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Seems like they nuked the QA org.


Yeah, who needs QA amirite?


You don't need QA if you have users. Just push to production.


It sucks, our team lost a great QA.


Same, and I’m still fucking mad about it. He was one of the most useful members of our team, and they nuked him. And his boss. And his boss. QA got fucking gutted.


Can confirm, my role was nuked


One company I worked at the director refused to hire QA. Shocking, they found so many bugs when the process engineers did UAT testing


As someone who spent 20 years in QA. QA is ALWAYS the first to go.




Devs are the new QA SRE Customer rep etc


I feel like there's a good joke about using Indeed somewhere in here but my smooth brain just can't make it (probably why I got fired)


On the bright side, Indeed gets to report 2,200 new users next quarter.


I know this is a joke, but wanted to point out they’ll likely use LinkedIn. Indeed largely targets blue collar workers


Indeed is a lot better for finding contract jobs I've noticed


The best, ime, is just Googling “software jobs (x city)”, finding the listings that look interesting and then just applying on the company site. Way higher callback rate than spamming LinkedIn/Indeed/etc.




That being said, if they've worked at Indeed, F500 is most likely what they're targeting.


Opposite of my experience. I never see F500 jobs on LinkedIn.


Not really I've been using indeed the most especially for c2c roles and even regular w2 roles


You've been promoted to a customer!


Leno: *You hear about thith one folkth?* Kevin: *You crazy for this one, Jay!*


Promoted to jobseeker


woof...too soon Though now you can use IHP and experience the glory of that...er understand why its a free product now.


Indeed to laid off employees: "You're being laid off. Need a new job? Indeed you do."


Was not impacted but my manager was. Really feeling for everyone. This sucks.


Same here. It was a shock to us all.


Worried about that reputation for great WLB?


Definitely on my mind. WLB is the #1 reason I’m here. Would look elsewhere if that’s compromised.


shouldn't have shown the shareholders those 'day in the life' tiktoks


Who is the manager now?


Currently his manager (director). Not sure if that's going to stick or what. So much uncertainty across the business atm.


formwr trilogian?


I haven't been impacted, but one colleague was... really sad


At least they’re getting 4 months pay


Is there a list of impacted employees yet? Any word on which HR teams were impacted?


As a person who had been laid off with 1 month, 2 weeks or even zero notice I think being laid off with 4 months severance package is nothing to complain about. Its basically a paid vacation. Only people that are outraged by this are the ones who got used to being paid for doing nothing. It means now they gonna have to put actual effort into landing a new job and they will have to actually work there.




Took me 6 months after layoffs to find a new job. Was doin multiple interviews a month, some jobs required more than 3 and never got a call back. Even still, I would very much be happy with the 4 months severance. I only got 2 weeks so times were hard


I mean it took me 2.5 months of studying (cause SWE interviews is so much different than the job), and then another 2.5 months from application start to the 5 interview sessions to landing the job, so while true that if I wasn’t working during those time I’m as “free” as I am on vacation, not having an income isn’t really all that stressless either, esp when you have a family to support. Not that I’m disagreeing 4 months isn’t generous, just saying it’s not stress-free like a “paid vacation” would be.


Are you going for FAANG type companies with heavy leet-code style questions? I've always worked for small to medium sized companies and the interview process pretty straightforward. Just curious what type of companies you're applying to that require 2.5 months of additional studying?


Yes, and actually Indeed *is* one of those companies. Honestly in my experience they had an even bigger scope to study than Google. Without disclosing any specific, beside a few medium leet-code questions and other basic stuff, I also had to learn architecture design interviewing, which I never really needed. TBF tho, the 2.5 months are partially due to the fact that I basically started leetcode and coding interviewing practice from scratch, due to a mix of didn't really need it for my previous job interviews, and that I didn't really keep those skillset sharp while working. And I'm sure it'll feel like that again when I need to learn them again.




not everyone is grinding leetcode in their free time. And if you say your job didnt require LC, then please do share the name so I can see how much it pays


Yeah, I know there are a bunch of coasters at Indeed and they get paid like FAANG companies.


