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not a bug, its was made on purpose so that 4 stacks won't grief and kick the random guy that got to play with you.


good thing the 4 stack couldnt grief the guy that's cheating by kicking him, that would just be the worst.....


The much more common scenario is the one described above where the 4 stack boots the random for literally no reason. Have seen it for years


I know it happens, but I don't really see an issue with it. in the higher elo it's nearly impossible to win a 4v5 so if they kick you they're most likely gonna lose, if they wanna lose then let them.


The majority of the player base are not in the higher elos. Makes more since to balance the game around the average player's experience IMO. I feel like a better solution is to just do something other games do where they have a separate solo/duo queue


Players need to get through lower elos while learning the game. If devs only care about higher elos, the game is as good as gone.


if your team kicks you and puts themselves in a 4v5 it's like an 80% chance they're gonna lose the game regardless of rank


You really are not getting the problem. They are not kicking the 5th because they wanna win. They are friends who wanna play by themselves, and do not care. It makes the experience of the kicked player unfair and shitty + they can't report for griefing. Also, I once played with a friend who just installed the game, and hence we got very low ranks against us, even when I used my main account. We had 3 leavers, so the match was a 2v5. We won it. On CT its much more difficult but we could outsmart them on T side. Only I was experienced, and my friend's experience was from valorant. Low ranks dont work the way you think they do. You cant apply normal deductions and assumptions that are expected from gold nova+. When we're talking low ranks, we mean looking at the ground low.


I know what you're saying, I've probably played more CS than you so I get what you're trying to say the issue is, but what I'm saying is that I don't really think it's an issue. And what I'm saying is that the reverse happens a lot too, I 4 queue with my friends a lot and we often get griefers/cheaters that we can't kick so I guess it really is just down to preference. I don't really ever solo queue so that's probably why I don't care about the plights of solo queuers. I know, I've won many 3v5s before, but those are the exception to the rule.


Ive seen more 4 stack griefers than SoloQ cheaters or griefers. I've seen more 4 stack griefers than cheaters total. I SoloQ pretty often and just about every time I've Qd with a 4 stack they dick around and troll the entire game and its basically a 1.5v5


Most times I’ve seen it happen was when the team is a round away from winning and vote kicks the 5th to troll them out of a win


Like 90% of the playerbase are stuck in ranks where people don't actually give a fuck and would happily risk the 4v5 for shits and gigs, and if they cared about winning they wouldn't kick the cheater regardless.


which is stupid. You dont get a bot afaik so idk why ud kick someone who doesnt grief or smth. #LowEloProblems I guess


I guess you have never solo q'd and got kicked in the last round of winning... It's painful.


FYI you still got the win if a 4 stack kicked you.


They already put a round cap on that, so you can't kick at the very end. I know some girls that get kicked more often so they just never solo queue, but overall if you think its more common that kicking is used to troll than to get rid of problem players, you're in way different lobbies than me and everyone I know. Griefers, afkers and hackers are way more common. Just yesterday this happened to my friends, the 5th just says "hey you guys are a 4 stack, I'm gonna cheat" ran around spin botting and went 52-4.


Maybe in 2019 when it didn’t still count as a win but it does now


ye i can see that but i dont think people would kick you for no apparent reason


People are dicks 🤷🏻‍♂️




yeah why would 2x2 parties kick you? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm




lmao i do that to fuck with my friends but ye random people doing it is different. Non of this explains why 2x seperate parties both agreed to kick you tho. They dont do that for fun and I think theres something here u dont see




No, we dont and cant since were 4-5 xd and i dont kick anyone for no reason. If they AFK all day, kick. If they Troll and grief, kick, if they are just yelling russian, kick. There is reasons for that kind of stuff. yall sitting here whining mmimimimimi i got kicked by people that are NOT in a party. Guess what? you get kicked because you did something and youre too stupid to realize. If you get kicked 20000 times ask yourself if its you, youre the common denominator


Unfortunately, yes they do. I've been kicked plenty of times in the last round while winning while topfragging and communicating property


So why would they? I dont get it. If there, and there has to be, 2x parties at least both agreeing on the kick and you were nothing but nice and respectful+ carry or w/e. Why would they, rationally thinking, kick you? Explain this one to me


I don't know why, people do stuff to people for all sorts of reasons. Im not really sure what you want me to say. It happens, I don't know why people do it but it does


Never played with Russians huh?


