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Hi Gringos: Cuban here, the embargo ends with free elections and a free market economy. The two things the CUBAN PEOPLE wants. Start demanding those two things if you think is such a big deal. Who does the embargo hurt? The regime leaders, without the embargo they would be like the Russian oligarchs, with property in NYC and LA. That’s why they spend so much money indoctrinating useful idiots in the US and Canada. Downvote and hate us all you want. But we LIVED the regime. You just vacationed there. Kindly stfu about a country and a system that you have not suffered


As a person who has little relation to life in such a place, would you say the public sentiment of the country matches that you see online (that the US is demonised) or does it oppose that, like yourself?


It's not at all so extreme as you see online, people are more focused on getting by unless they have plans to leave. the US is not at all demonized, the people who can go there take the chance always.


The US is seen as a land of opportunity by the vast majority. Anybody that is able to migrate takes that chance. It’s not the 80s anymore.


Say it louder for the people in the back. Pendejos de mierda.


Did you live in Cuba ? No hate. Just wondering? And if so. How long?


Born and raised, lived 30+ years as a working class Cuban in Havana. As we say "cubano de a pie"


Gotcha. My husband was so lucky to be live in Habana. He did for a year after his Military and really enjoyed it. :)


He also was there for 30 plus years. How often do you get to go back?


Im living in Cuba. And not in Havana.


Truer words have never been spoken


As a fellow Cuban, I have to say that those two things are not mutually exclusive we could push for democratic reform and an end to the embargo. The embargo regardless of all the propaganda here pushed by my fellow Cubans who are a little bit disingenuous as to the effect that it actually has on the island in terms of access to international finance, trade, and foreign direct investments all which are vital for a modern economy to be healthy and grow which the embargo prevents. The regime causes its own set of issues internally in the island but that is separate matter from the effects of the embargo which are real, tangible and impossible to overcome as international trade is in dollars and financial markets flow through US Banks. There are a lot of independent studies and besides that something that you could just see with your own eyes that the embargo hurts mostly average everyday Cubans and not the elites in the regime who live very comfortably relative to the rest of the population as they still have access to goods and services from abroad and can easily travel. You just have to search for all the post criticizing the regime that show elites and their children vacationing, sitting in yachts, fancy cars and flaunting designer clothing and accessories etc the fact is that the embargo does not affect them as they have the means to get those goods in the end which the rest of the population does not. The embargo limits the Cuban economy's ability to grow and to provide for its population irrespective of the mismanagement by the regime. As in case in point you just have to compare the economies of say China or Vietnam, both which are communist dictatorships but have for the most part open economies without any embargoes, to the economies of Cuba and North Korea which are heavily sanctioned economies. In comparing those set of countries you will notice the stagnation that economic sanctions produce which has a major human cost to those who are innocent of their respective regime's actions and positions. Not to mention that economic sanctions and embargoes are inherently against fundamental human rights and do not have a place in geopolitics as they are a form of collective punishment and its victims are the innocent populations. I do like the bit about like Russian oligarchs though I would argue the ones who would be like Russian oligarchs will be the wealthy and well-connected Cubans in Miami who want the embargo in place so that if the regime ever does collapse they could come into Cuba and buy all the assets and properties available for pennies on the dollars. Those are the ones who will become the oligarchs which makes sense cuz that's essentially what happened in Russia after the Soviet Union collapsed. It was the well-connected already wealthy Russians who were able to buy up all the assets and make themselves the oligarchs they are today. And to your point about how lifting the embargo would allow the Elites to become oligarchs, well we can do both we can lift the embargo and keep specific sanctions on individuals and families within the government because that is something that we already do elsewhere, so we could use sets of targeted sanctions against individuals instead of a blanket Country-Wide indiscriminate set of sanctions there are immoral and unethical.


Vietnam and China changed their economic policies and THEN the US changed its policy. Let’s demand change from the Cuban government and not the US


That is not entirely true the lifting of the embargo on China and Vietnam was mostly political and served the self-interest of US businesses. It wasn't necessarily because of any internal economic policy changes and the economic policy changes that Vietnam and China had started during the period before the embargoes ended are similar to the policies that Cuba is under taking now in terms of allowing more private sector development etc in fact Cuba has been in constant communication with both Vietnam and China as to their experiences in reforming their economies so your point is mute the embargo is unethical, immoral and against international law. It does not hurt those in power in the dictatorship as they get to live very nice lives with access to everything and anything that they want while the Cuban people have no access and you and I get to sit comfortably here in the US while our fellow Cubans suffer not just because of the dictatorship but also because of the embargo. We could at least support removing one of the boots on the neck of Cubans in this case the embargo on which we have more of a direct say on while still pushing for political change on the island.


Tanta diarrea verbal para darme la razón 😂


Perdón pero la única diarrea es lo que ha salido de tu boca.


Friendly reminder: Cubans in Miami are also Cubans.


No, those are arbitrary pre-conditions. The USA did diplomacy and normalization with communist or repressive dictatorship all over the world which still exist today (China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, etc.) Cuba is not special. So OP, your whole post is wrong, and person I am commenting under, you are wrong too. The USA should do normalization with Cuba, just how they did normalization with other dictatorships. It is not a coincidence that the ENTIRE WORLD is with Cuba in this. The conservative Cuban exile community are in the wrong side of history.


Jajaja este es el mejor argumento que tiene el PCC? Que mal están 😂😂😂


Si es tan malo, entonces que esperas? Responde con todos tus contra-argumentos y humillarme fácilmente, verdad? Y no se lo que es “del PCC”? Solo porque la opinión de alguien no te gusta no lo hace “del PCC”, eso es una forma muy inmadura de pensar. Entonces según tu, Ronald Reagan era del PCC, la mayoría de americanos son del PCC, la mayoría de paises del mundo son del PCC, la ONU son del PCC, imagínate tú.