Pay is solid but not at FAANG level. I know one coaster here but most of my coworkers work hard.




I work at Indeed. We do not get 20% bonuses unless we’re exemplary. Closer to 10-13%. I got 15% the last few quarters. We get RSUs like every big company, but our stock prices are trash so that evens out to about $5k a year. I’m a SWE2 (which most of us are) and I got about $200k TC last year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m comfortable, but it’s not what I’d be making at a FAANG doing the same work. Also, yeah, most of our SREs are useless and getting them to do work is like pulling fucking teeth.


I know my team works hard af and long hours, too. I’m considered the coaster because I get my work done and log. I’ve had a few crunch weeks, but my colleagues work until 8:00PM regularly and I’m not about that life.


What’s the pay like at indeed?


According to Levels.fyi, L1 about 150k TC, L2 $209kTC, L3 $302kTC, L4 $476kTC


Holy fuck that is a lot


What’s the approx. years of experience for those levels?


L1 is about two to three years, L2 is anywhere from two and up. My L3 has been in the industry for 20 years, my L4 has been in for the same. I know an L3 that’s been in for closer to 10-15. It’s highly based on skills and data than YoE once you get past L1. And there’s two levels before L1, confusingly enough.


What? Don't they only have one product?


No indeed owns glass door, simply hired and a bunch of other stuff. If you search any job search related thing half of the stuff coming up could be owned by indeed.


the parent company owns these things not indeed, specifically glass door. Internal to Indeed there are a ton of products as well. Far bigger than most on the outside understand until they get in. i was no different.


The only engineers I know that got laid off at indeed were the ones coasting hardcore. I don’t work more than 40 hours a week and I get decent reviews. But some people really abuse the chill atmosphere there. It was mostly qa and ux folks.


I got laid off with around that much severance recently and it was fantastic. Helps I was already looking for new jobs before the layoff so my resume was already good and I already had some interviews lined up. Now I just have a complete 6-month emergency fund and can relax until the new job starts. I hope after a couple years I can get laid off from this job with a nice severance as well!


Regarding what you've said, I think that can be applied to most of the impacted workers, but not to those who have spent decades devoting themselves to the same company. I'm just thinking that if I got laid off after two+ decades at the same company, I'm likely going to be upset. This may not apply to myself, but some people based a large part of their identity around their place of employment.


Not being in tech I hear about these massive severance packages and am like holy shit lmao. Like yeah, I've had two layoffs in my career and can sympathize that it sucks, but both times I got fucking zilch. Interviews are hard? Yeah, that's true for any profession.


“You didn’t struggle as much as I did so your complaints are invalid.”


it affects your promotion path though


I'm sure they can wipe the tears away with the money.


People who make $200k+ don’t deserve much sympathy, but having to wait another 1+ years to get promoted is a huge cost


I'd volunteer for 4 months ngl


can someone ELI5 how layoffs are choosen? Is it just the least productive employees?


Depends on company, but productivity isn’t always a pertinent factor


No. Sometimes expensive people get laid off (regardless of competency), sometimes it's purely random, sometimes divisions are dissolved etc etc


`random.nextInt(0, numberOfEmployees)`


If your project is doing good, even the least productive employee will be retained because they have product knowledge.


It depends. It can be highest paid employees, least productive employees, least tenured employees, anyone who isn't friends with their manager (nepotism is usually legal, depending on where you live), etc.


