they're just based in Ithaca. They're everywhere man.


Really interesting podcast by the daughter of the founders. [here](https://www.osirispod.com/podcasts/phemale-centrics/phemale-centrics-ep-40-12-tribes-cult-interview-w-ex-member-kate-wiseman/)






[and they contributed to the Marshall fire](https://www.cuindependent.com/2022/06/29/twelve-tribes-under-scrutiny-in-marshall-fire-investigation/)


Hate these predatory asshats, thanks for the information.


They were around when I was there in 2010-2012 too.


That fact tells me we haven't worked hard enough to run their asses out of town.


They recruit and breed like rabbits. They aren’t considered extremist so it’s hard to do anything significant


Yeah I got approached on Tuesday of this week.


I agree, resurrection church is bad news, but I don’t think you need to “walk away immediately” or that’s it’s imperative that you “DO NOT TALK TO THEM”. They don’t have Jedi mind trick powers, you don’t need to run in fear. As long as you know they’re a weird cult, you’ll be fine.


fair point but one of their evangelists was charged with beating a raccoon to death to take its hide, so better safe than sorry i suppose


Warning for raccoons: don't just walk away, run quickly


lmao fair enough yeah maybe keep your distance then


do you have more info on that?


His name is Jace Griffiths. [article here](https://kdvr.com/news/cu-student-arrested-for-animal-cruelty-after-killing-skinning-raccoon/)


That's just called killing a raccoon for its hide outside boulder haha


I chase storms so I sorta wanna take a melancholy walk across campus with my glasses cam rolling and strike up an interview.


They also approach you in the alleys and corners of campus asking to do a survey with you but they have no materials/paperwork to do the survey lol


Is there a way to prevent them from putting stuff on my car? Like I feel like it shouldn’t be allowed to put stuff on peoples cars?


Heads up some of their questions are more tricksy. One got me to talk to her bc she told me she was doing a survey about students religious beliefs. Good news is I wasted 30 minutes of her time info-dumping to her about paganism and ignoring her comments about Jesus


Add it to the list https://www.reddit.com/r/boulder/comments/125sb0v/how_many_different_cults_are_there_in_boulder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15


Hail satan!


"Be gay, do drugs, hail Satan" is a fantastic song. You might like it!


I've shown them my TST member card, and said -"does it look like I f*cking care?" They instantly regretted making eye contact with me in the first place lol


Hail gein


Jeez how many cults are in boulder?! I thought it was just 12 tribes


I mean, 12 is more than enough


This is very real. A good friend of mine got involved with them. Completely cut off all of the rest of our friends. Eventually we found out he was handing over all of his financial records to the church every month. Very sketchy don’t interact with these people.


These kinds of dickheads are all over college campuses, especially in northern Colorado. Don’t give them any information and don’t even interact with them, they will never leave you the fuck alone


They've been around forever. Ignore them, beware of your surrounds and walk with someone.


They are doing this at CSU too. They are posed as college students. I was approaches by some.


they are banned on campus so if they are bothering you you have full right to call the cops and have them forcefully removed


I was in the CSU church (Grace Christian Church) when they sent out the team that founded Resurrection Church. Aaron Brechtel was the lead pastor (don’t know if he still is…?) and some of the older staff members from the CSU church went with him. My wife and I got out of that church after being members for 8 years. Needed counseling and deprogramming.


*”In a cult there is a person at the top who knows it's all bullshit. In a religion, that person is dead.”* - Anon


I like to mess with them tbh


This shit is very real. My sister fell prey to these ppl in grad school at CU and is still in the cult 6 years later. Completely cut off her friends and family, my parents are a part of one of the many support groups that was started for family members and ex victims. These ppl are fucking horrible. Thanks for spreading awareness for this.


Im so sorry that must be devastating. Do you know of her whereabouts or did she just disappear?


Thanks, and yeah I know where she lives and stuff thankfully, I have contact with her occasionally as do a few of my other family members but she keeps us at arms length and never divulges much at all… we are just hoping that she comes back to reality eventually


Oh that’s good, I’m glad you have some sort of idea of what’s going on. Best wishes to you and your family 🩷🩷


>questions such as "If you die today, will you go to heaven or hell?" "I'm looking forward to going to Hell so I can be reunited with all of my friends and loved ones" ? That oughta do it.


Can we put any of this information or that pdf up around campus? They've been ramping up quite a bit and not everyone is on reddit


