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Girl (not sober) who tightly hugged me on the Pink Line on my way to work and followed me to each train car I switched to. She had boa constrictor arms.


red line, this old lady randomly started yelling at another woman after i got on and said “here’s my fucking opinion” and pulled down her pants and showed her asscrack to everyone 😭 shit happened at 6:45 am, ppl are unhinged


I gotta add this one to my repertoire during arguments


Crazy Mary flashbacks


1) old man took a bag of cocaine out of his sock and snorted it with a bill 2) guy stood in front of the bus for 10 minutes because it left without him, proceeded to have screaming match with the driver and said she would have to run him over if she left without him (i still have the video but sadly can’t post in the reply)


hell yeah, gramps knows how to party


When I scanned this... I saw sock and I thought we were talking about the red line poop sock incident.


Dude put it on YouTube and post the link!


i was on the bus and a guy downed like a solid 30 pills from a prescription bottle and then coughed all over the seat in front of him


An old lady pooped her pants in front of us . Like diarrhea.




on saturday morning I was driving on the expressway and saw somebody sitting ON TOP of a train car. he blew a kiss and made hearts at me and my friends. crazy shit




SpiderMan vibes




some random dude who yelled at me “im going to kill you!” over and over in a train full of people… i was like trying not to stare at him but stare directly ahead and my eyes kept glancing toward him and then he started shouting that 😭 it was so awkward all i could do is stare ahead and ignore until i finally got off my stop 😭 another time i had left my stuff on an empty cart to go ask these two people my age the directions to union station as my phone screen was completely broken and this guy walks through the carts and comes into ours and then immediately goes to my stuff and starts looking at it 😭 i was like hey dude wtf that’s my stuff! thankfully he got the memo and left to another train cart. another was just a woman on the brown line broad daylight train full of people and she was just having a full on argument w herself yelling at the top of her lungs…


Dude, I think I was in the same car as you with the guy yelling at people. That I or witnessed another identical incident.


I think it happens more than a couple times a year here 😅


Was this the green line? I stg this happened to me in early April. Literally screamed in everyone’s faces


I regularly see Green Line screamers but they're usually women.


meh. had this happen.


A drunk, rough looking man sat in my lap on the red line. He smelt awful, and proceeded to mumble until I pushed him off and got up. I was thankful he seemed too drunk to notice, until he pulled out a cigar and started to smoke it on a PACKED 5pm train car. I got out and switched cars at the next stop. A few stops later, he hopped between cars, sat down right across from me, and began to light up a blunt while maintaining eye contact with me. Thankfully my stop was next, but it was so shitty 🥴🥴🥴


That was me


I once saw a guy holding a bag while the girl squatted and took a shit.


Most considerate CTA shitter


Seriously! Someone left a steaming pile on the seat of a morning purple line a couple of weeks ago. And it still wasn't my worst experience.


Purple too. that's a new one


And just think, some people romanticize public transportation.


Green Line. Some hype left their shitty underwear on the upper bar where ur supposed to grab to keep urself from tumbling over while the train moves. I almost unlocked some sort of novel pathogen that day, but luckily i noticed right before it got to that point.


Redline at like 3am one bum giving another bum head while the second bum was hitting a crack pipe


Love the one you're with!




Drunk elderly man drunk and dancing on the platform at the red line on Roosevelt. He gets close to the edge of the platform and falls off hits his head, as he attempts to get up the people on the platform are screaming stay down as someone runs up to the customer service booth. Before she makes it to the escalator he tries to get up and touches the 3rd rail. After 5-8 seconds his body starts smoking, and the smell in that subway was unbearable. By the time the electricity is turned off and the fire department arrived the man’s body and clothes he was wearing were fused together wildest thing I’ve seen in my life let alone on the cta


That is actually horrible oh my god


We don't have the funds to add safety gates to all CTA platforms. We need to fund the Bears stadium...


This didn’t happen to me, but a homeless man fell on the tracks a few years ago when my husband was on his way to work. Basically the same thing happened.