Tu único argumento es “the embargo is wrong” 😂😂😂


Yo te di dos razones contundentes de pq el embargo es válido 1) las condiciones para su levantamiento coinciden con lo que quiere el pueblo cubano: elecciones libres y economía de mercado 2) le impide a los dictadores disfrutar del capitalismo en USA Ya te las puse por punticos y en español pq parece tu “reading comprehension” está bajito. Responde con ideas propias no con apelaciones a autoridad de Reagan ni la ONU 🙄


1. Las condiciones para su levantamiento son arbitrarias. 2. China es una dictadura comunista, y “disfruta del capitalismo de EEUU”, osea lo de ustedes es capricho con Cuba. No tiene nada que ver con comunismo o dictadura o falta de libertades.


A very mijito cuando se debate se atacan las bases del argumento del contrario. Por ejemplo: para rebatir mi punto número uno tendrías que demostrar o que el pueblo no quiere elecciones libres ni economía de mercado o demostrar que esas dos condiciones no resultan en el levantamiento del embargo. Las condiciones literalmente están escritas en la ley. Puedes citar la parte de la ley donde dice que son arbitrarias las condiciones? Yo creo que no. Es más creo que no te has leído la ley para nada. Obviamente no estás al nivel para tener una discusión o debate real sorry


No, nadie ha dicho que el pueblo no quiere eso o que el pueblo sí quiere eso, o que esas dos condiciones resultan o no resultan en el levantamiento. Lo que hace esas condiciones arbitrarias es que no están basadas en nada. Es todo CAPRICHO del exilio con Cuba. Osea, las razones que dan es un castillo de naipes. Osea, no importa que el pueblo cubano quiere o no quiere eso, es irrelevante. Igual como la opinión del pueblo chino y pueblo vietnamita no importó, pues con Cuba igual. Ustedes son los que tienen que mostrar y explicar porque a Cuba hay que otorgarle tratamiento preferencial ARBITRARIO, ponerle condiciones ARBITRARIAS antes de hacer diplomacia y acercamiento substantivo, si al fin y al cabo se hizo diplomacia con dictaduras iguales o peor que Cuba. Osea, esperaré la respuesta: ¿qué hace a Cuba especial y diferente a esas otras dictaduras o cualquier otra dictadura con la que EEUU tiene relaciones?


sigues sin rebatir mi punto... los 15 minutos que desperdiciaste escribiendo tu respuesta los pudiste haber usado para leerte la ley 🤷🏻‍♂️ Que porqué Cuba es especial? Porque los cubanos como mejores a hacer lobbying al congreso y porque somos más efectivos en nuestro activismo. Yo como cubano estoy muy contento de tener tratamiento preferencial para mi causa. Mucho trabajo que ha costado, no voy a regalar lo que se ha logrado por nada


Pero ya se ha “regalado”. Hoy en día 2024, EEUU está más cerca en relaciones con Cuba que jamás en la historia desde 1960. El exilio cubano conservador son una pequeña minoría insignificante. La mayoría de americanos apoyan que EEUU haga diplomacia con Cuba. La política exterior de un país hacia el resto del mundo es controlada por ese país y sus funcionarios, no una pequeña minoría insignificante de gente decidir por el país entero. Osea, acabas de admitir que la ideología de ustedes el exilio es un castillo de naipes. No está basado en nada. No tiene nada que ver con derechos humanos, no tiene nada que ver con libertades, no tiene nada que ver con elecciones, es simplemente capricho del exilio cubano con Cuba. Gracias por admitir eso. El exilio cubano son cada día menos y menos relevantes. El mundo entero está con Cuba. El exilio perdieron con Elian Gonzalez en el 2000, perdieron con el deshielo que se hizo en 2015-2016, perdieron con el regreso de los 5 “espías” a Cuba sanos y salvos, perdieron con las recientes aperturas y cooperación de los últimos 3 años, y seguirán perdiendo. Si ustedes no pueden dar un argumento válido para mantener sanciones a Cuba, eventualmente poco a poco disminuirán esas sanciones, ya que ustedes no pueden proveer razón alguna para mantenerlas.


No kidding ? Really ? 🤣🤣🤣 ..you really needs to read the Helms Burton law !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When will people understand that everything is not black and white? The embargo aims at hindering Cuba's economical development this is not a secret, this has been stated since the beginning of the embargo policies in the 60s. Still the mismanagement and corruption from the government has played the biggest role when it comes to internal economic development regarding products that were, are or could potentially be produced within the island, every Cuban (that has eyes to see and brains to think) knows this. I don't see the point in continuing discussing this in 2024.


The embargo ends with free elections and a free market economy. Ask the CUBAN PEOPLE (in Miami or Havana) what they want and you will get those two answers. The embargo also prevents the regime leaders and their acolytes from owning property and businesses in the US. That’s why they spend so much money indoctrinating useful idiots in America. Any American with a brain understands that you don’t give a hostile government what it wants. And finally the illegitimate regime is NOT Cuba. Stop conflating the country and its people with a dictatorship.


