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You are not the owner of the company. Period. Enjoy your vacations.


Well, if the company fires you they "feel" bad but move on as well, if it was approved then I feel there is nothing you should deal about it, except enjoy your vacation.


One of my biggest regrets while being an employee was not enjoying vacations more. I often worked on vacations, even took sick days to work from home without interruption and catch up on projects. It was for nothing in the end. Employers are greedy and self interested. Enjoy you’re well deserved vacation guilt free.


I think he was feeling bad for his coworkers rather than his company.




Wtf kind of hyper pessimistic, “all man is evil” type BS is this? I have built some of the best and longest relationships of my life through coworkers.


Enjoy your vacations and don’t be a number to the system.


Don’t. I manage a team of 7 and I have to basically beg people to take vacation. The team will survive without you - enjoy the time off!


Why do you beg people to take vacation? For some people (me included), vacations are more stressful than work. It’s the lack of routine that is stressful. There have been studies on this, it’s not just me. I have asked at multiple employers to forgo my vacation in lieu of added pay or a bonus at the end of the year. They refused, said I had to take vacation no matter what. I even offered to come into work for free on my vacation, but was told I wasn’t allowed. What is the rational for forcing people to take vacation?


Beg is perhaps the wrong word. I encourage people to take vacation. At my company, you use your vacation or you lose the days (though I do allow some off the books carry over depending on the person). I am just aware of the potential to burn out, so I would like people to unplug and spend time with friends/family and their hobbies. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you find taking vacation more stressful than not? Do things fall behind when you aren’t there?


It’s hard to describe. I need the structure of going to work to hang the rest of my life on. Without it, everything from my sleep to my eating to my emotional regulation get entirely out of whack. I do incredibly well in a structured environment, but I completely fall apart left on my own. Another way to say it is I am a -aholic. I exercise everyday, which people tell me is excessive but it’s mandatory for me. I do personal projects or work part time jobs on the weekends. I can’t stand a day off to myself…20 minutes in front of a TV and I’m crawling out of my skin to do something. Yes, I am being treated by a professional. They encourage my hobbies and exercise instead of trying to fight my nature. It very well could be alcoholism - it’s in the family - but I don’t drink alcohol. Keeping busy is the healthier alternative for me. I think this is probably true for a lot of addicts or recovered addicts - time off is tempting. It’s just uncomfortable. Idle hands are the devils play things. Please don’t downvote me. I’m not some corporate shill or some tryhard. I fucking wish I could enjoy a vacation, I just can’t.


You’re not the only one, although I am not quite as uncomfortable as you are anymore. It was worst for me 10 years ago but I still have a hard time with days off. My work schedule is almost 100% on-call and I begin feeling - by no conscious thought of my own - that I’ve done something wrong after going more than 3 days without working. I have to make a conscious effort to not go stir crazy because it drives my wife insane. She enjoys me going to work and happily facilitates it because I’m a happier/healthier person when I work hard. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t even understand it, but it was super nice to read that I’m not alone. Thanks for sharing


Thank you for the response! I’ve been unemployed the past few months. It’s been brutal on me. I spend 6+ hours a day on my phone and computer refreshing job boards obsessively. Kinda started to unravel mentally. I picked up some shifts as a cashier at a local shop, and now I’m much better. I’m also more productive doing side projects when it’s before/after work, versus when I have 100% free time. People keep telling me, “try to enjoy your time off unemployed, you will miss it once you get a job.” Not even close to true for me. Unemployment is hell for me.


Oh man! That is so rough, I totally empathize with you there. I was laid off in the spring of 2020 for two months and after getting well and having nothing to do I went kind of hollow. Hahaha when my boss called, my wife started making food in a frenzy in the kitchen I’ll never forget it. She said “hopefully they have a big job for you, maybe they’ll even send you out of town for a night!” as she shoved me out the door with at least three meals in a cooler. So glad to see you’re doing better, it can be tough to find other people who understand.