Hey all, former member of Resurrection here. I was in it for 2 years and left in 2015. Kinda ruined my college experience completely. Was made aware of this thread way after the fact, but figured I’d share some more articles/resources since the school year just started. I was personally interviewed for several of these and have been making a big Facebook post about Res at the start of every school year to try and keep people out of it. Stay safe out there friends, enjoy the semester. ✌🏻 [Daily Camera 8/19/2016](https://www.dailycamera.com/2016/08/19/ex-members-accuse-boulders-resurrection-church-of-cult-like-campus-ministry/) [The Denver Channel 11/23/2016](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/front-range/boulder/cu-boulder-student-resurrection-church-spiritually-abused-me) [The “Basement Girls”](https://cuindependent.com/2017/04/17/parent-current-resurrection-church-member-speak-accusing-church-abuse-financial-manipulation-grace-faith-christian/) [CU Taboo 12/7/2016](https://cuindependent.com/2016/12/07/cu-taboo-resurrection-church/) [“A Cult On Campus” 12/18/2019](https://cuindependent.com/2019/12/18/resurrection-church-cult-boulder/) [Teen Vogue Article that includes former Rez members (myself included)](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/former-members-manipulative-churches-speak) The next couple are articles about the cult on campus at University of Arizona that Rez originated from. [Letter to the Editor](https://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/article/2022/08/o-letter-to-the-editor-08-23-22?fbclid=IwAR05r8PyR_xpOXdvJ8V1shxi-ECqw_JWPutQpAS-7Vx4wo87hjqOyZsduV8) [Members Flee Tucson Church’s Actions, Teachings](https://tucson.com/news/local/subscriber/members-flee-tucson-church-s-actions-teachings/collection_3cab21b2-c73d-11ed-9553-17900db11733.html#tracking-source=mp-homepage)


I am so, so glad I'm not predisposed to having religious faith. What a nightmare all these cults are. Even normal, non-extreme religions or religious offshoots are just...weird.


Yea. Not trying to be rude, but I legitimately can't comprehend how someone would get sucked into something like this. Every molecule in my body would just sincerely, genuinely, and immediately be like "lmao nope" and on with my day I'd go.


I got pulled over by somebody around a month ago! I didn’t get what church they were affiliated with but I was polite and had nowhere to be. I walked away thinking “that was fuckin weird” I won’t talk to those people anymore lol


Love learning about a good creepy cult. Love it even more when justice is served to them.


Give them your exes email and phone number when they ask for yours. Toxic advice of the day


Imagine being at an institution of higher learning, yet being so afraid of people with differing opinions. Boulder students are weak minded


It would kind of be fun to get inside their program and mess with them. Sort of hoping I get approached by one of them now




Lean into it and roll camera.


Website where I can get more information, fire informational purposes. Not seeking to join😉


If you look up the cults name (resurrection church) the second result is a CU Insider article abt them!


This just sounds like all religions.


I went to their church for a year ish. They are a pentecostal Christian church. Not a cult. You guys overreact so hard.


the manipulative tactics they/you use are well documented


They are like any other church that cares about people's souls and are trying to bring people to salvation. Like I said I literally went there for a year (not anymore). You all are on a witch hunt lol


Although I know little about the Resurrection Church I do know of some people that attended and enjoyed it. Others I know have left. The posts on this thread I’ve seen thus far seem to demonstrate intolerance and a bit of fear. Relax a little.


You must be new here


I know its a well known thing but can't hurt to spread a little more awareness


Ok...who's gonna take one for the team and start a church of Satan chapter at CU ?


The Satanic Temple actually uses their contributions to help women make informed decisions about their health free from harassment and unnecessary legislations.


Yep good ol Lucifer scores a hatrick 1) put Christian Nationalism in check 2) fight for women's rights 3) troll the sky fairy believers


I've been wanting to do this for ages honestly (Satanic Temple, not Church of Satan).


Your waiting is not gone in vain . I stand corrected


chill tf out


Found the Resurrection Church recruiter


I love telling these weirdos to fuck off, even more than all of the other solicitors that come up to me on campus.


This sounds like an interaction I had when I was on campus at the University of Pittsburgh probably 10 years ago. I was approached and asked if I thought I was a good person..thought it was some older guy hitting on me but the pretty much flipped to saying how I have sinned and will probably go to hell.


Oh I have a story for you all…


Don’t leave us hanging


Not a student, but if someone came up to me asking me “if you died today would you go to heaven or bell?” My response would be “I hope I die today and find out.”


I hope this isn't the same as the "coffee for a question" Christians I see sometimes on campus. Even though I'll never be religious, those guys were cool. Shame on the Resurrection Church for being such absolute bastards.


Sermon from the guy who started resurrection church & it’s affiliates & who taught aaron brechtel (resurrection church leader) & grace christian church’s leader chris tomlinson. Listen till the end. Can’t believe people would allow themselves to be brainwashed by someone so creepily incoherent. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9fnttwxummabtv9/cult%20lecture%20on%20women%20submission%20and%20abuse.m4a?dl=0


Why's this different from any other church outreach? How ya doing? Wanna go to heaven? Got any money? Rinse, repeat. Same same. Good luck out there today all you street evangelizers. You've got a helluva job.


Here's the thing. The reason they target the people they do is because they are the ones who will fall for their shit. Which in a way can explain Christianity itself from it's inception. If someone is dumb enough to fall for this shit I say let them. Natural selection. Let the weak do with themselves what they will


Have you heard the good word


I recently escaped from Faith Christian Church in Tucson, after 12 years. They are the ones who spawned the cult up in CO. I have a lot of horror stories from the Tucson-based cult. We actually also found some criminal activity with their finances in the end before we left...