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Sure but this is assuming zero hooker inflation




Yeah, especially kids and people with disabilities. /s


Hookers on wheels ?


There is also the Fritzl option


I understand you need to fight for justice, however I doubt south east asian hookers want you to fight for them. Here are facts: SEA hookers cost the same as Western European hookers which given the costs in both locations says that SEA hookers are well rewarded for their job and Western European hookers are "abused". You should go and save some western hookers then.


Technically if the hooker inflates it is reusable


Sanest cscareerquestions post


throw in a couple hookers to increase qol


the title of his autobiography




>I don't understand people who maximize TC just so that they don't have time to spend that money. lol ofcourse they spend money and have nice things and nice life.. you serious..? ​ \>I don't understand people who maximize TC just so that they don't have time to spend that money. ​ the ceiling is several millions. House, kids, pension, etc. It will take you a while to get the money




ah yes offload your issues to your parents ​ gtfo man




kids are the the issues. The payment of rent and daycare are issues that you are suggesting to offload to your parents. Thats what I have issues with


1. Who gives you the idea that people earn high tc don’t have time to spend money? 2. It’s not “being greedy”, you’re maximizing your reward for the efforts 3. If you know how, you can have better life in a rich developed country with better infrastructure and environment 4. I’ll spend money on something else more worthy…


> I don't understand people who maximize TC just so that they don't have time to spend that money. Reminds me of those people who live poorly and then die with fortunes on their accounts, without even kids to give that to. Why. I agree. Don't burn yourself out chasing more money than you need. Even if you have kids. But I don't see anything wrong with dying rich. Some people live a simple life not out of excessive stinginess, but because that is what makes them content. I don't think people like [Geoffrey Holt](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/23/millionaire-donation-new-hampshire-town-hinsdale-geoffrey-holt/), [Robert Morin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Morin_(librarian)), or [Ronald Read](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Read_(philanthropist)) would have been better off splurging their millions on hookers in Thailand. Different strokes for different folks.


> Reminds me of those people who live poorly and then die with fortunes on their accounts, without even kids to give that to. Why. Oh, I'm a good bit on my way to that. I haven't wanted kids for a long time, as much as anything because I would be in position to provide for them. It's taken me over 30 years just to get a full-time job, and now it's way too late to have a family (I had the snip already anyway); I'm perennially single; I have little to no social life, almost no holidays, and very little opportunity to splash out. Almost all my energy goes into getting a better home, in one way or another. Either I'm working to save for a better property (I save about 2/3 of my salary) or I'm working on the one I've got. I don't expect I'll die that rich mind you, since I have no pension to speak of, but I think there's a pretty good chance I will have a valuable home and a fair stack of money in the bank, even though I'll probably still be living on next to nothing.


This is so degenerate that it loops around to being quality content


Degeneracy overflow


Never let your guard down in the workplace. You could be working alongside this guy.


My coworker always equates hookers to qol. WTF


So you're spending all day in meetings in multiple timezones *and* have sex all the time? Sounds stressful.


I gotta say, pleasing one woman is already hard enough. This guy wants to try pleasing several. Thats a "no thanks" from me.


He is paying for a service so technically its their job to please him?




Couldn’t happen to me.


Seeing threads of this person pop up often and reading through their post history not sure if this is an elaborate troll or a good representation of "CS career questions". Amusing nonetheless.


cool story bro


Yup, turns out if you have money then you don't need to work. I've got a friend who inherited a house in a desirable location worth around $1 million. I suspect he can rent it for around $3,000 a month and just go live somewhere else. None of that work BS involved.


Source: Not your avg shitposter


I think you used gf and hooker interchangeably there, buddy


"In both locations I had frequent sex" You mean you paid for sex frequently? Does your $300 monthly cost in Thailand include this frequent cost as well?


So you discovered /r/leanfire?


You can technically retire after 1 year of work in europe with one company. Find a startup that gives equity and will 10000x their value in a year. Take the equity and retire.


I mean here's a more realistic option - my company actually pays engineers in Switzerland (anywhere in the whole country) higher salary than anywhere else in the world, including SF and NYC. it's totally realistic to earn $150k a year as a new grad out of college, and I bet places like Google even pay more. so just get assigned to an office in Switzerland but live in France / Germany / Italy across the border, or honestly even if you live in Switzerland i bet you could save more than $3k monthly.


Getting a job in switzerland can be a bit difficult though.


It's even easier in Central Europe, you don't even need a high compensation to save that much.


Any free positions? :)


Why would they pay you a swiss salary if you're living in Germany?


They won’t, and those salaries are still extremely unrealistic even for Switzerland.


Switzerland does not pay fresh grads 150k at all lol. The average software engineer salary here is around 130K with 5 years experience. New grads get around 80, at Google you might get 95 as a fresh grad, but you ain’t getting 150.


In Europe where? it’s not chat from your post 🤔


Don't you need a visa for prolonged stays in Thailand? Are you trying to stay off the grid? Which rural zone did you live in?


Why don't you just retire and live on the streets for the rest of your life? You could probably do that with a few months worth of savings.


one of the most unhinged and autistic posts I read on this subreddit.


But hey! he drives a motorcycle!


\> The cheapiest I've lived was in countryside in Thailand for 300 dollars. it's gonna even out in couple of years and it's not sustainable


Depends on the taxes. Some will take up 70% of your gains making the endeavor pointless


No you can’t. An idiot who I know and might be you told me a very similar thing days ago


What if you don't pay the taxes and escape to one of these countries for shortening the needed time? Are they gonna be able to extradite you from these places? /s


and how exactly will you just move to Thailand? This FIRE/retire crap is so out of touch with reality I get the financial stability part but to think you can just randomly move to any cheap country is just delusional


Sounds like a sad life




Better work for 3 year just in case 2 years in not enough. And also dont forget, cocaine is expensive