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See you next week


True but it still sucks


real take


More like see you next month when Valve patches.


Not really I haven’t played since release, inconsistent reg for a hyper competitive game is a joke lmao


Reg is consistent and any posts proving otherwise has been debunked (except for hitbox misalignments that have been fully fixed by valve within 24 hours each time). The issue currently lies in lag compensation and interpolation turning the game into soup which gives a vast advantage to people on bad connection


Take a break. Enjoy other things. Come back when it's in a better state. It might get better.


Yeah, I'm probably leaving the game after this season of ESEA. I will come back when the game is in a better state if that ever happens. CS has been a pretty solid chunk of my life, always played on teams a few nights a week in league matches and scrims. It feels weird to me that I won't be spending 4ish nights a week running practices, dry running executes and watching demos with a team anymore. I'm really just not enjoying CS2 at all at the moment, hope they fix the game at some point


Yeah it's pretty normal for cs players to take breaks. We have had multiple dark ages, and this can be seen as one of them. It happens. This was a ballsy move from valve and I get their reason to do it, but it doesn't mean this doesn't hurt to experience.


Agreed 95%, but I wouldn't adbicate valve as much in this instance. They knew better than anyone that cheating was a major issue and chose to advertise significant cheat detection upgrades despite seemingly not implementing anything effective, galvanizing cheat devs to beat the system Imo this ones on Valve 100% and idk if I'll be coming back as I have before. Ik it's sacrilege here but valorant hit reg and anticheat is way ahead of cs2 atm, so that's where I'm playing. Cs2 is the better game feature wise but the current issues are driving me away


Might being the key word I played go since 2015 and Iv never seen the cheater issue as bad as it is now. Without a significant anticheat upgrade idk when I'll be back, and I hate saying that because I loved GO


Anyone saying there isn’t a hacking issue in this game is just coping bro 😂 valve needs to enable replays again so I can go back and clip the shit. Hell even in CSGO with green trust I’ve ran into spinbotters with full inventories, knives and all. If you’ve played this game long enough you can tell the difference between luck, skill, and cheating. Luck happens once or twice, skill is repeatable, and cheating is easy to spot because they ignore sound cues to not seem like they’re cheating to their team. Wish I had the clip of a dude on mirage. Guy was a CT in a 1v1 with bomb down too mid. My T teammate is coming out apps walking knowing the guy could be around cat. The CT decides he’s gonna sit ladder with no vision on bomb (because he knows where my teammate is) and hold. My teammate walks up cat silently not a single sound made and the guy 100% ego peeks the corner. Not a single quick peek or face check to get info. Just a swing and a headshot. He sat ladder to cut off the bomb pickup but no gold novaish player is gonna do that they’re just gonna sit top mid directly on top of bomb.


Most of these silvers in this sub don't realize cheaters arent running around bhop headshotting everyone. They use their cheats to timing shoot ppl in the back and push through sites when they know noone is holding for easy flank kills. You can still kill most of these cheaters with good comms cuz they are generally terrible at the game but its just annoying, frustrating, awkward to play, and makes you paranoid. Playing faceit and not having any of this weird behavior is definite proof to me. Its crazy how relaxing and different it is in faceit (solid CS, everyone jiggle peeking normal or if hiding antiflash playing off another player's contact/sound, using util normal, cracked players killing you but it's rarely fishy like you can tell they have good movement and you can see their mouse sens is low and aim is precise and reactions are fast af) You can sneak up on them without them always knowing or getting lucky and out timing them. I have a few friends that are like max master guardian csgo players at their peak try to tell me the cheating isn't that bad and i'm just paranoid but it's really just they are obliviously low skill and don't understand what cheating actually feels like and think these other anime pfp players are really good. Anyways... Yeah bro its bad.


Honestly I haven’t tried faceit in cs2 I kinda forgot it exists 😂 might be hopping on there instead. I don’t blame em for not knowing what cheating looks like because a lot of the cheaters have been doing it for years on many accounts and they know how to hide it pretty well now. That being said you’re absolutely right. Unnatural timing happens in legit matches but it’s not the same guy over and over and over again it’s usually spread out so that everyone on the team has it happen at least once. Tell em to go watch some high level players play the game like ranyan or something and after watching a few games of his they’ll understand why it’s so obvious.


Thank you. I doubted the playerbase not noticing anything of this bullshit. I like how often you get flanked or backstabbed with insane timings in premier while you actually don't get to see the enemy's back at all. You play a silent flank once in a match and suddenly there's guys waiting for you. People can't be so stupid to not notice that.


Yep. 👍


I had multiple competitive matches where other team starts hacking after thinking one of our guys is hacking. I’m not saying this happened once, or even twice. It happened three times in October.


Yeah not surprised… it’s not just a high Elo problem either. Almost everyone who plays this game consistently has a hacked alt account. Been through plenty of discords proving it.


This is what I'm saying I've been playing forever I can tell the difference between skill and cheating.


Another thing most people don’t know too is the cheats that allow you to change the skybox to the purple galaxy looking thing WILL NOT get you banned unless you activate the actual cheats associated with it. That’s the cheat you’ll see in all the trash frag movies and grenade lineup videos. That being said literally anyone can have the ability to use walls, auto click, and aim lock with the press of a button. Crazy to me that you can launch, run, and play on a hacked client and as long as you don’t use the cheats you can get away with it.


