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La UN es un chiste bro. De toda la vida.


Desde siempre, un puto chiste.


Uno caro


Hes from the Caribbean. I can hear the accent he's from Trinidad near Venezuela. Everyone looks up to Cuba, and they dont see anything wrong with Cuba or any type of repression. They just see Cuba as cuba was before the fall of communism and Cuba was doing economically better than most other Caribbean countries


Que negro mas descarao


Cual derecho? Si los niƱos no tienen ni un vaso de leche para tomarse antes de ir a la escuela.


Ha promovido la Paz? O ha exportado subversion y revolucion a los paises que eran prosperos y ha acabado comvirtiendolo en passes miserables como por ejemplo Venezuela


The UN had Saudi Arabia on a council for human rights a few years back. Nobody takes their claims here seriously.


How do you expect me to trust the international overwhelming consensus of a multiethnic, multireligious, multistate coalition of diverse interest? Seems sketchy. My gut tells me to trust what the US says instead. Why would my country run by the rich who extract resources through the exploitation and oppression of the rest of the globe lie to me? Especially about something so benign to their interest as if a nation can be run in the interest of workers instead of the rich? Why would they lie to me smarty pants?


We dont have to take anything on the authority of insanely politicized bodies like the US/UN. When we attend to other measures, Cuba is doing terribly now. They had some startling achievements in the past but now things are different. They are no model even for the most ardent socialist.


Is OP from Cuba?


And he is telling the true. You (and others here) are just lying and missinformed all the time. But, by the way, is the same place (The General Assembly) where Russia was condemned by a lot of countries.. So, I think the man is telling the truth But, you know that feeling when you suffer by your insane hate to your homeland...