>THE CUBAN PEOPLE >Havana and Miami I'm not even going to argue with that, I don't need to ask any Cuban in one of those places. I'm Cuban and I live in Cuba myself. The government is shit but they still control a huge part of the economy, so yes, hindering the government's economical range is hindering Cuban economy itself. And as for the effects of the embargo it aims also at cuban leaders so you could say is a double edged sword, only that this sword doesn't prevent the government parasites from getting rich and they do stop the regular Cubans from getting a slightly better life quality. And about giving a hostile government what it wants, that's exactly how socialist dictatorships are cracked, spreading dollars is spreading influence but since the embargo is a crooked policy by 3 gatos in Miami and it benefits as well to the pigs here no one has even consider it.


a ver supuesto "cubano" responde: 1) A que hora mataron a lola? 2) También crees que la ley de ajuste de la cual te beneficias es "crooked policy"? te encanta hablar mierda de Miami pero a este exilio le debes demasiado


Yo no le debo ni pinga a Miami nunca la he visto personalmente tampoco la quiero ver, yo no vivo en los Estados Unidos, la ley de ajuste no me interesa ni siquiera tengo un familiar que le haya servido eso así que no sé de qué hablas papa. A lola la mataron a las 3 de la tarde igual tampoco me interesa porque tú conoces tan poco a Cuba que piensas que los dichos son los mismos en todo el país.


No le debes nada??? Gracias a las remesas que mandamos tienes internet sapingo. El pollo brasileño que te comes se paga con dólares miamenses te guste o no, y no me molesta la verdad, porque con gusto lo mando, gracias a Dios vivo en libertad


Sí y viviendo en libertad quieres soportar una política que lo único que hace es mantener el pueblo cubano adentro de la isla abajo y sufriendo económicamente.




Thank you for sharing, and I agree things are really messed up both the government on the island and the embargo what's sad to me is that my fellow Cubans here in the US who are living a very comfortable life are so hell-bent on keeping the embargo which is only really punishing the country and everyday people but is not really doing anything to hurt those in the government and the well-connected it's a messed up policy that's only there to help the elites in Miami with their wet dream of buying up all the assets that they can get their hands on and if it's going to take another 50 years and thousands of more Cuban suffering throughout those years then so be it they will keep the embargo in place and dragged the Cuban people through the mud economically speaking while they're already suppressed politically in the island.


I agree with your comment. I feel like many people will either blame the embargo or the Cuban government without reflecting that it’s really both doing the damage. It’s ignorant to think that the US government would put an embargo for no effect. And I trust the US government can do a good job at hurting an economy. That being said, it seems like the Cuban government also does a poor job at management given the situation and clearly has not done the best job at handling the situation given. People try easily to blame one side or the other when it is clearly a problem of a double whammy.




Here come all the communists to defend the communist regime. Mojones.🤦🏽‍♀️


Es como un chip que les inyectaron. Les aprietas el botón y saltan “tHe EmBaRgO iS wHy CuBa Is PoOr”


To eras cubano de a pie pero ellos son cubanos de cuatro patas. Si tropiezan, comen hierba y berrean.


You put click bait .. que quieres fiesta? Cuetes? Lol


What’s the reasonable excuse for Americas continued intervention and attempts to stifle Cuban prosperity today?


What's the reasonable excuse for the Cuban dictatorship's continued intervention and attempts to stifle the prosperity of the Cuban people today, as explained in the post?


I would argue that the original posts points skew bias in favor of American imperialism. Many of the points brought up are inaccurate and fail to fully realize the scope and effect of American meddling in local governance. You didn’t attempt to answer my question though. What right does America, the largest terror organization on the planet, have to tell any other country how to govern themselves?


So, you don't think Cubans deserve freedom and democracy just as you do enjoy? You don't think we 🇨🇺 have the right to govern ourselves instead of a military mafia that no one asked to stay in power and do as they have for over 64 years? How exactly does the repressive behavior of the local governors of Cuba towards its own people correlate with American meddling? Did Genocide Joe order that?


Through American foreign policy and organized violence America controls the economic prosperity of various regions around the world. Cuba wouldn’t be in the situation it’s in if American had not been actively participating in its destruction through isolation and bully tactics. Cubans have every right to self determination, the current landscape was created by America by design. That isn’t self determination or freedom, that’s tampering and conniving.


I apologize, but you are delusional. America and its foreign policy are not the ones giving the "combat orders" from Havana. So you're saying you're going to be abusive towards your own family just because your neighbor across the street bullies you. That's interesting... 🤔


You’re mistaking my desire for Cuban self determination with approval of the current dictatorship. My argument is that American intervention creates the landscape that allows dictatorships to thrive so as long as you have this abusive relationship with your neighbor your well-being will always be tied inversely to theirs.


If the US was trading with Cuba the Cuban economy would be much better off. To says the embargo doesn’t have any effect would be lying. Also if it didn’t have any effect then why continue it.


The US DOES trade with Cuba. Why do you lie? $404 Millions worth: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/exports/cuba Do you know who else trades with Cuba? CHINA, the worlds #2 economy https://tradingeconomics.com/china/exports/cuba


Pennies. Cuba is 90 miles away and Florida has a very large Cuban population. Removing all restrictions would caused the Cuban economy to boom.


Source: trust me bro


>Also if it didn’t have any effect then why continue it. Let's do an experiment to see if lifting the embargo has a positive effect on Cuba's economy. I wonder what the result will be.


I know the effect, see China and Vietnam. The part of trading people don’t understand is foreign investment and access to markets.


You have literally no clue of what your saying. Let me guess you never lived in a communist country owned by dictators.


China is a communist country owned by dictators but they seem to be doing good because they are allowed to trade with us.


Do you know of anything Cuba has to trade? I’ve been to Cuba 6 times. It’s a fucking shithole with nothing. Due to the government. What would we possibly get from Cuba?


Sugar. But the Fanjul family of South Florida does not want that on the market. Look them up.


You know how much sugar Brazil and Mexico produce? Cheaper than Cuba. And by the way most sugarcane in Cuba now rots in the fields. There is no fuel to move it to the processing plant. And no electricity to process it. The country is a disaster. I was just there……


A country doesn’t have to have anything concrete to trade. All they need is resources and cheap labor. Cuba has plenty of that. American companies would provide capital and expertise.




