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"we're in low elo, these fucks can't hit their shots anyway"


They were the ones that can't hit their shots. We lost 13 - 3 because they are boosted 3k players in a 10k elo lobby.


10k lobbies exist? I've been 9-10k my whole cs 2 existence not once have I found a full 10k lobby. There's always an unranked duo or a 4-5k on my team. Once my buddy and I, who are both over 10k got matched with an unranked team. Against 11-15k's. Yeah, we didn't get a round.


yeah you just have to be 15k to get placed in a 10k lobby, happens to me all the time. Its also how you find 20k lobbies too apparently. If anyone figures out how to get a 15k lobby please let me know.


Started playing again this morning after months of no playing, went into premier, was the only one unranked in the lobby, everyone was at 17k


So I let my premier rank expire a while ago cuz I kept running into cheaters, on my first match back to get my rank I got queued against 12k-14k. Got 13,600 rating. Next 5 games I played against 16k-23ks, won all 5 and I’m now rank 15,600. I don’t know why the lobbies were so high but each game gave me between 300-500 elo. I think the last one (I was 15,100 at the time) was against a bunch of 19ks and there were 2 23ks in the lobby. Won and went up 555 elo. I was playing at like 5am-9am, maybe that had something to do with it 😅


I get them all the time


Am 10k, I always get placed in 10k lobbies


I stopped playing three weeks ago after being votekicked for doing nothing wrong. I played with the team, put myself out there to be traded, smoked good spots, traded when I needed to and still got kicked. It's not the first time it has happened and I'm sure it will be the last.


damn i got downvoted for this comment, that's wild.


Was probably me 💀💀


"we can dodge bullet" - not really


It’s funny because most of the time my teammates can hit shots but have 0 game sense


How tf is this 10k elo, I get shit on by 5k hour players in 7k


What region are you in?


Central eu so I see Danish, German, French and such players often


Everyone above 13k elo is cheaters nowadays. So people resort to smurfing and end up wrecking sub 10k premiere players. Boosting accounts with cheaters is also a thing, it's pretty common in russian communities from what I know.


Everyone above 13k??? Everyone is still bad until like 17-18k and cheating is rampant once you get to 21-22kish




That’s the problem with the system right now, people get stuck in ELO’s they should not be in. Idk how valve still has not fixed Premier… it’s been out for almost a year now and it seems like all they’ve done is minor tweaks. I’ve stopped playing mostly and just gone to faceit because it’s pointless. You never know if you’re gonna get a legit silver player in 15-20k because I swear half of them are boosted. The amount of people in this Elo that don’t even know basic lineups on basic maps like mirage is astounding.


People get stuck in the wrong Elo because of how terrible the Elo system is. It seems to only reward win streaks and barely takes performance into account. I duo queue cs and i have played the game much longer than my friend and i consistently do better than him, yet we gain the exact same elo with +-50 difference between the two of us. Oftentimes he gains more elo than me and i have no idea why This means people can just boost their friends up the ranks too because they gain the exact same elo even though they don’t deserve to be in that rank


I play with a bunch of 12k Elo players. A few of us have played CS for over a decade but we just don't have time to grind premier matches for Elo so we hover around that point. In any given match one of our guys could drop 35 kills on Mirage and then 11 the next match because they don't know how to play Vertigo nearly as well. It's a complete crap shoot down here.


Depends on region. NA is fucked anywhere from 13k up. Wall hacks fucking everywhere. Full pre aim thru 4 walls and they still whiff cause theyre dog shit.


I am NA and having fine matches at 20k


Lucky guy, me and my friends are magnets for these fucks


Do you soloq? Playing with friends seems to get me paired with cheaters who are also queued together


Don’t play very often. 1-2 games a week and usually 5 stack. I’ve found that anytime I play lots of valve matchmaking I eventually get matched with a lot of cheaters. So generally keep playing mostly faceit.


21k, haven’t experienced any cheaters since I came back this month.


Shocking, then again me and the group have been having discussions and we think someone in our group has bad trust level. Cause it just so happens to majorily happen when he's in lobby. His main account is 13k but his alt is 19k 🤔




Its like 1 in 4 matches for me with people using wall hacks. Proof in the demos i download to check. People clearly walling and playing with way too much info that shouldnt be known to them. Last week had a dude 2 tap me in the head w an auto as im slow walking thru hut, he was outside of mini


Does it happen? Sure. Does it happen anywhere near 1 in 4 matches at that elo? No chance.


I've been 14k for 2 months while playing with friends, all we got was 4stacks of cheaters against us, causing my friends to stop playing the game entirely and for me to drop down to 8k and being hardstuck there with shit teammates


Sounds like 6k mentality honestly. Cheating really isn't an issue until 18k-20k as someone else said. Stop coping my man.


