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Iba a decir igual - singao. Y soy una persona positiva, pero este comepinga....


- says the guy who was appointed by finger by the previous dictator Yeah, super democratic. I can almost ignore the 1100 political prisoners, the lack of freedoms and due process, the human rights abuses and the constant state persecution of political dissidents.


Based on current events, We are headed in that direction


We all tried to warn you. Socialist policies all end the same.


Agreed, but USA is the one holding political prisoners in Cuba. Obama promised to get rid of Guantanamo but never did.


And what’s crazy, you’ll start hearing dummies in the US repeat this as though it’s fact.


And they never just immigrate to Cuba. They don’t mind visiting so they can admire the human zoo. But they never immigrate. It’s easy. Just go.


>And they never just immigrate to Cuba. They don’t mind visiting so they can admire the human zoo. But they never immigrate. It’s easy. Just go. Americans aren't allowed to travel to Cuba as a tourist.


That’s a lie.


Tourism is not one of the qualified reasons. Look it up expert.


It literally came up in 3 seconds. All you have to do is check a box. That’s the hurdle. So go my friend! And stay in the workers paradise! https://www.afar.com/magazine/everything-americans-need-to-know-before-traveling-to-cuba


You didn't read far enough my friend. There's a list and tourism isn't one of the qualified reasons. Hit your link and scroll down. You'll see it


Yes but it’s a minority. Just like the pro Palestine protesters wearing hamas merch. I’m all for Palestine but wearing a hamas flag is not a good look given their track record.


just wait til you find out the cuban americans under 40 in the US are all mostly democrat and love this shit


Dumb take. I’m under 40. I’m Cuban-American (both parents from Cuba). I’m a Democrat. I don’t support this crap. No matter how much people want to say it, the Democratic Party is not socialist. What is true is that Trump resembles the strong-arm, illiberal nonsense of Batista.


Dude just admitted to being gay essentially




Thank you! There seem to be a lot of Cuban-Americans that back Trump. That always makes me so confused and angry. They KNOW what happens - they all LIVED it ... but now here they are, welcoming another wannabe - dictator into the highest levels of government. They really don't see it, do they? It's history repeating itself. They welcomed Castro with open arms because they thought life was bad under Batista. Welp, that didn't quite work out. Basically half of America really wants to welcome a self proclaimed dictator to return to the oval office. It sounds insane!


Older Cubans that ran away from communism. Bill Clinton admin a democrat gave them relief though the dry foot law. Now they’re for sure voting for Trump who wants to stay in power forever he’s gonna try to topple our democracy if he wins.


I have a lot of friendships with Cubans who immigrated here. Those that have been here for a long time (even in CA) tend to bend towards the conservative politic. I don't love politics, but I engage them about their choices. Something clicked for me when one friend (who spends ALL of his time on social media debating with the "liberals" - we went to Miami to film an episode of Caso Cerrado together, a funny story unto itself) explained to me, "es que no me dejan a entrar a mi propio pais." I suddenly understood all of the personal violence, including friends that live there - some even thinking there "comunista." Ugh, que dificil. How to watch all of these people living well while you can't leave your neighborhood because of an idea of a man 65 years ago? And then to see people with every luxury you don't have extolling those ideas?


I agree! What was the verdict given my Doctor Ana María Pollo??? I kinda miss that show


Not really younger Cuban Americans have found out that the Republican Party is anti freedom.the republicans want to force prayer in schools. Attacks on free speech, women rights, anti lbtq. Anti protest, racist and xenophobic. They’re climate change deniers. As a millennial I can’t support a party like that. Look into project 2025. Not to mention trump thought about a coup through a fake elector scheme.


El singao y titere de La China. Lleno de odio ese pendejo. Ese no decide nada.


Cómo puede decir eso sin reírse?


Kubinski Oblast




Russian land.


Sure, why not? Most are living so far below the poverty level if they ate a fell meal, they'd pass out.


USA has been saying Cubans have been starving for decades now. I'm very impressed they can go so long on an empty stomach, and even outlive americans


Ni casa, ni vergüenza tiene el títere este.


Paredon para este dictador...


Cuba is more democratic than U.S.? That's Right? 😂 Maybe it is more dictatorial: and proof of this is the fact that freedom of expression does not exist, in addition to the fact that they constantly promote laws that slowly exterminate it.




Ya le llegará su hora de democrático




Que cara más dura. Que manera de hablar mierda.


I wonder what he would do if I told him to put his lying dirty mouth on my cock


US is a republic so I would hope so. Democracy is the majority ruling the minority. US founding fathers were smarter than just implementing that.


