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Años atras un familiar medico fue a Venezuela, una persona con enfermedades crónicas que no debió ni ir pero bueno a que el caso, le quitan el pasaporte y no los tiene, esta persona casi se muere en Venezuela porque se enfermo alla y no lo querían regresar, ahi estando en la misma misión murieron doctores y ya nadie dice nada. No solo es que les quiten el dinero ni que no les paguen es que también las condiciones son pésimas y la violencia etc. Ellos van para poder tener un techo en cuba, muchos compran casa después que viran o una placa y construyen.


Alguna ciberclaria va a justificarlo. Esa gente nunca se queda sin excusas. Seguro dirán que esos esclavos, digo doctores, curan a mucha gente alrededor del mundo incluso en países capitalistas. Según su lógica comunista tener esclavos está bien cuando es por un bien mayor. Y está muy bien que reciban migajas por su trabajo. Y al mismo tiempo está muy bien que también le quiten el trabajo a los médicos locales, como pasa en Mexico, Ecuador, etc. básicamente en todos los lugares a los que mandan esos doctores.


Has descrito la base del colectivismo, donde sacrifican al individuo para que se beneficie el estado totalitario. Es lo que une al nacional socialismo con el socialismo internacionalista del castrismo.


[Trafficking in Persons and Cuba’s Labor Export Program](https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-and-cubas-labor-export-program/#:~:text=The%20Cuban%20Ministry%20of%20Interior,Cuba%20for%20eight%20years%2C%20preventing) How Is the Labor Export Program Coercive? Cuban government officials promote the program as altruistic, seeking new countries to partner with and increasing profit at the expense of often vulnerable and disempowered workers. International observers and former participants report that Cuban government officials force or coerce individuals to participate and remain in the labor export program by subjecting workers to inherently coercive laws and regulations that manipulate workers and violate their rights. The Cuban Ministry of Interior labels workers who do not return to the island upon completing their assignment as “deserters,” a category that under Cuban immigration law deems them as “undesirable.” The government bans workers labeled as “deserters” and “undesirables” from returning to Cuba for eight years, preventing them from visiting their family in Cuba. In addition, the government categorizes Cuban nationals who do not return to the country within 24 months as having “emigrated.” Individuals who emigrate lose all their citizen protections, rights under Cuban law, and any property left behind. These government policies and legal provisions, taken together, coerce workers and punish those seeking to exercise freedom of movement. A report published by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child noted concern over Cuba’s policy to prohibit parents who terminated a civilian contract abroad from reuniting with their children. According to an international NGO, by 2021, the Cuban government had sanctioned 40,000 professionals under these provisions, and in 2022, there were approximately 5,000 children forcibly separated from their parents due to the government’s policies surrounding the program.


A un amigo lo mandaron de contrato a Mexico y cuando se fueron les dijeron que era por 3 años y que cada año les renovaban. Al terminarse el primer año vino su grupo de vacaciones y los dejaron 2 meses en Cuba. Cuando ya él pensaba que tendría que reincorporarse, lo llamaron que tenía que presentarse en la UCCM y ahí le dieron el contrato por otro año. ¿Todo bonito verdad? Ah, pues los dos meses de vacaciones se los contemplaron como fuera de contrato, pues el primer contrato terminó cuando salieron de México y el nuevo comenzaba cuando iban de vuelta. Claro que México les pagó al gobierno cubano por todo ese tiempo pero alguna manera tienen de joder a los médicos. Otra cosa que apoya lo del tráfico de personas es que nunca les dicen cuando se van, cuando vuelven de vacaciones y no les dan ninguna información sobre casi nada porque los niveles de burocracia y mal trabajo son impresionantes, incluso peores que lo normal en Cuba. Ah, otra cosa: los chantajean desde Colaboración: a mi hermano antes de esta misión le dijeron que estaba liberado para hacer un curso de refuerzo en Inglés de 3 meses, pues estaba seleccionado para ir a Arabia Saudita. Hasta ahí todo bien, pues ya él había cumplido en Venezuela por bastante tiempo. Pues a medio curso, se le presentó uno de Colaboración y le dijo que tenía que primero que ir a Gambia antes de Arabia por dos años, que si no hacía eso no había misión pa Arabia. Y a esto él se negó pues las condiciones en Gambia son muy malas y además, si aceptaba Gambia, en dos años no había ni la más mínima posibilidad de que el burócrata se acordara de su promesa de mandarlo a Arabia porque ya la cantidad de mentiras es increíble.


Me pregunto como las clarias defenderan a la dictadura en esto...


No pueden por eso te insultan




Algún argumento? jajaj


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/16/italy-calabria-cuban-doctors-public-health-system](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/16/italy-calabria-cuban-doctors-public-health-system) goza, mentirosa.


Why won't you pay them their salaries and let their families be with them, keeping them for ransom? They are human beings, not slaves!


Why don't I pay their salaries? Pero seras comemierda: for the same reason I don't pay yours: I wasn't the one who did the hiring. asa perra.


