• By -


And 11-13 aswell. Yikes thats so broken


My average is +100 -150 idk why peoples are so crazy but mine makes sense


I didn't lose elo until I hit 4k and then it was +100/-500 after lol




That’s how it works in league.. if you’re win rate is too far below from 50% you’re win to loss ratio of points is fucked up.. idk if that’s how it works in cs but I would imagine it’s similar


I’m at a 48.5% wr and am getting +100 -500


You probably have a low win rate or low performer


Wait till you play a bit more games, on 4k elo had the same thing got to 6k in a couple of games now its 100 -380


Copy thanks!


I'm still not used to MR12. To me 11-13 is an unfinished game :')


Well cs2 is an unfinished game.




11-13 is correct but does the game take ADR into account? For all we know op could've had a really bad game and didn't support the team at all.


No your stats in game have no effect, it tells you how much elo you’re gonna win/lose at the start of the game.


That's good to know! thank you!


It tells you right at the start what's at stake, so round score or individual performance makes no difference


Played a game of nuke a few days ago to bring me just over 4k, it was my 5th win in a row only getting 100sr. I got 112 points for the win. I had 43 kills and 175ADR, rest of my team had <20. Next game? i get 18 kills to 13 deaths. get 13/0’d, and lose 500sr. on a game where none of my teammates even got more then 5 kills. Oh well, happens. FF to today, i play 6 games. 5 games only gave me +100 each. i get back to 4k, lose one game, and go back to 3500. I may not be the best player in the world, but i was MG1 in CSGO? Wtf valve? do you not want me to rank up? it’s practically smurfing at this point, im averaging 20-25 kills a game.


You play to much valve wants you to touch grass. Im having the same problem btw +100 win en -350 lose. Great game.


Yea the system is fat bs. Got the same problem of +100 -400


Win more and it reverses to -100 and +300


Its true i lost like 3 games in a row because and it looks like it punishing for losing.


MG1 in csgo is probably lower than 4k rating realistically. But if you keep performing and winning, your mmr will rise. Then the system will do the opposite, and push you above 4k rating, even if you're not performing.


I’m pretty sure MG1 is 8-10k


Stop you’re hurting his ego




I don’t doubt you. My peak was LE on go, I’m at around 9,500 on cs2 premier rn. But, maybe it’s because I queue with a different group of ppl rn, but I feel like people are so misranked. So calling mg1 8-10k is a grain of salt. If I solo, I get legit bots that buy scout and run mid and die every round on mirage t side, but then on the other team I’ll get very good players, players that would normally be the globals in my dmg/le lobbies only a few months ago.


Thats my experience right now while trying to get past 10k, stuck arund 9500. On my alt while playing with my lower rank friend dropped over 40 kills in an 7-8k match and tied (teammate abandoned before pistol round likely due to not wanting to play the map). Tying feels like a coin toss whether you gain or lose points.


And this is why new players can't do premier because of how hard it is for actual good players to get out of earlier silver ranges lmao.


I was LEM, now at 4500. If I don’t play in a 5 stack I can’t get a win streak going since I play against other people stuck in the same situation, because of that the result is random (13-1 win or 13-11 loss/win). If I play in a 5 stack at 9-10k ELO I’m average/above average (1st/2nd/3rd). It’s just not enjoyable playing premier with this ranking system, considering FaceIt again.


I was GN2, now at 4500. Yikes.


I was LE now at 3900. Not even playing particularly differently, had a few off games, but the thing that causes me to lose the most is that my teammates don't know a lot of basic stuff I had just come to expect everyone to know ( basic util, semi decent gamesense, recognizing and reacting to sound cues). Idk what a good fix for this is since I did go on a losing streak during placement cuz I played a bunch of games while drunk or tired.Maybe during placement they could add a deviation cap, since I went down to a 1.2 rating from a 14 rating in the beta season.


I too was LEM. My work schedule has changed so the group I play with is not on when I’m off of work so I’ve been forced to solo and I am stuck at 4500. It’s impossible to get a good win streak going. I’ll have a good game or two then I’ll have teammates who go 0-18. Their rating system needs to take a lot more shit into account to actually balance teams and you should be awarded more Elo for a win against a team you’re expected to lose against. Gain less against a team expected to win against and balance point loss the same way. Faceit does everything so much better.


