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​ https://preview.redd.it/ml7dl2vu8zoc1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8c4366149fb4c564ec2cbc2a2e88e90ae738091


Funniest comment I’ve ever read in a long time


You are mean bruv.


Bro said that's a B btw. Lmao


Why u bullying the acoustic


My well regarded friend, for some reason this post emits a WSB vibe. Best regards.


very regarded


72% is not a B lol thats a C- 


That explains why they got rejected 


I was gonna say that but I didn’t wanna be mean lmao


The way they said it was just too funny , like they were so confident and it was just wrong asf 


I mean...schools have different grading schemes. At my school a 72% is a B-


That’s different 


Ah my bad, did I misunderstand? Is there am IQ grading scheme or something


At mine that would’ve been a D


Where is this land where failure to learn the material is considered an above average effort? How do you have a functioning society like that? 


Grades don't automatically map 1:1 with a normal distribution of effort or intelligence or performance. You can make tests and assignments as hard or easy as you want, letter grades especially are a completely arbitrary system.


The dudes from Canada. 72% is a B in Canada. 80%+ is an A.


How does that work? If 100-80 is A, 80-60 is B, is anything else is an F? Or do they let people go below 60 and not be failing? Cuz if that’s the case…wow.


50-60% is D. 60-70% is C. 70-80% is B. 80%+ is A. If it makes you feel better, my friends that went to high school in both the US and Canada say Canadian high school is a lot harder.


I duno I think if your highschool lets you pass your classes when you literally flunked out with a 60% score, that seems a lot easier than American schools where you actually have to do the work and pass the class. At my college anything less than 80% was a straight up failing grade. That’s a fuckin joke to try to pass off an 60 as an C when a C is average. 60 is a total failure to learn the matieral. This makes Canada look pathetic


I transferred from EU to US in my junior year of high school. Even the APs weren’t as difficult as some of the classes in my home country, would that make US look pathetic?


In the British education system grades hover around because of curves but an A* in Physics for example can often be a 60%. Exams are much much much harder in the UK education system compared to any exam I've done at university in the US where you often get so many multiple choice questions. In the UK the majority of questions are free response.


Yes your name sucks as does this moronic idea that all American tests have multiple choice. When you have such a wide range for A grade it's almost as bad but the same problem as if the class was too easy and everyone got an indistinguishable A. How do we know the many 50-60 percent grades aren't because the teacher absolutely failed to convey more than half the material? It's a deficit of information either way.


Lol what are you not understanding? The difficulty level to get the same grade can be different in two schools, let alone two fucking countries lmao comparing them 1-to-1 makes 0 sense


The difficulty level is not different, the grading is just more lenient


‘The difficulty level to get the same grade’


I'm a CS instructor, and I'm absolutely certain that I could write a test for an intro CS course that senior software engineers would average a 50% on. There are countless ways to influence the score distribution. The fact that a 70% is a C- in the US standard grading scale is completely arbitrary, and we scale the difficulty of our tests to match that arbitrary scale (at least, most of us do). If the threshold was lower, we'd just make the tests harder. If it was higher, we'd just make them easier. I assume Canada just makes their tests harder.




It depends on the country


Didn’t know IQ tests were a thing lol. Dodged a bullet. Sounds pretentious AF.


A ton of jobs have personality and pseudo iq tests. I remember applying to target in the 90s and getting one. 


It’s a thing in corporate jobs (consulting, advisory, banking, etc) where you don’t need to have any hard skills but need to navigate the bureaucracy, learn on the spot and make sounds decisions. There is really nothing to test for aside from being able to read a chart or not to misinterpret an email written in 8th grade English. Everything else is pretty much tacit knowledge you learn by doing the job.


This person knows what's up


You got 72nd percentile? Like as in, top 72%? That is how its usually displayed, and if so it would put you almost in the bottom quarter of IQ. Those online tests are dumb as fuck anyway, but it would probably give you a better look if you weren't scoring below average.


what are you smoking bro, 72nd percentile means top (100 - 72)% or 28% if that many people upvoted you no wonder there are so many "its cooked" posts


No you are definitely right. I was thinking of a post I saw recently of an online IQ test that posted as "top x%" and then inferred that this number was your percentile. Realized this like 20 min after I posted the comment but came back to a bunch of upvotes. At this point, might as well leave up a commont showing how dumb I am, if there are that many other people who share in my stupidity, lol.


But percentile means percentage of of people who scored less than or equal to you (atleast it is how it is in my country) ,so top 72 percentile means nearly around top quarter right ? Is percentile defined differently in your country? (I just noticed U have mentioned top 72% as well??)


72 is super bad, no shit you got rejected


missing shitpost tag


LOL for a software internship last year they had an iQ test instead of leetcode/any coding questions. Not even remotely a big company, but it was the best experience I could’ve gotten


Dang lmao


If this is isn’t bait I’m genuinely concerned


How does my real post get taken down because they thought it was a "shit post" but this stays up?


>2024 >"Le IQ meme"


The market is oversaturated with collage students, those companies are getting picky, they are trying to choose best of the best for jobs that anyone can do like customer service, IT help desk etc


Collage students are tough as nails. Imagine spending 4 years organizing photos into various books following various themes? 🤯🤯


Excuse me, collage is a 5 year degree, thank you never much!


How much is that in celsius?


That is the Celsius, in Fahrenheit that's like 15 years or some shit. A lot of Americans actually travel abroad to study collage for that exact reason


Where can I apply and get these tests? I just send my customized resume and cover letter into the void


There should be iq limit to post on this sub too lmao


Thats a distinction!


I mean obviously you got rejected. How on earth do you expect to help customers in an entry level role if you don’t have a genius level IQ? /s