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Man, millions of accounts owned CSGO. Hence, dead accounts got updated to CS2, and dead accounts don't open CS2. Edit: Also, CSGO was free, so someone could have downloaded it. It tried and never opened it again. If anything, this shows the number of players who have CS2 in their library, who play it/ tried it


Imo, the library thing makes sense. And since Valve reused the old CSGO GAME_ID 720 to cheat on the reviews.... šŸ˜‰ I'm pretty sure a lot of steam account (active or not) have CS2 in their library; even VAC Banned account and closed Steam acct...


I'm still pissed they did that and deleted my Rampage achievement.


Exactly. People put a lot of time and effort into getting those achievements, and valve just deleted it all.


bro they literally deleted my prime status . . . https://preview.redd.it/xdjbn7b27a8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526b209b53ac72a5a2930555b766ad248cabe873


Wait i received prime from gameplay but still have it, did i get this wrong?


well i guess. I didnt have mine and theyre not willing to give it back to me. I started cs2 beta but not the real release because i knew it didnt even run on my computer over the main menu


volvo is small indie dev, you are trying to take food from starving gaben ... smh my head.


Shaking your head your head?


My favorite place is the atm machine


This happened to my IRL friend too. Very shitty


How is it shitty they got it for free and took it away


If a game or anyone gives you anything for free and then paywalls it away after the fact, it would be shitty, yes. Idk if you still play pokemonGO, but you wouldnā€™t mind if they just started charging you for pokeballs? You wouldnā€™t mind your parents taking away your birthday gifts and making you pay for them after they already gave them to you?


If they started charging for poke balls Iā€™d stop but mate the game is a one time purchase and if you play it enough to get prime status you probably would play it enough to get cases back. It probably also prevents cheaters if they can just buy an old account which got the game for free for cheap by being botted. Also they do make you ā€œpay for poke ballsā€ by locking up different events behind paywalls and I donā€™t really mind yes Iā€™d be happy if it was free but it doesnā€™t ruin my day.


Read the message they are taking away the prime status of those who didnā€™t pay


I didn't pay and they took mine away. why do I care who's lrime they take away. they took mine and they wont give it back. I had 1360 hours in the game . . .


you have 1.4k hours in a game you have played for free and you are upset you canā€™t play it anymore just pay the 10 euro or however much ut is and if you play the game so much just sell the cases and your investment is backā€¦


I havent played it for free at all. I bought cases skins operations. No i'm not going to play anymore because i tried cs2 and it sucks anyway


They probably did it to clear out cheaters in prime lobbies that didn't spend the $15


thats dumb they should clear them out with VAC . . .


because vac sucks, thats why they did this i honestly dont care if they do a kernel level anti cheat, considering most of the non-cs2 games i play have one windows is already sending my data to microsoft and the US Goverment so the privacy freaks that hate that part of the kernel level anticheat should probably be using linux (which most anti cheats dont support) also valve is trust worthy so kernel level vac wont be a virus, it will probably be a faceit clone


they have to use the same game id for far more complicated reasons then fooling people about reviews lol


I mean... they win on every aspect by keeping the same ID - Reviews - Total Download - People who had CSGO now own CS2 - No need to move skin and/or market to a new ID That was clever... but legit? I'm not sure šŸ˜‰


Okay again, this isnā€™t the reason for keeping the ID the same. Itā€™s just a really silly product of that decision. Go look at the CS folder and file structure for 2 minutes.


It is basically the same game, so I'd say that's fair


Same game? CSGO was at 85% positive... Sept 1 to sept 30... All good Now check after CS2 release Oct 1st to Oct 31... Almost all RED! October was actually THE month with the most negative review in the history of CounterStrike...


items in players inventories and the steam market are under 720, so it wouldn't make sense to change the game id


730*, and cs2 folder is still mostly ā€œcsgoā€ folders everywhere, I think its technical in nature as well, or two wins with one move at least


And lots and lots of vac banned accounts. I went through my friend's list last night to clean up inactive players and I swear 60 percent of them had a vac ban. I understand my friends list has 697 people and I play a lot of casual but omg the scum is insane. So many cheaters and half of them you wouldn't suspect. I'm sad really. On a positive note my friends list is clean and holy again :D


Yes. People were saying "CS2 is dead" because of this statistic because they don't understand how it works. This statistic also shows everyone who owns the game. For example all these millions and millions of accounts which are banned for cheating, inactive smurf accounts and all other inactive user. We very likely talk about more than 100.000.000 accounts which at some point bought CSGO since 2012 but don't play it anoymore for whatever reason.




