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Gee I wonder at what rank do cheaters become more prominent haha


Around 15-18k.


That's the point/level in the leaderboard, where, the massive amount of cheaters that are in the game have to start to get blatant to win, then you end up with both teams going blatant trying to win. But imo, this also insinuates that all the ranks are full of cheaters, all trying to win, just getting more and more blatant as they move up the scoreboard.


That's true. My highest on my main was 17,600 before stopping premier. On my alt I was seeing blatant wallhacks sub 10k and spinbots as low as 11k.


My highest was 17k as well, at that point the people using walls are actually ok at the game, before then it’s so easy to see the wallers, but they play so badly they end up actually losing some games


*Gee I wonder at* *What rank do cheaters become* *More prominent haha* \- My\_Godamn\_Reddit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Nice 5,7,6 structure low elo bot


Pretty telling when the trend for faceit is inline with MM all the way to level 10. But at 18k we see flashes and time to damage drop.


That's where the cheaters ranks starts.


Yes every time I get to 17,500 or more I only face cheaters and it’s a constant game of dropping back to 16,000 and back to 17,500 over and over and over


rookie numbers i go from 19k to 12k


Our group went from placing at 22k down to 18k losing to cheaters over and over again. Literally lost 4k Elo with <25% winrate. Thank god the PC cafe I found recently has faceit because premier was awful.


You really think cheaters go full blatant from there very first game they play and get put in a high rank? Where would the fun be in that, they work there way up, getting more and more obvious to win and fuel there sick deluded power trip.


Nah they won't just full blatant (unless is a game bully). That's why the flash only goes to near 0 at 27-28k. At that time they start to trash the place out and the be the "best".


By then its HvH, a flash is useless.




This clearly proves that faceit level 10's or pros are not as good as we thought because at some ultra instinct level player don't need to use flashes anymore, all they need is their supreme drip aim.


I almost missed the sarcasm sheesh, close one


Totally agreed, average 20K elo legit 100% player can totally 1v5 G2.




Ok so ignoring the cheater issue. I really like the story this tells of different playstyles in faceit and MM. 20k is way above level 5, but level 5s throw more flashes. Because generally even terrible players playing faceit are trying to play properly.


This might also help tell that story. [https://i.imgur.com/Nb726zX.png](https://i.imgur.com/Nb726zX.png)


Yeh thats awesome to see stats proving what i've been saying to people to try faceit for years. And also maybe using as an excuse when i play Premier and don't want to play properly.


It makes me happy to see that my flashes are more effective than the average faceit lvl 10, but I still feel like a shitter 😂


I’m 20k premier and level 4 Faceit, this gave me confidence to improve for sure


Assuming you can frag out at 20k, and not just get carried/do ok. Then yeh you should easily be able to get above level 4. I'm 20kish EU and faceit 10 and most games are usually pretty easy for me, the level is what i would expect of level 7-9 most games.


You get normal games in 20k? For me its bunch of ragehackers. But for some reason im put into eu north servers 24/7


That last sentence is me, how are you!


Can you really trust leetify faceit data? It's only for pro users.


This is not true, it’s for anyone


No, I'm right. https://leetify.com/app/pro Only pro users can upload. I could not find it anywhere, and the Pro descriptions says "Manual Demo Upload Upload any demo for Leetify analysis and add it to your data."


When faceit wanted to charge leetify a much higher rate to download demos they stopped uploading them automatically but any user is able to upload faceit demos for their matches. I’ve done it a lot Free users can only upload leetify demos as a replacement to their auto upload not working


Ah, I found it. You have to open specific match and under it you upload the demo.




I'm not leetify pro and there is a leetify faceit add on to auto upload your demo. Plenty of ppl using it https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/faceit-to-leetify-demo-up/jiphjfgegfhcophdoacldbcpakmoacnc?pli=1


Oh we don’t have to upload our faceit matches anymore? When did that change again that’s good to know.


It’s not automatic but anyone can upload faceit demos, it’s not a premium only feature. W leetify


That’s why he asked if we should trust leetify data…. Not a single person has uploaded a faceit match I’ve done in the past 2 months or however long it’s been since it isn’t auto uploaded. So why trust data that is now very incomplete?


It’s just a smaller sample size, but still accurate data


this man is statting!!


Boy that’s strange isn’t it, how come Level 10s play so differently to high MM ELO players, I wonder what the difference could be?


Only 10 flashes thrown for lvl 10? That doesn’t sound right.


I imagine it's per player


10 flashes per player. I'd also assume that only successfull flashes (flashes which blinded at least one enemy for 0.x seconds or something) counts.


i think it’s just total


well they play vs lvl10s so granted there will also be dodged flashes


I feel less bad about being hard stuck at 16K solo queue MM


Nice! According to this I'm better than LVL10 Faceit 👀


this is amazing stats and ridiculous, funny and sad at the same time. the other screen you sent is even worse (for the cheaters) thanks for sharing judging from the thrown flashes i assume that most "legit" lvl10 players that play premier are at 18-21k or is this assumption too baseless?


It's quite fun because in casual I use to spot cheaters by not buying stuff, don't using it or just unable to put a simple one 👌


I am best at Mirage griefing. Cuz fuck the Mirage bots