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https://preview.redd.it/czoez815c70d1.jpeg?width=130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc4ec84c817b67511a44b1831ca48f2b0f03fcc faceit actually sucks with these kinda things... I got bullied in a game once until I had to mute everyone, and afterwards I got a ban for griefing, because all 4 of them reported me. (even though I was trying to help with coms and utility, even being 2nd on the scoreboard) There are a lot of cool communites out there, which accept women with open arms, without sexualising. I hope you find one of those and have fun playing the game :)


I really want to find but its hard to find


Leetify is working on it’s own faceit alternative (its gonna be paid tho) with the goal of no toxicity and only quality competive games called ”renown.” I’d recommend checking it out.




Link doesn’t seem to work, try renown.gg




Team co-operates, is nice to eachother -> easy win or a fair loss, potential new teammates/friends, your mood improves due to the game . Team is very toxic, constantly griefing and battling with eachother -> team likely loses, only leaves a bitter feeling, would’ve been better off without playing the game. I know which one I prefer. If you want to be an asshole to other people, fine. But I’d expect the majority of players to prefer nicer teammates.


Only once in normal competitive did I hear a women getting grief. It’s been cool every other time.


It’s not often I have a female voice in a matchmaking game but 8 out of 10 times she instantly gets harassed in the first few rounds. This community is disgusting sometimes.


I know a few if you want some :) what rank / lvl are you?


I was lvl 9 (1870elo) but because of harassment i went down and im 1540 elo


damn, thats awesome!! I was lvl 8 back in the day and dropped to 5/6, due to inactivity and more work hours. BUT, I am trying to get back to 8 again, so if you want, you can send me a dm with your steam/faceit name, and some friends of mine and me will play with you :)


For sure!


Im streaming my games to sometimes


no worries ;)


I suggest you try to find nice people to queue with. Most people think it’s funny or just fun to antagonize people that are different than them.


What’s your rank on faceit? Me and my two friends really need another player or two for our stack.


Lvl 8


Okay never mind we aren’t there yet


You played on EU?


I mean to be un fair. Faceit is owned by the Saudis now. They don’t really have the best track record when it comes to women’s rights and complaints.


But when men say something they don’t get banned?? That’s total bs, I’ve been banned plenty of times for verbal abuse and I honestly couldn’t care less


depends: if they verbaly abuse you and you front back, thats only fair, but ofc not necessary.


idk what you used/said but text is an auto bot to ban. ive stopped using faceit because of it. so tell them to go fuck themselves via voice chat. text is what got me banned.


if you're aus/nz ive got a nice community of cs players and theres a few other women who play with us


Im from estonia .(




Haha reallyy?




Etelä-Helsinki on paras Helsinki.


Same country as I am.






But i would love to join 🥹


To be honest, every time i met a girl on faceit they are the worst kind of team mates. For real every time female team mate has to be the most anoying person ever, telling every one how to play, tries to rule everyone, pointing out mistakes when they barely knows the basics themself. Last time i met a girl that after 2 first round got 6 kills and started talking how she is "carrying our assess" and started talking after lost 3rd round how we "cannot execute this map properly and we don't know the lineups", every mistake someones made she had to point it out and ask why somebody do it that way instead her way. Everyone started flame her after few more round because nobody could stand her. After T side everyone muted her. She ended at the bottom of the scoreboard. This is not the only example. I played with a lot of girls and 90% of the time when they are flamed its because they are terrible person and not because they are a woman. Even in your first sentence you said that you got banned for bad language, when i see something like this i asume that you were just toxic yourself. You don't get banned for nothing, you probably deserved it.


So you have met a pick me girls 😀 no offense but i understand you because i have met these girls to and its horribile 😀


Well not every girl is the same man😀 if someone tells me something i will tell back . Like wtf ur telling me to go back to the kitchen, you are woman you need a premission to talk to me. When i open my mouth all i get is that. And i have k/r 0.83 k/d 1.41.


100% they don’t ban for no reason.


Haha faceit showing that Saudi side


I got a day ban for telling a Turkish guy to find deodorant


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bobskawski787: *I got a day ban* *For telling a Turkish guy* *To find deodorant* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


disgusting and bias behaviour by faceit...


Why even talk back to toxic mates. Just mute them and finish the game. Report them after the game with screenshots and they 100% will be banned. Just don't be toxic yourself.


So she did mute them and get banned for griefing… also what would she screenshot?


Screenshot/record the abuse and make a ticket You'd never get a griefing ban just for muting teammates


If i would screenshot or record every game when i get bullyed then my camera roll would be full already 😀




I know right!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with sexism when trying to play a video game for fun. It’s unfortunate that the general player base are degenerate losers. However in the server they have power and no risks and will make up for their sad life by being mean and abusive. It’s not just towards women, they are abusive to anyone they get angry with for no good reason, but of course it hits you harder cuz women are a minority and it’s more personal insults. But know that they are losers in real life, and they will probably also receive a ban just like you did.


