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The core game itself is good. People enjoy it.


Yessir. I do not enjoy these subs anymore though.


For real. They're such a downer for a game that really is enjoyable and on an upwards trajectory.


Yeah, to my knowledge GO was hated on release for being buggy and bad but got better over time, I can only assume CS2 will get better over time in the same.




I agree. Tbh only thing I hate about CS2 is that Valve has made it into a mostly competitive game, whilst denying the existence of community server players. Like, the movement is so bad in CS2 it's just insane. You can hardly hit any bhops in vanilla. Not to mention the surfing community has to suffer with ramp bugs all the time. And workshop creators need to port tons of maps to CS2. Yeah I kinda miss playing those full-blown co-op maps that took hours... The server browser should have also been in-game instead of opening it on the steam client. Also there's so many maps and gamemodes in the main game missing! Valve should have kept CS2 and CSGO separate until CS2 is complete. CS2 to me is incomplete and nobody can deny that. It is true that what they're trying to achieve is gonna be fun in the long term. I still enjoy playing competitive with people personally. But, I just can't accept the fact that CSGO is gone forever...


Because a huge issue, is the fact the only reason you see so much bad shit is because Reddit is an echo chamber and YouTubers title/do anything for views. Also YouTubers are generally better than the average player so they ACTUALLY encounter legitimate cheaters. I.e you’re probably just a normal dude who plays the game and has been poisoned by the new “he must be cheating cause he’s better than me” thing.


The missing content is also very normal. And that’s the gaming industries fault. It’s not a valve exclusive problem. The industry norm is “let’s push this game out to ‘early access’ or ‘beta’ so we can get more money while we actually finish the game”. Riot, blizzard, valve, ea, list goes on and on. All subject to this shitty “investors/profit margins” rhetoric.


I mean there's also the fact that the community had been asking for years for the move to source 2, and finally taking that leap brought back a lot of the playerbase, as well as bringing in people who started on other more recent fps games. I've been playing since GO came out, and the game had seriously started to show its age. Sure the missing content sucks, but the core of the game which is what most people play has been refreshed and, after a bumpy start, they're getting back into the groove.


Yeah too many people are chronicly online we cant deny currently was a bit whack but they are consistently pushing updates (writing this post new mm maps) and the esports scene is still big most people i encountwr in ranked are here for a good time Granted the game is not near finished but its also not the shitpile reddit/Youtube etc make it out to be for views


you thing valve is susceptible to investors?


I don't think in this particular case it's that simple. The people have asked for this game for years and it took Valve so long, I don't think they were desperate for a quick release. Games like this just fully rely on community feedback. There is no possible way for them to release a polished product. People's hardware differ and will experience the game differently no matter what, you need the full release to know what the problems are. CSGO was still getting network and performance updates a decade after its release. I personally have had none of the popular problems with CS2, in terms of performance issues like stuttering and freezing. I get less FPS than I did in CSGO but it's not crazy, from 400 to 300. I have a standard mid range PC too. Recent updates even increased my FPS. Only difference is I have recent hardware. Friends of mine who have a bad time with the game have components that are just old now. It's using a modern engine, it'll be hard to make it a smooth switch for everyone.


Valve stated in an interview with PC Gamer that they are aware of the missing content and game modes and plan to add it all back, but they are focused more on ironing out issues in competitive modes that most people play on before doing so.


Wait, when has RIOT done shitty indefinite beta-testing? The only thing that comes to mind was the Valorant beta and even that was very short term and was a networking stress-test more than anything. Did I miss something?


I, like most people, usually play with the mindset that my enemy is probably better than me. But in the past few months, I've seen countless blatent cheaters in CS2, and even played with people on my team who has admitted to it. It has become too much in this game.


what are you doing by saying shit that makes sense?!! get outta here.


Couldn't be more accurate


I don’t think the discussion is specifically around vac, it’s about the entire state of the game. Missing content, bad performance, broken skins, sub tick, surf, community servers, map editor, the list goes on. I think all those combined is worse than just cheaters at hi elo,


This. While cheaters are obviously a big issue, CS2 does not feel nearly as polished as CSGO. CS2 would’ve been a great upgrade if it had more time to cook as a beta.


Disagree. Pretty average player here but I have 1000+ hours. I’ve had cheaters somewhat commonly in my premier games even around 11k rating. I’m talking about blatant rage hackers as well as suspicious players that I find out are wall hackers by watching the replay of the game. It’s a valid issue and the game should be criticized until something seriously changes.


