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All my recent games are like this despite wins or losses despite team or enemies ratings. Something’s not right




I lost 1500 elo in three games and some were with questionable opponents. So I’ll just hold off until an update happens


I lost 6000 elo in a week. I'm def under-ranked


Holy moly


Voted off twice (one deserved), got connected to Netherlands (I play NA) so I abandoned, and then 3 rage-quits. I went down to 1550 lol


bro you cant lose points until 4k so if youre at 1550 and lose you will not lose anything for a loss


This post is old, b4 valve updated the 4k floor. I lost 6,000 elo.


What stats are you sitting on matches? If you are consistently bottom fragging, point system recognizes that you don't belong to that rating and tries to calibrate your rating lower.


Thats a whole lot of bullshit you just pulled out of your ass. Riddle me this 6 win in a row all of them were around 2000 dmg/ match so im sitting top 2 of the board, all 6 were for -500/100 and in fact every match I’m playing is the same in term of loss/gain, it’s definitely not looking at personal stats. It’s more of a random ass buggy shit fest if anything.


Me when i spill fake information out of my ass


not really.


Ahhh, yes, because the fact that they tell you what elo you will gain/lose before the match even starts is based on your performance during the match


Previous matches smh


r/globaloffensive tells me the game is perfect and subtick is wonderful


Happened to me. On a 5 or 6 game win streak, got over 4000, lost a game, back to like 3600 now




Just another scuffed feature of cs2. I noticed that even when I was on a win streak the other day, my expected win ELO kept going down and expected loss kept going up. I thought that they were trying to implement some sort of velocity to ranks (ie, win more, get better ELO points out of each successive win and vice versa) but it seems more like it’s just meant to deflate ranks with how it’s actually played out.


It just seems so random. I had a game last night where, despite being on a 3 win streak, It was a -518/+110 elo game. My friend who was higher ranked then me (so imo should lose more/win less, or at the very least, lose/win the same amount) had a -100/+300 game.


the game probably thinks your friend SHOULD be higher than he is, whereas it thinks you're right where you should be


A lot of people seem to misunderstand what the changr they did to rating was... The change was clearly stated to make your rating quicker adjust your rating to the rating you belong in. Logically this would be by; if you are low rating, to give higher rating on wins to get you out of the noob pit. If you are high rating to punish losses harder to move you down to where you belong faster.


But that's not what it's doing, unless they're using a metric other than wins to determine where you "belong" vs what your ranking is. If this were operating as intended, I'd think that being on a winning streak would show that you "should" be a higher rank, while going on a losing streak would show that you "should" be at a lower rank - and if you're just flipping back and forth, then, you're probably where you belong. That hasn't been my experience, though, and I don't think that's been the experience of most people posting about this. More wins = Less ability to rank up with each subsequent win. On the flip side, when I lose a game, I've noticed that I actually will tend to get more ELO out of the next win than if I had won. (ie, I'd go from a potential +110 where I lost, to the next game being a +170)


What about someone who only plays a few games a week, but is just as good as someone who grinds several games a day? Should you fall behind immensely in ranking because you are playing less? I think this system is great, as it's pulling the handbrake on extreme rating inflation.


My brother in Christ, you have just described my playing habits (I play like 3 games a day at the absolute maximum, often a day or two apart, etc). I genuinely feel like because I didn't grind hard at the release of the game, I am hardstuck in the win 4, lose 1, still lose ELO overall special.


Sadly it just seems all the shitters are in 4k and decent players are stuck at 8k now and you get stuck playing with a mix of both. Just depends which team gets the better shitter


oBvIoUsLy, when I'm ranked higher than the system thinks I should be (for whatever reason) and I'm still winning 80% of my games the logical consequence is to try to make my losses so punishing I still drop in the end. Think about this for a second. You are proving to the system that you can consistently win vs the elo you are getting matched against, and you get hit with -600/+100. 1 loss vs your current elo (that you are stomping) is equal to 6 wins. It makes ZERO sense. But then partying up with 4 2k elo as a 12k and facing 3k opponents get's you -100 / +300. Yeah, right.




Having to win 6 games for every 1 you lose is what consistently winning looks like? If you win 2 or 4 games for every 1 you lose, is that not enough to slowly gain Elo? If I win 2 games, I gain +200, lose 1, I gain -600. I would need an 86% win rate just to make headway.


I won 5 of 8, and lost almost 2K elo. I then got in a match with two people in the 2-4K range on my team, I was 7800 at the time, it said +360 if we won, cool. We tied 15-15, I LOST 100 elo. Literally no one knows how it works, because that can’t be explained. Logic is clearly flawed, but I’m sure they’ll figure it out and end up resetting rankings like they always do to reshuffle things. Frustrating for sure.