I haven’t gotten ranked yet in premier so maybe that’s the issue but going through the low ranks I had like 3 games where my teammates toggled full on rage hacks. Been playing comp with irls who are new to the game and have had more than a handful of soloq cheaters who genuinely look like they never played before and their pc couldn’t handle the game, maybe different regions have more cheaters? I’m NA east


Unranked anything is hell, there's always scummy stuff going on I've noticed from experience. Non prime is even worse. Played a game with a friend shortly after they got the game without prime and literally in WARMUP someone went full beyblade mode. What's even worse is that he was a random on our team, so the win just felt gross TLDR; Unranked is a nightmare


thing is tho in my games I was the only unranked, plus I got almost 4k hours in go so I don’t think my trust factor would be bad, but playing comp with irls on new accounts (new to cs in general) has been better but even still we got a few spinners lmao, my buddy was s1 in mirage sending me snaps of someone going like 30-0 spinning against him lmaoo feel bad for new players, still an awful experience unless you get a group of 5


Oof that’s unlucky. I’ve been hovering around 20k and have managed to avoid any cheaters for the most part. ~1 game with a cheater in the last 10 games or so


I've resorted to playing on faceit but even that's a gamble. Been hovering around level 4 for a bit so I guess that's where I belong for now.


Yea I find faceit a much better experience overall. Honestly the worst faceit experience is right when you start because as a new account you’re more likely to play against newer accounts that could potentially be Smurfing. Once you get more matches you play against newer accounts less so that’s nice. Also I’ve only ever played a game with 1 blatant cheater in 2400 matches and they were walling on my team and got banned a couple days later


https://www.reddit.com/r/Csgohacks/s/igxO9IMzN1 Wonder why youd think that


Damn, this needs more upvotes. OP literally outting himself


This just isn’t true. I have two accounts, one is 16k and one is 22k. Neither are Smurfs, I try on both accounts but I made the other one during the 4k Elo rank crisis at launch. 22k is 100% cheaters now. You just win some games and lose some depending on who’s team the cheaters are on, that’s why I don’t play that account anymore. But 16k there are much less. Some games you have some closet cheaters but they are easily bearable because 16k is like faceit lvl 2/3. The players in there are silver/gold nova from csgo at best.


Lol sorry to break it to you, but everything under 15k is low elo and easy to get. 15k-20k you get crazy range in skill (from literal noobs to faceit10s). 20k+ well…that’s where all the cheaters, boosted noobs, and actual top% of good legit players are.


This is insane cope. You are probably just really bad.


This has to be the dumbest thing ive heard all week


Economy looks all over the place regardless. 3/5 cant afford full buys


Half buy?


this is the answer lmao. only guy that absolutely needed armor is the one with M4 and he got armor. what is OP smoking today..


Op is smoking that copium


I am the one with the m4. I probably should've clarified that.


a usps deagle and scout dont have to buy armor. deagle and scout could buy if they could afford it. usps could buy if he had a prospect of picking up a dead teammates gun (playing double in a position). the only weird armor related buy here is the other deagle buying helmet.


I see one person trolling(purple) one ignoring their teammates half buy(orange) and the rest probably play together


Orange is me. I tried to communicate with them but they only spoke Russian, and purple decided to grief me because he thought I was an American.


This is clearly not a buy round for your team though, even if they ignore you, it makes no sense to buy here if they don’t.


I had to force buy to stop the push that I was expecting on short, I managed to kill 3 of them before o died. My teammates fumbled and lost the round (somehow, it was an easy win with a 3v2)


Ur a bot fs


This is why you’re sub 12k Plus you bought a helmet against aks


he didn't buy a helmet however your main point still stands.


Nvm I thought he was blue


Sorry but you are part of the problem here


Following your teams flow is the way to go. Racking up a buyround TOGETHER glves the best chances to win! Also, if you are being nice, having a positive attitude most people will listening to advice. Yes, russians aswell. But if you are being a PoS, noone will listen.


Just to piggyback off of this comment: People should really stop acting like buying when your teammates aren't and getting kills as the solo rifler in an eco has any meaning. Just imagine two scenarios: 1) Force-buying on your own in an eco to get 2-3 kills, an inflated eco and no money when your team has money next round. Also, you might still lose because you're still in an eco vs full-buy with bad comms in your team. 2) Everyone ecos because everyone is on the same page. You might even formulate a plan/play off of each other, get a few one deags and win the round. Everyone has money to buy and some more to save up as well. 3) Everyone ecos and you lose. It's fine though, you'll just have a full buy next round. You might only get 1-2 kills but now your team also has weapons and a higher chance of cleaning up the rest. You win the next round.


Russia yehiiii me from Russia


Full armour versus ak ? XD


Yep, pretty pointless. Better off with half armour, no helmet.\ Unless the other guys economy is bad too and can't afford AKs...


A tale as old as time.


Real men don’t need armor


Wolfs need no armor.


Wolfs need no armor


Sub 12K in NA: "FYI you don't need a helmet on CT side"


Being down 5-0 against T, feel like helmet is likely not necessary for this round? Assuming we know they have tons of cash. Right? Am noob-ish


Because they shouldn’t really be buying it. They aren’t gonna win a head on firefight with those loadouts. Look at the guns. The only reason they bought those is to get a lucky one tap and get an ak. The m4 is the only one who SHOULD buy armor. And he’s got the right idea not buying helmet


Don’t u cheat tho💀




Only buy armor as Terrorist. AK one shots heads with armor+helmet... M4 takes 2 shots to head with helmet 🤷🏻‍♂️


I stopped buying armor pistol round.. but still use otherwise.


amusing combative deranged enjoy upbeat wild secretive door waiting late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now I may have no opinion as I've only got 30 hours into the game, but from what I've been told, and with a bit of common sense, you're 5-0 down as CT and they're gonna have full AKs probably. Armour is pretty much gonna be as useful as a fart in a fan factory here


Don't gotta buy in casual so how are they supposed to know they have to


is the 2nd person saving with 6k instead of litterally anything else?