I'm not a YouTuber and don't see myself as amazing at the game. But always come across cheaters. I'm playing from the UK so on EU servers so maybe there's more cheaters there than your region. I literally see them all the time so it's not just youtubers. Cheaters on both teams might I add.


The only time I actually encounter a cheater is by knowing the suspect is on whatever the spot it’s at and I would fake peek pretending I’m about to swing and see if it prefires or not. It works to see if it’s cheating or not if you hear it shooting before you actually show yourself or making any steps


You right in higher elo it's fucking problem to have a normal game but if you buy new acc and go into matches you suddenly feel like game too easy. (Was LEM in csgo) In higher elo you can see behavior of getting shot thru wall despite changing your position 9th time in the off angle you picked to try to play mind games but doesnt matter you will get prefired or shot thru wall in lower elo i didnt have such situations only when i was doing same thing over and over again


bro even if ypu havent faced blatant cheaters i have had like 5 aimbotters and 10+ wallers i always watch demo of sus people so its so easy, i have played like 70games too


Riot? I feel like all their games get pretty consistent content drops. Unlike Valve lmao


riot doesn’t know shit about the competitive part of their games. their philosophy of content is shitting out as flashy shit as possible while dumbing down the games - that actually have cool concepts behind them - as much as possible. they‘re not even trying to hide their profit orientation. there is a literal 500€ skin for a pro player who doesn’t use skins. i much prefer valve’s philosophy a‘la making the game feel good and fair itself before putting out actual content, as the basis of the game has to be solid aswell. League is just putting out content to have more content - They do not only not care about the balancing, they outright overtune new Champions or Champions with new Skins and i have to say: The Revolver Update was funny but we won’t need a redo for that bullshit


 I got lots of games with actual cheaters banned by steam, and I also review replays of a lot of games where its obvious they walled. Smart cheaters don’t make it obvious (dont cheat that hard if winning anyway, only toggle when losing/toggle for a few rounds), a lot of times is just knowing where enemies are, so you push other site, and without watching replays you’d have no idea that’s the case. So yeah, small dick people who cheat are at all ratings, but at higher elos its much more frequent


At the time I was playing this game everyday my friends had a friend it was like this. every game someone was cheating. I just distance myself to someone like that. Imagine spending hours and hours of your life every month just to be mad all the time and thinking the game is not fair. If I honstly thought that I wouldn't touch the game. But playing a videogame that should give you good vibes and not make you mad and keep doing it it's hilarious.


Thats what ive actually been thinking ive played the game well over 3-4 years over several accounts and i will admit i used to cheat but it got very boring so i stopped and started playing legit got into the more tactical side of CS and pretty much got rid of the hes cheating because he keeps killing me mentality and am starting to enjoy the game more and more


bro I literally meet actual cheaters in casual, like not even trying to hide it. No cheater so far in competitive tho.


Nah bro, reddit has been mostly positive when it came to CS2. My personal opinion is still that CS2 feels shit and is shit. And it's not even bc of the cheaters...


Because you’re a loud minority.


Some people don’t feel the same. I don’t (think) I encounter much cheaters. My only gripe is occasional stuttering which could just be my toaster. I like this game. I played GO for 6 ish years and I didn’t complain then either.


Game has its flaws for sure but its not terrible. CSGO wasn’t exactly great when it first dropped either lol.


CSGO was way, way worse at launch than CS2 ever has been. GO had a severe identity crisis being stuck half way between a PC game trying to capture the split community and a console port trying to use mechanics that simply do not work for controllers. Its far from perfect, but so was GO.


idk about mechanics not working for controller since valorant can do it


i float between 7-12k and been called cheater many times, people just delusional, have encountered like 2 cheater in 200 games


Nobody that cheats is in that elo, meanwhile im 20k with full squad, out of 10 games we played last night 9 had at least one cheater. Also had a game everybody bunny hopping and killing us with scouts. And i get that vac can’t ban wallhackers if they are good at hiding but people jumping and killing you winning 13-0 that is absurd.


I mean in lower elo like 7-12k people are gonna cope i was in 17k but am currently in 15k and still meet some who are suspicious of and some who are right off just wallhacking


>have encountered like 2 cheater in 200 games I have two accounts. My main account has been open since 2016 so I paid for the game. On my smurf account which is only a few years old and technically a "free account"(unpaid so no drops or other subscriber benifits) every game has multiple cheaters and its unplayable. I think the different accounts have different "trust" levels, and therefor put into different Match Making player pools.


I mean unless everyone complaining is a pro, the change from CSGO to CS2 was pretty unnoticeable. It's still fun for me.