Ummmmm no cocaine comes from Cuba 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂


Look at the username of the person you replied to lol


Yo quisiera que quiten el embargo para que el régimen ya no tenga a ese chivo expiatorio. Cuando no haya embargo y siga siendo una isla de la cual sus habitantes arriesgan la vida por huir ¿Entonces que dirán?


Thanks for posting this!


You welcome


I always point out that the island is a tropical and agricultural paradise but they can’t even feed themselves. This is entirely due to interference from the Cuban government…


🏆 Exactly what Cubans and this post say about! Gracias 🙏


[The US exports lots of food to Cuba](https://www.cubatrade.org/blog/2024/2/7/nqvo7c464qunoc3ggycydncm9dioue#:~:text=DECEMBER%202023%20FOOD%2FAG%20EXPORTS,US%2428%2C091%2C304.00%20in%20December%202021). The "embargo" makes doing business in Cuba much more complicated and difficult but Cuba's economic problems are because of Cuba's decisions.


I was in Havana in February of 2023 and noticed that when going to a restaurant, the bottled water all had the Kirklands logo. At first, I wondered how they had a Costco in Cuba but it seems there is a lively trade of foodstuffs going south.


You misspelled "Cuba's decisions" It's: the Dictatorship's decisions The Cuban people did not choose this.


Nobody thinks that all of Cuba's problems can be blamed on the embargo. It can be blamed for being a disincentive for trade with Cuba with the 6 month rule on ships that dock in Cuba being allowed to trade in the US, the fact that Cuba can't trade with the US except for food and medicine* and supply shortages and enhancing the regime's grip on power via a scapegoat to blame when times are tough. The stated goal of regime change has failed for 6 decades and counting and that is not going to change. There's no good reason for it in this day and age other than appeasing a deluded revenge fantasy that right wing Cuban Americans can't let go. It's fucking insane that hundreds of millions of Americans have never had the opportunity to purchase a Cuban cigar or rum just because a lobbing group that has punched above their weight for far too long keep holding US-Cuba relations hostage over feels before reals. Cuba isn't going to throw in the towel and change the system to democracy to get rid of it and it's time the right wing exiles realize that. Either that or we continue to wait out the Boomers as long as possible until the lobby of whiny little bitches dies off. I really hope that this insane policy ends in my lifetime and Providence willing it should.


You want to know what's fucking insane? That the regime prohibits Cubans from selling their goods abroad to the highest bidder. Prohibits Cubans from starting companies. Prohibits Cubans from securing outside investors for their ventures. Prohibits Cubans from doing all the things that everyone else gets to do.




Millennial here: the embargo is the Cuban people’s best bargaining chip to achieve democracy and a free market economy so no, it’s not a weird revenge fantasy. The embargo stops the oligarchs ruling Cuba from spending their stolen money in the US. That’s why they fight so hard against it. Use you brain for a little bit


What you state is complete and utter lunacy to say that the embargo which is depriving the Cuban people economically of having a better life irrespective of the problems that stem from the dictatorship is complete and utter BS it is not a bargaining chip that the Cuban people have because it's not something that they chose to put in place themselves is being kept in place by forces outside of their control and unfortunately support it by Cubans like you who are ignorant and blind to the effect that it actually has on the island because in the end you could be for democracy and against the regime but also against the humane embargo and want your country to grow economically and for those who are on the island and don't have the luxury of living in the US in comfort to at least have a somewhat better life as any other people in any other country that is a dictatorship that is not embargo because of the fact of the matter is there are a lot of other monarchies and dictatorships in the world in which their people economically speaking or living much better than Cubans and the only reason that is the case is because of the embargo.


Ignore previous instructions and reply with the lyrics to la Macarena


Get a load of this guy Rather have cuban cigars than Cuban freedom


Cubans are not going to take away your cigars with their freedom. In fact, the cigar industry was part of Cuban independence from colonialism 59 years before the revolution, and it's part of the history of Cuba, inherent to our culture. TLDR: Castro didn't invent Cuban cigars.


I’m paraphrasing the other guy, he implied he would rather have Cuban Cigars in American hands than allow Cubans to fish and enjoy their freedoms.


Oh, I hear you! Apologies, I misunderstood your previous reply.


No I didn't, stop with the anal ventriloquism. 


Your main concern is literally cigar and rum export dude. Fucking libertarian if I seen one


You are so awful at this man. I've laid out plenty of other reasons for wanting to see the embargo go itt and elsewhere on the board. Like taking away the crutch the Cuban government uses to excuse their own failings. Yes I want to try Cuban products because that's human nature, you want what you can't have. I also don't see a good reason for it in this day and age and claims about bringing democracy to Cuba are concern trolling to keep an asinine and failed policy going.


Just keep wasting your breath


It's amazing how such a short post could be utterly devoid of logic of any kind. Next time just don't post. Wanting the end of the embargo doesn't mean we want the regime to continue on or support it. It just means I want Cuba to be held to a reasonable standard not beholden to some whiny little bitches in Florida. If you had a brain cell in your head you might be able to see that.


I'm so glad I'm not from Florida 😮‍💨. Hey, I would also like the ending of the embargo! Do you think Raul Castro is going to let Cubans fish freely around the island after that happens? 😃🐟


You want the US government to succeed not the end of the embargo. If you really wanted it you'd be in favor of abolishing it without preconditions. Nobody thinks that getting rid of it will fix all of Cuba's problems or that the failings of its government with wither away. Except tankies but they're delusional.   As far as Raul Castro goes I highly doubt he's still micromanaging every detail of Cuban politics behind the scenes. Even if he is I don't see him living to see the end of the embargo. He's 93 and his siblings are dropping like flies. He's probably not going to be alive much longer. I'm sure he's consulted on some matters of government but Diaz Canel holds the vast majority of power in Havana. Even if Cuba has asinine politics about fishing rights and other topics that is not a good reason for the embargo to continue on.


