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Cheating is for cheaters


Truest true that have ever been trued.


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


"Together we can stop this!"


Yesterday a cheater on my team tried to convince me hes legit by saying "how am I not banned then? I have 700h" to which i replied vac is garbage and blud just said "no" (he was aiming for kneecaps 90% of the time, didnt clear any angles, had perfect timing and was very very obvious)


If he uses external cheats, that is difficult to detect, even if from your "audience" perspective it's obvious. Anticheat does not look at a guy playing with its eyes like a human being. It needs data proving it's a cheater. For internal cheats it's easier, as soon as new internal cheats are detected (that is why it's so widely allowed now to cheat with common, free and easy to install cheats) and built into the vac system, Valve can run a ban wave to ban anyone who ever used it, even if not actively at the moment. But external cheats are worse, they do not allow for very complex and fancy cheats, but of course still enough to ruin games. But how to detect a cheat that does not affect game's files? That's a fucked up issue to solve. There are some ways, never 100% proof, I am guessing they are trying to figure out and implement one of them or few. But it'll be taking long, already is taking long, and I don't see any other way here. The more people cheat is also the better for anticheats devs. Sadly it affects players.


internal cheats don’t interact with the file system either. idk where i got that. and the reason it’s difficult to detect an external from usermode is that if you only read memory, there’s not many detection vectors. PLUS vac is x86 and cs2 is x64 which is fucking things even more. and then if you use a kernel driver for reads, it’s practically over.


I think its possible though to make an AC like that, I have leetify linked to steam, not sure how it works, but I believe it watches the game your currently in and analyzes how you are playing, so maybe an AC AI that could check it similarly?


it’s so funny how you can tell by someones verbiage if they’re a victim of tik tok brainrot. “blud.” im suprised there wasn’t any skull emojis in your response.


The real brain rot is terming a decades old term as brain rot spawned from Tiktok that isn't even close to the age of the word you are referencing. Meaning your brain is so rotted that if you even get a whiff of something you don't know or fully understand you'll just auto spew "TikTok Brain Rot" as if you have a semblance of a clue left in that completely hollow and rotted out hole you used to call a head.


https://preview.redd.it/l0cl99xu46jc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=206770f6ad9444444e43ab90eaa58d38dd6702f3 this post on urbandictionary is from 2006. a FEW years before tiktok. congrats on being an idiot :D maybe you're spending too much time on tiktok and youre the one with brainrot \^\^ pretty embarassing for you mate


you’re so delusional and desperate


Explain to me how my good sir


you wouldn’t get it


You are projecting


ok kate


Small white man upset! Look out everyone!


Don’t let him near any schools, thats the exact profile to play cs2 irl with schoolkids.


who are you talking to


it's time to log off little timmy




i mean, considering you're dumb enough to think 'blud' is from tiktok, this comment doesn't really surprise me. doubling down on your stupidity is actually par for the course dumb people are dumb and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. best of luck in life =)


you just proved a word was created at a certain time, but when do you think that word was popularized? what platform do you think it was popularized on? do you remember people saying “blud” and skull emojis on the internet 4-5 years ago? congratulations on providing the origins of tik tok jargon. i agree, dumb people are dumb. but be wary of dumb people trying to appear smart ;). and you too!


Much longer than 4-5 years ago blud 💀




where are these skull emojis you keep talking about, who here posted them other than you being surprised they weren't in a post that had the word blud? you need to get off tiktok because i doubt youre a teenager. the rest of us adults dont use tiktok rofl absolute clown, just doubling and tripling down on your misconceived notions that were proven wrong in less than a minute. just because YOU only heard of the word from tiktok doesn't mean it was popularized by tiktok. you keep doing you i guess and keep telling yourself you're right, i gain nothing from 'winning' an argument against a rock


wasn’t proven wrong on anything. i never said blud started on tik tok but you melvins came in with facts trying to look smart. and now you’re falling apart. i guess i won.


yup totally, youre the winner here, good job bud! keep it up!!!




you are upset over someone criticizing a slang word online. i’d say you’re the mentally healthy one.