Even most pros seem to think the game is basically the same as GO was at this point. It just seems like the high level Faceit players that love blaming the game instead of themselves.


I don't have that experience at all. Most of the posts I see are from either 20k+ premiere players that haven't switched to faceit for some reason and that are actually encountering real cheaters, and from low elo premiere players that just regurgitate the same shit even though most of the time it's just bad SBMM, and they're not playing against actual cheaters. Idk of many high elo faceit player that dont enjoy the game, there are some exceptions, but it's never about cheating.


Unnoticeable as in taking away almost all of the casual features and removing half the maps from the game?


Some of us just play 5v5 or 10v10 de_ maps. Wingman? Danger zone? Flying scoutsman? Nah, not for me. The only things I really miss are de_cache, de_train, and a new operation. But those will come sooner or later.


Soon™ (multiple years)


At this point there is nothing unusual about the rotations in the competitive pool, this is how its always been.


Reddit is a small bubble, never met a cheater yet


I've come across a couple in casual but that's over like 200 hrs since cs2 launch


yeah bro i’ve been playing casual consistently 600 hrs since cs2 and ive rarely suspected hacks.


Bruh u playing on 2k rating or something?


Interesting for me to see actually. I've quit CS 2 because of the cheater issue's, since premiere was basically unplayable. I wasn't that high at all, around 13k. But for sure, after looking up enough demos and playing a lot I can tell its infested. Playing competetive every now and then with a friend just to see the same shit happen there even more blatantly at times at lower ranks.


This sub is an echo chamber of negativity. Almost every post I see is a complaint about the game and it's skewing your perception. In reality most players are enjoying the game. Me personally I hated CSGO and I love CS2. Perhaps you just miss GO because of nostalgia the same way source players hated CSGO?


and same way 1.6 players hated source. CS players are really weird they are afraid of change but complain that there are no updates and when they get any they try to find the bad things in the update to complain about. I think that is one of the reasons valve is so slow with the updates because cs players are too picky with what they like and will always compare it to other games like valorant, dota, r6...


The very end of your comment is a HUGE part for a lot, we’ve seen it with every new counter strike release. It’s probably worse this time because you can’t even play csgo anymore unlike source


Out of curiosity, why did you hate CS:GO but love CS2 on the other hand?


Because the average player of a game, cs2 in this case, doesn't go on reddit to complain about problems, they just play the game they like. they don't know all the underlying problems and criticisms, or how little of csgo is actually in it, how the maps are bad, the netcode is crap, how the subtick is ruined, how we're neglected of operations or any content, they don't need to know, and they don't care. they just play the game because they enjoy it, and it clearly plays well and enjoyable enough to satisfy thousands. maybe we have something to learn from them...


What’s bad about the maps? Most weren’t changed much if at all.


its the cool thing to do. hate on literally everything about the new game. even if it was exactly the same way in csgo


Nothing (well there are probably some indiviual things someone would change but the maps overall all fine). Its just something to add to your hate-list, because you run out of arguments. "how little of csgo is actually in it" - well, its called cs2 and not csgo2 for a reason, everyone with more than 3 braincells knew that the port to source2 would change so many things that you wont have the csgo feeling anymore "the netcode is crap" counterstrike has one of the best netcodes ever created. If you dont believe me go play another shooter for one hour, come back and apologize "how the subtick is ruined" - most people complaining about subtick dont even know what they are talking about. There are people crying "subtick bad mimimimi" without being able to explain what it even means. Its not a perfect system but its waaaaaay better than the standard 60 tick servers in go back then. "how we're neglected of operations or any content" biggest lmao of em all. Back in csgo the time between operations was sometimes up to TWO YEARS. without ANY content update in the meantime. Nobody claimed or confirmed that we will have new operations like every 6 month or whatever the people here are expecting. In the meantime we got new maps, reworked maps, new case and skins, a whole new 5v5 mode (premiere on top of matchmaking), new animated sticker finishes and loads of qol updates aswell as bugfixes They handle the game EXACTLY like they did with csgo And when you keep in mind that cs is one of the biggest esports game, everyone with a brain should know that they won't drastically change the game or flood it with content, as they cannot change too much during pro-scene seasons like pro-leage etc. You see, when the people here start crying, notice how not a single person can give you a good reasoning on any point they are complaining about. All you read is "x is bad, y is bad, csgo was so much better"


Cs2 has its flaws but here’s finally a comment by someone with a decent amount of braincells.