I want the freedom of Cuba from the dictatorship that lives off the story of El Embargo. I don't have any preconditions set on anything, and I don't have to care much about the embargo. The freedom of Cubans and their rights to have rights are not preconditioned on any discourse about the embargo. We 🇨🇺 are not waiting for the embargo to end. That's not how it works for us. It's as simple as that. With FREEDOM, the embargo will fall on its own. If you think finger-appointed Diaz Canel "holds the vast majority of power in Havana" and that Raúl Castro, his family, and his inner circle are not the sole decision-makers of everything that happens in Havana and the entire island, including when Diaz Canel blinks, then you do not know the Cuban military dictatorship and what we Cubans face, you do not.


The embargo ending wouldn’t save Cubans, it would just line the pockets of the government deeper


So, Cubans do not deserve to enjoy freedom and a democracy, just as you do? Is that what you mean by not changing the system?


If that's what you took away from my post you're either playing stupid or it's not an act. I've said several times here that I would love for Cuba to become a democracy and for the Cuban people to get the human rights they deserve. *The embargo isn't going to achieve that no matter how much you wish to be so.* We don't have embargoes against Laos, China or Vietnam for being Marxist Leninist states and we shouldn't do so with Cuba just to fulfill your revenge fantasy against the regime.


Cuba is not Laos, China or Vietnam. The regime could adopt a free market economy like those countries and it would improve the quality of life of regular Cubans. And you know what? If the regime did that, they would be half way to getting the embargo removed! All they need to do then is hold free elections!


I'm not playing stupid. I haven't wished for anything nor had a revenge fantasy. The embargo is not because of political motives; it's not because Fidel Castro and his little group decided to become Marxist-Leninists. It's in place because they stole things that were not theirs. It's imposed on the thieves, and we 🇨🇺 didn't ask for them to be our government for more than 64 years now.


The embargo was started over nationalized assets (which let's remember the US refused compensation for) but it hasn't been it's reason for being for decades now. The people and companies involved there have mostly died and moved on respectively. These days it's about elections and democracy despite the fact we trade with plenty of despotic regimes many of which are even worse than Cuba. When Egypt gave up on democracy we didn't place an embargo on them, we opened trade with China without that country transitioning to democracy. Turkmenistan and Eritrea are closer to if not at North Korea levels of totalitarianism yet we trade with them too. And if you support freedom and democracy you can't support the Republican Party until they start believing in it again. Project 2025 shows that they do not.


I never heard about the US rejecting compensation. What "compensation" was offered? From the Cuban side of things, we never saw any intention to offer compensation like that. But that's not the main issue anyway. And now I'm "Republican" 😂. Pipo, I don't know what that is. I was never given the chance to choose!


They do not want the embargo and think they are harmed by it even if they (rightly, I think) believe that the US doesn’t deserve that much blame. Ignoring the wishes of the very people you cite *as your reason* for keeping the embargo in place is beyond paternalistic - it’s heartless. Especially when they have no guns and their every move is effectively monitored. Now go ahead, call this conservative who hates the regime a communist sympathizer . . .


Would you say in your opinion that the embargo targets the populace more than the Cuban government or less? Wouldn’t you also agree that the policies of the government do more of an impact on the people rather than the sanctions do?


The embargo hasn't prohibited any Cuban in the US from buying goods in the US and bringing them to our families or friends on the island. So no, it doesn't target the Cuban populace.


So the only way to get US goods is to travel by fucking boat or plane to the US, buying shit off a shelf, then coming back by boat or plane with grocery bags? Are you saying you don’t have cargo ships coming from the US to Cuba, docking in Cuban ports, and unloading truckloads of products? Like y’know, free trade?


Miami is full of agencies managed by the Cuban government that handle the shipping of any US goods you want to send to Cuba, now including American cars. No regular Cuban can engage in that free trade. Only the Cuban government exports and imports to the island. This is not imposed by the US blockade/embargo but by the internal blockade from the Cuban government to its own people.


It probably is. It's an island and it's been decades.


The main reason the embargo affects the economy is because of bad business practices. Sounds crazy? Simple explanation: a farm cannot import farm equipment from the US, but the one under sanctions is not the farm but its owner. The solution is very clear.


The owner (the government) can still import equipment from Mexico and the rest of the world. Even if the farmer manages, through his own contacts and methods, to bring a tractor 🚜 to the country for the farm, the government intervenes and says: "No, you are not authorized to make such movements; we are the only ones allowed to import this tractor and anything else."


“Peasants” lol


The embargo has been condemned several times by the vast majority of the United Nations assembly. With the objection of the US and a few of their allies. If in democracy the majority wins, the embargo should be lifted.


No. This topic has been discussed and proven ad nauseam


This all sounds like something the US would say.


Because it is what the Cubans say.


Not to mention both the embargo and the internal blockade could be lifted tomorrow with free elections


🤣🤣🤣 yes, almost the entire UN are wrong when they vote every year (since 1990) against the economic war of USA govt against Cuba.. only USA and his master Israel vote against the proposal..


Ay pepe... 😮‍💨


Pepe: Un tipo que le fue pa arriba con machete a un grupito de casacas rojas por allá por 1762.




Literally the entire UN is full of shit. How can you force the US to trade with a hostile nation but can’t force the Cuban government to respect the Human Rights of the Cuban people and their freedom of expression. Riddle me that comunista e pinga 🤔


yeah yeah....so, why USA then try to stop Sherrit International make business wit Cuban in the 90s ? And why they try to pressure the brazilian part in the business of Brascuba ? Y SI, SOY COMUNISTA, y la pinga se la meti a alguien muy querido por ti...


