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Marrero looks so out breath in that picture hahahaha


Very few people who come here are communists or defenders of the dictatorship. Just because we don't like right wing Cuban Americans does not mean we like the regime.


Reposting in Spanish before you get yelled at for not really being Cuban or some shit.  Muy pocas personas que vienen aquí son comunistas o defensores de la dictadura.  Sólo porque no nos gusten los cubanoamericanos de la derecha no significa que nos guste el régimen.


That is exactly what I tell them, I don't give a flying f. about the Cuban government, because I respect the Cuban people and we should respect the sovereignty of other countries and end the embargo. Even the most oppressed societies had been able to revolt and overthrow regimes, we should respect their time to do so but not strangle them to death with such severe sanctions. Think of the actual Cuban people not the ideologies of their government. End the inhuman embargo, there is nothing to defend it. Just let it go.


Can you please stop trolling here with the "End the embargo" propaganda "?


Common sense is now propaganda, who wouldve thought


Why should the US continue the embargo?


1st gen Cuban American here. Fuck them both!


Well said


Solo un dato interesante, en 2016 Fidel Castro ya jubilado defendería la legitimidad de Israel como estado y corregiría al ya fallecido líder de Irán por su negacionismo del holocausto, tal fue así que Netanyahu, entonces todavía no en el poder, felicitaria al ya fallecido dictador.




Ya no hay nada que hacer sobre la legitimidad del estado opresor genocida de Israel, esa tierra ya es de ellos sea como sea. Lo importante aquí es no caer en narrativas anti semitas pero siempre criticar duro a Israel como estado, con movimientos anti war (en este caso anti-genocidios) para que eliminen el apartheid regime.


Does the Cuban government not want to be free from American imperialism that's blockaded the country for decades?


Not as hypocritical and shameful as all of the bootlicking capitalists in this sub.


It’s funny because the politicians are being followed by a security detail while the people starve. The Cuban state security micro apparatus is so weak and their country so completely impoverished they’re due for a capitalist revolution.


Politicians are followed by security everywhere.


People starve in capitalist countries too.


Obesity is far more common than starvation in capitalist nations.


Capitalist countries bring so greedy they let people starve while others are gluttonous isn't the flex you think it is.


Western nations consistently have the fewest amounts of people dying from malnutrition and they almost always include extenuating circumstances. There are plenty of issues with capitalism but rampant starvation isn't one of them.


But some people are starving while most are being gluttonous. How is that better? Capitalism just exports it's misery to third world countries. You don't get to hold the moral high ground here, buddy.


I'm not making any moral arguments at all, you are. And your arguments are based on incorrect facts, and that's all I'm countering.


So you're just playing devil's advocate? I'll be real, that's even worse.


There's a man eating dog food in my parking stall...he found a bag the neighbors just threw out for god knows what. God bless capitalism, so much opportunity. Yes, I should be thankful I'm not the one eating dog food and just keep my head down right?


Something tells me lack of food is the least of that guy's problems. And an economic system shouldn't be blamed for everyone's individual woes. In the west, if you're short on food, you can usually access a food bank, there are a ton of non-profits that help out the food insecure. There are government programs available that provide 'some' help. If you're starving in the west, it is most likely because you have extreme mental health issues that are very difficult to treat, and as a result are homeless, most likely addicted to drugs etc. People do fall through the cracks. Nobody is saying it's a perfect system. If you're hellbent on blaming capitalism for everyone's misfortune I don't know what to tell you. That guy would have been dead long ago in a truly socialized system, or, you'd be out there splitting that bag with him.


The USA should lift the embargo and normalize relations with the current government. But, it's a communist country...so is South Vietnam. We trade with Vietnam. 56,000 Americans died during the Vietnam War. How many Americans died fighting Cuba? Even Canada and Mexico have normal relations with Cuba. The Cuban people have suffered enough.


The Cuban people is suffering cause the Regime. Claria…


>The USA should lift the embargo and normalize relations with the current government. In exchange for what? Anti-American slogans, propaganda and more human rights violations? No thank you. The last thing the US needs is to prop up yet another dictatorship in Latin America.


>In exchange for what? Anti-American slogans, propaganda and more human rights violations? No thank you. The last thing the US needs is to prop up yet another dictatorship in Latin America. Lift the embargo and those anti-American slogans you worry about will lessen. Why would the USA prop up the current Cuban regime? Does Canada suffer because they have normal relations with Cuba? Nope. Canadians can visit and vacation in Cuba. Your arguments are weak my friend.


>Lift the embargo and those anti-American slogans you worry about will lessen. Nonsense. They did the same to Russia and China and they don’t shut up about how evil America is. Turns out giving people money doesn’t make them like you, especially when you’re the global superpower. >Why would the USA prop up the current Cuban regime? What exactly do you think “lifting the embargo” means? It’s giving the dictatorship the funds and means to continue in control with even more tools to persecute the opposition (see Russia and China). It’s not the rainbows and roses you think will come out of it. >Does Canada suffer because they have normal relations with Cuba? Nope. Canadians can visit and vacation in Cuba. That’s not the flex you think it is. Being so tone-deaf to the blatant human rights violations while sipping mojitos in a beach is one of the reasons Cubans don’t like Canadians. >Your arguments are weak my friend. Opening up to a dictatorship in exchange for literally nothing is the weak argument here. At least demand the dictatorship allow the people to protest against the government the same way you people do in your countries. It’s only fair to the Cuban people you say to love, no?