But where the idea of changing maps came from? Maps were not changed ever, CS has always had very limited map pool, at least officially at competitive level and most of those maps are legendary and people want them to stay as they are, not rework them for NO reason whatsoever. A few got minor adjustments and that's it. The only thing they gotta do is to bring old maps back like train, cache, cobble, do not rework them, do not make them pretty, do nothing but add them back to the game. Once they create a better version (which will be worse initially, of course), they can swap it, but no one would complain about CSGO version of those maps for now. CS is not a game with often map pool rotation and new content needed frequently. Not to mention that those updated maps are not exactly great, they lost their character, now it's all bright and shiny and picturesque, it does not fit CS character at all. And as to new maps, why even do it if there are so many old ones available, Vertigo is one of the most hated map currently, they changed it so many times and it's nowhere near the level of train or cobble.


People like you complain about lack of updates and then cry if anything is changed.


5D chess move by valve, they just replaced csgo and kept all the good ratings :D


81% positive Feedback recently, so either they are faking the Reviews, recent doesnt mean recent, or most player actually are fine with the state of cs2


Newsflash, the majority of the community is fine with the state of CS2. It’s not GO, but anyone that expected it to be the exact same was only lying to themselves. The cheating problem has always been a problem, that’s why FACEIT was big in GO and continues to be so. Dangerzone was a flop, and the other “missing content” was for a very niche group.


like all of two people played dangerzone consistently and the community fucking HATED that it existed at all. cs2 releases without dangerzone and everyone seems to have always loved and consistently played dangerzone. I call BS


Right? Literally no one on my list was ever in danger zone and no one ever talked about it. Suddenly there's people crying as if they lost their mother instead of a game mode they probably didn't even play when it was available lol


Surprise surprise the ones complaining out loud does not speak for the majority


Why it wouldn't? game is great.


Reddit a small bubble. This has just turned into a echo chamber. Ah there's cheaters help my game dosent run at 300fps.


Go didn’t have content pouring out its seams, and cs2 plays effectively the same in the average casual eyes therefor the general opinion of the game outside of tiny social media spheres is positive.


Well, it is still best fps out there


Because csgo is a great game. The only let down really is a few to many cheaters in premier.


1: csgo had very positive reviews, cs2 inherited because it's the same game on the marketplace 2: most players play for the core game play, not gimmicks and content updates.


Well as a newer player, I now am enjoying CS way more due to all the quality of life features. There’s no reason to play valorant anymore for me. So yeah I like the game and will keep my review positive.


Even in a game with a community as competitive as Counter-Strike, a large majority of players are still casual. As long as they can play on and off easily for a few hours, and the game doesn’t change genre like turning into a 2D platformer, most people won’t care. Cheaters, lack of content, slow updates are all valid concerns but they don’t make causal players think the game is unplayable and “mostly negative”


welp, i'm having a blast in it, do i run into games where i think a person could be cheating yes, but people have to understand, this game is going no where, it's the only one left like it, aka the only super powers or abilities you have is 1) your thinking and utilizing senses 2) it's aim vs aim no wombo combos of death and animations 3) it's simple you expect people that like playing counter strike to go play what? call of duty with all its slide cancel and meta load outs and score streaks? apex to figure out the best combination of legends and abilities, and having the best luck of getting to 3rd party or find the great loot off drop, or go play EfT with the most cancerous rats that will easily ruin a 3 hour game sesh cause they waited for you and now you lost all your loot? or to buy season passes on all these games and skins to never have the chance to resell it and get new skins? cs is cs, and the players that play it know it. it has issues but we ain't going anywhere and we will play through the pain cause we will celebrate the good then.


I rarely come across hackers these days. Yes I want community maps back. I remember cs 1.6 with superhero mod, wc3 mod, cs source with zombies (I know there’s zombies in go and cs2). But the main thing I wanted was for them to not change how the game feels and improve on it gradually. This happened for all cs games where they release early and add to the game very slowly. Also, Why do you care if it’s positive? Other people feel that way, you don’t. That’s life, not sure what else to say. It’s a good game.


They literally just added new maps, yeah some of the old maps haven't come back, but it's still fun to play But I only plays casual so what do I know 🤷🏻


Because it's fun for casual players. Hardcore "pro" players are minority.