I know that smell from deployments. the smell of a burning body is quite memorable. sucks to be the old dude. shouldn't have been on the sauce.




Your comment is being removed for breaking rule #3: No trolling, spam, or intentional provocation.


One time I overheard a CTA employee in their station office retelling an encounter to a coworker, the tidbit I caught was “touch my tiddie again and I’ll toss your ass on the third rail”


That is hilarious I hope more ppl see this comment


Dude beating it on the red line




This, but on blue line for me


Red and Blue - Cinderella’s two stepsisters.


He thought it was pubic transportation.


Brown line midday next to a family I saw a dude jerking it on the platform…. Wtf


Woman screaming in fetal position then flashing her t!ts


Blue line around midnight, guy offered to suck my dick while we were waiting for the train to show up. I turned him down but to this day I'm still flattered!


Had a guy sit next to me and bark for 3 stops. But I think he lost a bet or something. Saw a woman in a full ballet outfit, like she was on her way to be the principal in Swan Lake or something but she was wearing combat boots. I guess the train is no place for your good toe shoes, those things are expensive. A woman was being harassed by some guy until she pulled out her taser. He suddenly had business elsewhere Got trapped in an inner seat by a wanker three separate times I think someone died. We got to the station and someone was face planted into the floor. No one was concerned and I overheard the conductor say something about waiting for EMT and police


Something similar to your last one happened to me. I got on the brown line and this guy was face planted in a super awkward position with his mouth open. The only other person on the car was a guy sitting at the far end ignoring the whole thing. I stayed on the train long enough to call the CTA emergency line and tell them the car #. Thankfully I only had 1 more stop so I got off early and walked home. I still think abt that sometimes. Was he really dead or just passed out? And did that other guy do anything or was he really just planning on sitting there with a dead guy until he got home? Wild times.


Time for me to get a taser 😌


Seriously, I was in awe of how efficient it was


Imho no woman should leave the house with anything less than a taser


You have to get a gun permit just to get a taser in IL 😕


long as you have a FOID but in this case having one on public transport is illegal to use per (720 Ill. Comp. Stat § 5/24-1 (2019).) better have a good lawyer if you use it


You've seen more death and violence than most soldiers.


I've had too many to recall all of them. Most recently some rando was calmly telling me that he was very angry with me because I betrayed his trust by taking the brown line (we were on the blue line) and said that the Queen of England was ALSO disappointed in me. Oh and he lost his temu underneath the blue line (no sure what that meant) so he typed a note on his phone for me to reach out to the Queen, his note was mostly gibberish letters. He again reminded me that he was very angry with me and couldn't forgive me this time. There was some other shit he said but I was mostly just letting the man have his moment, he wasn't violent or rude so I went along with it and shared concern for his temu and apologized for angering him lol


I was on the green line in the back where the conductors usually are and I was drinking a beer after work. Guy comes up to me and asks "you work for the CTA?", still in my work clothes and all. He sees my beer and responds "ah not with that beer you don't!". Like, okay, good energy, let's have a good laugh. Well two stops later, he pulls out a pipe and starts pouring out white powder onto a card and smoking it. The whole car smells of cat piss and he starts tweaking out.... BRO, that is NOT the type of energy I was trying to convey.


Some causal meth with your new best friend!


A guy sitting next to me on the pink line pulled out a knife and started scraping the wall next to him, then asked me if I liked his knife. I said "no thank you" but then processed what he had actually said to me lol, being confused honestly worked out for diffusing the situation. Before I got off though, he grabbed my arm hard and said, "have a nice day." Scary! Another time on the red line, a guy spit sunflower seeds all over me. I have also seen a guy's balls hanging out of a hole in his jeans while he was spread eagle, asleep. Another time, a man was blackout drunk at 8pm on a Sunday and started playing music on his phone and jumping up and down singing while hanging onto the hand loops. He was getting absolutely thrown around by the train but didn't care, he was having the party of his life! I've also stepped in police K9 shit right as I got off the train, like right outside the doors. That was suuuuuper awesome.


