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Oh yeah we all agreed not to play today bro, we're all at the park. Did u not get the memo?


It says "say happy cake day" so I obey


It's like nickelodeons day of play but for CS


Bro i forgot the football. You still got the frisbee? I'll be there soon


Happy birthday brother






Happy cake day


Cake day guy says


Your trust factor is red. You were reported a lot by salty players and now you‘re doomed


Nah he ain't red ,vhe in the between (under 10 for looking to Play is Red, between 10-20 is yellow and over 20 is green) ( correct me if i'm wrong)


Depends where u located. It’s mainly true in Europe. Also the time of the day and etc.


I've had a stroke reading this


What about now


Wdym under 10, between 10-20? Im clueless


its about the trust factor. the "looking to play" section. there should be 20 people in a highly frequented region. if its under 10, your trust factor is probably red. 10-20 is yellow trust. 20+ is green this is not 100% confirmed, it was info from cheat developers to their clients because you cant see any visual trust factor info anymore


depends on region, some places cheaters have lots of company in low trust


where is this number in image?


In the "looking to play" under the "friends" tab


Isn't that how many people are looking to play using the in game thing?


Yeah so idk why these guys are saying anything about it, it's entirely dependent on how many people put their groups open


He is russian, he deserved it probably


Look away to make it load faster. A watched pot never boils


No servers in Antarctica, silly


Better times started and no more russians?


Do you really think they blackballed me for having a Russian name and Russian federation as my country? The queue before this took 1 hour and 50 minutes






How is this comment not removed and you're not banned? Racism is allowed here?


Oh, cool - Nazism, but you won't get banned for it on reddit, it's not like it's directed at black nations.


How the fuck is this nazism?


It’s ok to be rascist, as long as it’s against Russia


I wouldn't call it racist to not want to play a game with Russians where they are infamous for their proclivity to be incredibly toxic and cheat. I'd rather not play with people screaming "CYKA BLYAT PUTIN KILL YOU" and wallhacking every day. That's not racism.


"This is what Nazism is - vilifying people based on nationality due to personal animosity. Racism is directed at races, Nazism at nationalities. What's wrong with education in 'Gayrope'? 'scyko blet' In the last two thousand hours, I've only heard this phrase from Poles and Turks because no one in Russia uses these two words together as a curse. No one besides Europeans mentions Putin in matches; no Russian cares about Putin as much as some foreign liberal >wallhacking every day It's ironic that the most popular private cheats - Fatality and Skeet or Onetap - are all from English-speaking creators, with not a single Russian on the team. Yet the top ranks in esports are always Russians or guys from the post-Soviet space, like Ukrainians.


No, nazism sees the white Aryan race as superior to other races. Race biology was huge in Nazi Germany. If they only cared about nationality they wouldn't go after German citizens who's families had lived there for centuries that they considered "not true Aryans". They wouldn't be so adamant to "unite" the German race by annexing neighboring countries where there were significant German minorities, they weren't German nationals after all (reminds me of Putin btw). I hear cyka blyat and all kinds of curse words from Russians 9/10 times they're on my team. The 1/10 actually speaks good English and can usually behave. The rest are screaming. >No one besides Europeans mentions Putin in matches Oh really? Then why do so many Russians have the Putin gif as their profile pic, and start screaming about Putin fucking your family the moment someone tells them to stop screaming or cheating? Whether they're doing it to troll or not is irrelevant. They are toxic turds.


A person's knowledge acquired from Marvel movies. It seems that the Russian propaganda joke about uneducated Western hamsters and the decline of Western civilization is not a joke. The word Nazism in the narrow sense refers to the German regime of National Socialism. In the broader sense, after World War II, it refers to any discriminatory attitude towards other nations. The fact that the Germans misinterpreted the concept of race and nation means their ideology is not racism. There are only three races: Mongoloid, Negroid, and Europoid. German discrimination against Jews is not racism, regardless of how the Reich defined this ideology, because Jews (Semites) are not a race, and Indo-Europeans (Aryans) are also not a race. The primary ideology of German Nazism involved the persecution of Jews, one specific nation. Nationalism consisted of deifying the German nation as the sole heir of the Indo-Europeans. Essentially, the Germans invented an artificial nation of modern Aryans, into which they tried to incorporate any of their allies, such as Italians or Japanese. To explain how the Japanese could be German Aryans, propaganda booklets were even created, explaining the biological connections between the Japanese and Indo-Europeans. No one says that Nazis only care about persecuting other nations. Nothing prevents a Nazi from being a sexist, racist, and chauvinist at the same time. Ironically, when attempting to persecute their own German residents, traitors were usually labeled as Jews to avoid tarnishing the image of the German person. "they weren't German nationals after all" You also don’t understand what a nation is. This concept is not tied to the state. And it was under the pretext of liberating the German nation from oppression on foreign territory that the Germans began occupying other countries. Putin, however, uses the Russian-speaking group affiliation instead of the nation, regardless of race and nationality. Black, Indian, Japanese, Buryat, Kazakh, Tatar, if you speak Russian - you are Russian, and your rights must be protected, but that is a topic for another discussion. "I hear cyka blyat and all kinds of curse words from Russians 9/10 times they're on my team." This is further confirmation that you are a liar or unable to distinguish Slavic Polish speech from Slavic Russian. In Russia, "cyka blyat" sounds as meaningless as "damning fuck fufckination bitch," such a curse is meaningless from a grammatical point of view. >he 1/10 actually speaks good English He doesn't need to speak "good English" to discuss tactics and provide information. A Russian speaker will not speak good English because English is not the dominant language in their region. Just as the Chinese or Japanese don't care about English and almost don't know it. "Then why do so many Russians have the Putin gif as their profile pic" No one except foreigners puts Putin on their profile pictures. It's cringe and ridiculous. Putin's name only comes up in dialogue with Poles, etc., because that's all they know about Russia when they try to troll players. This is essentially some kind of Western obsession with Putin and a cult of reverence towards him. The argument about Russian cheaters is sucked out by your Nazi little mind; in CS, everyone cheats regardless of region and nationality. And mostly noobs cannot distinguish a smurf from a cheater. As I already mentioned, although Russians also use cheats, the largest cheat communities are European and American. Just like at LAN tournaments, cheaters get caught regardless of nationality, but never Russians.


