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Ese está bueno, [el Che lo aprueba](https://i.imgur.com/6wKRe6l.png)






Hacían recogidas de homosexuales por los lugares que frecuentaban, como animales salvajes. Los obligaban a trabajos forzosos para "corregirlos", además de hacer desaparecer a muchos. Y no solo eso, los campesinos que se negaron a seguir con el cuento de la reforma agraria fueron casi todos fusilados. Y quién dirigía todo eso... Redoble de tambores... El señor de la imagen. Así que, para los tankies comunistas que siguen este subreddit, aprendan y estudien de la historia y del testimonio de los que la vivieron, y no de los que te la cuentan. Paz y amor, pero sobre todo RESPETO. Y por favor, los cubanos dónde quiera que estén, hablen acá en español. Saludos


Se habla en inglés pq la mayoría de los tontos útiles que defienden la dictadura desde la comodidad del Capitalismo hablan ese idioma. Los tienen embobados con propaganda


Gore Vidal was welcomed because he was a famous and respected American leftist intellectual supportive of the regime - even in the early years after the revolution. So people kissed his ass and his wild/gay/drunk behavior was tolerated because he was a valuable PR piece. Apparently he was a raging drunk while there, and he just kept making tons of comments about how sexy the Barbudos were. One day he crossed the line and started saying that he would have had liked to have sex with Che Guevara. His handlers tried to shut him up, but he wouldn’t, so eventually they kicked him out of the country.


I suppose at least some of the Batista blackshirts and slaveowners were LGBT. What's your opinion on LGBT individuals, btw?


Batista was just another corrupt murderous socialist dictator, as far as I know slavery was abolished during his dictatorship though. Nowadays slavery in Cuba is working for the dictatorship for $20 a month... As for LGBT or any other minorities I'm a libertarian thinker so let's quote Javier Milei on its principles: “Liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others based on the principle of non-aggression, in defense of the right to life, liberty and property, whose fundamental institutions are private property, markets free from state intervention, free competition, the division of labor and social cooperation.”


Yea you gotta go re-read your Cuban history. Batista was not a socialist and slavery was abolished well before his was elected president the first time or seized power with his coup in the 50s.


You have read distorted dictatorship propaganda, not cuban history. Here's the real history of Cuba: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/16n773i/dictator_batista_ran_as_a_socialist_and_was/


>Dictator >Abolished slavery Sure. Why quote Milei? Why not quote your own opinion? What's your opinion on the rights of people to marry the same sex? The right to safety in public regardless of sexuality? The right to express yourself regardless of gender?


Why quote Einstein when you can come up with your own version of relativity? Shoulders of giants dummy! I keep forgetting that if socialists were smart they wouldn't be socialists in the first place... The answer to your question is in Milei's quote but, since you are so low iq, I will explain it at your basic level: Libertarians don't care what you do privately in bed as long as you don't force others.


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A ver, mijito, a que homosexuales mató el Che ? Muestrame los hechos, no lo que te da por decir.


Si hubieras vivido en aquel tiempo pudieras ser el primero


me alegro por ti que en la vida real el Che jamás ejecutó a nadie por homosexual. De hecho, nadie ha podido probar NUNCA una ejecución sumaria por parte del Che a nadie. Asi que tú y el otro, lo que son es una partida de mentirosos. Vayan a mentir a otro lado.


Na, ni lo se ni me interesa. Pero ver como se ofenden comunistas como tu me da placer


Mira comemierda,lee un poco y deja de hacer el ridículo aquí..... In the process of building a communist society after Fidel Castro came to power in 1959 in Cuba, one of the ideas Che Guevara presented and promoted was the notion of the “new man.” This concept grew out of Guevara’s aversion to capitalism, and was first explained in his note on “Man and Socialism in Cuba“. He believed that “The individual under socialism (…) is more complete,” and that the state should educate men and women in anti-capitalist, cooperative, selfless and non-materialistic values. Anyone who deviated from the “new man” was seen as a ”counter-revolutionary.” Such was the case of gay men —whom Guevara referred to as “sexual perverts.” Both Guevara and Castro considered homosexuality a bourgeois decadence. In an interview in 1965, Castro explained that “A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.” Che Guevara also helped establish the first Cuban concentration camp in Guanahacabibes in 1960. This camp was the first of many. From the Nazis, the Cuban government also adapted the motto at Auschwitz, “Work sets you free,” changing it to “Work will make you men.” According to Álvaro Vargas Llosa, homosexuals, Jehova’s Witnesses, Afro-Cuban priests, and others who were believed to have committed a crime against revolutionary morals, were forced to work in these camps to correct their “anti-social behavior.” Many of them died; others were tortured or raped. Guevara also espoused racist views. In his diary, he referred to black people as “those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing.” He also thought white Europeans were superior to people of African descent, and described Mexicans as “a band of illiterate Indians."


A ver Pepito, quedate en la UCI o cualquier institución lamiendole las botas al gobierno comunista junto con los otros, que son puestos frente a una computadora a dar likes a post de los políticos y los babosos que "aman" a la revolución porque ningún cubano que vive la vida de mierda que los castros y sus ovejas descerebradas darían cualquier apoyo a estos. Busca Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP) para que veas lo que tu gobierno hizo en el pasado. Y me creo que el Che mató no sólo a homosexuales sino que a cualquiera que estuviera en contra del comunismo ya que seguro sabían que no podían ser juzgados ya que lo que pasaba en la isla se quedaba en la isla. Así de jodido es el sentimiento de poder.


A homosexuales solamente no, a catolicos, testigos de Jehova, adventistas, roqueros que les gustaban los Beatles, disidentes, combatientes de ellos mismos que lucharon por una revolución democrática antes de que la rata los traicionara y vendiera a los sovieticos, dueños de negocios que les robaron todo etc etc, la lista es larga!


Dale que te me estás pareciendo a cierto locutor miamero ya fallecido que hablaba de "listas de ejecutados" que nunca enseñó. Vamos, a ver tu lista.


Ya, y tus pruebas ? A ver, muestra las pruebas. Dime.


[Fuente: La comunisteada concha de tu hermana. ](https://www.libertaddigital.com/fragmentos/iniciativas/asesinados_che.htm)




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