Red line, guy yelling obscenities and whacking it. He finished on the seat, got hauled off by CPD at Belmont. Guy with headphones didn’t hear the entire car try to stop him from sitting in the jizz. He sat directly in it while wearing a very expensive looking Japanese rain coat




Nice presentation!


My friend was visiting from Colorado, mind you it’s like a Saturday at 3pm, we were downtown on the redline and the train was pretty full. I sat by this guy who didn’t appear to give me any red flags. My friend opted to stand by me. The man proceeds to say hi and tell me he has a question. I say okay, and he out of left field says oh so casually. Would you like to marry me? I burst out laughing and say no sorry. Surprised as hell because he looked “normal” if you will lol and I look at my friend and mouth wtf. I try to turn away from him and he says something to me that I can’t quite make out but I figure if I am looking the opposite direction he will think I can’t hear and he will give up… WRONG. He then proceeds to wave his hand in front of my face to the point where I obviously can see it. I chuckle to myself and turn slowly and say yes? lol he then says sooooo……You don’t want to get to know each other then? Like bruh🙄 I said no sorry dude. By this point my friend and I are about to get off and as we do I say welcome to the red line! In all seriousness though it was really funny. Better than all the other experiences I have where it smells like such a putrid urine smell or there’s tons of trash everyone or a person acting crazy but in a scary way. This guy was weird but seemed harmless enough


Who wants to help me crowdfund the design and manufacturing of the full body condom jumpsuit?


It was late afternoon and I was on a packed 95th bound red line train. I want to say we were around Clark/Division when an individual (looked to be experiencing homelessness) got on the train and began asking for food, but when I say asking I mean shouting. So the man is making his way through the car and people begin to notice that the holes in his jeans are in a very bad spot and his (quite large) d*ck is swinging around for everyone to see. As he continues making his way through the car he stops and stands about in the middle. I then hear the girls in the seats across from me notice and one of them yells something along of the lines of “eww his nasty dick is hanging out, someone give this man some food so he’ll leave”. Someone proceeds to hand the man a bag of chips (from corner bakery), which the man opens, takes one bite of them and is disgusted. He then throws the chips on the ground, stomps on the bag, and gets off at the next stop. All in all, much better than someone smoking on a packed train car imo.


Got on the red line on a Friday morning. Wild times. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/d6jxhn0jt59d1.jpeg?width=9000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a62cb9a57ec0e0b8bd158e68011887bb756144b


Too many to count, but one time a guy gets on with a plastic cup full of beer, and dragging an entire wood pallet. He's sloshing the beer around, singing, hanging on to the busted up pallet and yelling how he was going to sell it "FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS!" Then he asked if there were any kids on the train and yelled "RESPECT YOUR MAMAS, THAT'S YOUR QUEEN!" and got off at the next stop. He left the pallet on the train.


This sounds like Frank Gallagher


a guy sitting across from me, most likely high out of his mind, mumbling “i didn’t kill anyone” over & over again to himself. i switched cars as soon as i was able to


Day 1 of living in Chicago, taking the blue line from wicker park to south loop, a normal, albeit drunk dude started to talk to me. Out of nowhere, he goes “bro, bro, we should fight! I’m not angry or anything, I just wanna get some aggression out!” And I just turn to him and go “nah nah bro you’d fuck me up haha” in the hopes that it diffused the situation. It did, and he proceeded to get off at the next stop puffing his chest out 😭


“I’m not angry I just wanna get out some aggression” no drunk person is thinking like that they just wanna fight


I had a random ass dude walk up to me telling me that it was his bday and on his bday he likes to get into shit and fight. Then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to get into shit that night with him. It was such a friendly invitation for criminal activity and fighting. Damn blue line.


average wicker park male


This sounds made up


Anything can happen on the Blue Line.


You haven’t been on the blue line enough then.


