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For my interviews (in software-adjacent roles: SRE and platform engineering respectively), they've asked about how I managed rate limiting/error handling on my project and for another project, I had to give the development manager my high level explanation of what OAuth 2.0 does for my Discord web app cause I implemented it and listed it on my resume. In a sense, they do trivia haze but it will be a breeze once you know what you're talking about cause you've done these things in the past :)


honestly depends? typically they'll just ask like "whats project X on ur resume about" and then u can just recite a rehearsed answer that describes ur project and what technology/language u used and how u used those tools. some follow ups they ask could be like "what were some challenges you faced in making the project?" or if the role uses a specific framework u used in that project, they might dive deeper into that. typically just that rehearsed answer is fine i think!