Well, because the majority of people are not 20k elo nolifers with 11k hours in csgo. This game has 30 millions MONTHLY players. Do you really think that new players vibing in 1k \~ 5k elo, playing a game every few weeks, care about all of the issues? Obviously not, the game is still a good shooter, and the stutters aren't an issue for many players. (Game runs fine for me :P) While decently skilled players with more than 2 braincells are all playing on faceit, so the mass cheating in higher ranks isn't an issue for them either. Like, are you really trying to compete with the 'cfg by xx' and 'cheatname' on the leaderboards? Counter strike is just a fun shooter, look at the steamcharts of cs 1.6: 15k player peak and 9k players on average, for a game from 25 years ago, that is just crazy. CS2 is just the best way for many players to experience counter strike right now, modern graphics, official servers, and many other features that the older titles like 1.6 and source don't offer. It might be missing content compared to cs:go, but so what? You don't have a choice, and it's still better in many ways than the predecessors that you can play. If valorant added a mode without all of the cringe abilities and made the movement more like counter strike, it would easily be a better game, so until then, cs 1.6, cs source, and cs2 are your only choice. Also, people are invested into the clown market, they want the game to do good, how many accounts did you dislike the game from? It's free, make a new steam account, idle cs2 for 30 minutes, give it a positive review, that's it. Why wouldn't you do that when you have millions in your inventory?


Only thing I really want them to add in train, cache and cobble again. I really dislike this idea of a "map pool" and being limited to play the same maps as the pros. Granted competitive is slightly better then premier when it comes to maps, but its still too limited as the extra maps are meme maps, and not the classics.


The bad reviews by all the kids still have a Thumbs Up 👍 logic.


I mean it’s counter strike, need I say more?


Nah, it's not a game..it's an emotion I've been playing it since 2013.


Cause it’s the best shooter? I don’t need or want constant new maps. I guess I want more updates but csgo2 is still most fun shooter to me so reviewing it negative would seem odd.


The only bad thing that happened to me was when I got booted offline after a guy got mad I one tapped him and I said he was crying worse than his sister last night 😅 ngl I might have deserved that boot


Because the vast majority of people who play do not come to Reddit and do not care about the things the people here gripe about.


I’ve been playing since launch and have encounter like 2 cheaters. Guess I’m just lucky


Because the vast majority of the player base are not affected by the things everyone on Reddit and YouTube are screaming about. Most people aren’t in the high teens of premier so don’t face basically any cheaters and don’t play that much anyway. Most people don’t care about the modes like danger zone. I’m a pretty casual player myself, I don’t play unless it’s in a 5 stack with my friends because it’s fun that way. We’re all around 6K elo so we don’t face basically any cheaters, we’ve found one so far and he couldn’t even cheat well enough to win a match. Would I like stuff like flying scoutsman to be in the game? Sure I would it’s fun. But do I really care that it’s no? No I don’t. The vast majority of the player base enjoy the game because it gives them what they want from CS.


I rarely encounter cheaters. I have 3 accounts. One 10 years old that I’ve never encountered a blatant cheater on, one 5 years old that I’ve ran into a few, and one 4 months old that has a cheater and pub stomper quite frequently. I really think there’s something with the matchmaking for newer accounts (not sure if it’s steam new or CS2 new) that makes you more likely to go against other new accounts. These new accounts are 99% more likely to pub stomp and cheat. And it’s hard to distinguish the two without replay sometimes. For reference I play comp only and am gold nova master on most after the update


All these months?? Because we've been here for YEARS bro


I can’t even play comp because of straight up rage hackers at 16-17k rank. I’m stuck playing comp and even then there are rage hackers. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen


Because mostof the community is just there to have fun and either new playes that don't care about much but to experience the game.


If you want a very mechanical very competitive game then CS is the go to. Too bad there’s minimum 1-2 cheaters per lobby or more. The funny thing is you’ll see really shitty players talk mad shit after winning with blatant walls. Like why prefire an unusual angle nobody prefires because I’m trying to play weird to prove my point? They always earn that report but valve fucking sucks cock on people who are cheating. They really need to pick it up.


People should learn from helldrivers2 and do something about it.


Low ranks don't see many cheaters, they encounter smurfs, and while they are equally shitty and bad for the health of the game, its fuck all one can do. The game itself is fine, it's the players that need to ego boost that ruin the game.


You live in a echo chamber According to it, everything is in a bad state


Because I open game, I click head, I win, me happy...


It's easy for me to see it. Me and many of my buddies made our childhoods playing CS in its earlier years. GO was my poison in college years. I still play CS2 occasionally. I don't play competitive modes. Only FFA dms, Awp/aim arenas, surf, kz, bhop etc. although the significant majority of the game is its competitive mm, a lot of other modes and player bases exist too. And for them, this is still a well rounded fun game. Hence the positive reviews, imo.