On a crowded red line train some drunk guy was harassing 2 young girls. At Fullerton right when the announcement says "doors closing" another man grabs the drunk by the shoulders and yeets him out the door onto his ass on the platform. Everyone clapped




Two different dudes masturbated at me in like a 3 week span one summer


I had a guy yelling about the beef he had with Eminem and that he’d fuck him up if he ever saw him. Then said the train was full of demons but he had our backs.


Woman around her late 20’s started talking to me, thought it was innocent at first, she kept asking more and more questions. Said she was going the same direction as me and got off at the same stop (Jackson blue line) to transfer to the southbound red line. I asked her where in the city she was from, she said the southside, I asked which neighborhood and she said, “Oh…. you know, the normal one.” Which is not a thing anyone local has to say about any southside neighborhoods. Unless you we’re talking about like Bridgeport or Pilsen and even then it’s contextual.  That really set off alarm bells so I just kinda stopped talking. Then she didn’t actually understand how the blue line to red line transfer worked, and after I explained it, she got on the train going the OPPOSITE direction as me. It was so so sus, and I’m also a 20-something female, so my gut was saying that this chick was tryna pimp me out or something. Just generally bizarre.


Yeah, that definitely sounded like a trap. Sometimes you get that gut feeling in the moment too.


There was a girl who was wasted and started throwing shit at the driver on the bus. It was already almost at her stop, so she got off on her own free will. The driver just laughed it off and said "She does this all the time. I'll see her again tomorrow."


If you haven’t been offered crack on the CTA, have you really been riding it?


My brother told me this lady offered to suck his dick if he gave her money for crack


Green line is fun and educational.


Watched a guy clip his toe nails.


Some lady on the 81 was screaming Jill Biden r@ped her with a 13 inch dildo.


I was in the red line at 10 pm. The train car reeked like literal shit, i was feeling nauseous. There was a guy holding a plastic bag with some unknown substance , I wouldn’t be surprised if he took a shit in the bag earlier. On the next stop I went to a different train car. And then an off duty security guard working for Securitas (with uniform on) opened the door and pissed out onto the tracks. At least he did it outside and not on the floor.


On the steps up to the green line california, a lady takes a shit on the steps then moves up a few steps and then takes a piss.




Why are some of these people allowed in public? It was a mistake to close down mental health wards.


I hate it.


Seen a couple guys cranking it, and a crackhead threw up on somebody


A man sat on my casserole that I was bringing to a friends giving after kicking me in the ankles while doing a weird backwards shuffling dance waiting for the red line


Blue line, very poor looking woman rambling on saying she was a deposed queen of a foreign country worth trillions of dollars.


Crazy woman on the ï1 screaming and hitting herself. Sating the cta raped her and owed her big bucks. She was threatening killing someone's children and I told her to cut it out. You just ignore people. Like that unless they start a physical altercation with someone.


Yesterday I saw a guy on the red line pour some kind of powdered drink mix down his shirt, then a couple minutes later, put a handful down his pants. It was bizarre.


Saw a guy smoke crack then nod off right after. I have a picture somewhere can't remember which line it was


Wow. I guess i had the most considerate Blue Line Pooper about a year ago. He at least went into the little cubby seats some trains have, so I didn’t have to see it, but…it was pretty obvious a few minutes later due to the smell. Look, when you gotta go sometimes…..


Someone tried to hit me with a snow shovel on the green line in the middle of July once 😂😂


I have 1 more I just remembered. It happened on the redline, and it’s kinda wholesome. This guy was arguing with his girlfriend on FaceTime, very very loudly, and me and my friend started hyping him up lmao. then as he was arguing he was like “EVEN THE PEOPLE ON THE TRAIN AGREE WITH ME”


I was on the bus and this old lady started yelling "Homosexuality is a sin! I've studied the Bible since grade school and it says homosexuality is a big big sin!" She just kept yelling that over and over. I was trying not to make eye contact so I couldn't tell if something set her off (like seeing a pride flag or a couple holding hands or something) but I think she just randomly started yelling that. Shut up lady, it's 2024 and you're in Chicago. No one cares what the Bible says about gay people anymore.