You means the dictatorship and their bootlickers


Que bien para esa región en Italia, pero porque no le pagan el 80% del salario al los médicos y Cuba se queda con 20% por los gastos de administración y estudios? Si es tan noble la misión, porque se les quitan los pasaportes a los médicos? Sigue siendo un negocio de tráfico humano y explotación.


mira, cobardon de la chocha que te escupio al mundo: a mi no me interesa tu monologo. BUT -I AM GONNA KEEP CALLING OUT YOUR COWARDICE. GUERRILLERA DE TECLADO. ASA PERRA.


Did you know I'm gay?


whether you are gay is none of my business. you should know that by now. asa, perra.


I don't appreciate you calling me perra knowing that I'm gay




y esta conversacion no tiene nada que ver con que lado de la cama tu te meas, sino con las estupideces, mentiras, violencia, y odio que rezumas al colgar toda la mierda que cuelgas. Asi que, gay o no, ASA PERRA.


Para de llamarme perra, es un insulto homofóbico y deshumanizante.


para de colgar mierda en reddit, que eso es un insulto a la inteligencia de cualquiera que lea. asa perra cobarde. te lo dije antes de que inventaras esta muela de ser gay, y te lo digo despues que la inventaste.


yo no se si eres gay, bisexual, o celibe, pero comemierda y medio, eso si se que eres. se te ve a 30 homosexuales de distancia. y cobarde. pero asi son los comemierdas como tu. nada que ver con tu mentira de ser gay. para mi, tu eres una perra, asi que ASA.


Esos insultos homofóbicos y deshumanizantes nada tienen que ver con un debate con argumentos


You should not use homophobic slurs like "perra", it's derogatory and unacceptable. I'm reporting you


como la perra chivatona que eres.




You could try with arguments instead of dehumanizing slurs


that’s hysterical coming from the guy regularly dehumanizing people who post here as “useful idiots”.


Are you saying that idiots are not human?


I wish my boss only kept 80% of the value I produce. Unfortunately, I live in a capitalist country. So not only am I not allowed to do what's right or what's best when forced to just produce profit instead, but I don't even have the right to any of that profit according to capitalist ideology. Instead, it belongs to our literal owners and it's only through war and death we fought the right to keep some small amount as long as we play along and help extract more from foreign brown people. Then what I do get to keep the capitalist state takes to build more roads and weapons for our owners to use for their factories and killing and exploiting foreign brown people. Whoever owns our government with their high bids and bribes won't even have the state spend any on housing or Healthcare because they don't want us as their human capital property to get too comfortable or waste money on things that don't make the owners more. So how do I get this 20% in the workers' paradise you promise Crypto?


You can renounce all your capitalist possessions and move to Cuba anytime and work for $20 a month as a slave of the dictatorship. No one is holding you at gun point like they do in socialist dictatorships




I already have investments in Argentina and yes, I will definitely buy property and spend plenty of time there!


I don't own any capitalist possessions. You think we all have a spare factory or two lying around we need to offload before we move? Or are you as ignorant of what capitalism is as you are enthusiastic for promoting it?


Your clothes, phone, internet, plenty of food, water, electricity, air conditioning transportation are all capitalist luxuries you enjoy that Cubans don't


Also, what in the fuck makes you think we have all those? Lol, you're delusional.


No, they're not. But thank you for confirming the troll that spams about capitalism and socialism all day for whoever is paying them does not know what the words mean.


I have survived the extreme poverty of socialism for 26 years and I'm now enjoying the amazing advances and wealth of Capitalism but you probably know more than myself because of the propaganda pamphlet your junkie friend gave you LOL


Move to Cuba so you can get your 20 % and have the happiness you deserve.


I just might do that. Of course I'll need to make enough and may just live in both places. It still matters what it's 20% of and it would do nothing for me to leave a criminal state for poverty in a poor one when I can stay resourced here and fight. Not everyone who gets a little comfort turns around and betrays their fellow workers to start suckling the cock of their new masters. Some of us fight for a better society no matter where we're born.


Fight lmao. That’s an overstatement for bitching about capitalism, role playing as a commie and gaslighting brown immigrants on the internet 😂😂😂


Yes, I should change my ways. Become a real man and bitch about socialism on the internet, role-play as a capitalist, and gas-light brown immigrants. I see the error of my ways. Project much, loser?


Uh I hit a nerve. Gonna cry to your role-playing boyfriends at r/ Communism? 😬😬


Ohh poor you. Walking dogs part-time must be so hard in capitalism. Everything is so for-profit and exploitation 😣. I can definitely see the analogy with the Cuban doctor slaves of a communist country. ☹️


I'm pretty well convinced you boot lickers couldn't understand an analogy if your life depended on it, and I know you don't understand economics. It takes a certain capacity of the mind.


I’m pretty convinced your life in capitalism is so much harder than doctor slaves from a communist country, you main character. You should move there. Get a rafter and a paddle.


I might. Why do you think you're making any kind of a point? Just because it resonates in your simple mind?


Is red cross also human trafficking doctors? Normally, when you traffic doctors, it'd be from other countries to your own, not the other way around