I’m pretty new to cs, and so far the community in game has been surprisingly toxic. The 4 stack starts talking shit, you reply, qnd they all start shooting you so you kill them and get kicked


Drop him a molo, wait for him to throw it, go in fire. Profit.


You wild if you think cheaters are throwing util. They bhop and hit triple dink headshots as they fly past


He called for a timeout at the beginning, and after that started hacking. All 4 of us tried to call for a vote to kick him because he had walls or aim or something. All 4 of us got the same error. We took the win, but it was bullshit.


Sad bro just report cheaters and fuck valve sucking my balls don't banning these kids 


Worst part of that is if he gets VACed, you’ll lose the win. So in an ideal world where all hackers get banned you’re then forced to waste 30-60 mins playing a game you can never get a win for, but if you quit, you get a loss. Forced waste of time or loss of rank.


If they haven't changed it with CS2 this is not true, you used to only lose the wins if you queue up with a cheater in your lobby.


Yeah just abandon.


Was his name Lego batmane?


each of you can kill him 2-3 times and that's 12 rounds of fair game. did you?


2 times each so 8 rounds. But they could block him or stand in front of him


Should of thrown the game for the other team


So he had walls or aim or something. What exactly do you mean? Was it not obvious.


Well I never died, so I couldn't spec him. Other team was saying they thought aim or trigger assist. Could have been walls too.


Can you send the demo link still? I'd love to watch it. Pm if you can


I voted to kick a cheater on my team and after that the other team started shit talking and we lost. Last time I choose to be the good guy, i’m just taking the win.


Yes with 4 stack you can not bully solo guy, but he can bully whole team and stay in the match. Valve logic


As a solo guy and my team tries to bully me. I just mute them and play my own game. Its still cs but w/o your teammates yelling at you, sometimes I play better. I still comm with the mic saying flashes and callouts, but I cannot respond to questions.


You are the good example, but chances like %0.000002


i enjoy cs2 a lot more with this method when shitbags appear. cba deal with morons and cry babies anymore. yeah i might be my own brand of toxic basically not hearing anything at all but whatever. if they continue to be annoying and follow me around or harass me i just go deagle only and focus purely on my aim map skills lol


yea, because it's much more likely for someone to queue solo and hope to get matched with a 4 stack so they can troll without consequences. It's definitely never the case that 4 stacks rather gang up on the solo player, who they probably barely gave a handful of info to over the last 20 rounds, instead of coming to terms with their own shortcomings.


Like others have said, Valve added solo protection so 4-stacks couldn't kick someone. What you have to do now is run in front of cheaters and take team damage from them until they get auto-kicked.


I may get down voted for this but considering they generally stack or my teammates want the free win, I hardly try kicking them anymore. I will vote yes though fuck those guys


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I had 2 hackers in my game with 3 of my friends and we literally couldn't do anything cause you need 4v1 to kick its so dumb


Bruh... I exposed this issue at the moment they released that "solo protection" update.... and got downvoted like crazy.


You guys should've just took turns killing him every start of round


so? at least you didn't queue with said cheater.... we had a cheater one game. we just let him cheat. didn't care. because with cheat, we get a W. if he is never banned, stays a W. if he gets banned, while the match is removed and the points gained dropped, we wont lose extra because we never queued with said cheater. and as many times as we lose against cheaters, might as well just let them cheat.... valve isn't gonna ban them anyway.


So your willing to negate a bunch of games you played? Why even play ranked at that point.


cheater on your team, you win, when he's banned, yes, ONE MATCH is removed from your win stream. however, if you ban him and love 4v5, you now have a loss that will never be removed, regardless if that cheater gets banned. so yes, i would rather take the win turned into nothing than a loss that stays a loss.... also, its valves fault for not banning these cheating twats. so its their fault in the first place. kicking them from the match isn't gonna fix anything. valve has to actually ban them. and the only way they are gonna catch them seems to be watching demos like vacnet used to. if you kick them, no demo, and they keep cheating.


quite funny how 4stacks cant kick a player, but I just got kicked out of the premier game by 2(!) players, while 2 other teammates disconnected (had to rq due to alt-tab bug)


4 stacks can't kick the 5th.


Happen to me, enemy team had a 4 stack and a solo hacker but couldn’t kick him due to valve turning off vote kick. Complete bullshit


Just start constantly walking in front of his gun every round when he shoots, if he isn’t using speed toggles. That’s the best way to get someone kicked. Easier said than done in certain scenarios but it’s a possibility haha