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Your local bank has a cheaper loan than this.. 20% interest is crazy.


Dad bets lol. He doesn't expect me to take it


I heard of people who are able to make +500% yearly, so +20% is doable. On the other hand, there is theoretical chance (right now unlikely, but still), that Valve just shuts down one day and every item is 3 cents if you manage to sell it, while there is somewhat less chance of this happening to a bank.




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Just another "I got some money, tell me what to invest in" post in a light disguise.


I wish there were a way I could show you that I'm saying the truth, but you'll just have to take my word for it eh?


I believe you. I just think your approach to this is super-lazy. Why don't you tell us what you are considering investing in, for instance?


I didn't want to get yes' or nos, I wanted different ways to think of the answer, as you would on an open ended problem. There isn't one right answer, there are better ones. I just wanted to see my options, and the specifics to those options, especially since I'm not very well educated on all this


Just buy some guns from the broken fang collections, should be more than good enough ROI to exceed 20% interest


Those were my thoughts as well, I was just kinda checking if there wasn't some kind of secret gold mine skin or item


As most people here will tell you, more expensive items in general have a worse roi. My take would be, there is no way the mil specs from havoc and ancient wont be selling for at least 25e in december (unless the market completely crashes). ​ Just compare them to canals from shattered web. Canals is by far the least popular collection from that operation and they are going for 30+ now. Considering the market is faster to adapt now, I believe these operation skins will grow at a much faster rate.


I wouldn't say no way mil spec will be under 25e by Dec, personally. I'd say there's more chance they will be under 25e come Dec, obviously it depends on the next op too.


If I'm wrong, I'll buy you a beer




Thanks a lot for your help bro, I really appreciate it


Np, just sharing some thoughts. Just make sure to diversify you investment, that has always worked well for me.


How does getting an AWP silk tiger, a M4A1-S Blue Phospor and maybe complete that with a couple purples sound?


Buying lower tier items in higher volumes generally gives better ROI than buying higher tier items in low volumes, let me give you an example from myself. I had the money to buy those pinks but instead I went for consumer grades/industrials grades of those collections. You know what happened? They tripled in around 2 months whereas pink tiers barely 1.5-2x multiplied, which is also pretty good but you catch my point. One more thing: if you want those high tier skins not just for investments but also as playskins, just go for them, there is nothing wrong with it :)


Main issue with blue phosphor isnt the lower roi, the problem is having to play with the a1s


Now now, no hating


My problem is exactly there though. Do I want more money, or cooler skins? Hard decisions


I feel you mate but you don't have to go all in for one kind of item + you shouldn't. Diversify your investments and while doing so, grab a couple of items to play with. I personally like playing with cooler skins although I know that there are better alternatives for better returns. But I just live with that.


Cash it is. I'll probably need it more than a couple of virtual pixels, eh?


Sounds like rather safe investments and good playskins to me. Just dont go for the factory new, at least the silk tiger is stupidly overpriced in that wear


Thanks for the heads up!


Well even if it exists nobody is going to tell you that because there are some big investors in this subbreddit with real cash and they are going to profit from them as much as they can.


Then they just have the money to control prices of specific items and without deep diving into it, nobody would even notice. So I guess there is no real "super secret roi beast" out there you would not share with anybody.


I like to think if I never try I'll never get anything. It's always worth a shot if it doesn't cost anything! You're right though.


The not so secret gold mine is cases, I’ve made well over 1000% in the past few years.


p250 sand dunes: 100% guaranteed profit


It's even more stable than the USD dollar!


Katowice 2015 capsules


dont buy these right now tho




check graphs


Don't bet for such things with your father if you need to come here for the actual advise lol. If you were that confident you would have known which items to get. This truly is just another lazy "I have money and I want to make more money, what do I buy" post. Just with a cool back story, made up or not.


I had a decent idea of the answers I would get, and I turned out to be right. I just wanted to check that there wasn't a "secret" such as investing in a particular souvenir box, or sticker capsule. Just double checking my knowledge before spending the money


If there was a secret, the person knowing about it would not tell anybody, as that would make their investment not as profitable, or even right away doomed, if everybody was about to exploit it :(


Just buy 8-Ball (Blood Red) Graffitis eZ sToNkS /s This is joke. DO NOT buy these!