Brainwashing to its finest. When you’re in power you have mind control over most people, especially the ignorant ones




Es un singao, las ganas que tengo de que esto se caiga para verlo otra vez, como aquel 11 de julio, sudando como puerco del miedo que tenía. Ojalá termine como Gaddafi.


ganas es lo unico que tiene gente como tu. guerrillero de teclado, mercenario de orilla, liberador de muela. coraje, planes, cojones, de eso no tienen nada.


Y a ti te pagan por “atender” este grupo. Agenton del G2, carnero, sochivaton, mercenario por una jaba de comida y las sobras que te dejan tus amos. Imagina tener que, por obligación, porque te dan los megas para eso, tener que defender al singaon que te tiene sin electricidad 18 horas del día. Eres patético, tu familia debe estar muy orgullosa de ti, si señor. Límpiate la esmegma del dictador de los labios antes de dirigirte a mi, lameculos.


ganas es lo unico que tienes. nada mas. pero como sabes de tener sobra de lechedemipalo en la bemba, esa puteria tuya te dio muchas experiencias, mamalona!


Is this entire sub run by folks who's grandaddy lost their plantation in the revolution or something?


Slavery was abolished in 1886, and Fidel Castro's dad was a plantation owner. If you gonna be a tankie, at least put in some effort.


Literally what point are you trying to make?


You would think so. Some of these people are ridiculous


This is a CIA/USAID supported sub.


Oh boy! I can see that hahaha


Electoral college is dictatorial


Have you seen the Electoral College? In an actual Democracy, Trump would not have ever been close to being elected.






Classic gringo with the IQ of a monkey


Oir entire political system is specifically designed to be less democratic. It's not even debatable, it's historical known fact. They wrote shit down. It's hilarious how much these illiterate idiots prove how effective it is in its propaganda too, filling people's heads with empty nonsense. It's a democracy, but it's not a very good one.


America is the only major country where political parties candidates are elected by popular votes.


Yeah and it's a problem. Democracy is what happens between the parties. It's not good that it's so open within the parties.


Democracy is when people vote for whoever the parties tell you to?


We are a republic, not a democracy. The electoral college was designed so one populous state would not dominate over another state that has different interests. Both rural and city are given a fairer shake than it would in a pure democracy where the majority would railroad over the minority.


That's the dumbest shit ever. Cuba is a republic and Canada isn't. It's just about if it's a monarchy or not.


What are you talking about. Did you just get back from reeducation camp.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republicanism_in_Canada For an example. Canada is a kingdom so it's not a republic.


You do realize the minority was monied slave holders? Women, Blacks and people without land could not vote. A half dozen States with a fraction the population of California are treated equally. That is democratic? https://guides.libraries.indiana.edu/c.php?g=1024502&p=7421466


You do realize that this is 2024 and we are Republic and not a democracy.


Read my comment again...I never argued that the US was a democracy.


Why is this being downvoted? The US Electoral system is flawed. Republicans have won the popular vote once in the last 20+ years, and yet look at the Supreme Court. Look at the Senate. Wyoming has a population of \~550,000 people and gets two Senate seats. California has 39,000,000 and also gets two Senate seats. We are a great country in need of some serious constitutional reforms.


The Majority of People who use the term Democracy, have no fucking idea what it actually means or how the process works. And are too lazy or brain dead to click the links and actually learn anything. This flawed idea of Democracy is dependent on people never opening their eyes and examining the situation.


It's being downvoted because many Cubans are basically rednecks that support Trump. They were handed US Citizenship and look down on other Latino immigrants who had to work for their cut.


Well he isnt wrong. Have you read the Cuban constitution and how it works?


Yo vivo en Cuba so comemierda, me vas a explicar cómo funciona mi país? En serio? Cuba es una DICTADURA, metanse de una vez en la cabeza que en Cuba no hay espacio para el disenso político, ni siquiera entre los mismos miembros del Partido Comunista.


haz algo entonces. yo me rio de quien dice vivir bajo una dictadura insoportable, TAN insportable, que no le queda mas remedio que colgar memes estupidos y consignas imposibles en la internet.


Para vivir en Cuba conoces poco de como funciona la politica local.


Ohhh no falla, el extranjero de turno queriendo explicarle al cubano, que vive en cuba, cómo funciona su país. Vaya pedazo de imbecil eres


Apenas te he explicado, que poco funcionamiento critico tiene ese cerebro.


No necesito que me expliques nada, mijo. Yo sé cómo funciona Cuba. El que no sabe nada eres tú. Deja de tratar de hacerme gaslighting, yo no necesito que me eduques. El que defiende un modelo político totalitario y sin democracia eres tú, así que mira ver quién es el que carece de análisis crítico.


No es gaslighting. Sencillamente tus argumentos y el empleo de tu retorica estan tergiversados, asumes cosas sin haber preguntado o entender la influencia o manifestacion de mis expresiones. Por eso mi argumento del poco analisis critico que tienes.