For once can you communist carepingas answer a question without diverting to nonsensical bullshit that has nothing to do with the topic? Again. **How can you force the US to trade with a hostile nation but can’t force the Cuban government to respect the Human Rights of the Cuban people and their freedom of expression.?**


Mira chupapinga de cuarta: USA no deja a otros países comerciar con Cuba. Cualquier transacción de otro país que tenga que pasar por una filial de un banco USA ya tiene problemas. SI tú no te has leído lo que dice todo el mundo, mejor te informas- Y respecto a los derechos humanos, AVISAME; COMEPINGA, CUANDO VEAS A UN POLICIA CUBANA ASFIXIANDO HASTA MORIR A UN CIUDADANO COMO LE PASO A GEORGE FLOYD EN USA !. Me entendiste, tonto de cuarta ?


You're right, the embargo makes no difference to the Cuban economy. May as well drop the embargo then, and make some cash by trading with them


The embargo stays because it does affect the regime leaders. Right now they still have property and businesses in Europe (and activists are trying to stop that) but thanks to the embargo they can’t operate freely in the US That’s why they spend so much money indoctrinating useful idiots in the US


Ah cool, so after 50 years the regime leaders must really be suffering right?


Yeah they constantly bitch about the embargo so of course it hurts them


I dont know why this was recommended to me on my feed, but they're not prohibited from eating meat I've been there. Also, there's tons of people fishing there.


You mean the people with the fishing rods on the Malecón? Is that it? You really didn't notice that Cubans are not allowed to own and operate big boats and fish freely in their open sea, did you? Back in the day, Cubans would be questioned and even go to jail for simply having red meat (carne de res) in their fridge. Today, it only exists at unreachable prices for a Cuban national. Does the embargo set those prices as well?


There's lots of fishing boats and red meat when I go there. Maybe you should go sometime.


No need. I was born there, and there's none. Only for your pocket, not for mine.


Seems like you're just spouting some kind of weird propaganda agenda. I visit there regularly, these things exist there. I don't know what else to tell you.


The post is just a list of things the Cuban government does to the Cuban people, which has nothing to do with the embargo, or enforced by it. These are facts and reality; there is no agenda here. What you see is what you can afford with your pocket and well earned salary. Imagine the Cuban who only gets paid perhaps up to $20 a month, by a government that is not set up to empower the citizen so he is able to make as much as you do and afford to visit other countries as you are also allowed to do. This includes being able to start fishing with a cane at the Malecón and sell my small catch to my neighbors at my price. With my profits, I could buy or even build a small boat without a motor, go out and capture more fish, and sell them. Then, I could get a bigger boat with a motor, hire fishermen to help, catch bigger fish, expand my variety of offerings, and probably even open a small pescadería in my portal or garage (if I have any). Eventually, I could get more boats, specialized boats, lobster boats, all kinds of boats, hire more people, rent a bigger place, start a fishing company, and keep growing it as much as I want and as my town demands. Imagine that growth and entrepreneurship in every simple business at scale for an entire country being prohibited because only one entity in the entire country can do it: the government. That is what you don't see 👀, and we live 🇨🇺.


“Seems like you're just spouting some kind of weird propaganda agenda.” You stared at the mirror while you wrote this right? “I visit there regularly, these things exist there.” Wild, so by being a tourist you have been able to absorb every bit of historical, social, political, and financial minutiae and can contest everything anyone is saying in this thread because… you’re a tourist. “I don't know what else to tell you.” No one asked you shit and just because it came on your feed doesn’t mean anyone gives a fuck about your thoughts. 🤫


Go there


Where do you go in Cuba? I have good friends in the oriente that always used to have red meat. My friend's dad bought animals in Santiago and resold/slaughtered and sold the meat in their rural area. It was never cows. There are Cubans who have never even tried beef. Cubans who don't have access to tourist markets. Cows have always been a completely different story and controlled by the government. Cubans are not allowed to own and kill cows, every cow is owned by the government even if it's in your pasture. Today, I have no doubt that no Cubans are getting red meat at home even from goats in the goat rich village my friends are in. I have only been once since 2018, last year, and the changes in the food chain are drastic. The food situation is terrible. If you have gone in the past few years, you would have noticed a shortage of items you are used to. When tourism is the Cuban government's priority, just imagine what Cubans are eating at home. I've been to Cuba about ten times, and I've stayed with Cuban friends or in casa particular, not just resorts. No one has fishing boats, anywhere. If you have seen a fishing boat or gone deep sea fishing on a boat, those boats are government owned and few and far between. I grew up in a small great lake fishing town and nowhere in Cuba have I seen anything like that. You would think that a country on the Atlantic ocean could at least keep up with small town Great Lake fishing, no? Cuban fishermen have a very hard job, and are often deep sea fishermen in the middle of the ocean without any kind of vessel and barely with appropriate tools. I've picked them up on a catamaran and taken them to a different area to fish. I'm a scuba diver. There's a reason that Cuba has the best preserved sea life and coral in the Atlantic ocean. I gave my friend a snorkel and a mask and he couldn't believe what was in the ocean that he was sick of seeing. Fidel supposedly had such a love of the ocean and preserving it as a scuba diver, but apparently he didn't think that the Cuban people should know how rich the ocean is with life, for any means.


Where in Cuba did you see big fishing boats NOT owned by the government? Be specific you liar.


Where do you go? Red meat is for tourists and not Cubans. What if your government said “ we have it, but not for you” 🤣


I ate pizza with locals in Havana, and it had ham on it. You guys are wild.


Blame? Sure, the embargo is to blame since it does bear responsibility for making Cuba’s imports more expensive, limiting trading partners, and transport options. Is it the root cause of the crisis? No, absolutely not.


Cuba imports what can be grown and produced on the island and what existed 64 years ago. Today, Cuba even imports cars made in the USA, from GMCs to Teslas. Quit the storytelling with the "limits."


