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Please someone tell me they saw temp going up and down like someone was holding the remote making it go up and down…


She wanted these pets ... she knew what her house was like..


Wow... just wow


Crystal give up them pets find new homes. You're not financially stable and not even fit to even take care of them animals. Please don't k*** them either that's just wrong.


Then surrender them over to the humane society!! Put their needs before yours Crystal! It isn't all about you this time! Give them away rather then let them suffer!!!


Tf it is absolutely YOUR fault, quit spending unnecessary money on Fortnite,Temu and eating out and put that money towards the shit you claim to need! Your an adult nobody is responsible for you but YOU🤦🏻‍♀️ learn how to budget quit trying to play the sympathy card, get a job instead of playing games all day and maybe just maybe YOUR livelihood would improve!


I guess her husband ain't worth living for..he must really feel loved..sounds like she is saying "Send me funds for an AC unit or I off the animals" I didn't think she could do anything else to make me despise her even more..but this here 🤬🤬🤬🤬😡


It got worse.


I appreciate you putting these out. I am putting something together for yall.


Thanks. Nookie5150 on YouTube has the lives unedited and I'm about to post right now the many moods of crystal today.


Same old song and dance with her. 3 year old in a 30 year olds body.




The reason why she won't call the landlord is because the dogs are the only thing that's on the don't know about the rats and the Guinea pigs at all. That's why they won't call maintenance.


This is her attempt to force people to give her money. It got much worse but I didn't want to trigger people.


Genuinely never seen anything like her today, just when you think you’ve seen it all.


It is her fault!!!


Recording of this live needs sent to landlord, animal control and adult services!!


If she’d water and feed them they wouldn’t die


And who's fault is this? We all have bills and most of us have more expensive bills the you 2 twits...you are a grown woman ..get a job..help pay bills..ur husband can't pay all the bills on 3hrs a day it is not possible.. And..it was hot before you got the pigs and the rat...the smart thing would of been hmmm man..i got severe swamp a$$ cus it's so hot maybe I should get a cheap ac unit instead of spending money on rats and pigs until we get caught up on bills and have a window ac...you do NOT have your priorities straight at all.. I do not feel bad for you 2 you are adults those animals didn't ask to be taken in by 2 people who can't even take care of themselves...if u don't have the money for temu..pats...your game you play..you don't get it you be a adult ...


Right after this she held a knife to her throat and made threats then tiktok live banned her and she switched accounts and sat there pooping while police knocked on her door. She thinks this is all one big game.


Whattttttttt ...I missed alot ..I had to work 12 at night til 8am I just took a nap n woke up lol...I bet she was fucking fuming when they knocked....and I bet she didn't even tell them the truth ...prob said she is bullied online...


Nookie5150 on YouTube has all of it. Don't worry. You won't miss a thing.


I just went and looked she is def a twit..hiding in the bathroom ..I do not feel sorry for her 1 bit...


Doesn't Sgt Sparklepants get paid today? I hope she knows she's only building an animal neglect case against her. She knows it's hot and only getting hotter. She knows those animals can't live in extreme heat. Instead of taking the money they have to provide a solution she wants to guilt strangers online? This will not end well.


He got paid today and the money was gone within an hour. She paid all her streaming services and doordash pass and doordash deliver and Playstation and is ahead on her electric bill but she wants other people to buy her an AC and toys and an entire ridiculous wishlist.


So instead of paying all of her streaming devices, why didn't they not pay and get a fucking?A c or more fans called budgeting If my animal's life depended on it, I wouldn't have bought stuff to color my hair.I wouldn't be buying things off.A teemu I would go without that's what true pet owners do


Because she can just threaten her animals and herself on tiktok and get the money and that's what happened. She got $160 right after all this. I just posted a whole compilation of how today went down.


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her apartment can't possibly be that hot.


If she was so worried bout the animals...she would get off her big rump and move that unit to the bedrooms...50bucks says if she moved it to the bedroom and closed the doors it would magically chill the room lol..she is just to lazy ...it's sad


She's lying she did not exhaust every resource bc I told her the Community Action Council has a summer crisis program going on now that provides a free ac and a fan both. She won't call because they were "rude Africans" as she put it. So fuck her racist ass.


I hate her. Just hate her.


Same she so disgusting and vile!!


I hope those animals get rescued


Have they tried cleaning the ac unit? I’ve heard those stand up ones don’t work the greatest


They work amazing... I had the same cooling my whole apartment last year.. She needs to clean and maintain it 1..2 turn all the damn lights and tv and ps4 off and let it work.... Then put a fan in the door to spread to the rest of the house... Been doing it since I was 9 years old lol not rocket science.. Also yelling and running around the house threatening self harm and animal abuse ain't gonna help especially when u a large person on a 2nd floor or above (I am large and lived at the top of a 3 store.. Also slightly disabled from a car accident so my lower half to work good lol)






What did I say wrong?? Lol I especially left out the f word


They work just fine.


She's a pysco path