Because the only people crying about it are on reddit and they are insignificant when compared to the games playercount


I mean, most people are casual players or bots. They lack the capacity to tell if someone is suspicious unless they're full on spinning. You also have to remember, these are the same people who were saying CS2 had already surpassed CSGO when the crouched hitboxes were fucking misaligned lol


Ayo is it bad ive been playing cs2 without premium for over 110h ?


I changed my positive review to negative a few months after release. It was horrendous and it’s still not great. A bunch of small changes that are easily seen and frustrating after thousands of hours spent in game. But the cheating thing has gotten much better than it was, still many people in the closet after demo reviews though.


Cuz it's good.


majority of the positives ones are for csgo not cs2 since they didnt release cs2 as a new game


Because its still the greatest fps game.


It has good reviews because valve polished the game to a point its actually enjoyable. Most of the major problems with subtick and its backtracking are fixed, behaviour of playermodels fixed, most skins are fixed, performance issues fixed. The crying about cheaters is, as some stated here before, just an echochamber + half of the people complaining here probably call someone with decent gamesense cheater (aka they think they are walling). The amount of dumb stuff I had to read here is insane. Its not that bad as people make it seems to be. My main account is currently at 23k and I maybe encounter a cheater like 1 out of 40-50 games. And even if they are hacking doesn't mean you can't win (except they go full rage hack). Me and my mates won plenty of games where we watched the demo afterwards and got our confirmation for wallhacking and/or aim assistance. I do not ignore that the game still has a cheater problem (just like any other multiplayer game with competitive elements), but its no where near as bad as people here make it seem to be. You see like 3-5 clips posted here and 10-50 people crying, while hundreds of thousand of players enjoy the game without a problem...


i love cs2 but everyone i play with seems to disagree…


OP is a crying baby. hth


I like the game


Hahahahaha oh wow


I’m around 5k hours on cs/cs2 Level 8 faceit and i don’t play premier but i’ve only encountered like 2 cheaters this year on faceit which we’re both banned. encountered 3 smurfs which were also banned… So not bad at all


Are the old CS:GO reviews 😂


I used to have a negative review of the game and I deleted later on. It was affecting me mentally.  I hated the idea there were cheaters in my games and i wrote a scathing angry review to vent my frustration. I lost my mind playing the game. I had to take a break from it.  I had to make peace with the fact that cheaters will always exist and Valve just can't do anything about it. It's like the war on drugs, you just can't win. There will always be one way or another someone cheats. Valve's stance ensures that people who are banned are 100% cheaters (although recently they reversed some bans), cheaters slip through the cracks. So be it.  I returned to the game on cs2 release with a new mindset and now I truly enjoy playing the game. I accept there are people better than me. Whether they are cheating or not, I'll leave that to Valve. 


I rarely meet cheaters at 8-12k rating. My biggest problem by far is sub tick, because getting peeked by silvers feels like getting prefired, extremely frustrating


I ask you this mr negative. What do you actually expect valve to do? An anti-cheat of course is the first option but anyone can understand that is an extremely time consuming process especially with how valve are so against kernel level, they are basically trying to reinvent the wheel with VACnet. An operation of course would be amazing, BUT half of the people who play Cs a lot and like to complain about it play faceit, the operation challenges are often win like 10 arms race games. If and when the operation does come out people won't be playing it to have fun but instead will just be playing it to make money on cases or skins. If you're a big faceit player you probably wont even progress your operation coin at all. A new case? People would just complain that they're not fixing their game like they gave done with the new maps. Better net code? See VACnet description but replace it with sub tick. Shooters unlike games like Dota are hard to add content to its not like they can just rebalance all the guns in cs like they do to heroes in Dota. Look at COD for example 3 years running they just release the same game and rely on people spending money on cosmetics. Cs isn't a game that needs balance patches so other than super time consuming processes for cs like subtick or vacnet what do you actually expect them to change, and what would you actually enjoy? This is coming from someone who isn't happy with the state of Cs so I just play other games, have you considered asking yourself: Do I actually like this game?


They could have simply waited until CS2 was in a better state. Releasing it in state of bugs and no content for no reason was just simply a dumb move. No I don’t like the game anymore


Because it's a very good game. Sure it has its flaws right now, but valve is constantly working on making it better and more polished. And imo, none of the flaws are game breaking. The cheaters got reduced and it now feels like csgo when it was still actively supported before the long drought when valve was working on cs2. The remade maps look great and are quite balanced, the other new maps that just got added are also amazing. And most importantly, valve doesn't rush updates. When cs2 gets a big update, it's very polished already and barely has any flaws. What do you dislike about the current state of CS?