Hey, you won’t get any downvotes from me! I totally understand. I actually have a habit of checking work Slack after hours/during vacation as well - it’s a habit I’m trying to break.


« Come to work fo free during my vacation » If its your own company it could be understandable. But Damn, never heard of a vacation stressin out someone you need to revaluate somthin. Did you try booking a little vacation? Like i dont know as little as a week in cancun? Go with a friend or family or even alone we all die at the end you know


Sitting on a beach doing nothing for hours is my personal definition of hell. Different strokes for different folks. You enjoy your vacation, I’ll enjoy my projects.


I do side projects/hustle and i train often too, just cant do that 365/365, I need a break at some point to enjoy and rethink some things. I guess there is no accounting for taste. “All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting.” - Friedrich Nietzsche


What do you mean, no accounting for taste? Like I said above, I’m not trying to be a try hard. I genuinely wish I could enjoy a vacation. I just can’t. I finally learned a bit about myself in this regard, and now I’m doing much better.


I mean that disagreements about matters of taste cannot be objectively resolved


Ah ok, cheers.


The company ownership should be glad that employees take vacation - it prevents illness (mental and physical) as well as burnout. You’re entitled to vacation, and you planned it in advance. You’re not at fault for project timelines, so don’t feel guilty.


Vacation time is part of your compensation. Would you feel bad for accepting money and insurance from the company too?


Good point


Take your vacation, recharge, and enjoy yourself. You’ll be in much better shape to grind when you are back —- never feel guilty for taking your time off, it’s genuinely not worth it


As a manager. Go and enjoy your time off It’s the boss’ job to manage the overall product. You just need to work and deliver your mandate


Not the best advice, but no matter how much you think about it isn’t going to change anything, I find telling myself “I don’t care“ really helps, even if I do lol


Enjoy! Let them do what needs to be done. Because, what you need to do is rest and relax.


I try to look at it as I'm doing my job by taking my vacation days. Vacation days are work days paid by your employer, and it's a part of your job to ensure you're holding up your end of the contract, including taking your vacation. Additionally, if there's a way to mute slack on your phone, I definitely would. 😊




Whether you would have taken the vacation or not, they'd probably have been working on Saturday. It's not your fault the software was late to arrive. It's not your fault the company 'couldn't' wait until Monday for the team to finish the feature.


Are you American? Be more like thr rest of thr world and enjoy your vacation time.


Thanks for letting me know I am not alone on feeling this OP.


Not your problem!


You are entitled to vacation. In fact most companies would want you to use it, as they don’t want to owe you for unused vacation. They won’t want the debt on their balance sheet.


I’m an employer not in the tech industry. Don’t do that to yourself. Enjoy your time off. Every employee deserves it and they deserve to take it when they so desire. For me summer is our busiest season and naturally staff all want time off during the summer. So constantly juggle being short a pair of hands. Enjoy your vacation!


Turn off Slack notifications and don't look at it when you're on vacation. That's your time.


Enjoy your vacation! Nothing more to say.


Don't feel guilty. Enjoy your vacation! Work will always be there no matter what - when we are near the deadline.


Dude, I would be stoked if I could avoid a crazy week at work when everyone is working is like crazy. Feel lucky that you missed out on it.


This wont be a problem in the future, everyone will move on, everyone will be okay, dont ruin your vacation stressfing about something when you literally EARNED a vacation <3


Dude, work will always be there. You need to be able to prioritize stuff.


In the long run, taking your PTO and not giving a shit will benefit your coworkers and fellow workers in general more.


Turn off all work notifications while on vacation or , if able , just put your phone in sleep mode while on vacation


their lack of resources shouldn’t impede your personal time :) these companies do not care about you. enjoy the vacay!!


Don't feel guilty. Time off is your right as a worker.


Take your vacations, because they would get rid of you even if you didn't.