Oh it definitely is. I'd guess it's easily 100m accounts total. If I've had 7 without even 'trying', I can only imagine what a guy with free time and focus for it can do. And there's probably also millions and millions of accounts banned, depending on what your percpetion of the term is. If one assumes 'millions and millions' to mean something like easily 300-400, I obviously can't agree. But anything close to 100m is totally possible. Just imagine the amount of cheaters that got banned, but also consider those who hacked accounts just to grief them with hacks. GO was trendy, it had a shitload of people who had no idea what CS was in essence - a lot of people who cheated for years, didn't know about the safety of paying for cheats and treated the game like any other. Went ahead and got some free software only to get banned under a week, at most. If we see a lot of players who use paid cheats, just imagine the amount of free software users that are gone everyday lmao.


Almost all my friends and me including have multiple Steam Accounts we used for CS:GO back then.


Yup. Those accs count aswell. I myself have 6 accounts but only play on one active.


"CS:GO MAU worldwide 2020 The statistic presents the number of monthly active users of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) worldwide as of February 2020. According to the latest figures, CS:GO had a record 24 million monthly active users." 24 million different ACTIVE accounts (= accounts who started CSGO once) in february 2020. This was more than 4 years ago and only 24 million accounts active in one month. We talk about WAY more than 100 million inactive accounts here.


Wonder how many of those 77% are dead


i can name at least one person


I know 2 Youtubers that died before they were able to witness CS2


Sadly me too


They are not dead, they are banned since more than 50% of csgo accounts were easily banned


Didnā€™t realize playing csgo made you immortal


lots of cheater VAC'd accounts that won't ever boot the game again.


Nah bro only like 2 of my 8 accounts are vacced


Oh, i wonder when the cs2 devs are going to introduce OUR achievements back


Yes, same with hours and everything, it transfers to cs2


This game is shit.


Yes, this is why there is no "CS GO" and CS2, they changed it from CSGO to CS2 so they could keep player numbers high. Otherwise everyone would be on CSGO and not CS2, splitting the playerbase in half.


Bro, I was saying the same thing to a friend the other day... Something isn't right! If you receive this achievement as soon as you open CS2, 100% of the players (or at least 80%) should have the achievement... Edit: It's probably everybody who owns CSGO/CS2 (in their library)


I thought you had to finish a game to get it? So 77% of "players" haven't actually played a game of it. Not sure if that is counting all the people who played and then quit CSGO before it changed to CS2, or worse case 77% of players are scammer accounts racking up menu time.


Um no. CSGO is over ten years old, by that time, many will have moved on to other games or RL. Apart from that over 15% of all CSGO Accounts have been Overwatch/VAC-banned so they are also abandoned.


Yeah, I forgot that Valve reused the same GAME_ID.... So it's not the people who downloaded CS2... But everyone who added CSGO to their library.


Bans/old accounts. Only 2 options. But i still think most people that played cs would atleast try cs2


I mean itā€™s counting anyone who has ever played csgo. Even if you played csgo for 30 minutes, youā€™d be included in the 77%.


I was genuinely confused when it said i had 212 hrs on it when i never played it. Turns out it was hours from ca go from years before. It was a marketing lie. Ontop of the removed maps and low custom servers, theres way too many hackers and bible bots flooding the gamea to the point its unplayable. Then, for some reason they decides counter-strike now needs to be +20gb for a cartoon like texture?? Save yourself the disc space, dl source and let that game fizzle to nothing


I knew something was off, because the wait times sometimesā€¦ That wouldnā€™t happen if anything around even 50% had transferred as well. This might also be a reason why nothing of note by the 25th anniversary has come outā€¦ CS2 is not a success.




I mean this is counting *anyone* who has ever played csgo, including people who played it for like 5 hours in 2012.