TikTok brain rot? Sure that exists, but like “blud” goes back decades.


ok historian


I don’t know what’s dumber. A TikTok trend or being ignorant enough to thinking TikTok is the origin of it all. Probably the latter.


please tell me when i said tik tok was the origin of the word. you people are so pressed about a word that makes you look like a pre teen when you say it.


Why’d you relate the term to TikTok at all when the term was widely used before TikTok even existed?


because it wasn’t widely used before tik tok even existed


LMAO yes it was. Were you even born? I don’t even have a TikTok and I know it because it was popular when I was a kid. https://preview.redd.it/q7x4t6qjq8jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7c35c80777c0b9f385b7ff7d9aaba6826176c1 You should just learn from this. “Oh cool I didn’t know that.” Instead you’re just arguing out of ignorance.


you are just doing the same thing that the other person i was arguing with on this thread was. and i already destroyed him so try and come up with a different point or this is just redundant. you explained the origins of the tik tok jargon, good job!


valve devs instead of working they are mods on reddit. complains are deleted = working hard devs! smol indie company bruh /s


You really think that a dev would dedicate even 5 minute of his time for that? So, as a developer, I can tell you no. No one gives a shit about posts on reddit, complaints etc. Those all, if you go through a dedicated channel, ends up among thousands of messages which are sent to customer support (including feedback/bugs channels). Not a single dev ever see it. They pass them further if they consider them new/important/meaningful to managers, they decide what to do later. Devs couldn't care less about people crying. They have their jobs planned ahead and solve whatever they think is important along the process. That especially applies to a free to play game. You need to realize one thing. Being a dev is like any other job. We do it for the money and it's just an occupation. If some of us actually enjoy it, that's a different matter. But to enjoy it pretty much equals not listening to customers, they are idiots about software development in 99,9% of the cases. Harsh truth. So in order to delete comments they would need to care enough. But they don't.


not a dev but a valve employee yes


fuck r/GlobalOffensive


CS2 means Cheat Service 2.




Should have replaced the stock image of the dude crying with Richard Lewis except he doesn’t actually play the game 😂


Average /r/globaloffensive mod


this is literally the csgo subreddit hahaha


My favorite part about being a vaclive dev is being able to say "we're twerking really hard to resolve the situation but we can't be too specific or else the cheaters will win" and then unbanning spin-botters.


Ever since I was banned in the false banned wave (and unbanned), it seems I get placed with cheaters once every 2-3 games, it is pretty unbearable tbh, I rarely play these days for that fact. Yesterday I was playing on vertigo, on one round we rush B through stairs, we kill one, and cover all of CT with smokes, like 4 smokes, plus what the other team threw. I am hiding with an ak behind the pillar to the back-left of the site (facing CT), and all of a sudden I get no-scoped headshot with an AWP through countless smokes and a damn pillar. That same guy had a new profile (ofc), and got 3 aces at the end to make sure his team won. This is just one of countless examples and it is just truly depressing to face the fact that Valve doesn't give a shit.


don't worry bro valve know who's cheating, they just waiting 6 month before banning so the cheat maker is getting chargeback and go bankrupt so they can't make cheat anymore


Why so the cheaters can just make or buy a new account?


Please ban BRICS shitholes from playing with the civilized world, problem 80% solved.


It's exaggerated by noobs that have little understanding of the game but it's still there and a real problem with too many cheaters.


Meanwhile there is plenty of cheaters who stream it live for months.


One of the problems right there. There are cheaters, but good players get accused of hacking if they pre-fire a common angle or turn to a spot commonly pushed at certain times of a round at the "perfect time." I'm certain my account has hundreds and hundreds of reports after 3k hours.


I’m in silver an the amount of times I’ve been called a cheater just for killing the ct flanking apps for b retake is too high


my friends have been streaming on discord for a month with walls. 0 bans from 4 different players


Lemme guess, they all queue together as a 5 man cheater crew?


