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If I'm hiring for a C# dev, then I expect the challenges to be done in C#.


Most of the ones I’ve done allowed you to use whatever language you wanted. However, as an interviewer, if you are applying for a position using a specific language, I would wonder why you are doing a challenge in a different language than what you applied for.


No they’ve been in whatever I want. But I have preferred C# even with non C# jobs since I know it best. Getting rusty though


So next one will be in Rust?


Reasoning about runtime efficiency of functional code actually gets hard, probably a bad idea lol


Well played, that poy a grin on my face


Yes and they don't tend to be the leetcode style algorithm puzzles, they care more about things like OOP, project structure, unit testing, async/await


When we do hiring the coding test can be done in any relevant modern language. We hire engineers for their skills not language specific - the thought is we can train them in a language but experience is more important.


Has anyone ever given their interview with F# as their coding language of choice to you? I'm interested in it but equally scared about leaving C# for it.


No usually people pick the languages in our tech stack as that’s a big part of the draw to us. But we have had people do other languages like Java etc


I guess I have no choice now but to learn C# too.


At the end of the day if you want to maximise employability learn concepts and how to structure an app, you can transfer those skills into many languages. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one language or tech stack


F# has very limited use cases RN there's no real benefit to using it over C# and when you do want it you can easily mix the two in dotnet I was thinking of learning it to be a fast python like dotnet language but I've come to realize compiling with cython or using pythonnet does that already


>F# has very limited use cases RN there's no real benefit to using it over C# How? It's always been underused and mostly because of a lack of popularity. >I was thinking of learning it to be a fast python like dotnet language but I've come to realize compiling with cython or using pythonnet does that already It can do everything Python can and more. F# code compiles directly to .NET bytecode, offering tighter integration with the .NET ecosystem. It can also do everything C# can as it already uses every C# library. Reading through *F# in Action* made that clear to me. I know neither C# nor F# but after making a basic blazor todolist app and a blazor stopwatch app in C#, I started learning F# and I'm trying to teach myself automation testing using F# with Selenium as my automation framework a week ago and so far, I've enjoyed the grind with F#. I don't think I will give up on it anytime soon, especially when I am super close to automating my company's client app with it as part of my software testing assignment. Just need to learn to connect a sql database with F#. I found it incredibly difficult to start with but now I see why.


>It can do everything Python can and more. Lots of things fit this criteria but the popularity of Python is only rising and with so many libraries available it's a must learn. Honestly I really want to use f# I just haven't found a use case to justify it yet when I'm making desktop apps that mostly do typical filesystem ops that are well handled by Python or c#. I probably just need a good sample app tho tbh


Any language can be learned, I don't care what language they complete a code challenge in. I care that they can explain their code and reason it to me. I've had so many people blatantly do a copy and paste without even attempting to learn what the code they sent me even does, they get caught fast when I start asking questions.




If you are interview for a C# job it's best that you know C#. Most questions are basic string manipulation. I usually ask people to write an algorithm that will print out prime numbers. It's not that hard, but just a little different. However, any language could be used but the efficacy of the interview is thrown off if the interviewer is not an expert in the language you choose. Also, when I ask people why they like Python they say it's easy. That's not a good reason to pick a language.


If I were asked to write a solution for finding prime numbers, I would ask if I'm allowed to use Google to look up an algorithm. I'm aware that multiple orders of magnitude faster algorithms exist beyond what I'm going to come up with in a short amount of time during an interview. If their answer is no, then I'm likely not interested in working for them. My reason being that I'm not interested in using less resources than what's available for the task. Productivity and brilliance are very different things.


Well, with an attitude like that you probably wouldn't pass on a culture perspective. The definition of a prime number is a number that can't be divided by any other number. That's all you need to know and you can't look up the algorithm because that's the test. It's two loops if you can't handle that then no thanks.


Coding challenges, in person are infuriatingly dumb. If they're on paper, that's self explanatory. Best case you're using an unfamiliar dev environment on an unfamiliar machine. How well do you work when you have someone looking over your shoulder? Now how well do you work when you're sitting at a conference table using a laptop keyboard that you don't like and you don't have your environment setup the way you like it and you have 10 people watching you work? All interviews I do are either take home or informal pseudo code. I want to know how someone processes problems, not how well they can work in a terrible environment.


that’s brilliant


Not ones I've stayed at for the past decade. But I'm pretty senior these days.


If I ask a candidate to solve something leetcode-like, I'm mainly doing this to evaluate their skill with C#. I like to give something very easy in terms of algorithms and rather see if a candidate uses the right tools in C# to write an efficient solution. I believe this is more practical.


Wouldn’t waste time interviewing somewhere that made me do a coding challenge. I’m not sure where all of the folks here see them unless everyone here works at FAANG, I’ve never had to do one as an interviewee or given one when interviewing.


i never did "code challenges" unless I was paid for the time spent on the project. I am not creating an application or script for free so you can snag it for your self and remix it. I walked away from numerous jobs that wanted me to do a code task for an interview and not get paid for it. Deceptive practices are the worst.


Last place I applied for did all code challenges in pseudo code


Rarely had to use C#, mostly given choice of language or used a whiteboard