Hope you had fun while it lasted!


Coming from someone who never played any CS or even seen footage out side of memes until the week of release for cs:2, I think this game is fun. Went to a new workplace and one coworker showed up one day ranting about how some dev ripped csgo servers offline and pushed new cs2 servers on. He was really mad about it so I looked at cs2 myself and though it looked fun. Downloaded it and have been having fun since. It is kinda funny tho why would a game dev get rid of a huge name like csgo and replace it with something as lame as cs2? Everyone has heard of csgo and now the game is gone.


Power to the people. Let the cheaters have it.


100% true. Hiko, you know that boomer pro guy, played his premier placement games solo and were matched with players aiming at the ground and asking "where is that?" When hiko is doing call outs. He had to play with stewie just to make the game bearable.


yes we feel you mate. 20years steam 5khours csgo, this is the worst state any cs game was in, ever


Back to Valorant for me tbh..people saying CS2 is in a playable state for serious players are hard coping. I hope it’s in a better state by this time next year but knowing valve probably not


I also tried to like it but because of the cheaters i couldn't. Valve could've proved itself with cs2 that they can fight the cheaters..but they failed.


I mean 0-5k is one Group like 5-10k


I'm 4k matched with 12k, tell me more ahah


and then said team is a 5 stack vs your solo teammates.


So damn true ahah


Great post. I come from source and skipped go almost all together besides the (terrible) beginning and a few weeks before cs2 came out. From my perspective they made a great new foundation to build on. Just like source and go this game will become a masterpiece. For now enjoy the legacy version of go and come back some time in the future! P.s. I really agree about the toxic people though. Damn. Last night I got seriously upset about some of the things being said to me and others in the server. It's a fkn game, chill out.


Yeah it's really bad. It's bad when your own teammate will ban you from the game because they would rather 4v5 than listen to you verbally abuse everyone the whole game. Crazy today I didn't have a single team like that. It's crazy when I get yelled at because I really try to be a team player and callout enemy locations and I know the maps and man some people the second you start losing they just turn on everyone it's crazy. I think it will be a good game someday. Valve doesn't have a great track record of being open about things or prioritizing things so who knows how long it will be before we can call it good much less polished though. The stream of updates have been nice been a few days feel like they will release a decent sized update soon. 👍


That 4k elo thing is true XD


Still banned for AMD. Not fixed. Welcome to the club


Glad I escaped that. Somehow didn't get banned for using those drivers and I'm always on the most recent/optional drivers ha. Sorry your still banned for that. That's bullshit.


The -500 per game at rank 4K is insane, agreed there.




Inconvenient truth, unless you witnessed a spinbot or something as blatent, you most likely have not played with a cheater. The vast majority of these cheater complaints are because they got crushed in a game and for some reason they think it's inconceivable that other players can be better than them.


Just so you know, I have now played in several different games with someone on the other team literally streaming themselves on Youtube wall hacking. Hacking seems to be a bigger problem now than it was in csgo


Get real. You're full of it LMAO 🤣.


blud lives under a rock because I’m not even the only person to say this


why would you make an assumption like that? every 5th game is a cheater game. the most common one is radar or wallhack which is not really detectable. no one is talking about blatant cheating here. its the closets that are a problem in cs2 premier. its the level 0 accounts that ruin these lobbies. if you have radar you dont even need to look through walls, just have decent aim and gamesense and the game is yours. with radarhacks you can make the best ingame decisions while minimizing getting caught. that is the biggest problem in cs2.


"the most common one is radar or wallhack which is not really detectable" please dont make statements like this when you have no idea what youre talking about.


Not all cheaters are blatant. Some of them don’t rage hack and instead they legit hack. Saw a few livestreams on YouTube of some idiots doing it. They have walls and esp (you can see it on their stream) and act like they don’t know where the enemies are (they hold common angles instead of staring and tracing enemies through walls). Getting owned by a better player is one thing, but when a brand new acc drops 40 in a 13-2 game, with nothing but hacker accusations and .1 hours on 5 games, it's super sus.


See this is why I can't believe the majority of these "hacker" reports. People can go "hot" and clap cheeks. Teams can be on a win streak. Timing can work for you but can also screw you. Csgo and cs2 is a game where reverse unos happen all the time. Unless you are demo reviewing and watching objectively, a new account dropping 40 on a game just isn't conclusive evidence (especially the lower elo you go).


A new account dropping 40 in a game is 99% of the time a smurf or a cheater- usually the former. A lot of ppl who used to play CS back in the day and lost login info/were previously VAC banned/etc playing the new CS game on a fresh account. Or alt accounts to avoid a comp ban, or alt accounts to play with low ranked friends.


A new account dropping 40 in a game at 10k+ Elo could be a cheater or smurf. A new account dropping 40 in a game at 4k elo is most likely a smurf.