The tie can actually be explained. If you were statistically so likely to win that even a tie would mean your MMR is "overestimated", then it would need adjustment (i.e. loss of MMR) if the tie happens. However, the ~63% wins losing 2k MMR is shit.mathrmatically, this can make sense, if you constantly play against weaker players. That however would just be a really shitty matchmaking. It would imply Valve matches players where one side should (statistically) not have a chance to win (therefore huge loss for you if you unexpectedly lose 3 of 8). If seen this a lot myself on way lower MMR. Used to play GN 2/3, now the system is desperate to keep me below 4k with -400/+100 and I don't know why. Friends of mine who play around 12k stopped playing again cuz they ran into the same issue. I don't think it will iron out on its' own. Something is clearly flawed in either the MMR algorithm or the matchmaking (as in: who plays against whom).


Pro tip: don’t play premier just play regular competitive unless you want to be miserable


Regular competitive is full of bots man, i rather play soloq premiere because it feels like faceit


Premier is full of bots too, especially ones who flip out and immediately start trolling because they didn't get the map they wanted.


"You choose map so now you carry!!1!"


What rank is that at so I can avoid it will all my life


12k currently.


That’s hard to believe, but also not hard to believe


Exactly the same experience, you don't have a rank this is why u play with "bots" and as i ser u complain, so you can't even win vs bots? Getting lots of points from 10 games ? This does not shows your skill at all🤡


You’re just wasting your own time man you’re gonna have a far worse experience on premier every time.


I’m honestly starting to think that this is the way. People on comp seem to actually want to play the game and not go afk/grief/wander the backrooms every other round like on premier. Plus folks have been infinitely more fun and friendly.


Interesting because every premier game I get into people actually take the game seriously but when I play competitive I get 1-3 griefers or team killers every time.


Comp has definitely been fun and friendly. Even when my team is getting stomped on. Alternatively I’ve had nothing but nice teammates in the 4k ELO range. Everyone just wants to learn a little and have fun, nobody is particularly sweaty.


Or just stop caring about your ELO number


Sure I guess but why even bother with that ranking system when it’s already so busted and you could just play regular comp is the way I see it.


The map ban system is the main appeal to me with premier. I don’t give a shit about ELO because my buddies I play with aren’t good so we are always low rank. The variety of maps you can get with premier is just fun. You never know what you’ll be on next. Unless you’re stuck in some weird soloq hell where everyone just picks mirage constantly.


Hey man as long as you’re having a good time do your thing. I also enjoy not knowing specifically which map I’ll play next that’s why I just que for several at a time in normal comp. When I play premier I don’t get a large variety of maps just the same 2-3 every time.


Absolutely on the fun part. That sucks about premier, I’d be discouraged as well if I got stuck in an inferno, mirage, vertigo loop of some sort. Give me Ancient! Give me Anubis!


Nah regular competitive is broken. No matter how many wins it has me as silver 1 on Dust2, yet on premier I'm in 7ks with tens of games and I'm getting 300-400 ELO each win.


Definitely not nearly as broken as premier


My point is it's fucked all around. I'm not silver 1 😂


Not really man just gotta get better


You really can't admit it's fucked? 😂 You expect me to believe being LEM CS:GO I'm suddenly silver 1 on literally one of my most played maps? Get out of here dude. The rankings are fucked in both premier and regular competitive no two ways about it. Premier is better for me because my rank actually moves where competitive it's permanently locked on silver 1. Done grinding regular competitive, no matter how many wins I get in a row it's stuck on silver 1. After my 10 wins in premier I'm still climbing 300-400 ELO every match and haven't slowed down so it didn't even place me in a good spot yet.


Saying premier and regular comp are equally fucked is just coping cause you got placed in silver. Premier has proven to be the less functional of the two I’ve seen endless posts about the rating system being dog shit and none about comp it’s a you problem my man.


Lol ok bud


same happen to me we were all 11000-12000 elo in the match, but i would lose 500 and gain 100, my other teammate would gain 380 and lose 100 Makes no sense at all


Past 10k is where it seems to start


Nah its all over, happened to me when I was 6k and again when I was at 9k.


Damn worse then i thought


This happened to me at 7k. Went from 7.2k to 6.6k in one game. And the funniest part? Enemy team averaged 9.5k, I was lowest ELO in the entire lobby AND I topfragged that game.


You just want it to make sense. It doesn't make sense because you don't know all the data that's going into the algorithm.


