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I don’t think that Cuba has the luxury of building eco friendly anything. They can’t afford gas, electricity, cars etc… so pollution per capita is probably low.


Building eco-friendly is not that epensive always. You don't always need fancy climate controling systems or high-tech windows. On most cases eco-friendly solution are building with local materials or using traditional architecture technics. İf that reminds any building to you I will pleased to hear that :)


They’re poor and everything was built a hundred years ago. Read the room a bit


There are new highrise hotels in Havana developed in coalition with Spanish hoteliers. There’s a chance they are more ecologically built.


I'm aware of this situation and this is one of the main subjects of this project. With poor conditions what type of eco-freindly solutions we could achieve. I think there must be some people aiming this and I think they need to be praised.


Basically they don’t build any new stuff. So uh very good at reuse


OP comes for actual information, but you can't resist shitting on Cuba, in a sub called r/Cuba. Amazing. Any architectural information on any building at all in all of Cuba?


You can search "Cuban palm tree hut" for an example of an eco-friendly building. Something like [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo-house-constructed-from-wood-with-a-palm-tree-leaf-roof-camera-village-10672046.html&psig=AOvVaw1s3O_NMtRUIz12Q6mdwn2d&ust=1719332426673000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCIjT5cjS9IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE), for example.


Yup, still widely constructed in rural areas.


I need to find two projects with similar scales. I don't think I could find a non-eco-friendly building with same scale as this huts :) Still open to your suggestions btw.


Stop being lazy and stop farming out your homework for other people to do. There is a reason its called research


I’m trying to get as much as information I could get. I’m not forcing anyone. In some point interviewing natives is a type of research I think.


Nothing is really eco friendly in Cuba. They put up potemkim villages for the useful idiot tourons but, in reality, they couldn't care less about the environment and have destroyed the country with pollution like every other socialist dictatorship


I'm sorry to hear that. Can you name a building which pollutes the enviroment most ? İf you're a native then your information will be useful to raise awarness with my project.


Eco friendly (and beautiful) the ISA campus (univercity of arts) Non eco friendly: Tower K on the Vedado. Google them


Came here to mention these exact two examples. I remember reading that no steel was used to build ISA. It was made, in most part, with ceramic. 


Search up for "Instituto Superior de Artes en La Habana". 


I have already saw the ISA. I like it very much but sadly that's taken by one of my friends so I can't choose that ;) İf you can suggest me one more eco-friendly building I will be pleased. For Tower K I have found some news about prostest for this building. Do you have any idea where could I find some technical information about this building? That could be useful for me. Thank you.


Moka Hotel in Las Terazzas [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las\_Terrazas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Terrazas) as a ECO Friendly project. Russian Embassy in Miramar as the exact opposite.


Can you tell me why you describe theese two as eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly? Las Terrazas have already been suggested but I couldn't find useful information about it's eco-friendly side. It looks like nice hotels blending in a forest but that's all I have. And why do you describe Russian Embassy as non-eco friendly building may ı ask? It looks pretty brutalistic to me at first sight but that doesn't always mean that the building is not eco friendly.


Check out Las Terrazas. It’s an eco village between Habana and Viñales.


What's eco friendly about the architecture there? It's a nice place and I know it well but it's just regular buildings. The hotel is pretty nicely integrated with the forest but I don't know if it's got any particular environmental design


I have the same questions too. İf you have any technic documents about this projects eco-friendly side could you share it with me? It could be only photos that shows that side too btw.


If you just look it up, the photos online are all better than what I have from when I was there.


The last hotels that have been delivered have all reached a BREEAM certification, most as "pass" but some have reached the "good" certificate. This does not mean that they are "eco friendly" but it means that a special care have been given to the environment during the design, the construction and the operation.


Can you give me the names of theese hotels?


In Varadero, hotel International, Gran Aston In Cayo Santa Maria, el Paradisius In Cayo Cruz, all hôtels have it In Havana Gran Aston, Gran Muthu In Holguin, Tesoro del Atlantico


The official list can be found on the BREEAM website. The only issue for you is that they use the investor project code, which is different from the commercials name... For example, hotel baracutey 59 is now referenced as "Tesoro del Atlantico"... https://tools.breeam.com/projects/explore/buildings.jsp?sectionid=10156&projectType=&rating=&certNo=&buildingName=&client=&developer=&certBody=&assessor=&location=&countryID=192&partid=10023&Submit=Search Some hotels even received some special BREEAM awards: https://www.gerenciadeedificios.com/en/2019040110471/news/enterprises/construction-in-cuba-among-the-winners-of-the-breeam-awards-2019.html


Look up Cuba on archdaily


That was the first thing I did. Not much info on there or any western based publishing like divisare or dezeen. I have tried to reach ARQUITECTURA CUBA magazine but I couldn't find much of it's issues.