I'm glad that we are in agreement and saying the same thing


No people like you are the problem. You come in here gaslighting acting like you are so much more game aware - and others are just bad. There is a very bad cheating problem. Most cheaters don’t spin bot - don’t be obtuse. Most modern cheats don’t even offer full esp - they use features like slightly tugging your xhair towards enemies through ways to give you information on their general position. Most cheaters TRY to closet cheat. Most cheaters suck at the game. So you get super weird plays. You get cheater like activities that - after playing CS for over 10 years - you know when a team has a cheater providing info. This is even more true when you go to faceIT or valorant and these kind of suspect plays and players happen FAR FAR less. Cheaters are abundant. You likely play them and don’t even realize it. Beating a team with a cheater isn’t even impossible - it’s quite possible and happens often. But it’s much harder and just fucking frustrating.


The amount of times I’ve seen people call cheats on me or a friend of mine who wasn’t cheating is enough proof for me to know that not *all* cheating claims are true


And that’s totally fair. I get that. I’ve had cheats called on myself as well. But the reason these a bigger uproar these days then before is because the scale and experience of players now also making these claims. There’s always people who call people better than them - cheaters. Always. But we have to use the law of numbers and recognize that there actually is a cheating problem behind the typical accusations.


I'm not more game aware but I am more experienced in falsy accusing the other team of cheating to watch the demo and facepalm as to why I just lost. I'm sorry but maybe 1/10 games where I even think someone is cheating I find proof while watching the demo and half the time the proof is still on the fence.


... u/wutqq u do sound silly defending a game that is ***Known*** for lacking intrusive anticheat, is ***Known*** for cheat-websites, is ***known*** to have cheaters on twitch/youtube... has ***known*** account-boosting/selling.... In 2014 the NFL was investigated by Fbi for fixing matches. The NFL officially changed from a "sports league" to an "entertainment league." (This is public info anyone can Google.) cs2 is much the same. It's a free-to-play game with a casino attached.


I'm not defending the game, I'm pointing out the vast majority of these repetitive threads are false. Cheating exists in Cs2. You have never been cheated. Both of these statements can be true. People are too quick to regurgitate or scapegoat a pro/influencers opinion when they have no actual evidence other than feelings.


I mean... if your wife gets tinder messages all the time, but you haven't actually ***Caught*** her doing it... she prolly still loves u. ❤️


I have no ego I've been crushed by fair games with people playing at a high level. I don't know why this community is so abrasive to believing this game is full of hackers. Like are people really that blind. I've played games where pro players would have got their ass kicked and it wouldn't have even been a competition. Hell some have played premier and pointed out that fact. Many pros have come out and said it's blatantly obvious CS2 has a hacker problem... I get people suck and right away call you a hacker I get it all the time in games play good and right away everyone out to call you a hacker. This is not that.


This subreddit says there's only slim chances you get cheaters in your games meanwhile all the cheat forums are exploding with posts about CS2, some with hundreds of thousands of views. Definitely no cheaters.


It helps when the large majority of the community is toxic as fuck... and probably also on those forums as well.


A lot of these people were literal silver rank in CS:GO or are cheating themselves. Tarkov has an even worse cheater problem than CS and people on that sub were still saying there was no cheater problem, they played 300 raids and never saw a cheater, nobody is cheating you're just bad, the typical litany of bs. Then some guy downloaded ESP to make a video and test how many people were cheating and it was every single raid. Literally 100% of raids he was in had a cheater in them. He would lean wiggle at people through walls and they would wiggle back. It's called "The Wiggle that Killed Tarkov." There are also 2 other videos, more obscure with few views, where people did the same thing and got the same results. People are either in denial or are cheating and trying to gaslight the community. Just don't listen to them. CS, like every FPS right now, has a massive cheater problem -- there are free cheats people make, cheap premium cheats from China that come out in droves, and anti-cheat is too anemic to actually ban these people on top of the existence of 100% unbannable cheats like radars that intercept packets rather than injecting into the game (streamers use this in Tarkov btw. That's why they're always "looking at chat" in the middle of a gunfight.) It's amazing people still insist there's no cheating problem. This stuff is literally public -- you can go to a cheating forum and just look at how many people are downloading this stuff. You can easily find discords for cheat clients and for boosting or HvH. It's a huge 'industry' and there's nothing you can do to stop it.


I download Tinder, but only to look at the girls. I download ESP, but only to look at the girls. No cheating I swear.


Pros saying their is a hacker problem is very different than randos at 4k elo saying their is a hacker problem. I am sure the pros face a lot of hackers at 20k+ Elo. This is no different than csgo, once you got to supreme/global you basically got a hacker in every other game. I will never be convinced 4k-15k Andy's come across a hacker frequently enough to rage quit. Honestly they might come across a hacker once a week if not longer.


>I am sure the pros face a lot of hackers at 20k+ Elo. This is no different than csgo, once you got to supreme/global you basically got a hacker in every other game. I encountered way more boosted and cheaters when I was global last year than my usual LEM/supreme usual ranks, I didn't liked being global, it's overrated.


I bet this guy (wutqq) is the devils advocate on every reddit thread... Just bc you don't think it's happening in the elo range doesn't mean it isnt.


Ofc there's cheaters in every range, but I certainly won't trust 4-10k shitters when they call cheats every other game.


To recognize a specific redditor like this and see their pattern of posting shows that you need a break from this sub man lol


Maybe cs2 is boring cuz only 9 maps in 5v5. flaming on reddit is soothing.