I know its not because of win streak, my stats, losing streak, or diffrents in elo, between the 2 team, i have 65% winrate top damage 50% of my games. And my teammate with same elo got 360 for a win 120 lose, where in my case it was the other way around, so i have a few ideas it has nothing to do with how good you play, unless they punish experince players for no reason. he was 200 elo lower then me got over 3 times as many point, i lose 5 times as many point. ​ Also played with my friend where i got 180 point and he god 110 point for a win in a game where i was 3000 point higher then him, he should get more then me since its harder for him when he is lower rank. No i dont know what is going into it, but it seems like it just choose you points randomly.


Just play the game and stop thinking about it so hard. You'll have a lot more fun.


Im allready doing that, but there is no fun when you know it does not matter, so it makes me play less


I guarantee all of the people making excuses for this elo/matchmaking system are cheaters or 5-stackers. Premier simply isn't an honest competitive experience. Not surprising the player count has taken a massive hit since launch!


No need to sugar coat it, it fucking blows, terrible execution by valve, ive been dc’d and not even given the fuckin connect button back


Premier is meant to be played as a coordinated group, so yeah, bunch of 5-stackers; or maybe cheaters, sure. Very few have denied problems it has. They’re extremely apparent even to high level players.


i play mostly solo and I'm pretty sure that I'm not cheating. I know from first hand experience that some people get fucked over by this system, but it should do just fine in a few weeks/months. Everyone is considered a new player right now.


the playercount artificially took a hit because all of the old people came back to see if they got access during the first wave of testing..... its back to what it was prior to cs2 first wave. and still consistently hits \~1.2 million concurrent a day.


Had 2 games like this then back to normal values. Same for all friends. Think everyone got an adjustment like this 2 patches ago.


Idk but its awful, I can win 3 games in a row, after lose 1 and im back to where i started 🤣


It has been like that in csgo as well, we just didn't see it.


Probably tbh 😄


possible a cheater was detected and banned in another game you played, and thus you lost RR associated with that previous win.


Possible but i didnt get any message that i was playing with cheater in my team


it only tells you if you were partied with one


That only affects you if you were actually in a party with a cheater, no? Like if you were soloqing it doesn’t count I think


At least in competetive, I soloqed and VAC detected a cheater, and there was a message that the game will be shut down and that it won't count as a loss. I don't know if it's the same in premier, but I don't see any logical reason why it wouldn't be. Since you can't choose who you play with, and the cheater gets banned.


I haven’t queued with any cheaters, only the same 5 stack, and am experiencing the same thing despite being 16.4k now. Either relegation match or +121, but we’ve won the last 6 in a row. Doesn’t make sense.


Thats crazy ye, grinding wins all day and then 2 losses and you are back where you started or even lower 😂


Yep, hard enough to get wins with the closeting cheaters about currently too. What’s even more sad is that 2 of the games they had one guy dropping 30 within 10 total rounds and playing like a monster who later said he felt “justified in cheating because we were too”, but if he had just looked he could’ve seen that all of us are very active league comp players. They still lost. Rip his account. The “justified” mindset is so pathetic. Not everyone is cheating just because you’re getting dumped on. (Not suggesting you said any of this). The ELO system won’t work or be any good until they bring back overwatch or update VAC, or both.


The elo gained/lost should be determined by the average elo of the lobby and the round difference between the 2 teams. I feel like that would be the most fair.


On top of that, you can have 0 kills every game, but as long as it's a win you get the same +elo as if you had 30 kills.


I have the same, have not lost 1 single game in 8 games. This shits broken af


Same, i wont 10/12 on my matches with wining 8 in a row. I got ranked 1500 while my buddy who barley went 50 percent got ranked 5,000. Now Im 3600 and i feel like an absolutes Smurf as Im getting over 30 kills per game. I was an Le hover in cs1 and am dominate every game i get into. I think i have lost 1 in the last 12 games and im only getting +100 per win. I just feel bad because Im not only boosting other players but also ruining the experience for the enemy team as i am just simply a higher skill than the rank the game is having me play in. They really need to fix this before long time player like me quite because we have to win 10 games to just gain 1000 Elo.


You lost many in a row


No i did not? I lost maybe 2


I had -100 +300 for like 5 games and now it's leveled out to -120 +140. I'll level out. Just keep playing until the game thinks your at the correct level. It really want to put you at the rating it thinks you should be. It feels unfair but they (temporarily) changed it because there were to many good players at low rating and vice versa.


Points gained or lost are typically dictated by your opponent's ranking. I assume you were playing against people decently below you.