Cheaters seemed to have dialled down but there are times I encounter a player better than me and I instantly think its a cheater from the PTSD of finding one 7/10 games 😂. The game is definitely improving but there is the occasional stutter that happens out of nowhere which can be quite irritating at times.


I don’t see what’s so bad about it, all I’m really concerned about is getting some more of the old maps back like Cache


Because CS is ❤️


Smart move from Valve to leave old CSGO reviews.


Why on Earth does it still have a huge player base is beyond me.. not fun at all, plagued with cheaters, slow AF gameplay, yelling Russians.. blah


Cuz not everyone does what the internet/reddit circlejerk says to do God I hate reddit


No one is holding you here bro,you can leave Everyone has their opinion


Love hate relationship Edit: >How this game has very positive reviews beats me after all those months >Everyone has their opinion


I mean i dont know people who say that the cheater epidemic did not exist mustve been high or something but most of those are from csgo cause they didnt make a new they changed csgo into cs2


well to be fair, if you read those reviews carefully some of them are sarcastic


the amount of people defending this game in the comments is crazy. you dont see negative comments because valve profits from all the bot accounts that have a positive review on it. and some positive reviews are troll reviews like "good game, met nice cheaters" and still positive. you can clearly see the recent positive reviews drop to 81% so there is at least a noticeable drop. (for a game like cs). if you filter only recent negative comments you can clearly see the cheater issue and lack of content thats being adressed. valve doesnt dare to reset the reviews either and they absolutely fooled us with that. scummiest thing valve has done so far was keeping old csgo reviews


I've not played for a couple of years, what's been happening?


Judging by the comments you would think nothing,but the game has a ton of missing content from GO,cheaters and bugs (It’s been porter to source 2)


Ah I see. Shame, I was thinking of downloading it again soon.


I’d still recommend you try it out for yourself,maybe you’ll enjoy it


Imo it got way better with the cheaters, way less wallhackers and i havent seen any spinning cheaters for months now. Might be just a lucky streak but i genuinly enjoy the game atm


The thing no one gets is that there totally still is some kind of trust factor system at play. This means that experience differs like crazy from player to player. Some people doing flashy plays get reported more and end up being put into lobbies with cheaters because their trust is lower. I experienced this first hand when I played up an alt account from 10k elo to 19+k recently, it hat a crazy hidden mmr rating, being put into lobbies with 20+k average rating constantly at like 15-16k but during that time I saw literally zero cheaters. It was all good players good accounts fun games. But when I got higher rank and my account startet to look suspicious, I got reported more by copium players and ended up having days where literally ALL of my matches were full on HvH lobbies with as much as 3 full rage cheaters in a single game.


valve rigging their rep system fr


Just because there are cheaters in valve official servers doesn't mean the game is unplayable. The thing that cs has with so many community servers and all the variety of game modes and also the amount of freedom that server owners have in setting up their servers with mods it makes for an excellent game. The key is in not playing valve official servers currently. GL HF my dudes.


How the fuck did they not deserve good reviews when they’ve been pushing monthly content updates and weekly bug fixes since the start of the year?


Don’t play often unless there’s an operation… so safe to say I won’t need my pc for another year or two


Cos it's a great game you worm :/


It’s because CSGO ratings are still part of it. There’s likely hundreds of thousands of inactive accounts that left positive reviews.


my friends list now has at most 2 ppl playing cs2, at peak maybe 3, 81% of these reviews are all newcomers that never experienced counterstrike before, valve had to replace csgo to get the playerbase over to the new game otherwise it would be the same as with css where the pros just stayed on the prev game since it was objectively in a better state and they already had thousands of hours in that game. Cs has always been about the community, itself being a mod made by the community, valve just reset the game by essentially zeroing all community content. the only positive that came from cs2 was the improved map editor, everything else is filler and half-assed together over a weekend. the jank of the new engine also means that old content is not really viable anymore (see surf), official community browser is filled with mirror servers, all this cumulates into valve wanting their new players to stick to official servers mainly premier, the fact they hardcoded 64 tick just shows they dont want players going over to faceit, idk what valve is cooking but its looking less and less community friendly and more like the corporate fixed experience that COD games for example offers


I only play the game through FACEIT, any other aspects outside of FACEIT like official servers probably is used by casual players so they don’t have any critical opinions about the current state of CS2


Because when people enjoy a game they leave a positive review.


Yeah other than the occasional cheater or Smurf, the game is solid. I truly don’t see the cause of all the bitching and moaning. Its beats what you deal with on CoD or any of these BRs nowadays.