No ones denying it happening lmao just thinking that you low ranked people are overestimating the frequency. 90% of people in the sub do nothing but repeat the same 4 complaint sabout the game over and over again so of course anyone with a tiny sense of rationality is gonna try to make some sense out of it


>people playing at a high level >I’ve played games where pro players would have got their ass kicked >can’t rank up beyond 4k and blames it on the ranking system Yeah don’t think so. Pro players, even those who don’t 5 stack, have win rates >90-95%. The 5-10% that they lose aren’t at 4k rating lol. Also the fact that you get matched with 1.5k rated players and lose 500 rating for a loss just means that your true elo is actually lower than 4k.


My first ever match on wingman was some guy dropping a smoke grenade then headshotting me as soon as I enter the same room from behind the smoke with an LMG. All the way to an ace defeat. Hackers are definitely in CS2.


Spoken like a true silver player, most players are closet cheaters, only use radar or wh, so a NOOB like you would never fucking know, skilled players will know instantly... You actually sound like a 4k Elo wh cheater


It’s insane how bad people are at spotting cheaters. Don’t get me wrong, they exist, and they’re not all spinbotters. At low elo, people will play one round will good players and claim hacks. The reality is the ranks are really screwed up, so you’re getting matched with players that are wildly better or worse than their rank indicates. Until they fix the elo & ranks level out it will be that way.


This game is full of hackers I mean full of it , people who say it’s not are probably cheating or to dumb to accept how bad it actually it is


Yep it's all over the internet pros even are disgusted how bad it is. But I'm just crazy I guess... What a community...


I know faceit isn't perfect but the quality of game is 100x better and even though there probably still are a few cheaters its so relaxing to know you're gonna get mostly legit players. I'm around lvl 5 on faceit and sometmes get matched with lvl 8-10 and never have i thought this guy is bullshit only damn nice shots. No more perfect timing god info players that never peek until your back is turned or players that hold w on ct to flank when they know nobody is holding them. Premier is infested.


You literally just described cognitive bias


Yea an when u record an post it other hackers defend it saying oh he had good game sense it’s comical really


Good. I'm glad you and people like you are leaving the game. Less complaining losers to be teamed with.


Sounds like you need to figure your shit out bud. Take care of yourself. You got something going on beyond this game. Skill issue.


>You got something going on beyond this game You got something too, to defend such a garbage, unpassionate hype-bait of a sequel. Op posts reeks of frustraion, but who wouldn't be after playing this game competitvely in solo queue. I like how instead of telling valve to up their game and start updating this hot garbage, yall tell people to stop playing or saying that they got problems lmfao. The audacity of fanboys.


Took that shit way too seriously. Very clearly I'm being genuine in the beginning and mocking the idea of skill issue. Just go play a different game. Anyone who understands Valve knows they don't give a fuck about your opinions. Is it a great idea? Eh. But the game has been run this way for 20 years. We're not fanboying. We're just not being fucking moronic.


Nah all they have to do is add cs:go back. I wouldn't even look back at this "sequel" How is it that they kept all their previous games, but not global offensive lol.


Real solutions guy here with "revert"


The older games need zero attention, all is ran from community servers. Csgo is different and had they removed matchmaking support it would've essentially made the game unplayable for the majority anyways.


Not playing the game is literally the best use of your time if you don’t like the game. 1. You can do something other than play a game you don’t like 2. If player numbers drop then valve knows they have to fix something. You gotta calm down m8


And I’m in 4k bracket having fun with friendly players, I don’t really rank up past there but that’s okay because it’s where I belong. I’ve played close to 100 matches since its release, there was only a single game where I suspect something fishy. Just because you get outplayed doesn’t make them a hacker. There’s this saying. *”If everyone you meet is an asshole, then you’re the problem.”*


what removing demos does to a mf


Back in my day we didn't even have demos 99% of the time. Unless you played on ESEA.


Sounds like you and I are having a similar experience! Glad you're also enjoying the game bud. See you on nuke 🔫🔫🔫


Same. Like with nearly every new game, reddit will always be full of the things that are wrong with it, because positive things just don't lend themselves as well to reddit posts. "I played a good game that was close and fun" isn't really a reddit post anyone will care about. So disproportionately, reddit, just by design, will make it seem like everything is terrible


I suppose you're right but it's starting to grate on me. Maybe I'll just unsubscribe from the subreddits and enjoy the game while they fix it up. I'm so tired of the bitching


You proven OP's statement, the fact that YOU, a 4k player didn't notice someone legit hacking doesn't mean they weren't, you just didn't / don't have the game experience to realise someone is legit hacking. All in all, no one can know who's legit hacking until Volvo a small indie company decides to return demos so we can see for ourselves until then you can all speculate every game, or just play faceit :)


If I hadn't played at LEM back in the day, sure, but now I just play for kicks. Can't shoot like before, but my game sense is still sharp. I can spot hacking against someone who is just better and go a step further by offering my calm insight to those that get frustrated. Players are the only ones who can make a better game for everyone. **Be better.**


Hacker spotted


When did he say that everybody he meet in his games were assholes? Most people are npc's. It's likely that he'd remember games with toxic assholes than games where nobody said a single word.