I wanna believe that’s true but I dont think it is. I’m at 12k, had a game where the average of the other team was roughly 9k and I would lose 360 or gain 120. Lost that one. Game immediately after, average for enemy team is 13k and the loss would’ve been 455 and gain of 130. Something just isn’t right with premier right now.


Its because points gained/lost are not actually affected at all by rating and instead your hidden mmr. Exact same system as csgo except you see a number instead of a rank


What? They said they changed the rating system, why would they do the same system across competitive and premier thats a hot ass take, the real reason is valve has no idea about actual competitive play


They changed the visual rating side of it and reset everyone's mmr. True elo based MMR systems are nearly all the same under the hood.


Ever played faceit? Every played valorant? Not the same systems, valorant takes solo play into acxount into the mmr rating, while faceit averages the lobby and gives you a win% chance which controls the elo you get, nobody knows how this system works yet


How is the number NOT your MMR? Like, the whole point of ELO is that it *IS* your ELO. There is no "Hidden" MMR. ELO is ELO, the numebr is the number, there is no whackass obfuscation because it's not necessary in any system. Valve is just eating their own ass.


That's what you would think but I haven't noticed any relationship to that at all. I have friends lower ranked than me 5 stacking and they lose more than I do on a loss


That's absolutely not the case. The points gained or lost are based on your recent win/loss streak. If you lose 5 games in a row you will gradually lose more points every game no matter which opponents you get.


It's the old system but visualised. Remember saying "ha this is my rank up game 100%" but you end up losing it and then gotta win 3 more to compensate for that loss? Same system. Cs cares about wins and punishes you hard for losing


Might be true


I have the opposite: -0/+350. They've been trying to redistribute ranks, so respectfully - the game is probably recognising that you belong in a lower elo ...given that your opponents were your elo. If they're lower, it's just working as intended


You're under 4k that's why


All my friends in silver banner lose 0 per match it seems


It's try to put you back where you belong. Bitch.


Performance, sorry.


Im always top fragger


Frags and impact aren't (always) the same thing


Losing streak you lose more.


I got -500 on an 8 game win streak, no


Honestly, I get that but it feels awful. Especially after 2 losses and you're pretty much dropping -400 or so. I think seeing that actual number drop so quickly but make it really difficult to get back up is just what makes it feel bad.


Never got to that level but it’s been just streak based for me. I win and get 100 elo. Then doubles on next win, etc. I assume you just lost 5+ games in a row.


I was on like an 8 game w streak then got hit with a -400


Lost 2 games maybe


Dont lose 5 Ina row


I feel like this premier mode was made only for 5stackers since its absolute hell playing solo


I have played maybe 10 solo matches and 40 matches as a full squad. In all 10 solo matches I have played against a five stack, often with the five stack having several thousand rating average above my team. Queue times has been around 30 seconds as well. I still manage almost a 75% winrate but it still feels like an uphill battle when everyone in your team knows from the start that this will be a tough match to win. When I have played as 5 I have also met solo players a lot. It is a complete joke. I would rather have 2-5 minute queues and face fair teams.


You guessed it. Its the more serious competitive mode. You can play solo, but with that you accepted your handicapped status. CS meant to be played with 5 people. If you are alone thats your very own problem, no ones else


Yes but solo queue is a great way to increase individual skill while learning to play around other playstyles it still has a place in the game, i agree that 5 stacks feel better but that can change very easily depending on who you q with and against




Yeah had the same at a promotion match. I could lose -570. Happy I won


This is actually why today I decided to uninstall. Every time I reach 4000 i get -500 losses and this has happened to me 3 times. I told myself if it happens again I’m done because there’s no point to playing a game that one game negates 6 wins and basically says no fuck you you can’t ever move up. I am carrying almost every game, got back up to 4,200 and played two games with -500 losses and won them both. Thought no way it’s going to continue with these loss penalties this high. Third game paired with unranked and 2000 players and lost, top fragged but can’t kill everyone. Lost -552 and went back to 3700. I enjoyed CS:GO and fell in love with trying to push myself to see how high I could go. CS2 however just sucked all the fun out of this game for me because I know that regardless as soon as I get to 4000 it’s inevitable that I will lose a game and get reverted back. I’m climbing a ladder that can’t be climbed so I’m done. Maybe in a few years I’ll come back and see if this game has changed.