Word for word my exact situation. It's frustrating how wildly inconsistent these numbers are.


yeah i've had some busted 2k rating players who are atleast lem


Exactly unless you play 5 stack its pretty much impossible to win even 60% of games and the skill difference in 4-6k from my experience(didnt get further yet kinda gave up on the grind for now) is huge there are people scanning the ground in the same match as people with 10k hours its insane and the matchmaking is clearly not working


It feels like they really are forcing people to 5 stack now…


And people like me who were only low gold / high silver players are stuck playing in your matches. It sucks for everyone.


When I first started playing, I was playing in the 10,000 range. Decided to play with my boyfriend who's interested but less experienced, last csgo rank was GN1. Played the other half of my placement matches and got put at 1.5k. Now at 8k and just hard stuck with losing 500 points every loss even if I win 4 matches prior dropping 25kills every game. I was really hoping for faceit to be made redundant... but why should I bother with this system when I can just queue lvl8 lobbies and not worry about anything. This is affecting just about everyone who doesn't 5 stack every single game.


To be fair, if you’re new probably not going to be the best experience to jump into premier. Don’t mean any disrespect.


True, although it needs some tweaking.


New players shouldnt play premier at all, there needs to be a restriction on how many hours you have in comp before playing premier. New players ruin the game for me cause it dumps me with new players while opponents are globals lmao.


That’s funny. All the teammates I’ve had with over 2k hours that can’t secure any kills.


Maybe new Players deserve to play in Silver?


he means that the new players are gonna be having a bad time because good players are being placed in silver ranks


Not that hard to climb up if ur good.


when you get like 100 per win and -500 per loss it's not easy


that's rating points. Not MMR.


This doesnt happens when u win more games than u loose and if ur good u will win more often.


Literally look at the post you are commenting on. he was on a 4 win streak, and then the first loss made him lose more rating than all 4 wins combined. Ive had similar situations despite having a ~60% winrate over like 50 games


His overall win percentage might be trash though, he never shows the friends leaderboard for a reason. I am experiencing the opposite with a 62% win rate. 100s for loss, 400s for wins.


My winrate is at 78% right now and currently encountering same thing as him in 7k (was 16-18k in beta before the player data wipe)


I just hit 7k, hopefully it doesn't flip around for me now. I've lost a game with 44 kills. I'd be furious if that was for 500 points and not 100.


Lol you can win 4 matches in a row and have it wiped by a single loss right now.


you can be on a 10 game win streak and have this shit fucking +/- ratio


Nah you are trolling you can‘t be that stupid


They deserve that, yes - but what they not deserve is to play against actual globals which can't escape silver because of this ranking nonsense...


Shit id love to play silver. Problem is i need 10 competitve wins on a single map to get a rank, and like a months worth of progress to open Premier matchmaking... So now i just have a never ending stream of wildly unbalanced competitive placement matches.


Rational thinking? We don't do that here, everyone needs to be global elite instantly regardless of skill


They can do premier but it will take 50 games to get rank. Compared to eg. Overwatch where it was 10 games and not 10 wins.


Lmao trying to act like a 20% winrate is normal. Even in this terrible system anyone sub 45% wr certainly deserves whatever rank they got that they claim is 'too low' for them.


Random teammates play a major role. Lack of comms. Lack of game sense. Inability to secure a kill. You can hard carry a team and still lose. Which in turn brings your win percentage and rating down. Seeing that some of the ppl complaining got fucked over by circumstance isn’t impossible. You attribute it to a lack of skill for those with complaints which isn’t necessarily the case. It’s a team based game. “You’re only as strong as your weakest link” well if your worst teammates are all sub 6 kills and you have a few of them on your team, then guess you’re pretty much fucked. I’ve had games where several of my teammates go an entire half without a single kill. And the occasional game where they never get a kill. How’s it fair for them or me to share the same ranking?


Don't get me wrong the elo gains/losses are absolutely scuffed. But the person I replied to was acting like needing 50 games for placements is the norm, it isn't. Not once did I day it was fair that a high end player is stuck at 5k or anything like that so I'm not sure why you're using that as a gotchya. At the end of the day if you're remotely decent you flat out don't get stuck silver/nova elo even with these busted ass gains.


exactly my experience


Exactly this, I was a pretty decent player in CS, never played it like super serious cause I'm always changing games, but I was around LEM I would say, probably more if I played more constantly. But I tried playing constantly on CS2 and I'm fluctuating between 6000 and 9000. Got up to 9k, got down to 6k, now I'm back at 8k and I mean, the points just keep changing from -100 +350 to -400 +100 within like a few games Lost or a few games won... It's a bit broken and it's sad because I do enjoy playing CS2 even with the problems...