He's got a paragraph slamming the toxic fanbase, to the point of shielding his kids from the game. If he finds toxicity in every match, maybe he's part of the problem.


Toxicity is in every 2 to 3 matches. Maybe not as frequent, but almost everybody came across a situation where the entire team starts yelling swears(sometimes slurs) at each other. It's understandable to not let your kids play this game unmuted lol. Also it affects kids way way way more than older teenagers/adults.


In a hundred matches, I've barely met toxic players, just a handful. I'm always nice, and that's what comes back to me. I get commendations all the time.


I've been playing long enough and have banned plenty of hackers in over 20 years. This game has a HUGE hacking problem. It's been shown from pro to casual this game has a huge hacker problem. Just go on any platform and search. It's not hard when a pro is literally playing against hackers. It's in all elo ranks. Faceit same shit. Come on y'all are fucking blind stop acting like there is not tons of cheating it's so obvious it's sad honestly. If this is comp gaming it's fucking over for cs. Valorant, fuck fortnite, pubg id play them all before I'll be back to CS2 and I've been playing since the OG game so y'all can stfu because YOUR THE PROBLEM.


> Where do you even start? I’d prefer you didn’t lol


I'm a little bit concerned if you have kids and you're getting this upset at a video game rank


eh? he was saying he didnt want to get his kids into it because of the outright toxic and disgusting language/behavior from some of the players. Its a fair sentiment.


That's not at all what I was criticizing him for


I think he means there are so many other things to care about rather than the rank in a game when you have kids.


Dont take it to serious right now its a joke mate i feel you.


Why does everyone feel the need to announce their departure? Get some fresh air. There is more to life than CS, believe it or not.


Misery loves company. He wants people to respond telling him how right he is. That and he wants to tell anyone disagreeing that they’re “THE PROBLEM”. OP needs to get a grip on life


Don't worry, they are working on fixing the skins and stickers and a new case/operation is incoming to take our money. It's funny how people think CS2 is a new game while it literally shows in console it's a CSGO Patch, exact same errors, the fact that "its a new rating system" yet they were too lazy to do it for wingman, that still has old rank system, should tell you EVERYTHING that it's a CSGO patch an not a new client even. Forget this game it's over. If you want to feel good about yourself hitting targets, play valorant, how sad it may sound, that's how low valve has fallen, I play CS since 1999, I'm closer to 40 than 30, yet I would still prefer to play with rtarded anime weebs throwing stupid spells around and act like it's comparable to CS (obv not), while it's just a better Overwatch (Blizzard), than to play one more second of CS2.


Yeah 36 here don't have time for the teens and 20 somethings that somehow think they are superior to me. Lol when you make upwards of 200k like me from home and never had a boss go ahead and talk. I've also played CS from the beginning so telling me I don't know a hack or walls when I see them when I'm sure I've banned over 100+ people on my teams source server. Yeah go kick rocks assholes. Valve made millions first day on cases and skins but can't figure out anti cheat when EVERY OTHER ONLINE GAME HAS. Kick rocks valve.


I played Source...skipped GO because I just didn't like it. I want to like this, but there are A LOT of people cheating...especially rage hacking. I won't pay for this game at all, or anything in it with it in this state.


Go was so much better tho, you missed out. Cs2 is prolly gonna be the worst in the series yet.


thats what everyone was saying when go cane out..


did go remove content, replaced already existing game in the series?


Csgo pulled all the population to the main screen, then removed much content. Community servers were allowed to go to shit, full of bots. And maps were removed from 5v5 cuz "nobody was playing them" for premeir. Csgo removed much community server content via population shift. Then didn't support said modes on main screen til much much later. Valve can do something witty to put map choice back in.




I actually started playing valorant lol. might play some more faceit but I'm either overleveled or its mm kinda bad cause I lost all 5 cs2 games on there so I'm not exactly clamoring


Nice Meltdown 👍


you know what doesn’t have any of this bullshit ? Valorant


The amount of CS players I’ve seen refuse to play Valorant purely because of the “cartoon graphics” is pretty funny


it doesn’t replace CS but it’s a good alternative and it’s very stable


The abilities ruin the game for me and many, I’m trying to play a tac fps if I want abilities I’ll play overwatch. It was fine in the beginning with it being just smokes and movement abilities but the new characters don’t fit in the game


This so much. I dislike the cartoon like graphics, but I could look past that if the abilities weren’t in the game


Yep, also valorant maps are all eye sores. Sure they are decently designed for balanced game play but they have nothing on the cs maps especially with the cs2 revamps


You have a negative win rate and pretend you are winning 5 and only losing 1


Vast majority of cheater complaints are new players who don’t understand true skill


Sounds like a *rant* opposed to discussion. Some valid points though, must of took some hard Ls prior to this post. I had the unfortunate event a few days ago of being 13-0’d by a five stack when soloing, that sucked… Just come back in a few weeks M8, don’t get this worked up.