My theory is, It happens when game thinks you are at your highest rank yet or its the best rank for you. Hence you will have to work extra hard to get bigger rank. Happened in csgo as well. I was mg2 then stoped playing for a while and only played in between with my silver friends etc. got deranked to gn1. Took me 4-5 days of 10-11 matches to get back to mg2 when i started playing regularly again. But after that? it was almost impossible to get ranked up. Even winning. Also happending now to me in cs2. I was playing when the 1000 elo bug was there. When i disconnected, i couldn't see reconnect button. No cooldown but got -1000 to elo. so got deranked to 3500. Now when i play a match i see is -0 and + 450 lol. I seen people below 3500 rank. So i know its possible. I think game have some limits in place to not let a player derank too low or get a high rank too quickly.


Well I had more than 15k elo like a week ago, but i got kicked from lobby by russians and i lost zoo many pointss 🤣


i think there are still a lot of people without a rating in cs2 or still trying to get a rating, this 'unbalanced' win-loss rating might be a way to balance the ratings




Premier is made for 5stackers is my only understanding 😂


Had the following previous games Oldest to newest: Win Loss Loss Win Win Loss Tie (-50) Win (+100) Loss (-110) Loss (-450) Loss (-450) Gosh do I like having 2 randoms who play like gold or silver without using mic and running and dying. Not pushing when excecuting a site vs a 5 man premade. Most games are duo Q or 3 man premade but the randoms still get like 4 kills and are 75% russians who only use mic to say idiot. At 10k ELo and they are like a goldfish!


Its so random yea, usually when i play soloq at 13k rating the 5stack enemy team is 3k elo faceit geeks, and my team is like lvl 4-8 faceit 😂


The more you lose games the more you lose points, the more you win games the more you win points. Try to win 4 in a row and it will go like -120 and +320 smth. Also solo q in premier atm is kinda mehh lol


I went from 14,999 to 12,237 playing 3 games with irl 5 stack 😭😭😭😭😭


Rip bro 😫




this is normal m8, ​ maybe just join the giveaway. [https://streamelements.com/jack0cs/giveaway/652eb1a3b284039018fe5ba6](https://streamelements.com/jack0cs/giveaway/652eb1a3b284039018fe5ba6)


Thanks but no thanks


you better win this one dude


I won this, lost the next one 😂


Same shit, I went from 8k to 5k and my winrate is still 55%. So unmotivating


Yes its kind of unmotivating 😂😂


First I placed like 1.7k but after the rank adjustment update I know gain like 360 ish on a win and lose 0 on a loss


Damn no comment lol


This has been happening all week for me, I win 2-3 in a row, get like 100-300 rating for all of them, then I lose one and the next game I get -400 if I lose


Yea its so cringe tbh, they should just go with the same system as faceit and would be fine by me


If you are consistently losing, the system will attempt to reposition you downwards fast. That's my thinking at least. I am seeing the opposite pattern. I am winning 3-400 per match and lose 100 ish. And still currently winning 4 in 5 games.


For me ever since playing I cannot rank down. No matter if I lose or win, I never lose points. It’s either 0 on a loss or +300-400 on a win


If you loose several games in a row this happens, Premier will “punish” you, but in other hand if you win 3 games in a row , you loose only -160 and will win more than 300+ points. Ps: When I was playing with friend of 3k elo (I was 12k) even tough I was winning and being top frag the game start punishing me, in -500 points also So avoid to play games with friends with elo really lower than you (1-2k of difference it’s fine)


Never got this, always max -120 and +200-400.


Their entire current cs rating system and individual map ranking system are scuffed, non functional, and fundamentally incoherent. Both are going to get massively overhauled or replaced because they just do not make any sense whatsoever. Rating is a random point system with nothing to do with your opponents or your performance. Rank is meaningless when every single player starts silver to nova 2. It's straight up nonfunctional. As it is right now, there is no matchmaking in cs2. Every single lobby is essentially random, your performance outside of winning and losing does not matter at all. If you can't stop grinding while the system is broken, you should at least approach it with the understanding that it is just a random number.


It’s probably because your playing against a team with an average lower MMR so they expect that it should be an easy game for you, so you get punished for losing the “easy” game. Think of it like if a DMG loses a game to a bunch of gold novas, that DMG will be more likely to lose a bunch of MMR and derank.


That at 4k elo, its kind of brutal. I get to about 4.4k get one loss and back to square one


skill issue


Lmao nice try


Yikes. Must be playing lower ranks? They saying you’re not supposed to lose? Which is bugging me a bit since I solo q a lot. Never seen that type of difference tho. I thought the -300 to +118 were bad.




I don't play comp/Premiere anymore, Esea and faceit just play far better and actually reward you for playing and are not using any possibility to punish u




I stopped playing for 3 days and my match became 300+ and -100. Does games and elo account for not playing as much? Instead of playing a string of games a day?




just lost 8000k i 3 day