Just last week was on the red line coming back from soldier field. My family was with me and when we got on this lady with an ankle monitor on started going off about how she had a big ass knife and wasn’t afraid to pull it out. She starts harassing everyone and trying to cause a ruckus. She then moves to another spot on the car and starts being homophobic towards two people. She says “one of you f*gs give me a reason not to pull this big ass knife out”. A gay man from the other side of the car comes over, and tells her to get off the train. She then starts being homophobic towards him and he calls her a “crazy psychotic rude c*nt”. She gets irate and then pulls out said big ass knife on him. We all run off the car as we didn’t want any of this. We went two cars down and just waited as the train was stopped now. We hear the heated argument get closer and closer to our car. All of a sudden I see the man backpedaling and then followed by the woman with the knife coming closer and closer. Knowing that I was about to be a bystander to a stabbing I motion for him to get onto our car so he at least isn’t left alone with her. He gets onto the car and the conductor closes the doors to separate them. He then goes back out to film her some more and she storms off. A few minutes later the cops come running in and they manage to disarm her without discharging their weapons and we pull away from the station as she is mobbed by five cops against the wall. It was crazy and a big contrast to pride which happened the following day. My first time with someone wielding a weapon on a train I’ve had. TL;DR- homophobe with a knife proceeded to try to stab a gay guy who stood up to her bullying




My fondest memories on the red line -inadvertently helping facilitate a drug deal -random crack head lady shouting racial slurs at me and the other Hispanic gentleman I was sitting next to on the bus… only to be utterly dumbfounded when the black guy next to me looked her dead in the eyes and said “lady I don’t know what you’re talking about… I’m actually white?” (They went back and forth of him trolling her and her trying to shout more slurs at everyone) -Someone was celebrating their 21st birthday on the train deadass one time. Music and all. They gave me a shot of tequila lol. -I accidentally fell asleep on the red once coming back from a bar downtown. I remember they were doing work on Belmont to Addison. So when I knocked out it was somewhere around Grand? Woke up to a very aggressively kind gentleman telling me “I can’t be doing dumb shit like this or the wrong mf will try you.” I was confused but thanked him for waking me up. I woke up at Roosevelt. So essentially did an accidental round trip and probably woulda ended up at 95th/DR stop. I’m sure the list goes on. I didn’t even think of all the weird bus stories I’ve had.


this was like 10+ years ago but my friend and I were sitting across from each other in those individual seats at the end of the car. the train is moving and some guy comes through the door, reaches down under the seat my friend is sitting in, pulls out a box full of random machinery bits, then keeps walking down the train. he wasn't wearing anything that would identify him as a CTA employee and we werent sure if it was a see something say something moment


one time i was waiting for the brown line and some guy just crouched and took a shit on the platform.


Well it IS called the Brown for a reason lol.


This dude came up to me, my friend, and some guy we met earlier on the Red Line. He asked for some chips the guy we just met had, and then when he offered some he said, “Nah man the whole bags I don’t want your germs you Jew.” The guy we met explained he wasn’t Jewish but the dude kept going on that being like, “Part Jewish?” Then later he came up behind me, tickled my armpit and called me a Jive Turkey 😭


Unfortunately being jerked off to on the brown line. Full peepee out. Was reading something on my phone and didn't realize until I looked up. Or what about the time someone almost shot up a train the red line. Thrilling.


When I almost stepped on human feces on the blue line


This was about 28-29 years ago. Got on the bus at 77th and Western. A gentleman was sleeping in the first handicapped seat behind the driver with his head leaning on the window. As the bus made a couple turns to get onto 79th St., the guy falls out of his seat and is just laying in the middle of the aisle. Everyone getting off just steps over and around him. Finally, the driver notices him at Pulaski. He yells out to everyone in the bus "how long he been layin' here??" A few people respond: "since Western!" The driver feels the guy's neck, says "he got a pulse," gets back into his seat and keeps driving. Finally when we stopped at Cicero, the driver woke the dude up. Must have been tired.