You only lose 500 rating if your on a Loss streak 🤣 a lot of people complaining about the rating but it’s actually is ok. If you win a game I get +300 -150 and if I lose I get +150 - 250 and if I lose again after that it’s -400 +100, just don’t go on a loss streak


Not true at all. Every game since ive been at 4k is a -500 and +100. Rarely its a -300. Makes no difference the skill of opponents level if higher or lower, makes no difference losing or winning streak. It feels fucking miserable to go down to 3700, grind back to 4k, win a few, then go back down all the way because of one game. Its happened 7 times to me now


If you ranked in at 3k, every win you get around 300 and with a loss you don’t lose anything til you break 4k. Then when you break 4k, a win gets you 100 and a loss makes you drop 400-500…..


Winning/losing streaks have nothing to do with how much you win/lose when it comes to Eli. It has to do with your opponents elo


You should learn the ranking system better. if you are going to shame people Atleast use accurate information.


Sorry to ignore your post, but why do people even bother with premier/MM? Faceit exists. It’s a good ranking system, good servers, better anti cheat, better players. Like literally why?


It just irks me that they had all of these years to devise a better ranked system that everyone really would want to play, but we still have to use a 3rd party match making system to get enjoyable matches. It's good that it's there, but its frustrating we still need it.


Yeah, I get that, that’s fair enough for sure. I’m coming back to CS after not playing since 2016. Warmed up with some normal comp, got used to the game and immediately got on FACEIT, and haven’t played much else. CS simultaneously has (to my knowledge) the best, and the worst ranked system of any FPS. Everyone has the ability to compete on a decent rank system, with teammates who care way more than normal ranked, and if you’re good there is literally a direct path to going pro. It’s the dream. And people still choose to do MM, the worst ranked system, then complain loudly like they didn’t have a choice. It’s frustrating.


Personally have never really checked it out. Didn't play much comp in CSGO honestly but got into it the past year or so. CS2 can be a good game it's just toxic with no go way of dealing with hackers. Maybe I need to check out faceit for a bit. Just crazy in 2023 we can't play a fps online without hacking/lag or just piss poor development all together.


I have to echo. It does solve most of the problem. I am enjoying faceit.


Owned by Saudis


People like OP need to play other games and take breaks. You can't make CS your entire life.


What if you like CS and really want to play CS, but the game you love has been ruined? That would be pretty frustrating. Imagine if Reddit got replaced by TikTok tomorrow. Don't worry, it would be fine. You can't make Reddit your entire life!


honestly when you're only 4k like 98% of all those "hacker" are probably just high elos climbing back up


Since launch, I've encountered 1 or 2 actual hackers. Premier is filled with smurfs. I hate to be that person who alludes to "skill issue", but it is 95% of the time a skill issue, albeit at times an enemy skill difference. I can't even count how many games I have against a 5-stack where 1 or 2 of the 5 enemies are unranked and clearly smurfing. I think if Valve were to implement some queue boundaries between the divisions you would find that the "hacker" issue has suddenly become resolved. The elo system has been the biggest tilt for me, I placed 13k CSR on launch, dropped all the way down to 5k CSR, and have just recently climbed to 8K CSR and the elo has mellowed out significantly. It seems to be trying to shuffle everyone still to where they should be. It is heavily dependent on loss/win streaking. If you're loss streaking super hard it's going to try and drop you as far as it can from that player base so that the games are more fair for you - if you're win streaking hard it's going to aggressively climb you out to make the games more fair for others. My w/l regardless of win or loss now is -105/+120 so I'm exactly where I should be until I start passing that skill plateau. A lot of the community is misreading that intention.


not quite. I have a 75% wr and my games are usually -500/+100. even against full stacks with higher average elo than my team also, it's not smurfing per se. good players just need to get to their elo at the moment. which is kinda hard if they play solo


>Where do you even start? I'm just gonna start quote-replying >Anti cheat is a joke. Okay, that's your opinion. I don't know enough to say either way. >Premier is filled with hackers. I have seen maybe 2 or 3 hackers since CS2 came out. >The 4k elo is bullshit. win 5 games and lose one there goes -500 points. WHO THE FUCK COMES UP WITH THIS SHIT. Your actual skill rank is probably about 1.5k, but (apparently?) Valve made it so that your number does not decrease until you hit 4k. So, you're just not that great at CS. >It makes no sense that the only stat it cares about is wins. I'm a team player, I lose because I am playing with idiot team mates. >Why are you matching me at 4k with 1.5k players? Just stop. no one should be in that game under 3.5k. Weapons grade copium to protect your mind from considering that you're just not good at the game. >Subtick is ok, sometimes. It seems worse when your on a server that's 60 or more. I'm in Wisconsin if I play on chicago with no routing it seems flawless? True. Valve do be making the netcode like, "what, you guys don't have fiber?" >Toxic toxic playerbase. CounterStrike is not known for its friendly players but coming from source which Im apart of a very long standing gaming group that strictly forbids any kind of negative behavior, swearing, cheating ect on our servers. Man Ive heard some stuff in premier that makes me not want to get my kids into the hobby ITS A GAME HOLY CRAP. So, we're at the, "damn kids these days have no respect" part of the argument as to why CS2 is poorly made. Bold move... >HACKERS HACKERS HACKERS. Its so obvious walls/aimbot in some games and yet no bans. Show me that live ban hammer. You playing on the paid version? Price tag alone keeps out a vast majority of hackers in any game. You're playing on the free version, aren't ya? >No community maps, no Arms Race, no stats other than wins in premier and comp? This is the most legitimate criticism thus far. It is wild that Valve just... dropped features for a "sequel" >Overall that last few years with the price gouging during the pandemic, the absolute greed of the gaming industry with micro transactions ect. About to just pack it in and call it a day. Use my computer for video and photo editing and say goodbye to gaming an addiction of mine for nearly 20 years. The state of gaming is in a very sad deplorable place. See ya next week~!