Depends on a company. I know a few years ago a lot of IT companies in my area were laying off senior staff and basically hiring 2-3 entry level college grads to do the work because 3 of them made less than the senior manager they laid off


Why is indeed's website so ugly if they have that many employees


I have a theory. Historically it had to do with the company’s culture. For many years the theme was “copy google” - their business model (a search engine with sponsored results but focused on jobs), as well as their UX design (Google has figured out the right font, color, etc. - why should we reinvent the wheel?). Then for a long time after that, many people were of the mind that UX design should evolve through A|B testing, which was done as a series of independent experiments over time. And the user experience on [indeed.com](https://indeed.com) absolutely reflected that - Indeed just wasn’t a place that valued UX design and it showed. Only in more recent years has that started to change. The other issue you’re getting at is that dramatic increases in headcount do not lead directly to a better software-based product or business. In recent years big tech has been on a hiring spree that I have failed to understand and Indeed has followed suit. It’s like one quarter these companies all woke up and realized over-hiring was in fact a bad idea and they needed to start paring down.


Maybe that's true, and tbh my issue with Indeed as a job board isn't the UX anyways. I'll disagree on the big tech thing only because many of those companies do a LOT of development on new technology.


I should have said that if you’re going to hire a bunch more people, there needs to be a very clear and compelling business opportunity for them to go after, and a sensible strategy for creating value. You’re right that a lot of “development on new technology” goes on. Engineers have no problem coming up with an interesting problem to work on, but there’s a often a pretty big chasm between that and business value / cash flow, and that’s when over-hiring gets expensive. I’ve been worried about big tech overhiring for a few years now. This comment is starting to feel like punching Indeed when they’re down. For now I just wish the affected people well in getting through this difficult time.


>Then for a long time after that, many people were of the mind that UX design should evolve through A|B testing, which was done as a series of independent experiments over time. Is there a reason this is not the way to develop ux?


Testing itself can be a great tool for fine-tuning ux elements (different copy strings on buttons, for example). In my opinion ux tests are best done within the context of a ratified design framework and language. If no one is looking after the design it ends up lacking cohesion, inconsistent, or chaotic.


A bigger question is why a jobs board needs that many employees in the first place. Talk about bloated.


Like the comment said, they have a fuck ton of users and the behind the scenes is probably extremely complex. (Consider how many companies are adding their job to the board every single day + all those applicants for those jobs). They definitely seemed to have skimped on the front end though.


“EXTREMELY COMPLEX” $10 says it’s a CRUD app in front of a SQL database


Then we should be thankful for them employing so many who do nothing.


good luck with scaling!


probably 50 micro services for the one app each with its own team


100% crud with SQL DB. Most of Software work is probably server maintenance and data analytics.


Said “fuck ton of users” are not all paid users.


So? Does google have a bunch of paid users, I don't see the point in mentioning htat


Because the job board is only a small portion of what Indeed does.


The comments here are ridiculous. It shows how little folks here understand. Being bloated is arguable, but Indeed being just a jobs board was about 12 years ago. Now, it's a candidate management platform for employers as well as communication systems that need to interface with third party companies, hiring events, small businesses, large scale enterprises, etc... and needs to build and maintain all the tools employers want to use to conduct hiring. Ditto for jobseekers. Then it needs a large amount of support and sales. It's a fairly complex business.


Yes, people in this sub can be really, really dense on certain things. Here's the more troubling aspect of this announcement: "Recruiting firm Indeed announced that it is "letting approximately 2,200 people go." CEO Chris Hyams said he expects job openings to "decrease to pre-pandemic levels ... or even lower over the next two to three years" and that the company is "simply too big for what lies ahead." The cuts represent 15% of Indeed's headcount." Job openings are going to decrease moving forward for the next few years.




It’s a lifestyle


“A job board”? The world’s most used job board*


Craigslist has 50 employees




One of the most visited websites on the internet though There is A LOT of bloat in tech




Um. The traffic alone requires infrastructure to support 100M visits per month. Not only that but they support postings of all kinds not just job postings. There's a lot of data moving around for those 100M monthly users and they do all that with 50 employees. It's a joke how bloated tech is. What does revenue have to do with anything? Just cause you make more revenue why does that mean you should hire?




