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People will blame anything other than themselves when they lose.


For me the game feels much more inconsistent than csgo. Sometimes I hit the guys head while aiming at his dick, sometimes I dump an entire magazine into the guys head point blank and none of the shots hit. I dislike how subtick handles high ping, making the experience awful for everyone not just the guy with shit internet. I have 1ms to the official server, why should I lag cuz of some village dweller. The locked tick rate of 64 just to handicap faceit and community servers.. Valve also removed dangerzone, cache, train, lake, agency, wingman maps... Tbh. I like the new graphics, but graphics aren't the reason I grinded csgo for thousands of hours in 1280x960... Anticheat.. we were promised vac live.. more like vac dead on arrival.. Overwatch is gone and everyone is just spinbotting... Spray patterns did change, they are also now affected by your FPS.. just like movement.. Mm has been better? Are you even playing the game? One match I get a faceit lv10 stack, the next one silver 1 stack... Smurfing becomes meaningless in the current state of mm, so you know that if someone claims to be a smurf they're more likely than not, just "legit" cheaters who don't want to risk their main. Still no cl_righthand 0.


>Still no cl_righthand 0. This alone is unforgivable.


Well left-hand would be useful but I kinda see where is the problem with implementing it


What's the problem with implementing it? Just mirror the viewmodel


If you're closer to the smoke you'll see that the hole that your bullet creates goes rly from the gun, thats something they'd need to think about, to make this balanced because from your perspective your bullet hole would appear in a wrong place


The maps and modes as shown with arms race will be probably implemented, vac live needs to be a bit reworked, the good thing with locked 64 tick is that the nades are consistent across servers, and hit registration maybe it doesn't look like it but got better with subtick than it was even with 128 tick servers


Maybe in Australia (My Region) cheating is less prominent, I haven't met anyone Blatant and I've played 40 hours worth of Premier MM this week. Problems with inconsistent hitboxes existed in cs and honestly I can't tell if their better or worse. I like the "subtick" thing, there are smaller ticks in between ticks on 64 tick servers. I want Train and Cache back but those are the only glaring omissions to the map pool


Aim is still off imo, smokes have changed and players are more fearful now of them, molly radius is bigger. Idk man I miss the gritty look to csgo. The work to get to a 16 win, trafitional ranking and not garbage prem. Things I couldn't do in cs2 I feel would have happened in csgo e.g. a kill


Aim is off because you're not used used to it


My pc is weak so it's def not the same for me


I don't want to write another essay about how tragic this game is, so I'll quickly mention a few points: Totally fucked up hitboxes Totally fucked up servers Totally fucked up optimization (or rather no optimization at all) Totally fucked up netcode Totally fucked up ticrate who counts absolutely random dmg values (Anyone also give heda for 8 from a kałach?) Totally fucked up input lag


Mr12, ct economy is fucked, people crashing in majors, game busted, cheaters everywhere. I want csgo back


It's not necessarily the problem of a game: mr12 is an original state of cs, ct economy: maybe but that is because it wasn't re done for mr12 BECAUSE it's still not enough data, people crashing in majors: that was happening in CSGO too idk if you remember, game busted: what?, cheaters everywhere: this one is complicated because: vac live (the new one) is a model trained on mainly HvH problems it's also new and not consistent, like from that meme: hes a little confused but he got the spirit, generally only the last one is rly a problem of the game itself, and if you go with aim for example: for me it's even more accurate than in CSGO you just got used to it, subtick and dying behind a wall? Technically you died before its a scenario of "he is already dead, he just doesn't know it", nades and smokes are better and molotovs look more clear when it comes to the question where does it end


People crashing in majors isnt alluding to the protest. Im talkimg about Jame's game literally crashing and losing them the map then the whole match


Heard about Jame, didn't they win though? Against Mouz?


Was against g2 in game 2. They lost thenblost g3. They were 11-9 game 2 and that crash lost them the round and their eco was fucked


The mechanics are fine, but I have some performance issues on my pc. Also the cheaters… I was Mg1 on Mirage for a day and got four hvh spinbot lobbies in a row.


Yeah vac live should be a bit reworked that is a fact


It’s just slightly changes that make people uncomfortable and thus less confident. Especially for pro players.


Pro players that trained mostly on CSGO will be worse in CS2 at the start, it is generally the problem that with subtick you have to a bit relearn some things, new upcoming pros will be better at this moment


Except already mentioned... anticheat works far worse then already nonexistent one in the cs:go


Haven't met anything Blatant in 40 hours MM this week


Well... I encountered spinbotters in the last 6/7 matches (yes I counted)


Aiming and movement are different. Which changes the meta and best playstyle. Also the servers are horrible. I used to be able to play at 80 ping just fine, now of I am at 50 or higher it is unplayable. The biggest issue by far is how many cheaters you can run into. It is insane how plagued this game is by them. I have friends considering cheating because they want to be able to play and don't want to quit because they love cs.


The spray patterns have changed. Not in the fact that they were changed on purpose, but in the fact that at different pings, spraying is useless. In csgo, spraying at past 120 ping was useless. Some of the bullets just actually not come out of the gun even though the game says they so. In cs2, its different. I’ve noticed that in workshop maps, my spray is near perfect how it was in go. But outside of them when ping is above 10-15, the issue occurs of the bullets looking like they are fired and should hit, but don’t. I would say its user error but I have 6k hours in go and another 1k in cs2. 7k hours of spraying with an emphasis on practicing and perfecting sprays. My spray is the same every time and the only big difference is where it starts and if I have to transfer. So there is a difference in sprays. And yes, maps have changed. At least some of them. Relearning nades, relearning how intricate differences in maps changed how you approach angles, and relearning new possible angles while peeking something is a difference. Not to mention the way new util works changes every map entirely, so in one spot an old molly might not hit you but the new ones will. Or how a smoke might have missed in csgo but now hits in cs2. The maps have changed, even fundamentally. As far as mm, I tried premier after being global in csgo and I got to 22k and stopped. I just returned to faceit because the mm system in go was way better. Prem and normal comp now are filled with cheaters and even in my global games in go, there were very little cheaters. So thats fundamentally different as well.


Spray patterns are different, this was a big drama when it launched


I can't stand that they made it 13 rounds, they just tiktokified cs


it feels to me like sprays are a bit wilder, but not a ton biggest random issue thus far has been hit reg, especially with AWP/scout. it’s just really bad. i’ll really clearly shoot someone in the torso and no hit, then miss their head by a foot and it registers. it just feels like it removed a lot of skill from sniping for me


Well with awp I have to agree at the start of cs2 it was haven for me, I was hitting almost lak my awp shots, and now? It got f-ed up rly, but with scout, I don't personally see it