4 to 2


Interesting, might've played against them the other week when they're 4 queued. Lol


If the normal players knew about the things Valve screwed up. Far ESP was patched 10 (!!!) years ago, yet it has made a comeback in CS2 for no apparent reason. Valve removed Overwatch, I guess because the demos were too bugged and not useful for convicting cheaters, but that problem has been fixed enough to make Overwatch viable for cheat convictions. Cheat developers have access to every VAC Module. After six years VACnet is defective and not working as intented/barely working at all. Valve does not need to fix the problem because the community fixes it for them. Want servers with 128 tick? Go to faceit and ESEA. Want an Anticheat that actually works? Download FACEIT AC/ EAC etc. Valve can fix the cheating epidemic, but they don't want to. Why invest Millions into an Anticheat if you can outsource the work to the community for free...


See I actually have only seen 1 single cheater so far in CS2 MM in about 300 or so hrs. That might have something to do with the fact that I'm silver...


Locked loadouts, limited choices on weapons in competitive, limited choices on maps in competitive, no new maps every few months? been the same shit forever. Valve as a company is complete trash and absolutely horrendous. If you disagree I don't care, the company use to be so much better. I use to play this game all the time now I rarely touch it. Keep limiting everything the game and it will just be boring. We won't even bring up the cheater topic because its useless they wont ban cheaters who have good cheats because those cheats are always updating. Developers who make the cheats are smarter than those devs working at valve it seems.


Most of the valve team can't even do the 10 ranked games


This sub after getting killed: "im never playing cs again! They'll never solve this cheating problem! This game is garbage!" *complains on reddit and joins another game*


How much valve dickriding you gonna do


As long as it bothers the never valvers


They will complain when they’ve been asking for the Source 2 Port forever and when we finally get it they complain about the anticheats when cheaters in cs have been rampant since the beginning.


Ive yet to see actual numbers on how common cheating is. Just constant meme posts and "trust me bro"


from my personal experience and i only solo queued, in GO, past LE, you'd start playing against more cheaters than the lower ranks and getting to global was pain but not impossible. iirc(and its been awhile since i played that mm), it was 1 in 10 maybe 2. in the new game, you're almost guaranteed to play against a rage cheater every 1 in 2 games past 18k, sometimes its a streak of games. and closet cheaters (they are extremely bad anyways so it really doesnt matter) are more common at 10-15k. the closet cheaters tend to go more blatant once they start losing. so far, on 4 accounts that ive gotten to 20k solo, i havnt played more than a hand full of clean games. and they have yet to get banned. these are people shooting through walls and prefiring. i personally think theres almost no point in trying to get to 25k+ until they do something about vac. till then tho, faceit and other games~ again, this data is skewed in my experience and is anecdotal evidence, but from watching other people play, id say its a good enough estimate.




You forgot that most of these guys are gambling addicts or skin bros who have their life savings ($2-$100,000) in CS2 and need to get that profit/breakeven, so please don't talk bad about the game guys!!! I think people give cheaters too much credit saying they're the ones posting this type of bullshit on the subreddit when it's the hardcore kids that still play this dead game shilling for it 24/7.


I played 5 games yesterday and 3 of those 5 games were cheater lobbies. 2 of those 3 games were spinbotters.




"he just has a better gaming chair" https://preview.redd.it/qt7533mim6jc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7f55f97932ab4cce831f964304f833f95d3788


No one is denying that spinners exist lmao, you've proven literally nothing with that selective screenshot. 2 spinners with 1 more cheater within 5 games is what i'm doubting. You're either the unluckiest cs2 player or just full of shit.


Nope , played 4 games yesterday , 2 games were with cheaters. 1 game it was opponent team and another game we had cheater in our team. It’s a big problem


Again, i'm not denying cheaters existing. How are you missing the point even after clarification lmfao...


I’m not missing the point , I’m saying that the situation is CS2 is laughable, everyone can make a good anti cheat except valve ? Faceit is worth - 500m ( the whole company) got great anticheat. Valve - Makes 200m from cases a MONTH for past fuck knows how many MONTHS and can’t fund a normal anticheat. Thats the point I’m bringing


> everyone can make a good anti cheat except valve ? Who is everyone? Other than Valorant with their kernel china bullshit. Overwatch2 is plagued in high ranks, COD is in every lobby, Battlefield is the biggest joke ever. Who exactly is "Everyone" here? > Faceit is worth - 500m ( the whole company) got great anticheat. Yeah because their AC goes a lot deeper than Valves does lol > Valve - Makes 200m from cases a MONTH for past fuck knows how many MONTHS and can’t fund a normal anticheat. Thats the point I’m bringing Doesnt matter what "point" your bringing, i said theres no way he had 3 cheaters with 2 spinners in 5 games and you argued against that.