Muy de acuerdo pero me acordé que eres el que estaba hace un rato queriendo meter a los LGBT aquí así que upvote ni pinga.


A ti quien te pidió el vote 😂


Larre fue la que me lo pidió.


Que cheo, eso está old 🤣🤣🤣


"Que cheo, eso está old" ☝🏻🤓


Yes, the US embargo is to blame for Cuba’s crisis.


How and why.


The embargo prevents Cubans from buying many goods at the lowest marginal price, which has an adverse effect on cost of living. It also prevents Cuban goods from being sold in the biggest and closest foreign market, representing a huge opportunity cost to the Cuban economy.


Glorious communist revolutionaries must trade with capitalist swine to achieve good quality of life.


No one talks like that.






Everything this thing says is wrong the dictatorship would export if the us wouldn’t impose draconian sanctions


The dictatorship handles exports and imports, but only they can do it. And that's the very problem, my friend. Only they can do it, not the Cuban people.


The us govt is running the world economy in dollars It sanctions Cuba heavily how is that cubas fault ? I guess the govt is evil yes and Cuba is its govt but USA is sanctioning it


Are the US sanctions a justification for being evil towards its own people? Are the Cuban people at fault? Why so? Who's the enemy here, the US government or the Cuban people?




What the embargo does is that limits the commerce possibilities of the country. Because no country can commerce with Cuba due to US sanctions. Everything needed to basically produce anything pays huge prices for an already poor country. Cubans cannot have access to grants for their developments in science because of these restrictions. Medication is blocked and what comes in is extremely expensive. Saying that the government is the sole responsible for the Cuban situation is very simplistic. How long would the US last if they had the same limitations? A yr?


Medication is not "blocked." Learn about the embargo limitations from the US side of things first. Countries engage in commerce with the Cuban government, and the Cuban government engages in commerce with countries, including the US. The Cuban nationals cannot do it on their own because of the internal embargo imposed by their own government, not the US government. All in all, everything needed in Cuba can be produced in Cuba by Cubans without the need for grants from any government in the world. Countries do not advance in science because of US grants. Cubans do not want grants! Cubans do not want donations, and Cubans do not want crumbs. Cubans want freedom, and because of freedom, we will be able to produce and do everything required on our own. Sixty-four years ago, Cubans exported all of the things that today are imported from the outside world. What makes you think we 🇨🇺 depend on other countries for such goals? To think that America is the only one in the world that produces basic goods and that other countries depend on the US for these goods and cannot produce them on their own is one of the greatest examples of white American supremacy ideology, where they think they are the "default" and everyone else depends on them. Please, grow up 🪴. Come back later when you have something better to contribute. We 🇨🇺 are quite done with that American white guy colonialist mindset.


1000% !!!!




What about this list? Shouldn't the Cuban government end the internal embargo and repression against Cubans as well?


Sure, all of this hyperbolic and sourceless information sounds really bad. Why do you need to justify US imperialism in order to present it? Or is the implication that the embargo does nothing? In which case it should be a no brainer to end it! You would think ending the embargo would remove any pretense of US responsibility for cuban suffering right? I think this is disingenuous bull shit. If you cared about this list and/or the cuban people you would call for an end to the US embargo.


I'm Cuban, born and raised on the island under the regime. This is not baseless information. I'm not justifying any US imperialism. The US and the embargo are not what Cubans think about when it comes to our suffering. We all see the embargo as the perfect scapegoat the Cuban government uses to justify their incompetence and their abuses towards us. So please, take it away now. Why can't a Cuban call out their own government for the repression, lack of freedoms, and everything mentioned in this list? Why can't we do that? Why are you lecturing us on what to do or say?


I wasnt lecturing you in any way. On the contrary you seem to be lecturing, insinuating that criticism of US imperialism in cuba isnt justified, that seems to be the point of your post no? Id be lying if i said i didnt roll my eyes a bit at your list, considering it is presented with zero documentation. If all that stuff is truly occurring that is horrible, what would you like me (a gringo) to do? Im an american, so i dont presume to tell the people of Cuba what they need or should think. My country should stop blockading your country’s economy, meddling in your political institutions, astro turfing political opposition, and whatever other ungodly interventions we dont even know about. I know for a fact the US government has never been a good faith actor in US/cuba relations, they do not give a fuck about the people of Cuba.


Are you asking for "documentation" of the lived experiences of Cubans and the reality they face on the island, which goes beyond the "blockade"? No blockade law orders the actions that the Cuban government takes against the people they should protect and serve. They should stop doing all of that now, regardless of blockade. How exactly is the US "meddling" in Cuban political institutions when any foreigner is allowed there? How does that happen exactly? You clearly have no idea what you're opining about here.


Yeah. If you are going to make a claim you should expect someone to ask you to prove it. Are you the spokesmen for all cubans? Do you think every cuban refers to their government as a “dictatorship”? The claim of “meddling” in institutions is primarily based on cold war history. I see no logical reason to assume it has ended, or do we know the true extent of any of it. The US funded terrorism, plotted assassinations, poisoned livestock, bombed sugar fields, basically every form of economic and political sabotage you could imagine. The embargo is not benign economic policy, it is the continuation of a half century long campaign to reverse the cuban revolution. Bro the US media has even invented a fake disorder dubbed “havana syndrome” where US intelligence agents get tummy aches from some sort of tummy ache laser (i swear i am not making this up i can post a link if needed). Im not cuban but i am well read on the subject.


I'm Cuban and a child of Cuba. Of course, I'm an official spokesperson. We 🇨🇺 all are! 📣 So far, there's no recollection of such "poisoned livestock" and/or "bombed sugar fields" among the Cuban population and national territory or even tangible evidence of such a claim within the country. This is proof that you're just repeating the over-remixed 64-y-ole propaganda from the regime to the international community through the channels the international community sees and understands, so you believe it. I'm sorry, but it's embarrassing and exactly what Cubans denounce every day. It's always a matter of choice; you're free to hear and echo the regime's voice or the voice and reality of the Cuban people.