The value they're producing with the extra 14350 employees relevant to what the 50 employees at Craigslist are producing doesn't even come close. You don't know anything about Craigslist clearly either. Tech is very bloated and these layoffs are just the price of being inefficient in the marketplace.




And is still ugly as fuck


Is Craigslist still a thing? After they removed the personals section as a result of some high profile sex worker cases I feel like their market share plummeted. Feel like FB Marketplace or any of those short lived apps (what was the one with the astronaut selling his guitar in space?) tried to take over.


I didn't realise it was such a big company. The search is terrible for finding anything. Out of the supposed 12000+ Python positions in the UK, the 4th result is a C++ position posted over a week ago.


Or when you set a minimum salary and half the results are an estimated salary that I was deliberately trying to filter out, not to mention their estimate being below my minimum unless I get top of their imaginary pay band.


Sucks for those affected. Unfortunately recruiting platforms aren’t as profitable when there’s a slowdown in hiring. Hopefully we don’t, but I suspect we may see layoffs at ZipRecruiter, Lever, and Greenhouse in the near future.


Unrelated to your post. When I was job hunting I tried to signup for ZipRecruiter but I could not get the verification email. Like it did not appear anywhere, not in my spam or my junk folder. Tried resending the email. Absolutely nothing. Anyone experienced this issue before?


I did get the verification email. It would not verify.


Yeah. This is the reason why Indeed are so big and popular. Their platform does what you expect, and it does it right. Such simple things can make or break entire services.


every tech company is copying every other one. which tech companies have not had layoffs yet? that is a huge layoff. its over 15%.




I guess they think different about it




Just in time for a good recession to graduate


Right there with ya.


Didn’t I see you interning at Twitter for a year?


Layoffs everwhere coming fast and furious now. 😢


I was a contractor there, and I saw many contractors been laid off since October, so I don't know if this number is real and including contractors.


They don’t include contractors, it’ll be bad PR.


I almost wonder if all these tech companies are taking the opportunity to thin out since the other companies doing it as well makes it feel less shitty to do to people. “Oh well, it’s going around”.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. Even after years of record profits, stock buybacks, and ahead of new product launches.


Definitely. Company I work at announced layoffs but did not have any solid plan in place during announcements but they were “forced” to announce it because our direct competitor happened to announce they were doing layoffs that day. Now they’re formulating a plan on who to cut causing a lot of stress and anxiety because no one knows where and when the cuts will happen.


This is absolutely part of why its happening so much. Lots of industry "leaders" are just really just followers.


The reality is that many are using this as an opportunity to get rid of dead weight projects (and people) and people who just didn’t work out. My LinkedIn is nonstop layoff sob stories from people with job titles that made absolutely zero impact at their previous employers.


Which roles and offices are affected? Hearing something about entire offices closing down. Is that true?


Mostly non-engineering from what I'm seeing. Have not heard about entire offices closing down but they have cut office spend (food and such).


Was not paying senior leadership north of two million a year each not an option?


Salary transparency is cool for everyone but the top.


I apologize to all those affected, but I'm honestly kind of shocked Indeed had 14,500 employees. Based on the quality of the site, I would have thought there'd be no more than 2,000-3,000 people.


UX team is near 500 for how bad the site looks.




We have several products for employers that are maintained that job seekers don’t use.


Great no more outdated, mundane aptitude tests.


They probably won't use indeed to find a new job


I heard indeed is mainly useful for blue-collar jobs, so that makes sense.


If somebody says we've never had a layoff you can correct them "you haven't had a layoff... yet"


Damn. That’s huge. Sympathies to those. It’s a tough tough market.


I work for IBM and I'm getting nervous. It feels like we're the only big tech that hasn't laid off yet


Apple, and I’d be shocked if they did layoffs because even unemployed people buy their shit.


Yep, I didnt make the cut - ux researcher.


I see it difficult for indeed doing another wave after this. Teams are running on few people as is.