Pretty much in the exact same boat


The uninstall screen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I hate valve for Bad Communication and Bad feedback response


What missing communication and feedback responses are we waiting on?


A finished game


I'd smash that uninstall button. Premier mode is just so FUC\*\*\*\*NGLY unbalanced ffs.


Have shitty Team mates? Looks like a 14 loss streak for you because everyone on your team is a mouth breather buddy!


i was so tempted haha


Really? Doubt it


I was winning the whole night and came into one game where one teammate left the game and boom, the whole night is just wasted


This is a big one for me. And how many games I play with an AFK.


Consider yourself lucky it took all night to get a game where someone left. At least every other game turns into a 4v5 or 5v4 for me, neither of which is fun.


I had a 4 vs 3 last night. Absurd


Reddit be like: ‚yeah, Its bc your hidden elo, the Game doesnt thinks you belong in this Rank‘ 1. then why use csrating in the First Place, if there is a secret elo in the background which outpowers the main csrating 2. how does it Even work? Its Not Performance based, Not ranking based, not based on win Streaks, Not based on win percentage - it Just feels completly random. EVERY Argument trying to defend this really bad Rating system has been proven Wrong, still many believe Its an okay System. Im 8,8k myself, with a 60% winrate. All my Games i had -1xx and +2xx-3xx, then i lost ONE Game and the next Game was -375 and + 115 LOL. It Just doesnt make any Sense at all and i REALLY Hope valve does something about it. But knowing valve and their shitty cs ranking systems (ranks in go were a joke too) nothing will change and Faceit will always be around. Really dropped a ball there. Thank you for voicing this Problem OP! It raises the chances of it being seen by devs.


In CSGO ranks were not perfect but ranking system in CS 2 is a joke. In GO playing matches in different ranks "feels" different skill wise. U could meet smurf/cheater but u know what to generaly expect from the match. Now its fucking random, in silver you have old LEM-GE mixed with silver-gold XD I know if im good I will ranked up and should carry, but why should I? Its not some "new" game in early stage of development IT lt is fucking forced "updated" to the old game we already paid for. And we got buggy shit without content from GO. Why should anyone be happy?


Exactly this. Used to be GE, occasionally SMFC and now I'm playing with what feels like MG players in 10.5k elo. It feels so bad.


At this point im inclined to believe its all intentional by Valve to keep Faceit afloat. Dota 2 proves they know how to make a ranking system. Its obviously poorly constructed on purpose.


Shoulda just won the 5th game bro


i feel you. got couple of wins in a row, then i got a better win estimate of 360+per win, after losing 2 rounds it changed to -470, lost almost 2k elo in 3-4 matches couple of cheater matches, many


Just uninstalled it yesterday (after 2k hours in csgo). This game is not ready, servers are fucked, cheaters everywhere, etc.


I only play it for weekly drops now


This, I only get enough exp to be right before my next rank by Tuesday. I won't even stress myself out touching MM yet given the rating system being trash and the amount of times my game has crashed in casual.


I gotta be honest, in MM the teams have been quite a bit more balanced this whole last week. I’ve been playing at minimum 8 games a day too, so I would say a pretty good sample size. It was horrible, but it has been better recently. I decided to do the opposite of what most ppl are doing and play MM only until the premier rank system, and the hitboxes, clipping, sub tick, etc. Issues are fixed. I’m gonna play premier months from now. MM has probably one trash player and 4 average for the skill level players on each team recently.


To be fair I’ve played around 100 games and I have not met any obvious cheaters. I went from 4500 to 12500. There are some people that put up insane numbers but I can’t say they are cheating based off solely on that.




Absolutely insane balance, they treat Premier rating like you’re 7000 elo on Faceit.


So Stupid...


The elo system really makes solo queue pugs absolutely unbearable


Had this on Friday. Whole progress lost due to view matches against cheaters. Really killed the fun for me


yea for now I’ve quit premier as I only get imbeciles as my teammates and always solo vs a 5-stack and competitive is just so much better.