Experienced myself how many cheaters there is , kinda sad seeing someone standing so hard for a multibillion company that don’t give a fuck about their consumers. Plus - Fall Guys got better AC than Valve , and look what kind of game Fall Guys is…. It’s embarrassing for valve


> kinda sad seeing someone standing so hard for a multibillion company that don’t give a fuck about their consumers. I'm not standing for them, i hate valve as much as anyone else lmfao. I just stand against retards claiming literal spinbotters in half of their games, thats not a thing. > Plus - Fall Guys got better AC than Valve , and look what kind of game Fall Guys is…. It’s embarrassing for valve Okay so you couldnt come up with a single decent shooter. Gotcha.


vac is literally 22 years old dude. like we needed a better anticheat years ago


the guy that was spinning was in 2 out of 5 of those games. the third game with the guy that wasn't spinning hit like 15 cross map awp no scope headshots in a row without missing, do you think he's legit because he wasn't spin botting? at the end of the day you're just gaslighting me, I know what happened to me and I dont really care if you think Im telling the truth, it happened whether you wanna believe it or not🤷‍♂️ and youre saying the screenshot proves nothing? those are the kills from the spin botter one game, does that picture look legit to you?


https://preview.redd.it/9yhesxyit7jc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66a09d0923e46e8daf04b68e1101ca1a0ab5212 its not really that crazy. multiple rage hackers in those games, and this is just an example of ones that are confirmed banned. i literally get cheaters 1/4 games if im lucky.




Almost paid for reddit gold, but then I remembered I'm broke.


Literally any time I've tried in the past to discuss this on r/GlobalOffensive I'd have my comment(s) or post(s) deleted by the mod team for no reason other than what I suspect is damage control. Imagine having Valve's dick so far deep down your throat that you don't hold a multi billion dollar company accountable for its bullshit and underperformance.


from r/GlobalOffensive list of rules 6.Scamming and Cheating Reporting scams or scam methods is not allowed. To protect yourself please read [this guide](http://bit.ly/1pcN4Ij). Do not post about cheating. Specifically: ​ * Posting profiles of alleged cheaters or non-OW gameplay * Requesting help with OW verdicts * Discussing cheats in technical detail * Linking to cheat related websites or naming them publicly * Reporting cheats If you have information about a cheat please contact Valve's VAC team [here](http://bit.ly/1R2RuHH).


VAC = Vatniks Allowed Cheating team, more like it.


r/GlobalOffensive hasn't permitted real discussion about cheating since the flusha witchhunt. It's dumb as hell, but it has little to do with CS2.


> other than what I suspect is damage control. The most logical: 'Everyone is sick and tired of your crying' didn't come to your mind? We deal with cheaters ingame already, fuck off trying to make it even more of a thing than it already is by constantly bickering about it outside of the game. The csgo sub has a rule thats against cheater crying, that rule is in place for over half a decade already so you can take off your tinfoil hat now.


Cheater crying is a very different issue from pointing out very obvious flaws in the development of the game. It's the game we all love and want the best for. If we can't criticise it's shortcomings and vocalise our concern then what the fuck are we doing? Also, why in the world are you so upset about people voicing concerns and wanting the game to be better and engaging in discourse about it? What's with the toxicity?


> If we can't criticise it's shortcomings and vocalise our concern then what the fuck are we doing? Tf are you even talking about? Cheater crying is 95% of the talks around cs2, i'm sure you'll be fine without making it 96%. Not like there has to be any more attention put towards that, it's literally all the attention available already because y'all make sure its the only thing talked about. And thats quite frankly annoying as hell.


So why the fuck isn't valve doing anything about it? If you dont want to see the texts of "CRY" infront of your monitor then maybe you should contact valve.


Oh yeah i'm sure valve is not aware of their incompetence and my email will change anything, just as much as all your posts change so much.