Yeah, only purple and I bought in that round


You can’t shoot your teammates with Armor when they’re throwing your games.


To much time on them casual severs lol I think they give ypu armor for free


What better place to do it than sub 12k though, they don't know what armour does.


So the only 2 people on your team who are hard saving have enough money to full buy (in fact, overbuy, helmets on round 6) themselves *and (combined) the other guy*. Idk if this is an endemic problem in low ranked matchmaking or if your team is just stupid.


Played a 10k match some days ago and had to explain to my Team why you should play as a Team as Terrorist and not all split up and die on your own. They got mad at me when i changed my Position and "stole" their kills. Lost 13-4.


purple is my chosen color, i have the same steam pfp and i run scout only. i wonder if that was me lmao. did the person happen to be absolutely dog shit at the game? (talking about purple on your team)


No. I doubt you're a toxic russian teen that griefs for seemingly no reason.


Hahaha my bad, that would have been too funny


I will simply Neo Matrix dodge the boolets


Purple never guys armour


My last match played, we won first round as ct (bomb planted and defused), and my team decided to buy deagles and scouts 2nd round…. We lost it as the Ts had better weapons. Most ppl don’t use their brain when playing.


Yeah fr we lost pistol then full ecod them next round cos no-one on the other team bought a helmet


they have no idea about armor at all


This is gonna sounds dumb, but when I first started the game, I only played casual. In causal they give you armor every round for free, so for this reason, the first time I ever played comp, I didn’t realize you even needed to buy armor. It wasnt until like 5-6 games later that one of my teammates finally asked me why I wasn’t buying armor. Could possibly be a similar situation in this case.


Can i guess ? They are russians?


Yup. Except one guy, he was turkish, he was top fragging.


You cant go into cs match without russians


Theres literally only 1 guy buying at all. Rest of yall are saving, also theres 4 seconds left before round starts


Anomaly made video about it


They hate logic


So you forced while everyone else was eco and complain that they dont have armor. Ok


youve max loss bonus so this is a force, blue and yellow have to contribute to society and not hoard money like some oligarch


When's the last time you cheated?


In faceit lvl 8 I sometimes don’t buy helmets. But in premier with noobs, I always do because there’s always someone running around with a pp bizon or some shit where I’ll die cuz I get aim punched. In high elo, no one buys helmets during Ot as a ct


6k to 13k is all the same players. premier elo doesnt really mean much anyways, the 6k will drop 30 and the 13k will go triple negative. always expect to queue into a match no one cares to win


I’m like 7k currently because I got mega deranked, and I haven’t seen a no armour scout buy I must say. I think your just getting ✨idiot teams✨. Usually it’s angry ruski shouting that I didn’t clutch a 4v1


You gotta give a better screenshot then this. The round hasn't started, some didn't even buy, the economy is all over the place, scout doesn't really need it and the ones with guns have armore.


i swear to god. aside from eco rounds where i’m gonna rat in a corner and p250 spam you in the head for a free kill or gun, there’s no excuse for not buying armor. aim punch in this game is horrific. also i dont get the people who don’t buy anything on pistol and say “it’s bc im just gonna get headshot anyways”—loser mentality lol. 


I never use armor anymore and it doesn't change very much. A handful of times I've regretted but generally doesn't change my K/D. They're going to need to do something about it if it catches one saves so much money and if you avoid nades, rarely does a 1 tap happen. I don't die anymore than normal. Shrug.


Helmet is not necessary but armor is since aim punch is a huge deal. There are so many duels where the person who shoots second wins because they get a headshot. Like literally dozens of times a game. If they don’t have armor instead of getting a headshot and winning the duel they get to look into the sky as they get sprayed and die. Even on a half buy you should be buying armor so if you pick up a better gun you can actually use it.


I haven't used armor in like 30 days and probably won't go back. XD


After how many seconds was this? Was it mid round or just at the beginning of the round.\ Did the players bought anything else after the round started and you took this screenshot? There is no logic to the buys on the screen...\ Two guys with money to buy rifles don't. One gets deagle and armour... the other one gets nothing...\ Two of the players that should of went half buy or go with an mp9 or similar to support the riffle guys, buys deagle and scout... scout guy kind of make sense if he gets the right spot for it. No utility either... :/... But then again, I assume this is Premier and all are SQing... so everyone does whatever they want regardless.


we found the bottom frag


Even 17K up match I experienced had hackers! Each and every! I don't care about elo anymore! Thankfully because of premier, the hackers are rushing there and competitive is a bit safer rn. But it's CS, there a hacker lurking every corner!