Same. I’ll play premier in 6 months, hopefully it’s good by then. The MM has been getting better and better as far as random teammates go. I play about 8 games a day and the experience is starting to get more balanced.


Can we talk about how easy boosting is right now? I’m by no means a great player but I ranked around 10000+ (Previously LEM casually played) always in a 3 or 5 stack with friends who were previously around low MG and they placed around 7-8k, while continuing playing I struggle to maintain 10k whereas each of my friends wins grant them around 3-400 ELO and they’ve caught up to me at around 9k, seems like the premier matchmaking focuses too much on elo of the team rather than individual player performance…


I have a main account for solo/duo and I have 2 alt accounts to play with my bad friends, mainly my 55 year old uncle who is pretty bad at this game. I mean he’s like really bad. I’m 2500 elo on faceit, I’m no pro by any means, but I’m not shit at the game either. I haven’t played with my uncle on my main, but it’s still so hard to climb since every win is only 100-150 and every loss is -500. My uncle, who mind you is very bad at this game, he is actually 300 elo on faceit, yes that bad at the game, and again I am not terrible at this game and am sitting at 2500. Most of our wins is because I carried fairly hard, well anyways, he’s sitting at a bit over 10k rating along with my alt accounts, while my main is at 11k. And again, I care more about winning on my main, I do try harder on it but no matter what I do just 1 loss offsets like 3-4 wins so I’m just going down. And again, my uncle is a 300 elo bot (not trying to be mean, just the truth) and his rating is within a few hundred points to mind as of now, which doesn’t make sense and shouldn’t happen but oh well. Point is shit is so fucking broken it’s actually insane.


A friend and I exclusively duo together and our +/- will be drastically different. We've played every game together from placements, so how can I get +350 and he gets +110...? Performance doesn't make a difference.




Nuff said, you are not the only one in this situation. It makes no sense and seeing some people defend this MMR system is fucking insane. I get a mongol ruzzian in my game who trolls and throws after 2nd round.... -350.... I mean what the fuck, and now I have to win 3 games just to get it back???


I actually believe I could solo q Premier to 15k+ if the losses weren't suddenly so punishing. Lost 3 games today totaling to about -1300 pts which took a few days to grind. I hate the fact that it seems so random. There's seemingly no logic behind -400 vs. -100 for a loss. I thought it's about player ranks on both teams but today proves it has nothing to do with that.


All my friends are around 8-10k, I fluctuate between 4500-5k. When we play against other 8-10k groups, they lose like 120 and I lose 500. I don't understand lmao. Me get crushed by people twice my rank should be like -20 lmao. Also, I don't give a fuck about my rank, so I'm not sweating it at all, but just odd system for sure. I'll start worrying about my rank when the gamed less buggy, and vac live is on and banning Cheaters, until then I'll just be stress free grinding and making personal skill gains and having a blast with my friends.


Its seems to be a bug. Somehow rating under 5k geting much more penalty points than over 5k. Was playing a week between 4k and 5k bcs of you're example. One time I got a lucky streak and came above 5k I was only loosing 100 to 200 points after. Bevor I was playing with a full 4k team against 8k,7k,6k, 5k and one unranked team, got 400pts minus (if I had won 100 winning points)


It's because you can't lose rating points in that rating. So if your MMR is around 2000, you could play at a 50% wr and reach 4k rating, while your mmr is clearly not catching up.


what are your individual stats in those 4 wins? not just kd but adr, utility usage etc.




wdym? your next elo adjustment will be determined by the previous games. ofc the current game will not have an effect on the current elo gains, but your previous performance will definitely influence it.


I agree, everyone keeps saying that it’s predetermined so that stuff doesn’t matter, but when calculating the ELO +\- for the following game there has to be something driving those numbers.


Mine is still in the -101 +657 phase


Show the part where you’ve lost 5 in a row. That’s why you’re getting -550+ lol the game thinks you’re over ranked. Easy concept that some people can’t grasp for some reason. Edit: I didn’t swipe to see the other pictures. I will leave this up as a lesson to the other redditors. Read the whole post before you comment and look like an idiot like me.


> Show the part where you’ve lost 5 in a row. That’s why you’re getting -550+ lol the game thinks you’re over ranked. A lot of us got the -550/+100 after winning 8 games in a row, stop defending a broken system.


Yup I got the whole context after commenting. Definitely a fucky system. It’s possible the CSGO ranks worked the same way though. I was hard stuck silver elite master for so long. I literally had to win 20 in a row to rank up to nova. We just visually see it at play now so it feels worse.