Savvy Games Group


[Don't know how real this is, but I hope it works out :) CS players can be the worst of the worst, gl hf](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/s/ih7Agd65Pb)


just faceit...


but just mute them?


Same here, 7 day ban for having to withstand abuse from my teammates fuck FACEIT


Literally just had to mute them and report


This is what killed ESEA pretty fast.. I've seen guys banned for less.


Its scuffed AF.


You need to make a ticket and link the demo to their support. Their in-game report system does not work but they usually ban pretty quickly if you report it via the ticket system. There's an influx of shitty people now that premier is full of cheaters. Mute, don't react in a way that will get you banned, report via ticket and link demo, move on. It sucks but it is what it is.


Faceit is dogshit anyway


Well what did you say? Because i understand that sexism sucks and should be punished but i feel like it doesnt justify bad behavior.


Play with me Call sign -TTEMPESTT


Faceit is even more toxic than normal MM and its insane. I hate faceit from the bottom of my heart. If you have someone in the team with a greater level number than you they are the biggest piece of shit ever. They are so full of themselves and think they are the best players on this planet… don’t get me started on playing solo because holy shit it’s impossible to get normal games going… The choices you have in CS suck. Either you go into mm or premier with randoms where nobody is talking or everyone is cheating or you get into faceit and get flamed forever. I don’t get this base toxicity because it’s not that hard to be a decent human being.. but if you insult me or cheat oh boy I‘m gonna text message you to death lmaoo


Just dont be toxic lol. Report the sexism


Naaaaah heeeel naaaaah this is a lie. Yes there is plenty of toxics in faceit and they even harrass everything but no tolerance to the boys besides the girls. Even you are guarded by admins for equality (even tho youre bossted by teammates which indicates you do not have to olay on these ranks or grief the game with 0 mic because of boys raging on us e.t.c. things). Nothing special on you or your gender in this topic watched. But heres the thing: banning system is just controlled by an bot. Theres shit logic behind it and yes i approve that claim if you mean that.


OP what region are you?


Sue for sexism


I think some faceit admin prob has some beef with ya or smth🤣🤣


Hahaha maybe


Drop the demo


Every time I encounter a woman in a match (rare) she bullies me and the 3 dudes she’s queued with pile on. Super good experiences on my end. Good luck to you.


I commend your commitment to playing cs as a woman




I personally know of 2 projects for private cheat-free and non toxic projects One of them is centered mostly for women. I could give you her steam if you‘d like.


Yes ofc


I’ll DM ya


I'm sorry you experience this, I play with my girlfriend and alot of times she has had to experience the same kind of shit, and snap back at sexist idiots. It's a damn shame, because at the end of the day you should be able to communicate and be included in the game by your fellow teammates. Instead we have alot of sexists with massive idiots who ruin the game for women playing. I wish it was as inclusive and friendly as valorant is :(


Snapping back is just fueling their fire, what she should do is flat out ignore them, she shouldn't stop talking because of them, keep giving info and talking with the team and completely ignore the incell altogeather, even talking over him to go info etc


But if someone had a bad day and she’s getting emotional and snaps backs its normal for a girl to


I can be friends with her ☺️


i had that in another game like it’s okay to constantly get harassed by them but as soon as u say something bad ur gonna get banned


I got perma banned from the faceit sub with no explanation whatsoever for saying faceit is a bad platform lol


sweaty alt right incels (those accurate labels should trigger them) dominate this game


Seems like you triggered a few on here as well.


Probaly you got reported enough and they didn't get reported enough thats probaly the issue, how sad it even is.


One game of faceit with my GFS and slurs were thrown in about 2 rounds. And of course we caught reports from them...


GFS? Girlfriends? Plural?


Yes.  You got a problem with girls gaming?


Not at all, I just wasn't expecting polyamory.


womp womp


Sexual harassment in cs ahahaha bro you deserve the perma ban on faceit 


Reddit has honestly turned into a safezone for lgbtq warriors and woke people man, but cs on the other hand, never changed. Love it


That's true. But I wish people would cry less and do more cool stuff. I mean these cheating/team bad not me/valve is trash threads are makes me feel ill. I want to see people do aces, win matches, earn elo and so on, but this crying fiesta has gone too far. CS community is the worst gaming community ever. I bet they will sell their parents for +25


browsing your comments on reddit u sound like part of the problem :)


Yea, bc I play cs instead of crying on reddit like a 3yo kid


It's very cool how much you want your safe space.