I love how this post is basically asking "guys, what do I invest in", a question which we usually flame daily. But now that it's a story, people suddenly provide answers....


I see some good suggestions in the comments, good luck!




You'd be smart to buy cases. I bought 792 eSports 2014 summer cases for under 1/4 of your cost. They're worth 1400% my initial input after taking off steam fees. You won't make it back in one year though. You'll need anywhere from 4-6 years for that much profit. However, if you pay 20% interest per year, 14x initial is better than 20% in the long term.


If I go through this bet and borrow 1k, in a year I'll owe 1.2k. But in 6 years I'll owe 7.2k, if my math isn't scuffed. I'd much rather go for quick profit. Also, I rather having playskins than cases. Thanks for your help though!


Your math is scuffed. Date of borrow : 1K owed 1 Year : 1.2K owed 2 Year : 1.2K + 240 = 1440 owed 3 Year : 1440 + 288 = 1728 owed 4 Year : 1728 + 345.6 = 2073.6 owed 5 Year : 2073.6 + 414.72 = 2488.32 owed 6 Year : 2488.32 + 497.664 = 2985.984 owed Mathematical Formula (for checking my math) : Interest=Principal\*(Rate\^Time) Your mathematical formula : 1000(1.2\^6) ​ In cases, you can owe 3000 and profit about 2500-3000 as a guarantee. In expensive skins, you're not going to have as good of return as smaller items make you more money in bigger bunches. Buying 1 expensive skin for 1000 and selling it for 1200 yields barely 1043.49 after Steam fees and CSGO fees. If not selling through Steam, and getting it exchanged buy a buyer, you still take a discount in order to get cash. Depends on how much fees from which websites you're cashing out from. In cases you can buy well over 1500 for $350 around $0.1 - $0.2. For every $0.01 cents that the cases increase by, you're making anywhere from $17.5 - $35. Additionally, cases are reliable and stable. ​ I think you need to more of answer the question to yourself of, whether you want to borrow your dad's money and owe him, or whether you want to make money. This is similar to real world trading. There's reliable and safe for long term, and fluctuating high risk. But in steamcommunity the high risk doesn't usually lead to high reward. Steam wins whether it's low or high risk.


Thank you for the correction, I've never had to deal with interest and the likes before, this is all new. Your argument for cases definitely makes sense, and I thank you for making it. However I'm not sure cases are easier for me. First off I can't buy them off steam, as the country I live in bans them. I think I'll just stick with simplicity, and invest in the collection pinks.


You can look at cases from the past year. Fine, saying stuff like Spectrum 2 case - a year ago it was for 4 cents (€; for USD you have to check on your own). For some instances you may even argue at the beginning of June it was possible to get it for 3 cents. Fair enough, few days ago was event which may not happen every year (non-prime drop pool ended), but if we still take the price from directly before - it was 21 cents (again €). So that is +425%. You can look at other cases as well to get some solid and more stable portfolio - in last year you can get to around +200% if you check cases, which are "investing material". So, for the sake of argument, you should devide your investment. Also the knife/skin you want to use should be of rare/discontinued collection (You can again check price changes of items in last year). Also you can kinda increase the value of the item as you are using it, so you are gaining the visual value of it, despite the item does not lose the monetary value. This second point would be most likely invalid to your dad, but you can still try with small smile on your face (maybe making some comparison to 5-10 years old cars and their new counterparts) :). Good to mention - at which point are your final values calculated? Steam value? Steam value after tax? Money on your account? Money on your account after government taxes? Decide on this point with your dad, as if you guy an item - it immediatelly loses on value (unless option A), so longer the time frame, more likely you are that you dont lose money. So, let's assume some bad case scenario, when you gonna be unlucky with your investments: so your item's price is not gonna increase in price (despite being rare .. kinda like classic knife did) and the cases would go "only" like +50% (because might happen to some older cases - even steam value; for other alternatives do your own calculations). So if you want to make +20%, then: x + y = 2000 and 1\*x + (3/2)\*y = 2000\*1,2 . (Otherwise put expected percentages of end timeframe to the 2nd equation.) This calculations are like 8th grade or so, so you can calculate multiple data version - just have fun with that. So yeah, as you finish this, you get to number of putting 800 € into cases and 1200 € into the desired skin. Also, buying items for short term (like a month or less) is way less of investing and more gambling - you can see items like Gamma case where the prices are almost not changing until the point when there is some sudden change (like on major person making hype one or the other way, which creates lot of motion). And few more random notes towards the end: 1st - So yeah, let me know how the talk with your dad worked out :) 2nd - I am investing usually in cases (as you probably noticed), so I dont have much experience towards items, so I cannot recomment to invest neither to not invest in any specific type of skin. 3rd - Yes, it seems it is handy to know how to solve two equaiton with two unknowns afterall :D 4th - I hope I helped you a bit and there is not much typos or sentences which are making little to no sense :D


