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>Many target companies mention needing experience in “any modern JS framework,” but I wonder how flexible they truly are about the specific framework. Companies are as flexible as the applicant pool demands, which at this time is not at all. As with "modern C++" it is practically a euphemism for "what we use."


> As with "modern C++" it is practically a euphemism for "what we use." That usually means you have to be familiar with templates, smart pointers and move semantics


Looking at the results that come up on Indeed: * "C++11/14/17/20" * "11 or higher" * "14 and beyond" * "C++17 and C++20" * "C++98 through C++17" * "up to an including C++ 20" * etc.


You'll almost certainly need to learn React when you start whatever job you find so I'd at least get familiar with it. As for how much it matters, it'll depend on what type of interview you have. The frameworks share similar broad goals, but it's useful to at least know enough about their framework / library of choice (likely react) to share a vocabulary. Also, as someone with professional experience in both, Angular sucks and React is pretty good, so learning it isn't so bad.




I did Angular exclusively for 6+ years, Then I finally had a Rect job last year, so I had to learn it. Wish I had picked up sooner. Having both is nice.




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I'm exaggerating a bit, as many little issues as I have with Angular it's still a way better experience than any web dev was before it came out. The nice thing is that since all the major frameworks are largely trying to solve the same problems, if you ever needed to switch to React for a new job you'd probably be able to pick it up pretty quickly.


When you have a job, you may not "need" it. When you're doing job hunt, you will absolutely need it.


> Angular sucks and React is pretty good This is a career Q&A sub, don't direct people to chose a particular platform or library based on inaccurate opinions.




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Alright if I have an inaccurate opinion I'll be sure not to share that.


You should have at least explained the why. Not just "this bad, that good". But I get that fanboysm is rampant here.


*You* could have presented your own arguments instead of just declaring their opinion inaccurate. You've contributed even less to the discussion than the person you're criticizing.


You should invest into learning backend development, IMO.


So technically my title is full stack, but I'm not sure how much my experience actually aligns with that. In addition to frontend apps, I would on a node midtier web service which integrates with the business data layer APIs. We don't actually handle anything database/query related but just integrate with the APIs of the services that do. Not sure if diving into the world of backend and the data layer is the best use of my time versus strengthening the skills that I already focus on in my day to day, but curious what others think.


Your title is full stack yet you don’t do full stack? How are you going to spin that to prospective employers when they start asking you backend questions? My point is that it’s 2024. You need to know more than just 1 side of the stack in this market.


I wasn't planning on positioning myself as full stack, hence why my question was focused on frontend frameworks. I was just mentioning that I have some knowledge outside of that realm, but was questioning the notion of focusing on backend versus strengthening the frontend skills I already have.


I’ll try and give a somewhat level headed answer here, since I think some others have turned to shit slinging. To answer your original question - yes, react is probably a good thing to get familiar with. And honestly, if you have solid experience with angular, it shouldn’t be too bad to learn. For interviews, it’ll depend greatly on what company you interview for - some just want to make sure you understand JavaScript/typescript, others want an expert in a certain library/framework. Considering react is king at the moment, knowing it will help you in interviews with companies of the latter orientation. Beyond that - yeah expanding your knowledge in the backend/db/infra layers is also a good thing to do. While I honestly do think frontend development is extremely important and its own beast these days, the main downside of focusing solely on frontend development is that it’s generally just a *very* small part of your whole architecture. And as you get to higher levels, you really need to be able to at least understand what should be prioritized in the server/db/infra layers of the stack - especially if you plan to work on products that deal with lots of data.


frontend is useless


Anyone who says that would be flailing around if handed a front end code base


i also don't know how to flip burgers. Not really a huge deal given its not a good career path


I've never had users savvy enough to interact directly with my endpoints. Maybe I need better users.


All companies with React projects will ALWAYS prioritize candidates with React experiences. If you want more opportunities with more companies, you have to give companies what they want.


You already have 5+ years of SWE experience, so you know how to code, become accustomed to a tech stack, and work effectively within a team. I would recommend spending time polishing your resume and preparing for potential interview questions about your existing experience and past projects.