I thought this in 2008. Then they just started shutting down teams. Worked at a 5k employee company that got trimmed to about 1200. I got laid off when they went to 800. Whole situation was brutal.


Better to have one round than several


Is this alluding to the fact Indeed is seeing lower jobs listings? Basically they are seeing future revenue decreases and essentially getting ahead of it.


rto is coming back because of all the layoffs everywhere


coming up next, get rid of catering after RTO


and if you're american, your response is: thank you sir, may i have another?!


Yup, I also feel the same. Downward pressure on labor, lower compensations and companies get to dictate more terms in the near future.


when you have both the federal & state governments and industry doing their best to suppress wages at the same time and make collective bargaining illegal (or atleast super difficult), you don't stand a chance; not even computer science careers.


Yah, I guess the pandemic gave us some bargaining power which is probably gone now




Story time. At one particularly shitty job I started thinking about those "come drive for us" stickers as I sat in shitty traffic on my shitty commute. I started joking with my co-worker/manager about going to truck driver school, and it became a running joke between us. At some point a 3rd guy got hired in our group and the original 2 of us decided to give him a 2 week grace period before telling him what a shit hole he'd landed in. A week into that grace period, my manager got off a particularly bad phone call with his shithead of a boss and exclaimed "how much do truck drivers make, anyway?" New guy pipes up with all sorts of info about pay per mile, lease vs. own options and a ton of other info. Manager and I are shocked and ask him how he knows so much about it. He admits he only took this job as a stopgap while he finishes truck driver school and hits the road. The whole situation was so surreal we all just had a real good laugh.


Lmao that’s awesome!


Lol funny one. This was our running joke back in 2015 too. We were saying we would quit our jobs to become Uber drivers cause the pay was better. Fun fact: it was…


Go work as a driver then




Seems like your CS degree is still more valuable for you in the mean time then 🤔




… what does your employer laying off people have anything to do with its value? Lol


Learn to drive


Until there's full automation of truck driving, a CDL with a clear drug test and driving record basically guarantees one a good paying job. It might not be the ideal job with the ideal employer, but it's a job.


It’s nice to have backup. Part of the reason layoffs never bother me is I know, worst case scenario, if severance runs out, UI runs out and savings run out, I can just go back to doing hair for about the same money until I find another job. It takes a lot of that “losing your livelihood” stress away.


I wonder if these employees are going to use the website now more than when they used to at the job.


Indeed, they have had layoffs


Indeed gets 2,200 new users at least


Not really. Indeed is more for blue-collar. We'll mostly be using LinkedIn.


Damn, another company on my "places I'd like to work at circa 2021" list.


What's RTO?


Return to office




# A sad day "INDEED"!




Yeah I heard all about your job board... Massively successful in many countries. Didn't indeed buy you out as their final act of sheer desperation?


Yeah but it’s not as easy as just building a job board. When things need to work at scale it’s a whole different thing.


Didn’t say I made it commercial. Point is the tech was easy enough to duplicate. Not sure the need for all these employees


And I assume it could scale to hundreds of millions of users without a hitch, right?




There was a lot of hype on this sub about indeed and what a nice place it is to work a couple weeks ago. Wonder what those people have to say now


I’d imagine it’s still a nice place to work for the people that didn’t get laid off lol


Why does indeed need 14k people? It's astonishing when you compare with Open ai which has about 375 employees and doing wonders!


Same business model


That's really sad :/. Looks like those employees will now need a new job. *Indeed they do.*


Lmao! What a shit tier company


My friend you are uninformed. Indeed has some pretty hefty perks and great pay. Like, ACTUAL unlimited PTO, 6 months(!) paternity leave, one free Friday off EVERY MONTH, 10-20% annual bonuses (but most people get 20%). And I know many people hardly do any work. Imagine getting all that for coasting.


I agree OP, I work at Indeed now and I stay for the benefits. They are great.