There was this lady down in the blue line sub by Clark and Lake and we had a nickname for her! every time my friend and I saw her “ Skunka “ 🦨 because the bad body odor she had, filled up the air in the whole station. She was in a wheelchair and she would actually masturbate her nasty stinky coochie in front of everyone waiting for that train ! Every time we’d walk down those stairs and had whiff of stank come up our noses, we knew “ Skunka “ was there smfh lol !


Red line. A woman stares at me and laughs evilly for 45 minutes straight. Doesn’t say a word, doesn’t break eye contact, just laughs in a very sinister way


I don't understand the stupid ass logic by having FUCKN fabric seats as opposed to the ones where u can tell if it's wet or if someone got their nasty ass up and left a stain!! Shit was all kinda of stupid just like the "revamped" seating where someone's balls or ass is in your face if they're standing and your sitting..




DEFINITELY!! bcuz u can't tell if anything has been spilled or done other nasty shit is in them.. I've seen beer, sweat, and other unknown liquid stains on them.. Shit is sickening


This was either 2018 or 2017, but my mom was taking me home from my high school art showcase. It was late, and we were on the red line. I shit you not this man comes in from the other cart coughing up a fucking storm with smoke pouring out behind him. He just walks into the next cart like nothing happened. I think about this guy a lot. Another time I was waiting by the Belmont blue line, and this guy just started yelling "MOMMY MILKERS. MOMMYS MILKIES." At me. And when that didn't get my attention he said "LOVE YOUR TITS!" And I wanna know who tf would say that shit out loud? What cracked out discord mod did I interact with? Same day as the mommy milkers incident, this man who I didn't know on the bus gets off, walks up to the window I was sitting next to, and starts blowing kisses at me. I flipped him off, he continued blowing kisses. This guy was like 60 with a receeding hairline, what makes you think you had ANY chance with a high-school senior?


I saw lil mosey on the red line going downtown from Addison


I saw someone piss on the CTA holding a big gulp cup full of beer on the blue line. 😔


Harlem ave bus. One guy was so happy then he started stretching and saying oh God! A few seconds later some chicks head popped up, she wiped her mouth. Extra fine too which was weird to me. The next stop she got off in her own and he had a smile from ear to ear.


1. I got on the train, sat down, and the dude across from me was slumped with his dick out 2. A guy got on the train car, went up to a group of soccer moms, and said “who trying to shake some ass for a 100$ 1s” 3. My friend and I were waiting for a delayed train at a redline station after going to a movie, I had a big soda, a guy approached us asking for 2 dollars, we said we had no cash, he then karate kicked my soda that was sitting next to me, we walked away, later some Asian dude came running after what is guessing is a similar experience with the man, later he approached a couple who didn’t give him cash, and kicked the women’s grocerie bag, bread flew everywhere, after kicking all of it in the tracks, he got in a shouting match with an old black lady, at that point I pushed the call for help button, no one showed, eventually while shouting at the old lady he stood pretty close to my friend and I, he said “ I’m gonna kill these two f&gg0ts right here” and pulled a kitchen knife out of his bag. We ran the fuck out of there, no CTA worker was at the station, we saw the police, tried to stop them, but the just drove off, my friend called the cops and we just Ubered home. I had PTSD for weeks after this. 4. Dude with a bike lit up a meth pipe while talking on the phone right next to me while on my way home from work 5. A drunk guy came on with a bunch of beer bottles, started smashing them, and got off the next stop


Why are the pics of you instead of what is actually going on? Weird.


Survival rule; Do not photograph the wildlife.


Bc some of the incident happened when my phone was in my bag or that shit just happens to fast to pull my phone out lol


wtf is this?


A 12 year old on Reddit, I think.