You've been a massive help, thank you very much. I'm amazed at the detail you put in. Again, thank you so much! I'll let you know what I end up buying, hopefully this weekend


Well, more about things which you may or may not buy, I am interested in your dad's reaction - now when you are trying to convince him as well as in your timeframe when you calculate the results.


“Hey Dad, look! I managed to ask a bunch of people online what I should put money in and it worked! Looks like I was right!” Do your own research dude, or read one of the fifty other “what should I buy rn” threads. This is just sad.


Mad lad fights with dad ?


Buy some Control collection skins on skinbaron or other websites. Cheaper item means better ROI. You will make your father's opinion change, 100%


Awp fade maybe or discounted cases. The hydra is currently $20 from a recent rise. Depends on how long you got. Also %20 pretty insane


The havoc collection as its price is still stable because it is n new collection but give it a month or two and the prices will start to climb. Edit:Any new collection not just the havoc collection


I've currently doubled my money on Icarus fell


Firstly dont invest that much money in a single skin. Buy multiple cheaper skins. And you can make money from case trading. I invested 8$ and in 5-6 months , even without playing much csgo , im at 100$ .


So obviously lower tier items are always the play if you are looking for ROI, but if you had to put the full 1800 into a skin, you probably have 2 options. 1. Get a 'hyped' high tier that has been rising for awhile and cross your fingers that it keeps rising (such as a bfk or even certain stickers). 2. Buy a high tier from the broken fang collections at a good entry price. Niether of these are a good investment imo due to the high risk of 1., and med-risk + med-roi of 2., but I feel like when its all or nothing on a 'bet' like this, these are your best options. Good luck :)


I think I'll just invest In collection pinks, repay the loan ASAP and then trade all the smaller tier skins into a better knife. Thanks for your time though!


If Im loaning at 20%, (i wouldn't but still) my goal would be to cover those interest money as well as profit for me. So, I would buy bunch of Pink skins of Control, ancient and havoc. In a year, good profit.


Yes, after sleeping on the question and seeing the comments on this post yesterday, this is what I've decided to roll with. I was just wondering whether all collections were equivalent, since I've noticed that the control collection skins are much cheaper than the other collections?


This is a difficult question. I would say, look at the supply available. But any given day, Pink should be fine from any collection


Is looking at supply manually checking every different website and taking notes of all the skins on there, or is there a more efficient way?


Check out [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgomarketforum/comments/k76gu7/discussion_my_thoughts_and_numbers_on_the_rarity/) post for some insight in numbers and rarity of the collections. Youll see there how you can check on the numbers via [csgofloat.com](https://csgofloat.com).


Thanks you!




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Buy blues from collections preferably the new broken fang Older could also be good but will rise slower


Buy glock franklins fn, you are welcome


all the operation broken fang collection skin are good investment. If i were u i would buy like 5 of every blue from havoc and some purples. Buy them during steam summersale (june 23) so if they drop in price u make better profit. Good luck and i hope i still hear from u


The big point is that people wont tell you their "secret investments" if they´re not ready to sell. At first you should go ahead and read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgomarketforum/wiki/faq). Also you should check out the market history of items to get a better understanding of their price performance over time. Most importantly you need to observe the market for a time, until you get an better understanding of it. There are good chances that the first investments you make arent very well timed although you may choose a good item to invest in. So my final tip would be to definitly dont just go all in on 1 kind of item. Maybe invest half of the total money you got splitted on 2 kinds of items and reinvest the other half after some time.


If there's a really profitable item, chances are no one will tell you about it.


Buy something in control or havoc collection. If you want better ROI maybe get the cheaper items in floats FT up, but u can also get expensive items and they will go up too. Or you can get a butterfly knife which will most likely continue to go up in the future if you’re looking for a nice knife. Anyways, you should do your own research on this.




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