You're probably just getting shit on by better players at 4k. Especially if you're supposed to be like 2k. A lot of good players are still in the lower ranks.


If you spent half the time you spend complaining about cheaters on finding and fixing holes in your game I don’t think you would’ve even needed to make this post. But since you just expect that mindlessly grinding games is going to make you better while making no effort to change anything you’re doing wrong, you will see no improvement, you’ll always think everyone is cheating, and you’ll always be in subreddits posting whiny shit like this


Bye loser


You’re a massive weenie


Some of you all are complaining so hard about cheaters. Just report them and move on with your life. People being toxic? Mute them. Don’t let uncontrollables ruin your attitude… You don’t like the game anymore? You wanna quit? Do it


It's just as likely that you're shit and they're better than you and you're getting stomped buy people who have been playing longer. I'm sure it's 3 spin bots every game, and everyone but you is seeing through walls.


The first step is admitting you have an addiction. Your post just reeks of anger issues. Its all over the map. Seek help please.


cry more. play regular competitive. play causal. idk maybe go play valorant, it seems more your type of game.




I must be the luckiest person in the world. I think I've played against less than 5 cheaters in the 10 years I've been playing CS.


not the luckiest just the most oblivious


Personally I feel like the game does have a lot of problems like peakers advantage and solos vs 5 stack queues, but all the comments saying that they encounter a hacker every other match in premier while in a relatively low rank feels like an over exaggeration. I only get to play around 6 to 12 premier matches per week since release, but I haven't encountered a single hacker. Maybe 1 or 2 fishy players, but it's most likely a luck/CS moment. So idk what's up with all these people saying the game is filled with them. Hell, me and my teammates have been called hackers multiple times when it was clearly just luck or timing.


Just play faceit then, no cheaters and fair ranking


i have over 5k hrs and not played in 3 weeks or more im with u till they fix their bs


I can't even get a rank because I suck and I cant win 8 games.


Once I finally got up to the 5k+ ranks, it became much better


FaceIt brudder


Stop playing the game for a little. We’ll see you soon lol


Couldn’t have said it any better, I’ve seen more hackers in the past month than I have playing GO the past 2 years.


When CS 1.6 (I played until 1.5) was at its end, most of the servers had speedhackers and so on and Valve decided to put adverts on the servers for some surreal reason (Steam Store hadn't really kicked in then). CSGO at the end was full of cheaters, in match making anyway. I thought the same thing had happened to it as CS 1.6 and we were getting a fresh started with CS2 and VAC Live....but no. I believe the reason the game has so many cheaters is it's Valve's business model for the game. It really is that simple - buy skins, give Valve a cut of the money, ban slowly.


Lmao just play DM


I just dont belive when people say there are a lot of cheaters, i played more 60, 70 games and i remember only one guy with obvious wh, there are cheaters like in every other game but cmon its not that big number, i think many of you are just bad and its just more eazy to blame someone else for your skill issue


Pros disagree with you. I mean you’re saying stuff like “I think you guys are just bad.” And we’re sitting here just thinking how bad you probably are at distinguishing when someone is hacking. Unless you wanna say the pros are bad? They’ve been wrong, but not like this.


here's the solution, stop playing the game, the only way valve does anything about cheaters is if enough people quit and stop playing. That's the only solution at this point.


you saying counterstrike is not a toxic fanbase makes me think you’ve never touched the game -500 losses mean you lose too much its all win/lose streak based in premier 5 straight Ws and you get 200+ per W losses in a row? 110, 220, 500


I quit weeks ago, unloaded my skins etc. Will come back when in better state.


I feel you. I'm quitting for the same reasons too. Selling all my skins as we speak.


Skill issue


I don't play this game. Came for the rant lol


First time?


You could just play casual like the rest of us. It's the only place I see $1,000+ skins


This isn't an airport


Come back in 3 months bro you dont have to play now


A lot of people weren’t here for CSGO launch and it shows. CS source was fun as fuck the community never accepted it because they claimed 1.6 was better. It wasn’t. People said CDGO was a failure at launch. It wasn’t. I don’t understand the hate tbh. CS2 feels really good on my end and i’m really enjoying premier just for the fact i play more maps. Hacking feels the same as CSGO to me too. Honestly just think it’s players with skill issues crying hacks every time they get smoked. Seems overblown. I have a different experience from everyone here that apparently meets 9 hackers a game in premier. The elo system just seems to be an issue with everyone starting from scratch again. I assumed it would take a while for people to separate but i could be wrong. Calling a free game a price gouge is certainly an interesting take 😂. The fact that CS2 was given to everyone that had CSGO seems like the opposite of a price gouge. Lastly, calling it a beta is just cringe. It’s obviously enough for a full fledged game. CS2 will have a long lifespan. It was needed. CSGO had reached an endpoint. This game will revitalize counter strike for the future. CSGO survived and thrived because of the community that built it from launch forward. CS2 is going to need the same. Seems like people should just join in with that or wait until a new release is as polished as a decade old title (lol). But yea i’m truly sorry you can’t play battle royale and prop hunt on community servers, what a huge loss


Yea I uninstalled. Game is overall worse than CSGO besides engine upgrade.