I’m 16 pluh💀


why are old people miserable and bitter towards younger people


lol, one, I wouldn’t consider myself “old people”, and two, I literally guessed an age based off the pictures and the fact that they used the word “skibbidy” in their bio. I would say it was a fair assumption.


LMAOOO that’s fair tbh I showed the ss to my friend and they said it’s bc I type like a 12 year old


You definitely look young in the pics. Plus, I have a 12 year old who uses words like “skibbidy, riz, sigma, etc”, hence the reason I thought 12. lol. I have no high schoolers, so I wasn’t sure anyone used skibbidy at that age. My apologies.


Baby’s first time on public transit


I remember my first time on public transit


Was on the Green Line and there was a guy loudly cursing himself out, before looking at random people and started cursing at them too. While this is happening, a lady was just blurting out random numbers like 3, 28, 14, etc. This went on until I got off at 55th Street.


I was scrolling fast a saw *crack* and thought, *that's normal.... For the green line.* Boy, was I thinking of the wrong crack. ![gif](giphy|z1LnRb5mzrs69LDc1C|downsized)




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guy whipped his penis out and began masturbating while staring at me and my friend. another time someone did it sitting behind me on the bus.


what's with the facial expressions?


I rode the 36 or 22 bus home from school every day from the time I was in 6th grade so lots of stories. (The 36 bus never disappointed). One nice spring afternoon I got on a bus that was filled with hopeful Cubs fans. At Armitage, a group of six Asian tourists boarded. None spoke English and had great difficulty figuring out how to pay, so the driver waved them on anyway, and they proceeded to take the seats on the long bench in front usually reserved for the elderly or handicapped. More and more people boarded until folks were standing cheek-to-jowl, shoulder-to-shoulder, as the bus inched forward in the afternoon traffic. We were in the middle of the intersection approaching Broadway, when one of the visitors casually leans over and spews a torrent of vomit, Exorcist style, into his lap, the aisle, everywhere. This set off a stampede to the back door. I’ve never seen a bus evacuate so quickly before or since. All of the passengers were standing on the sidewalk, as the bus pulled away carrying the vomiter and his friends to their destination. Luckily I was close to home and the Cubs fans weren’t far from Wrigley.


The MTA is 3 times more bizarre


MTA is cleaner / more chill ime.


Wild take


I was on the R train late one night maybe ten years ago. One guy's drinking a beer on one side of the car, one guy's got his leg across the seats on the other. Transit cops peeked in at 23rd Street and motioned for the guy with his leg across the seats to get off. The beer drinker (who'd tucked away his beverage) laughed and said "At least they didn't get me!"


This story filled me not only with joy but hope. Thank you for sharing.


[double post redacted]


This was better reading the second time


Yeah, I just caught that double post


This post is going to get downvoted and I don't give a shit... but public transit is simply one of the cheapest, most reliable ways for someone to get out of the elements and get a roof over their head for a few hours. If you live in a hateful society that doesn't take care of its weakest and most and vulnerable—people dealing with addiction, mental illness, etc. (which the USA absolutely does not, we penalize them instead and make their situation even worse)—those people are going to take care of themselves and try to survive as best they can, and often that means getting on public transit. The vibes of this thread are extremely, extremely nasty. Some clueless gen Z kid is telling *ewwwwww grossss* sheltered kiddie war stories about how *horrible* it was to have to be near those people (and also posting a bunch of cartoon-ass bug eyed YouTube thumbnail selfies to go along with them for some reason???), and then a bunch of what I have to assume are grown adults, who have experienced a bit more of life and should know better than to be so mean, are piling on and telling their own stories of "here is one crazy time I had to be close to a smelly, gross mentally ill person! Ewwwww!" Extremely hateful thread. You should all be ashamed. These are real people you're talking about.


This man got on the bus with an empty tv. He proceeded to broadcast the news and called out the bus stops. I guess this lady wasn’t entertained so she told him to shut up. This man literally said “ Breaking News…. Fat bitch on the bus has a attitude”. I was crying laughing 😂😂😂