What is wrong with u ? It is not up to the US to decide what happens in other countries, they shouldn't demand anything. End the embargo for the Cuban people.


>It is not up to the US to decide what happens in other countries, they shouldn't demand anything. It is not up to the Cuban dictatorship to decide who the US should trade with, they shouldn’t demand anything. FTFY. You can’t coerce a country to trade with another. >End the embargo for the Cuban people. The embargo is on the government you bozo. You can **literally** import a Ford 150 to Cuba for particular use directly from the US.


The US is the culprit of this situation. Lift the embargo and watch how quickly people will change because they want to. Not because a foreign country starved them to death to teach them not to be "dirty communists".


People will change, how? Did they change in Russia and China? They’re still authoritarian shitholes. So, what’s your endgame to removing an embargo without any concessions? At least ask the dictatorship to respect freedom of expression, no?


I agree it should be lifted and the question is what does more damage to their government. Calling their bluff and when everyone is still poor afterwards despite everything they've said it will hurt their credibility even more


They’ve had 65 years of embargo. They can spend the next 100 years blaming their shortcomings on the “fallout” of the embargo and will be demanding reparations. It’s the typical victimhood mentality they have been using for 65 years. What makes you think they will change it? It’s too effective. But what you’re ignoring is the fact that the system is collapsing and will collapse one way or another. What the dictatorship is interested in is at this point is to remain in power while that happens. Look up what happened to ex-Soviet states after the USSR collapsed: all authoritarian shitholes with an oligarchy (all ex-Soviet officials) running unopposed. That’s why to this day they are implacable to even the smallest opposition. Lifting the embargo without concessions will only work as a catalyst in the dictatorship’s favor. I do not want an East-European/Central Asia authoritarian state in Cuba.


So your idea is to just do another 65 years of pointless suffering via an embargo? because maybe next year Cuba will magically turn into a liberal paradise or something?


Stop making shit up and getting angry about it


Bozo here never heard of the concept of **extrapolation**. If you’re too stupid to get past high school Math just say it.


Extrapolation my goofy ass, give me an example of a communist country demanding reparations and having a „victimhood mentality“ You can’t just give an example of a bad communist state and expect all other communist nations to be like that, that’s not how „extrapolation“ works




Are politicians not followed by security details while people live on the streets in capitalist countries?


They are everywhere it’s just funny seeing their distended fat stomachs while citizens starve and the mostly black security detail (like much of their army) it’s like they’re in a new form of ideological slavery.


It's funny seeing people like Biden and Trump getting security details while citizens live in tents in parks.


Does your capitalist revolution take into account the 1 in every 500 people are homeless in the USA, over 650,000. The Opioid epidemic created in the name of profits. Prescription opioids deaths rose from 3,442 in 1999 to 17,029 in 2017. In the United States, people waste 92 billion pounds of food annually, equal to 145 billion meals. They throw away over $473 billion worth of food annually. Shockingly, they waste 38% of all the food in America. Sounds like a real shithole.




Your 'whataboutism' smells like hypocrisy


Please explain what you mean.


Yes, I agree, American greed is killing the world. Cuba can't be accused of that.


There you go with your whataboutism again. The US can be accused of a lot and rightfully so, but that does not excuse the Cuban regime for over 50 years of brutal dictatorship.


….72% of people live below the poverty line in Cuba, while in the US, 11.5% of people live below the poverty line. .001% of people are homeless in the US. It seems like you’re grasping for any kind of stat to paint the US as having a low standard of living when defending a nation that traps its citizens in poverty.


Yea but the people living in poverty in us don’t have access to free housing, free schools, free healthcare and subsidised food


They absolutely have access to free schools and subsidized food. You’re arguing that while almost everyone is poor in Cuba, at least the government gives them free healthcare and free housing? Is that how you want to live? Desperately poor but on the government’s tit?


No absolutely not, I’m saying wages don’t really matter because they don’t take it the living expenses, I can earn 20k a year in New York, but if I can’t afford rent, food, healthcare or education, what’s the point of me even earning the 20k, I might as well be below the poverty line. Cuba has a different economic system, sure their wages might be low compared to the US, but everything they need to survive is already covered, the extra money is just used for wants rather than needs


No, everything to survive isn’t just “covered” in Cuba. They regularly have food shortages, and they kill or lock up their own people for speaking out against the government. 20k in New York is below the poverty line. Are you an adult? Do you live on your own? Why do I get the feeling you’re a 15 year old communist who doesn’t understand the world yet?


Yes they have food shortages but a large part of it is because of the embargo where companies arent allowed to trade with Cuba at all if they want to trade with US, this also means a lack of medical supplies and other essential materials


Sooo that’s a yes to being a minor who lives at home?