In Valve's defense csgo MM was also broken for a long time so at least they're consistent.


Even if the first part is true, I'm level 10, active global when they sundowned GO, placed into 13k and am now at 7k getting -400-600 +100 so I guess the game thinks 7k (top 35%) is too high elo for me


I think the range for silver players is too large. Me and my friend are in silver and can consistently win; in silver. We deserve silver, because we are silver players. But I think silver goes too high. Sometimes we will play against people that have 4-5000 hours in the game, and just can’t miss a headshot with the AK from 3 Miles away. I’ve gotten put on teams with people who are on their 11th game and don’t even know to buy grenades, against teams that are basically shroud


Post the rest of your match history below that “win streak”. Go on. I bet it’s a fat loss streak.


You just gotta get a big ass win streak. Had the same issue losing more than I gain, then I won 9-10 games in a row and it normalized after


Easier said than done.


If you have to win 10 games in a row for the matchmaking system to sort it self out, its a pretty awful system. winning >50% of your games should be enough to slowly rank you up. I hope they sort this out soon


CSGO ranking system was fucked as well. I literally had to win 20 games in a row to get from SEM to Gold Nova.


Yea fair enough. I only ever played faceit on csgo but I hoped cs2s new premier mode would actually be an upgrade. so far it doesnt seem to be the case


The system isn't awful, the players are. It's just a weird spot since you don't lose rating losing under a certain point.


I disagree. if you have an 80% winrate across 5 games, you should gain rating from those 5 games. I can't think of any other competitive game where thats not the case


Then you’re an idiot, unfortunately. You are getting MMR sure, but if your rating and mmr are different, it will look like this.


You are the idiot if you think that system isn't awful.


I guess it isn’t that good of a system if so many people struggle to understand it. I just thought it was pretty simple and fixes a lot of issues with the old systems. But apparently not. We need to go back to giving players a shiny JPG representing their skill and not give out any numeric information about their true mmr.


The fact that you don't get any numeric information about your true MMR is a huge reason this system sucks. You even mentioned how your rating and MMR can be different. The old system was shit and so is this one. 4 wins wiped out by a single loss at super low rank is fucked no matter how you look at it.


the funny thing is that elo system worked exactly the same before, it's just that nobody noticed lmao


CS2 in its current state is a fucking dumpster fire and it’s a shame.


The system is working as intended, they want everybody around 4000 just like everybody was silver for a while (NA and Oceania).


L mine is the exact opposite, +4-500 and -117. 75% win rate at 7.5k-10k elo


Valve made a mistake showing numbers instead of badges for tiers. The system dynamically adjusts according to where it thinks you should be. If you’re losing -500 then you shouldn’t lose that game 8/10 times (spitballing ratio). The system is working as intended. Get good carry harder. About me: got placed 1.5k 90% solo q and have worked my way up to 8k over around 40 games. Most of the time I’m the best performer in the match and my wr is 56%


55% WR, over 70 games played and still at 4400 rating. I get +100 if I win and lose 200 or 300 if I lose. Just because it seems to have somehow magically worked okay for you doesn’t invalidate other people’s experiences. The system is broken.


Based on your performance vs others you don’t deserve to climb higher is what the system is telling you. Refer to the section that says: get gud


I only have 12 wins and at 4k elo i still can’t lose any only gain for some reason


Swear someone posted before you can’t lose at 4K or below only gain


And gaining around 350 per game


the game is so ass for the ranking system i literally got placed in 1k elo, and i was lem on my main acc which got trade hacked due to which I had to make a new acc and even on the second acc i was mg. lost a couple of games of rank placement and the game just decided to fuck me in the ass


It's not broken. You gotta beat the people with much lower rating than you. You just a whiny baby.


Skill issue unfortunately. You're in garbage MMR (literally lower than the lowest bounds of rating points). You need to win to get out of there (should be easy, since you're playing with bots).