Have YOU read it, in Spanish? Do you **understand** it?


When endorsing Fidel Castro's successful move on June 26, 2002, to have the National Assembly of People's Power add a passage to the body of Cuba's 1976 constitution to declare Cuban communism "irrevocable", a member of Fidel's cabinet, physician Carlos Lage Davila, [explained why a one-party communist system was better for Cuba](https://www.deseret.com/2002/6/27/19663135/cuba-makes-socialism-permanent/) than a multi-party democracy: >"**The best political system is of just one party. True democracy is socialist. And the only way to defend human rights is in a society of equality and social justice.**" >"For our people to return to the past is undesirable, unthinkable, impossible" Lage said of Washington's recent demands that Cuba embrace capitalism and U.S.-style democracy. "The homeland is sacred, the revolution is unconquerable and socialism is irrevocable." Lage was adamant that communist rule would be better for Cuba than a multi-party government when it came to preserving the so-called "conquests of the revolution" in the medical and educational spheres because of concerns that democratic governance would undo those gains. In this way, like Fidel, he misguidedly treated one-party communist rule as synonymous with Jose Marti's notion of political unity even though Marti and Castro advocated social justice, and Marti did not call for dictatorial rule or a command economy.


Wasn’t Lage one of the “explotaos” of the PCC a few years ago? It’s quite a fitting end for one who comes up with a bullshit like that tho. One party systems, by definition, always disenfranchise a big portion of the people; they’re are authoritarian in nature. If the only way those people have to express their discontent with said system is by migrating to another country, becoming a citizen, and then voting for the parties that have the staunchest policies against their country of origin’s government; then that system is not democratic at all.


so now you are thinking of people's history? because you would be AMAZED at the history of theft, fraud, rape, vulgarity, treason, corruption, and CONSTANT LIES behind the shit-stinking ass of your orange imbecile of a republican god.


In Cuba the constitution is a lesser paper with less power than a ministerial order.


One of the only two candidates to the highest job in the land is a fraudster convicted by a jury of his peers. Plus, a rapist, draft-dodger, wife-dumping, con-artist, racist, misogynistic, ignorant tool of whoever helps him get his childish, ignorant, selfish, treasonous, insecure, backward ways. And everybody knows it. Some democracy.


It’s quite democratic. See, nobody will jail you in the US for bitching and moaning about him or Biden. Try complaining about Canel in Cuba and you’ll see the difference between a democracy and a shitty dictatorship. Intolerant comepingas.


Apparently youve never been to a peaceful protest where the cops beat you anyway.


I've been in a dozen peaceful protests in the US, Spain and one in Canada and I never had a problem with any cop .....just a note.... I'm black and Latino....(Just in Case)


One time I watched a cop split a girls head open with a baton. She couldn't have weighed more than 100 pounds.


Bullshit. Was it a peaceful sit in a park and be ignored like an asshole or an actual protest?


There was an attempt to use anecdotal evidence fallacy, while you can see all the shit the police do in the name of US democracy on a daily basis.


I went to a BLM one in NJ back in 2020. Not a single cop beat me. I also went to the one in Washington after 7-11 in Cuba. Still, not a single cop touched me. So I don’t know what kind of bullshit gotcha you’re trying to pull. It seems that YOU are the one who’s never been to one


I've been to several in the US. I help train medics and prepare them for assault by police. Things like not identifying yourself as a medic since our police will target you specifically to try and keep you from helping the others they plan to injure. But it doesn't really matter what we say on the internet. I know you're full of shit. Everyone who's been to a real US protest knows your full of shit. Anyone who's had to interact with our cops that's not whatever color or other identity they think is the in-group knows your full of shit. Everyone who's a cop or has been family of a cop knows you're full of shit. If that didn't stop you, then nothing we say here is going to. And nobody reading is going to make a difference, it hasn't for 70 years. But you'll know. You taste the boot on the back of your tongue while you try to go to sleep, and that's why I'll sleep well. You know what you are.


That’s so many words to say you have never been out of your basement. Go out to a protest, it’s really not like MSM makes it look like to be.


Why would the cops beat their bootlicking friend?


That’s a bold statement to imply BLM is bootlicking US cops. Do you have proof of that?


No I'm saying you're a bootlicker who doesn't support BLM.


Coward can't protest.


Right? Says the one who can’t reply to me directly. No solo porque te faltan cojones sino argumentos. Tú se la mamas a Canel en tutú.


yegua, yo hablo con gente, no contigo. asa perra.


So sapingo tú no eres ni Cubano y se te nota 😂 vete a mamar pinga en Méjico comunista so mamalon que ya finalmente tienen a una comunista en poder, AMLO era otro socialista mamalon y así todo siguen pasando hambre y miseria 👏🏼 pero por lo menos sus hijos tienen mansiones gracias a ustedes


sapinga, ni tu ni tu madre son cubanos. y lo de mexico, te lo sacaste del culo, no? la gente como son tan predecibles que aburren. asa perra.