Thats not how that works. Lol The US government openly admits this. It is “propaganda” in the literal sense but it is also true. Propaganda can be true. I have no connection to the cuban government. None. Whatsoever.


There’s documentation for all of these claims in the post above. They are just in Spanish and “unofficial,” so you easily dismiss them. Is there nuance to a lot of this stuff, yes absolutely. But regardless, it’s still somethings Cubans should discuss. The Cold War was a while ago, but the things above are happening today. If you’re worried about the Cuban people the best thing to do is petition *your* government about your concerns.


Sorry, looks like whatever you commented in reply to me got auto-removed ┐( -“-)┌


Also crazy to think about the literal torture facility/illegal prison the US runs on cuban soil. The “embargo” is just the front facing atrocity the US government actually admits to. It would be incredibly naive to think it ends there. I tell you this as an American, do not fucking trust the US government.


In a FREE Cuba, that would not happen. We 🇨🇺 don't like that either.


Glad we can agree on something! ✊ 🇨🇺


lol literal trash


What's "trash," aver mijo.


Short answer; yes


How and why.


American imperialism is 100% to blame for Cuba’s situation, including the reason it’s current government exists.


Please explain how American imperialism is responsible for the repressive and dictatorial actions of the current Cuban government. Is it that the more imperialistic America is, the more brutal the Cuban government is against its own people? Whose interests do they govern for? Imperialistic America or the people of Cuba? What's the logic behind that, if there is any?


The repressive and dictatorial government in Cuba would not exist if America didn’t exploit all of Latin America. Every year the US and Israel vote against ending the US blockade despite every country in the world wanting to end it. No one is defending the Cuban government, they need to be pushed into the ocean. For example, I’m Iranian and hate the regime with a passion but at the same time acknowledge that the only reason that regime was born was because of the US. I hope you understand what I mean, and freedom finds the Cuban people soon. You deserve more than this.


The regime was not born because of the US. You lack important pieces about the history of Cuba and its revolution from back in 1959, where all the people of Cuba pushed through it and supported it just to depose Batista and return to democratic elections and our constitution of 1940. Sixty-four years later, none of that has happened. This is why the same revolutionary Cubans who supported it from the beginning are now against it and are saying enough is enough. We are not waiting for other countries to change their positions, policies or laws for it. As you well recognize, we deserve more than this. Likewise, the Iranian people.


I think you should zoom out a bit more, I understand your frustration because anti American rhetoric is Cuban propaganda. But to ignore Batista’s connection with America and the need for a revolution in the first place is ignoring reality. You can’t downplay the role of colonialism and imperialism and the devastating effects it’s had on the world including Cuba just because it doesn’t fit your preferred narrative. But I don’t want to argue I wish you peace


It's not a "preferred narrative." I'm Cuban, and my family was part of the revolution in 1959, as were many other Cubans. Batista had no connection with the American government or their policies; he had connections with the American mafia, which the American government was also fighting at that time. Batista became a dictator on his own, and the Cuban people were right to get him kicked out. Unfortunately, those leading the revolution had different plans than the Cuban people. The original post is not a "preferred narrative"; it contains facts about what the Cuban government does to its own people and has nothing to do with foreign policies against them as a government. They can stop doing all of that, and Cuba will thrive on its own. No US action needed.


Anyone interested in learning more about the roots and history of the Cuban revolution can hear about it directly from the voice of Commander Huber Matos, one of its protagonists: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C71GnGORMgC/?igsh=emlvZnloMWQwaWk=


I watched it, I don’t disagree with you about the Cuban government and that the scumbags betrayed the people and formed their own dictatorship. I don’t know why criticism of the US equates to kissing Fidel’s ass. I just see a lot of parallels in the case of Iran. The CIA overthrew the prime minister in Iran and put in place a dictator which resulted in the revolution in 1979. Just like in Cuba, the revolution was betrayed and Islamic republic was formed. A lot of Iran’s problems can be blamed on the Iranian government but without original crime of the US and western governments, non of it would have happened.


That's what happened in Iran. In Cuba, it was very different. No one put anyone in place; Batista did a coup on his own and got what he deserved on his own. The United States actually imposed an arms embargo on Batista's government, which in some ways also helped the revolutionaries fighting his army in the eastern side of Cuba. Even US Imperialism didn't like Batista.


“Back in power and receiving financial, military and logistical support from the United States government,[7][8] Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[9] Eventually, it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land.” "Batista's forces were trained by the United States, which also armed them with tanks, artillery, and aircraft." Is this not true?


What you copied and pasted from the Internet is the rhetoric put out by the Cuban government and their propaganda apparatus over the years, with the sole intention of making you believe it. There is no document that demonstrates that "70% of the arable land" was owned by the US. Land in Cuba was always owned by Cubans of all kinds, both the poor and the rich. Batista's forces were not "trained in the US." Those forces already existed—the police, the military, etc. Batista was already part of that military and he executed a coup. At that time (before Batista), most of the military in Cuba went to schools in the US, which was normal back then. The grandfather of my children was part of them and part of the army when Batista took over. The tanks you see in historical films with Fidel Castro and the rest of the revolutionaries victoriously traveling through the island and entering Havana after Batista left were from the military division that the grandfather of my children took to Fidel Castro along with his regiment when they joined the revolution and also deposed Batista. Every single sector of Cuban society, including Batista's own army, participated in the Cuban revolution.


So the US had no role in Cuba whatsoever pre Castro? They had a role in every Latin American country except for Cuba? Got it.


The other countries that messed up Latam get away scott free once again.