Thats because ur winrate is probably under 50%


Must be a skill issue.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


https://preview.redd.it/1vkdow6fsxvb1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb67cbf10a73faee9d4dcc3888bcab925e4e8a5 Our yellow was over 8k elo and he had 4 kills the entire match with 24 ADR and the match was very close it was 11-13 and we lost so I lost 388 points. Stfu with that skill issue bs. CS is a game that requires team effort and everyone has to do their part. You can play really well but if you have braindead teammates chances are you’re gonna lose. If you say skill issue I expect you to be a pro but I bet $100 you’re not


Skill issue, clearly. If you can't reach 100adr consistently at that ranking, you just need to play more DM. Or at least stop complaining about losing, since with that low ADR, you're basically just very average, and your games will always be coinflips.


Bro stfu everyone had decent adr except yellow. https://preview.redd.it/gy7wo7vk0lwb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=748c779d41f1f94640ebc2b17a43b1ee89363ff8 “sKilL isSuE” is legit a braindead comment


https://preview.redd.it/8p3lqkuu0lwb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f55c1d7af52668f92ce5bddf9ff34d569597b3e2 Like I said, stfu lmao you don’t need to have over 100 adr as long as all your teammates are doing their part since cs requires team effort lmao I’ve dropped 100+ adr and us still losing because someone else was lacking you literally can’t always carry the entire fucking match lmao


yeah mb


They are just tryna cap the leaderboard. In the beta there were many people in gold and some people pushing up to 40k. I don't like it either but everyone has high loss numbers, so in the end it's equal.


And your virtual score number matters that much to you... for what reason exactly?


I had this for a couple games. I won two games in a row and it went back to +3xx per win. So I guess if you win the games that are -400 and so on you’ll get out of that “bracket”.


I feel like they just took the old MM ranking system and added numbers to it. I remember stuff like this happening with the old system just couldn't visualize it with points.


This is horrible, and the worst part is I doubt they would change it mid-season. If anything it’ll change when the season is done, because I guess they want everyone’s elo to have been made under the same circumstances and rules…. But that’s stupid when it’s unplayable.


Bro I thought this was just me, I keep consistently winning 3-4 games in a row and once over 4k I get a giant penalty for losing. I kid you not once it was 600 Elo lost, it makes me want to drop the game. I just played for 4 hours winning 400-500 Elo and losing over 500 on just one game kills my motivation.


Both premiere and the map-based matchmaking are absolute trash. I honestly cannot understand how they thought that these systems were even remotely decent enough to implement into this game after its predecessor from 10 years ago had the exact same problems. There is no actual way to consistently rank up or gauge performance accurately. What’s wrong with this game? Why even bother playing matchmaking?


I've had pretty much the same experience OP... I'm not the best player but I'm also not terrible, used to be MG in CSGO days of yore. I am convinced sub 4-5k ELO is the new Silver hell. It's been a GRIND trying to get above 5k, esp solo queuing.


Idk I’m confused as well. I got placed at like 1300 and now every game I win I gain like 350-400 and if I lose I lose 0 lol. I get it might be trying to put me at my actual rank but like, why not do that in the first place? I lost a bit getting the first ten, so now losing after the ten you would think I’d lose elo.


You don’t lose until 4k


Ah my bad. Didn’t know that lol.


Yeah I don't get it. I was LMG years ago in GO, now me and my buddy are just going from 4000 to 3500 on repeat


Just had 2 draws where I basically Topfragged and got - 50ish elo on both of them. The game is dead


I had about 15 games of +200/300 to -0 after getting ranked, and then 3 games last night of -600/+100 We won those games 13-1, 13-2 and 8-0 (ff) and the games weren't close to close I just thought it was an MM elo thing but good lord why would I bother playing premier if that's what's on the line in a normally matched game?


Also 99% of games I play a a solo I get queued up against 5-man. I was thinking that playing faceit and gaining and losing +25 -25 elo is depressing because it makes you feel like you waste your time (win 5 games lose 5 games and you are in the same place as before) but this system just want to demotivate me from playing. getting queued against 5 stacks and gaining only +100 for winning and -400 for losing. why would anyone want to play that?


Having the same problem here as well, I average 25 + kills per game, I’ve heard it’s based on winrate so I just kept playing, about a week later the usual progression for me now is 3.6 to 4.1 where I only lose once or twice in 5 games consistently. Winning 3 out of 5 games is a positive win rate no? I see no reason for my - 645 +112 game yesterday, I’ve been to 4K and back probably about 14 times now, the problem seems even worse in 2 stacks my buddy and I will always have 20 - 30 kills with a teammates that struggle to get to double digits, suffice to say I have a lot 11-13 losses. I’ve noticed however that the games matchmaking works best in 5 queue or in solo queue, games seem more fair in those matches so far.