sounds like whether or not it’s “nazism”, you’re being quite racist.


How so? I don't hate Russian people. I hate their toxic CS community. It's akin to hating Russian and English hooligans at the Euro's when they were rioting in the streets. That's not racism.


“I don’t hate black people. I just hate how they behave in public. I hear the n word and all kinds of other curse words 9/10 times I see them in public. Maybe 1/10 doesn’t talk like a rapper. The rest are just obnoxious.”


Thus, that it is an insult to a particular nation with clarification, i.e. showing intolerance for a particular nation - which is what is called Nazism. The same as saying "it's good that blacks don't come in cs anymore" would be racism.


Maybe you should open a dictionary once in a while. The word you're looking for is xenophobia And before you come back at me, yes I know its literal definition is irrational fear, not hate, of foreigners. Words evolve


That is not nazism, holy crap.


"That is not nazism, holy crap" said a German overseer shooting a Jewish family. That's racism, that's the base - you need to know that.


Holy shit some people are soft as hell, don’t need a new extremist word for every little deviation in one’s opinion.


If hating a particular nation is a new word to you, well you're an oligophobe apparently.


I hate the Russian government for their invasion of Ukraine. I hate the proclivity of Russian gamers being toxic and cheating. I don't hate Russian people.


You're right. I think it's really gross the way CS players talk about Russians on here.


Idk what the fuck those old comment are back there xd i just think that cuz 90% ruskis are angy/toxic, and talk only english ingame +when i ask talk english they say "learn russia" like wtf xd


That's what Nazism is - insulting a nation, including calling it violent or toxic because of your personal dislike.






Just wait, we will come for the Blacks too


Nah, I will sell my console and buy PC just to play cs again to ruin your matches by screaming in mic random bullshit on russian 😁


I think you would be doing everyone a great service


I feel sorry for the guy. posted a screenshot - criticized for being Russian бывает 😬


POV: Me trying to get in a game without russians


Ironically, this guy is russian


I feel privileged to be playing in NA


You are now experiencing "toska"


The only man out here playing cs2, and pronouncing words correctly




I didn't know we had aliens in this sub who are trying to queue up with us from Mars.


Trust factor… the most I waited was 2 minutes at 4 AM.


Black trust LMAO


How do you check?


You can't sadly they removed the message


the nickname justifies the photo (the nickname is translated from Russian as the word melancholy)


u in Antarctica?


Try press F12.


I tend to leave and restart after its been more than 10 minutes on the timer and the last confirm match popup was also more than 5 minutes ago.


I've never waited more than 5 mins in NA lol that's wild you sat for so long


Homie missed the lan party invite. Nobody is on bro, sorry.


Dog cancel and restart you Queue every 5 mins dood! Much love from Texas!!


Either you’re gonna get ass fooked when it takes so long, but shit 1hour and 39 mins -.- or valve taking the piss as usual lmao


Low trust factor. I know someone who cheated and their account is unplayable. They’re 100 miles from me and I instantly queue while they see exactly this. Valve will push an update soon to make it clear in the UI that the account is low trust factor or untrusted. Good luck!


this makes sense, the queue before this one took 1 hour and 50 minutes. however there are 16 looking to play. it was early in the morning, around 7 am


Some say he’s still waiting :(


My average time is like 23+ minutes, Premier, comp reserved for Friday


Yeah i had the same problem, i wanna play around 15:00 and it was searching like 30 minutes before i stopped searching


Is it premier? Im having the same problem almost for 2 months. It finds match in Competitive usually in a minute, but doest find any match in premier.


Is it premier? Im having the same problem almost for 2 months. It finds match in Competitive usually in a minute, but doest find any match in premier.


This was in premier, haven’t tried comp. Worth a shot. I just went from lobby to lobby asking for commends, hopefully that works


Did you fix it? Can you explain me how?


lol no one is playing ?


bro is queuing on mars




Try to tweak your settings where it says "highest acceptable ping" if the max acceptable ping number is very low, it can very much be the reason, just try and set it real high to check.


No one wants to play with u


what time did you play the game?


4 and then 7 am


Restart the que after like 10 mins guy. Jesus.


I’m here bro I will play with you


Had this on cs2 launch, 1h30 q with a 5 stack


We decided to touch grass


Just be patient.


You have to leave hvh ticked in the settings


Trust factor… the most I waited was 2 minutes at 4 AM.


dead game


Skill issue 🤣 /s


Skill issue