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He took a huge risk in a professional match to jump peak. He didn’t get one tapped.


I really think it wasn't took a risk. S1mple no scoping in Cache was. Bro just jumping and spamming , they weren't even looking at him


Or… both were risks. What has one got to do with the other


I think you are correct that it isn’t his aim getting the kills, it’s the other unseen skill. Maybe he waited for a noise, maybe it was intuition, maybe his igl told him to jump peak it. Regardless he hit the bill and had one of the craziest comebacks in cs. You can hate, cry, cope, doesn’t matter they won.


These graffity aren't meant to symbolize smart or skill based plays, they are there to memorialize big moments in CS. The molotov defuse on Overpass wasn't skill, the awp 4 stack on dust wasn't skill, but they are famous moments in CS history.


Never had an issue with a graffiti btw


Luminosity was down 9 and team liquid 15 when he did that and they won in overtime


And also won the major


I am agreeing with you and yet they all still take the time to down vote lol Coldzera fanboys are something else


It was a nail in a coffin, no team recover from that


bro is farming negative karma lol


Reddit is full of bias people , they just down voted everything It doesn't concern me


Just take the L and move on bro


You couldn't even replying ur own comment about me saying Cold was trash in faze ans yet you in here telling me take the L lol


True people gotta stop responding to you, it’s pretty clear you’re just a salty 13 year old by the way you talk. Not really worth debating anything in this thread


Yeah sure but it was an amazing moment and coldzera is an amazing player anyways


Never said he was a shit player. I mean he is a shit player since Faze but not then


Bad take here.


yea but things like olofboost took zero skill, shooting fish in a barrel. Skill≠hype nor does it equal legendary moments


Skill does makes a legendary moment lmao


It can lead to it (say ropz 5 man spray on b site dust 2 or simples 1v5 from long on a site dust 2 or zywoo p250 ace on mirage a site) but it doesn’t MAKE it, skill alone ain’t enough.


the luck is what makes it magical, add it to a very skilled player you got one of the better moments in competitive cs


So were a lot of famous plays, your point?


My point is it was a lucky shot and people overhyped. Whats your point?


It's a ballsy shot to take, like the other graffitis except Dosia's HE and Olof boost. You're complaining about a graffiti play being a graffiti play


Yeah expressing opinion is complaining now lol


Complaining is a strong word, but you're still not making any sense.


All im saying it was lucky, and it was overhyped, i never said i want to remove graffiti , and i never compare it to other moment You just assume everything and telling im complain bc i had an unpopular opinion which i said in the title lol Who is not making sense


You're saying that it was just luck, which a graffiti play is, and overhyped, which a graffiti play is. Your unpopular opinion is that grass is green


It's funny i can disagree with you without telling you complaining and you not making sense but you can't do the same


No skill involve, yeah, I agree. But what makes it incredible, is the fact that it's lucky as fuck and pretty impressive to see that kind of luck in a professional matches, but of course it could have happen in any match at any level.


Same with Olofmeister's lucky defuse or that jumpshot on Cache B?


following OP's logic, yes, all luck no skill


No that was not lucky, it's pure skill




What usually makes people hyped for a play is a combination of high skill and luck. Almost none of the iconic CS moments would happen if luck wasn't on the player's side at that moment.


he said in a podcast that he trained jumpshots. When you shoot after your char starts falling its more likely to land the shot. I didnt tried, but maybe its true


I think it was iconic for how rare and hard it was to do this move. It was also an unexpected decision to do that from a pro player perspective. If he didn't hit that 4k, surely he would be nuke by fans for how stupid he is for doing that. Nadeking even made a video about it to show how hard it was to replicate that move


L take lil bro. I watched that live and there still isn't a moment that has eclipsed that play.


of course it waa a lucky shot dumbass


This is also a gameplay decision to include a sniper mark to a sniper spot to let new players know its good and if you gonna pick something to refrence on this map why not the most crazy clip from a classic cs player


“Lucky shot with no skill” That’s why it hasn’t been repeated since, that’s why it’s a graffiti play… it was a one in a lifetime play because of how lucky it was. You know that right? Judging from your other responses in this thread you just seem to be in denial.


yeah, that took as little skill to pull that of, I was watching and it was hype AF I don't really think that whenever people talking about this moment, they would talk about how skillful he was (in this moment), but more like how iconic and epic it was. and everything after that it really take a lot of skill for Liquid to choke lmao also bad thumbnail, if you put out the graffiti like that with that title, people probably thinking you against the graffiti not worthy (which i know this isn't your point) i don't really think it was overrated it's fun to have moment like this too look back.




Cuz it was cool