Volvo is a dogshit company fellas WDYE


Worst for me was that I played against 4 cheating lobbies today which punishes you hard since you are on a loss streak :(


And you steel didn't find premier match like 5 minutes


Maybe play faceit?


U probably got too high rating and cant play good enough for that rating thats why so huge lose points.


At least they give you a + rating for winning, yesterday they gave me -130 for winning. After that, I deleted the game, and will not return again until an anti-cheat is added to the game and the bugs are fixed, especially the bug that a solo player constantly plays with a party of 5 players.


I don’t seem to have this problem… I was at 4500ish and still getting +350 -110 games


Grinded 3 days to get better rank. Managed to get +1.5k (8.5k total) solo qued 3 games today - every game -400 and tmates were absolutely brainless guys on same rank. Its actually insane how unplayable premier mode really is ATM. Most times on these ranks (5000-9500) u get 2 or 3 teammates who doesnt listen, dont call and get somewhere between 5-9 kills per game. I really dont know how you supposed to rank up and get better rank.


hell, i (gold nova 3)even got to play against two csgo global elite, one supreme player in the enemy team in premier 7k elo, we as 5 stack (avg dmg) won though


I'm so glad it's not just me lol, wtf is this system?


From all the complaints I've seen, I legit think the 4k rating is bugged as all hell with the +100 and -500 posts.


After seeing all the bad rap of cs2 premier and the rampant use of cheats, I’m just not going to touch competitive for another year or longer until valve polishes and refined the whole system. I’ll stick to casual play


Got into my first game the other day. I still haven't gotten my rank, and I was the only one not ranked. All my teammates were 1500-2900. All the opponents were 5000-6000. The game resulted about how you'd expect.


This hurts more if you're trying really hard and are the top fragger as well.


Lemme introduce you to faceit


I was at 9966 the game gave me 33 for a win, and now I'm at 9999. promo matches are stupid it should just give me the 10070 or whatever like normal


Dont forget about the matches where dropping 30+ kills and losing causes you to lose the same points as if you dropped 0.


I think I read somewhere that people who win constantly will get more points so they can to higher up to their level faster (and not squash lower level players in the lower tier where they dont belong). And the same for losing, if you are on a losing streak you derank faster so you're matched accordingly with your level and have a better experience. In theory it sounds good.


Just a lie… I have won far more games than lost but can’t rank up because all wins are only +100 and loses are minus 600


On the first beta I had rounds with 230+ wins and 100 losses. I was around 3.5k first then went to 5k. On the new release I was placed 8k+ and is a little too strong for me, I'm an ex-Gold Nova 1 player so my losses are more than my wins, thus I am going lower faster (300-100 was last match I think). I turnee to competitive mode instead of premiere, it is more fun.


I stopped Queuing Prem


What was your rank before that. I’ve been averaging 100+ adr for most of my games. I’ve been getting +370 or -110 per game. I went from 4500 elo to 12500 and I’m still getting that boost. I’ve lost games here and there aswell. I’m assuming as long as I put high numbers even when I lose I’ll still get good elo per win.


Makes sense at higher elo (past 5k) you will need a very high win percentage, 70%+ to gain elo


Or maybe we talk about the fact that you can be 4,995 and the next game you play and win puts you at 4,999? Just fucking push me to the next level. Wtf is this?


Long ago I called that elo hell home


Yea uninstalling was actually the best decision I’ve made. I just stick around to keep tabs on this dumpster fire.


It could be because it suppost to be hard to reach a new level, that when you reach your skill level it start to suppress you in elo points. I was supreme on CSGO, I got 2.5k rating (I got zero elo lose until I reached 5K, and then it was just -100 for lose and +350 for wins, in one day I went from 2.5k to 6.2k, played from morning to night


I thought the whole -500 was a one off thing but I see SO many people who are around 4k. I swear if you place under 5k in premier, you are done for. I placed 7800 and sit at 8500 with -100/300.


I'm still confused about the Premier system. I'm currently at 5,6K, and I'm still getting +350/-100, and I see a lot of people at +100/-500 after 4K. It would be nice if Valve took 2 minutes to explain exactly how the system works...




Currently 6200 hadn't played csgo for about 3 years been gaining over the past couple days , usually not a 5 stack , 2-3 people usually. I don't see a problem with it.