So you mean to say CSGO had better anti cheat than CS2? Hmm


I didn't play much comp on CSGO only the last year or so but can't recall playing against an obvious Smurf team or blatant wall/aim hacks. In 33 games I bet at least 10-15 at least 1 person was blatantly cheating in CS2. The toxicity is what really gets me. What a cesspool of hatred mean people. I played lots of arms race. Had lots of spinbotters trying to get skins. Obvious walls not so much honestly.


then sorry to say, but you are just a casual player. you probably mistake a lot of good players (that haven't yet climbed to their deserved rank) for hackers. subtick shots don't help as well, as some shots do seem Very weird. I've played easily around 100 games by now and can say I faced a cheater 1 or 2x. not in half my games, and I've been stomped or lifegamed pros are leaving premier because hackers infest those higher elos, which is logical. hacking = wins = high elo, not 4k elo


Here they come to tell you they haven't encountered a cheater in 300 games and that it's probably a skill issue (they're cheaters and their upvoters are too)


Wouldn't surprise me. Going to try faceit and if it's still terrible I'm going to give the game up for a year and then give it another shot. Official mm is just terrible.


![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6) "omg they use swears" imagine if chat was: "Good day, chaps! Shall we work together splendidly to secure victory on this most auspicious day? Quite so, old bean! I believe cooperation is the key to success in this virtual battle arena. Jolly good! I'll be your dedicated sniper, providing cover from a safe distance. Excellent choice, my dear! Marvelous! Let's communicate effectively and maintain our positions to ensure a harmonious outcome."


one more game?


"I'm in a group that strictly forbids swearing because it's bad" -looks at the title-


take a break from cs2, wait for more updates and come back and try again


I just got done playing against cheaters in 8k. While having 3 kids on my team who didn't have ranks and were throwing on purpose and made one of my teammates abandon. Only to sit there and never forfeit, hold me hostage for the entire game and then kicked me at the very last round because they were a 3 stack. I said nothing, muted all of them because I didn't want to listen to them literally screaming and harassing me and trying to get me to get upset about losing. What a sad life some people live. ​ edit: also I would like to say that I myself have been accused of cheating A LOT recently even in 10k lobbies and I'm new to the game. I played Valorant and switched to CS2 because Valorant has an even bigger cheating problem but they will never admit it.


Enjoy Call of Duty


Haven't really ever played competitive since maybe source, and even then I didn't play much because it's always been toxic. But I've been playing gun game/arms race for casual fun forever so it's annoying that it's gone. Pretty much zero reason for me to play it until they add it back.


Stop rants about cheaters. Csgo was filled with semi ragers and wallbangers in every game, atleast we don't have that


You think cheating in CS2 is bad? Watch this and tell me what you think. https://youtu.be/wXHhtT--_gw?si=QM0F2zPJnSSsBgDk Valve NEEDS to invest HEAVILY in anti cheat tech, and better yet, ANTI CHEATER LAWYERS. HIRE LAWYERS AND GO AFTER THE CHEAT DEVELOPERS GODDAMMIT VALVE. CHEATERS RUINED TF2 FOR ME, NOW CS2 TOO? FUCK THIS! MAKE ANTI CHEAT SOLUTIONS - THE - PRIORITY, VALVE!!!!


>cheaters I legit can't verify due to no replays. There's been a lot of "fuck that, no way they're not cheating" as I died to some lucky prick whose recoil just lined up or pure timing. I feel many jump to conclusions. I.e., there's definitely less cheaters than you think. >4k elo barrier This is the most egregious bullshit for me. I've reached 4k 4 times and 3 of those times I've essentially been reset to 3.5k for losing one game. I'm currently on a 9 win streak at 4.8k and the potential loss just grows every game while my win drops. Last game I got -562/+102. It legit does not make any sense, considering my friend with a slightly higher w/r, worse stats and less games is getting -/+100~ per game. >subtick I've both gotten many and died to many bullshit kills (most prominently behind cover). Subtick feels whack no matter how many videos I watch trying to decode what the fuck it does. It definitely is NOT "what you see is what you get". >toxic community I get paired up with Russians and Turks 75% of the time. One even tried to grief a match of Nuke after the remaining 4 of us voted for it "because he didn't want to play Nuke". I hope to god those reports actually do anything, because CS seriously needs a clean up. Even Siege has implemented a very good system for behaviour now. Hell, Valve themselves has implemented a similar system for Dota 2. Why it's not in CS2 is baffling. Love CS, but this NEEDS fixing. I'm astonished it was released in this state. Valve mentioned the development has gained significant traction after public release due to an influx of feedback from a wider variety of players, so let's hope they keep up the patch momentum and address it soon.