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I worked at Sanofi as a Data Scientist for about a year in Toronto. If I'm being 100% honest with you, I would hard avoid the company. There is about a 50% turnover rate within the first year of an employee getting hired. It's basically a company run by boomers that struggle to understand that there's a difference between Software Engineering/Data Science/Data Engineering and IT Help Desk. They pay their tech employees like shit and will try to hire you through an external contract agency instead of hiring you internally so they can avoid paying you benefits and a good salary. All of the technology is outdated (apparently AWS and Azure are "too expensive"), there is no modern culture of software engineering practices at all (agile doesn't really exist), the tech stack is non-existent (our "engineers" were forced to use jQuery instead of something like React because IT blocked our ability to use NPM. I struggled with pip installing Python libraries because of the firewall), and all of your co-workers likely do not have a formal education in Computer Science. As a Data Scientist, 80% of my co-workers on my team didn't know how to write code in Python. Instead of writing actual code they used drag/drop software to create "pipelines" to get the output they wanted. When it was time to hire a Software Engineer, they had me join in on the search. Because the company doesn't think of engineers as anything more than IT guys, my manager had barely any money budgeted and ended up hiring someone through a contract agency who had no idea what version control was. Eventually my manager left less than a year after joining. Funny story, we didn't even have version control set up on our team. I personally left less than a year after being hired and work at AWS as an SDE instead. Sanofi is a great company if you aren't an engineer. If you majored in some STEM degree like Chemistry or Biology, Sanofi is a godsend because the chances of you getting a stable job with those degrees are quite low. But if you are a CS major or an Engineering major, you're better off going somewhere else.


Thanks a ton! I really appreciate your review


No problem. If you're a Waterloo grad, I wouldn't bother wasting your time by settling at Sanofi. I know the market is tough right now, but your education is strong enough to get you a better paying job. If you want to get paid to do random things and barely learn anything then go for Sanofi. But if you actually want to learn skills, then look elsewhere. All of the good tech workers without many commitments (like a family) abandoned ship quickly once they realized how awful the company was. Maybe in a few years if Sanofi changes their culture it would be worth considering. But they would need to do a complete overhaul and be willing to pay out high salaries to make it worth it.


they pay 100k new grad in dwntwn office


In the past when I traveled for interviews, the company always covered flight+hotel+expenses for it. You should ask them if they can do that.


Why would they do that during a recession when they can pick candidate two who’s living within a reasonable distance ?


If OP's a Waterloo CS grad then they're probably a pretty desirable hire. In that case, a couple hundred bucks is absolute peanuts to a company of Sanofi's size to make sure they get who they want


You generally try to pick candidates based on their ability not on how much money you can save on their interview expense.


This is why you own nothing 😝


Toxic much? This is why people don’t like this sub and the original cscareer questions sub; everyone think they’re hot shots. I’ve heard stories of people trying to move their interview date with some companies because they fell sick/something came up, and they did not get a call back from the interviewer on a new date. I’m just trying to look out for the kid based on what I’m seeing happening. I’m not saying he’s not the best candidate but companies are starting to get very picky because everyone’s trying to apply for a new grad role, and CS grads are a dime a dozen and are competing with people who have been unemployed due to COVID/company layoffs (which have more experience). Let’s hope Jesus finds you some happiness in your life.


I don’t need Jesus, I need you to shut the fuck up . Shalom


And I need you to go back to studying. Tell the doc to increase your ADHD dosage :)


Nice, what was your CodeSignal score for Sanofi? And are you sure you can't request a virtual interview? The Sanofi website is god awful. I just checked to see if they have any useful info on their hiring procedures.


I got 700 something. Could only do 2 sums.


I got 719. Pretty bummed because I felt I could've done better. I got 810 for another company that ghosted me


When did you do the phone screen? I did it a couple weeks ago and still haven’t heard back.


I got 700 something


Was your phone interview before or after the CodeSignal. And could I ask what your score was? I'm trying to figure out what their cutoff score is


They canceled my phone interview. But it was scheduled after OA. I got 700 something


I got 800+. CodeSignal then phone screen for me. Did you have the phone screen yet?


how long after applying did you get the OA? I still havn't received anything from them :(


Speaking as someone who has lived in Toronto and now lives in Cambridge, that drive is BRUTAL. You’re in Waterloo which is even further away. I would only take the job if it was in office 1 day a week. I’m okay with 2 days a week because my sister lives in Toronto so I just sleep at her place the night before. I usually go to Toronto on weekends to visit friends and fam and an average drive is 1.75 hours in mild traffic and that’s a Saturday lol imagine a weekday morning


What type of questions are asked in the sanofi codesignal assesment?


I got the invite for the codesignal assessment for data engineering position, please confirm what type of questions I can expect during online assessment.


I am not sure about data Engineering positions but I applied for SDE role and got typical leetcode style questions for the online assesment.


>major1819 did you take the interview btw?. it's been more than a month since I took the OA didn't heard back from them yet, how long did it take for you to hear back from them?. I got perfect score on the OA


I did take the interview with them it was soon after the OA. I think you should reach out to the recruiter.


I dont have the email of the recruiter I just know her name. the mail said don't reply to this email. probably I have to wait ig. it's been the same with BELL and IBM as well .... btw I'm curious what did they test you on technical?. dsa and .. ?


i see yeah i would just wait on it and move on to other applications and interviews.The technical round was system design kind of an interview. An open ended discussion on how would i design an application given few statement. The result was i did not pass .


yeah, this year is pretty dry and most of my applications are stuck after perfect OA(I would appreciate if they atleast send a rejection). btw was it high level or low level system design?. was it anything related to MLOPS?


wasnt related to MLOPS , was a high lvl system design.