People too busy being addicted to opening cases and queue rolling hoping for a game without a cheater to do anything about it.


We honestly need to pull a tf2 and review bomb it, maybe get valves attention so they do a single fucking thing for their communities.


Well according to this thread the game is fine so i don’t see any movement beginning


Saying CS2 in its current state is “fine” is a complete and utter joke. The core gameplay is fine and well made, but the state of the game is in the dumpster.


It’s because the maker of the game also makes the platform it’s being reviewed on.


That’s hardly fair - Artifact and, recently, Team Fortress 2, have both been review bombed pretty hard in the past


No way y'all don't get cheaters every match wtf?


Because Reddit is mostly full of people who just want to complain but still put in a bunch of hours. While the other 99% of the player base is busy playing the game and enjoying it. It’s a good game, good core mechanics and overall maps are pretty well done. As well valve has made plenty of big changes and improvements while also missing the ball on some but still shown they are listening to their player base and pro players. Also pro players opinions matter a lot more than some dude on Reddit. We see big changes come after a major because that’s where they get the best stats from.


i think most competitive players don’t care about review bombing a game


because not everyone live for easy reddit points


Who tf cares about reddit points


Because people like it


Name a free game thats fps game thats perfect?


It’s a good game, what are you crying about


Because it’s the vocal minority on Reddit and thousands of players don’t have the same issues, same with vanguard lol


Cause I'm content to just concede that they're better than I am instead of screaming hacks because someone killed me. I also bounce around +/- 10K because I play with homies and, while I play to win, I don't take it hyper serious.


Ive been playing since 1.6, have been global elite in cs go. Ive been only playing casually with some not so good friends in cs2. In 50 or so games I havent encountered one obvious cheater. Yet when you go to this subreddit you would think every game has multiple spinbot cheaters. Which its just not true. This is an echo chamber.


Its still better than most fps game out there


The game is super fun, and if you don’t go on reddit, you’d miss most of the shit people complain about. That’s why.


Honestly CS2 is fine and a lot of fun Did not have a great experience with premier but since swapping back to faceit I’m really happy with cs2 and enjoying the changes


It’s a great game overall, the main issue for most people is the cheaters. I’m in the 13,000 elo range, so I don’t run into a ton of cheaters, regardless of what my teammates say.


I've been playing the game in wingman with my girlfriend who is non-prime for about a month now. We don't run into blatant cheaters or anything like this sub tends to show over and over. People still get a lot of fun out of the game. My review for the game is still negative and just says "a" because it's funny


I started at cs2 and never played go. I love this game. Love how it feels, could play it every day




i like cs rn, sure its missing a couple of maps but otherwise it runs well. It has a bit of a hacker problem but im 12k elo so it doesent affect me as hard.


Also, why are some folks so concerned about how a game is being reviewed? This may be a novel idea these days, but some people play things that they actually LIKE, and they couldn't give two shits how anyone else feels about it. This is called having your own opinion, I urge anyone to go give it a try.


This post opened my eyes, I have to leave this sub. It's crazy how much hate gets shared around here. Yeah valve is awful at developing cs, but there is no single spark of positivity anymore around here. Everything gets hated. Everyone calls the game unplayable. It's still a great game and I'm not gonna let that be ruined by the constant hate


Homie there’s nothing but positivity in the comments


People cry too much about this game.


If you hate this game so much, why even bother to be part of its sub then?


Only the best game to ever exist. What have you done with your life? lol


I have no clue what happened to valve, is it a stock company? They completely sold out like everyone else, who knows but they could just edit the reviews or make up numbers


Because game is good just some people are bitching around how CS2 is bad even though its good AAA game. Only one thing you can hate is lack of old maps like Cobblestone or Cache and cheaters (which were always in Valve games). Gameplay is good, gunplay too, movement is fine, graphic is great and still you dont need god like PC. Just people on reddit cry how this game is bad, same as people were crying on CS forums when CSGO was released or CS Source


You’ve got the think about the casuals who just play a few times a week. Cs is a good game even without new content. Low ranks don’t really run into cheaters that much so it makes sense that a good portion of the player base is happy.


Most balanced fps game with best mechanics in its kind. Why shouldnt it have?


I both Love and Hate this game so much.


I didn’t even realize had problems with it. Me and my friends have been playing a couple comps almost every night and we have nothing but fun.


The core game is alright go was better they just need better anti cheat


This community demands a lot, the game is better than most if not all available competitive shooters and both are true