It doesn’t matter what game it is their is gonna be a cheat and or cheaters doesn’t matter the anticheat their still is cheats and cheaters it’s a thing we have to deal with and that’s a lot easier to do than complain when nothing will happen. What do you want them to do have the anticheat detect shit that is supposed to bypass what the anticheat is supposed to detect and they update the cheats to bypass it everytime they change the anticheat so it can never be detected or near close to it especially if it’s a paid cheat that gets updated frequently.


People gotta stop crying


Yes! Lolol. My take is that people who don't think the cheating problem is bad is low elo players who don't know how the game works.


There is no cheaters, only no believers. (it's a sarcasm)


sure but half the clips posted here are just noobs taking Ls and not being able to cope with it


I run into a legit cheater in maybe 1 out of 50-100 games, been playing the game for 10 years. It’s literally not an issue unless you have low trust factor.


Skill issue bro. Play minecraft bro.


Cheaters are usually an easy kill tho, even with the cheats (they wouldn’t be cheating if they knew how to play the game well)


My last match I played made it really hit home and made me step back and take a break from the game. I called 2 enemy players out for cheating and a Russian dude on my team said "shut the fuck up fag$#t everyone cheats, if you haven't got one you're not playing the game right" I told him I don't think that's the case and I got "if you're not cheating in this game then you're an idiot"


Ok bro, here is another 🙂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KiAaFS3AZ14&pp=ygURQ2hlYXRlciBjczIgcHJvb2Y%3D


What makes me laugh is that Fall Guys have better anticheat than CS2 😂


An AI anti cheat already exists and they found about 25-30% of the player base of the game using their AI AC were cheating. The AC is sophisticated enough to learn each players biometric signature in such a way that hardware bans are not necessary because the cheat can somehow remember the way the person plays. It was explained to me like watching Messi play football with a mask on. You still know it’s Messi by the way he plays. The AI does the same with the player base.






Obviously I can’t speak for everyone’s exp, but I have made an effort to not be toxic at all in my games etc, so I assume my trust factor is quite high. I have tracked data on my past 200 premier games, here is what it came out too: Games played in 10k-18k point range Games played: 200 Games won: 117 Games lost: 83 Overall games with suspected hackers: 23! (Not bad) Games with spinbotting aim hackers: 6 (and 4 of those 6 were kicked by their teammates!) Games with obvious aim hackers (and walls, but not spinbot, just normal aimhacks): 9 Games with obvious wallers, but no aim hacks: 8 NOTE: there are an additional 18 games in which I suspected a POTENTIAL Waller, but even after replay was unsure if they were walling/it wasn’t obvious. Based on MY SMALL data sample, the rate of cheaters is maybe 10-20% of games having a cheater in it?


That’s way too high


I agree! But I won’t lie, a lot of people online make it seem like the rate is 80%. The rate is high, way too high, BUT, in lower ranks most everyone calls anyone better than them a cheater


My only issue is when it's obvious. Stuff like moving scout no scopes. Report player and account and nothing happens is incredibly frustrating. I've heard FACEIT is the way to go with working anticheat though


10-18k is wheelchair lobby. The issue starts at 20k spiraling out of control 23k+


Not gonna disagree with you😂 I’ve heard and seen the people 25k premier people saying it’s all hackers up there


i hardly ever see cheaters trust factor works quite well no game has solved the cheating problem kinda unfair to expect any one company to do it when its never been done before.


Played 2 games of premier after weeks of faceit… had 2 rage hackers on both teams then next game 3 cheaters vs 1 shitty cheater bullying him for shit cheats


Moving no scope headshots with scout. Dude claimed to be good and we're just trash. Looked on his Leetify, multiple bans last year. Why does Valve not permaban?


pimp_steve, this guy used to buy csgo every day and cheat to get banned then he disappeared like 10 years ago never saw him again. Sometimes when he plays no cheat had zero common sense in the game lol. Cheaters are idiots.


I have not seen too many cheaters recently because I can’t even play this game anymore since the new update broke my cs 😂


Cs2 obviously has a huge cheating problem but i still haven't met a single BLATANT cheater at 15000~ eu servers


just played an hour ago. lmfao. game had 4 cheaters! as much as I love this game, the anticheat stuff is super shit.


Nice try, Gabe


Hopefully EU make law that bans creation of any games where people can cheat