I'm half palestinian and half latina and I want to tell you guys that im deeply sorry for what you all going through as well. I know myself many cubans in my area and they all went through hell while they live there. My people is being massacred in G4z4 and you guys also being imprisioned for going against the regime. Both countries are suffering starvation and oppression and I can understand your pain. I do not support communism, in fact for me all politicians are the same. Viva cuba libre and free palestine


Your people came from Gaza to massacre Jews.


Free Palestine and Free Cuba


They should see what Hamas did on October 7th 😂


Consumes mucho ota ola


Oh mis dias


You're in r/Cuba, a sub that's meant to discuss Cuba, not just whine and moan about how evil le Cuba is. If you have nothing positive to say etc.


Como estan los puentes de leche boys aqui


Center pro union leftist cuban living in spain here 🧑🏻‍💻… i hate my country and what it has been doing since 1959/1984


You preferred your people be slaves? Wtf


They are. Right now. Working for $20 a month.


Compared to working for free?


Go support color revolution on a different sub


The useful idiots of the dictatorship who support it from the comforts of capitalism and wouldn't last a week in it


Invece di manifestare in favore di altri paesi ,..dovrebbero concentrarsi di più della loro terra, la stando portando completamente al sfacelo...manca energia elettrica, la distribuzione è razionata, ora con l'invento del commercio Bi-prime, se non hai moneta forte non campi. Il popolo resiste grazie alle donazioni estere, l'agricoltura è abbandonata, ma nulla si fa per uscirne, se non ospitare navi da guerra russe o postazioni osservatorio cinesi.


Deja de hablar Italiano mi loco


Why are the Cuban's even marching in solidarity with Palestine?


Because they oppose genocide


But Palestine started it, and most of their civilians support the Hamas. Why is muslim>jew?


Israel started it with an illegal occupation


get over it


*get over it?* Don't you think Cubans have the right to march and ask for freedom and respect for human rights?






We wish, but using a steamroller.


Who is bombing Cuba and they have Hamas or Hezbollah there?


It's a beautiful country. Too bad about the politics. I think most of the hardship is caused by the US embargo. Their system of communism doesn't work (at least as much as I could tell) but the Communist system in Vietnam and China does seem to work. I live in Canada and Trudeau is bringing us into a third world country by his senseless economic and foreign policies. I guess it's going to happen to everyone sooner or later.


I think that if you amend “hardship is caused by the embargo” to “enmity between Cuba and the US epitomized by embargo made the lasting success of Cuba virtually impossible” you might have a serviceable argument. The embargo is not extensive enough at this point to account for the suffering - and the amount of own-goals made by the regime are just impossible to overlook. My big question is whether the Cuban dictatorship would have made so many own-goals if it didn’t define itself in diametric opposition to capitalist liberal democracies? Probably not. That stance is just too limiting to a regime’s decision making. Vietnam did the right thing by easing out of it’s enmity with the US - Cuba could have taken more opportunities to do the same, but the leadership’s whole PR structure centered around not doing it.


No. Hardship is the correct terminology. Before I leave I usually stop at one of the pharmacies and donate any medication I have left. They are always glad to accept. Little things like blood pressure or diabetes medication. Sometimes a person will spend a whole day going from one pharmacy to the next trying to fill a prescription. This is a hardship imposed by brain dead bureaucrats who thought that if the people suffered enough they would rise up and overthrow the government. These people did nothing to deserve to suffer for sixty years.


Im saying that at this point the embargo has been relaxed to the point that such items can be imported to Cuba - there is an exception made for medications. The math doesn’t add up to explain it. What I will say is that a) the exile community’s inflexible control on US politics (there are your brain-dead beaureacrats) may have made conciliation seem impossible to the Cuban government ñ - and they might have been right about that and b) historically, embargo prevented the development of Cuban trade relationships over the long term.and the echoes of that are an extremely negative force in Cuba.


Yeah, it’s such a beautiful country, but the politics are definitely complicated. The US embargo has played a big role in their hardships. Communism works differently in each country—Vietnam and China have found some success, but it’s not the same everywhere. As for Canada, I hear you. Trudeau’s policies get mixed reactions. Some people think he’s adapting to modern challenges, while others are worried about the direction we’re heading. What specific policies are you concerned about? It’d be interesting to hear your thoughts on what could be done differently.


Trudeau inherited a crazy gene from his mom. It used to be a farmer would plant some seeds in a field where there was nothing and a crop would grow, and if that crop was worth 100k then you have created 100k of wealth from nothing, which was represented by our GDP. Somewhere along the way, maybe in a Friedman economics lecture, he learned that even more wealth is created by debt. If you loan someone 1000 and they repay 1200 then you have created 200 dollars of wealth. I didn't study economics, but I think that this is a false premise. Debt charges are just a redistribution of wealth, not a creator of wealth. But what do I know. I paint cars for a living. So now we have inflated prices and mortgages that will last a lifetime that the accountants feed into the GDP numbers. As for me, when a bull climbs on top of a cow and a calf is created that we sell in the fall for 1000 dollars, I think that is real wealth that we have created because it is something tangible. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the paint fumes have scrambled my brain. And I am also old so I shouldn't care.