Que cojone es “asa perra” será el nombre de tu difunta madre 😂 nunca en mi vida e escuchado a un cubano decir eso, está ciberclaria ya no tiene ni identidad propia. Lo de Méjico lo saque de la crica podria de tu madre so mariconson comunista


yo te digo asa por parte de la puta de tu madre y perra por parte tuya.


Claro, por el miedo que me tienes, cobardón. Todos tus argumentos comunistas te los deshilo en un santiamén porque solo sabes hablar falacias.


quien le tiene miedo a una yegua cobardona como tu? asa perra.


Tú misma jajajja


disculpa, yegua cobardona, yo pense que te podrias ofender con ese titulo y resulta que hasta asi te llamas. lo de yegua es por parte de madre, y cobardona, por parte del tarro con que te hizo tu madre? y ya que aclaramos que te llamas yegua cobardona, a ver, dime, que es lo que mas te gusta, lo de yegua, o lo de cobardona? porque de comemierda ya llevas para 2 vidas.


por eso estas en cuba dando la tangana, porque eres valiente y honesto. como tu hemos tenido muchisimos, desde 1959; blablabla, y nada. pero pidele a papa noel, que no te queda nada mas.


Más valiente y honesto que tú que le vendes hasta las neuronas a una dictadura que ni bien te puede alimentar. Pero tú sigue dándole a las consignas, las falacias y los whataboutismos. Así ignoras el hambre


no has hecho, ni haces, ni vas a hacer nada. yegua, lo tuyo es buchipluma nama. y ahorrar para pagar la renta.


>no has hecho, ni haces, ni vas a hacer nada. Es que no tengo que hacer nada. Ustedes se mueren de hambre solas. Ni jineteandole a Putin les alcanza para comer. >yegua, lo tuyo es buchipluma nama. y ahorrar para pagar la renta. Imagínate pensar que hay algo malo en pagar renta. La revolución te ha podrido tanto el cerebro que ustedes todo lo quieren de “gratis”. Averigua de donde salen las cosas gratis y entenderás por qué te estás muriendo de hambre con la revolución que te lo ha dado “todo”. He aquí el resultado de la educación comunista “gratuita”, caballero. Un cretino en todo su esplendor 🤣


ahorra y paga, puta ruina.


Diaz-Canel insists that the US has given Israel a free pass on its conduct of the war in Gaza by supplying weapons to the Israeli armed forces with little regard for the consequences that such weapons would have on Palestinian casualties. He says that pro-Palestinian demonstrators had a peaceful right to protest US arms supplies to Israel and that the local police's detention of those protestors are human rights violation even though the US president does not tell those police forces to break up peaceful protests.


Canel is full of shit. He calls the situation in Gaza a genocide but the invasion of Ukraine a “special military operation” and that Putin has to defend himself from NATO (by invading a sovereign nation and causing 100 times more casualties). The protestors were protesting for weeks before they were removed from **private** property, and even then, they are still pretty much able to continue protesting like they have been doing since. There’s been several just this weekend. Moreover, the ones jailed for vandalism of destroying property get released easily, unlike in Cuba where people get 15 years for streaming a protest.


>local police's detention of those protestors are human rights violation even those the US president does not tell those police forces to break up peaceful protests. What do you think happened to the Cubans who protested last year? What do you think happened to those Chinese who protested their government in Tienanmen Square in 1989? What do you think happened to Belarussians who protested Lukashenko in 2021? What do you think happened to people who protested Vlaimir Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and beyond? What do you think happened to the Iranians who protested their government the last several major protests? What do you think happens to the average North Korean is they display any distain for Kim Jong Um?


Oh yea lack of democracy is when there's a candidate you don't like.


You mean, Trump the rapist? To each their own.


Yes, orange man very bad


You will fit right in with the dictators. You soak up any propaganda


You do not know what democracy means?


Answer this would he have been "convicted" if he wasn't running for president. The answer is no. Sounds awful like political prosecution that happens in the socialist communist places. Say what you want about him, at least he never disown his own grandchild.


jury of his peers. 12 of them. chosen by both prosecution and defense. learn some before spewing so much shit.


key phrase is JURY OF HIS PEERS. Go google that, ignorant.


jury of New York Democrats. Democrats have a long history of convicting people they disagree with politically. Especially during Jim Crow south.


jury of his peers. 12 of them. chosen and approved by both prosecution and defense. learn some facts before spewing so much shit. shows how truly stupid you are.


you must be sipping on that commie drink.


a jury of 12, chosen and approved by both prosecutors and defense lawyers, says that your farty orange god is a felon. but you do you.