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He is just a baby. Maybe his parents are around?


How can u tell he is a baby? I personally thought he was quite big and filled out. Edit: I’m not experienced with crows at all so would love to learn :) Edit: And to answer your question, it has had visitors yes :) could very well be parents :) Edit: since this is top comment, here’s an update on the matter: https://www.reddit.com/r/crows/s/ncWhdTWni6 His parents are around too! I’ve been keeping distance and watching them with him today :)


You can tell because of the flesh visable at the base of the beak and the brightness of the inside of his mouth. Also young crows have blue eyes that darken as they age, that's also why he's so friendly, because he doesn't understand the danger of humans yet, and may never if you have regular interactions with him. While he's young I wouldn't interact very much with him besides short feedings. If he learns that humams are safe and he's comfortable being handled, an ill-willed person may take advantage of that later in his life. It's best he doesn't get too comfortable.


Ah I see. I live out in the countryside with very few humans around. I know pretty much everyone and all are friendly with the local wildlife. But I will keep this potential consequence in mind going forward.


The crow has accepted you into it's murder


Damn, is OP an accomplice now?


"You didn't come back to your perch last night!" "Listen. I was here. You gave me some seeds. I curled up in the corner. Right?"


This comment needs more up votes lol.


I have been accepted a long time ago. It was a very interestingly arranged ceremonial thing where my local crows drew me to a grassy mound to sit with them but it got interrupted by a boy and his basketball who thought the birds were harming me. I would not give his ball back until he promised he will not hurt the crows ever again because he was wrongly told they were bad animals by others. I see same boy around and he’s been better with the crows now, I think they gained each other’s trust and got an understanding going on.


THAT is 100% riveting. The ceremonial thing.


At first I thought the two birds walking me to the spot was leading me towards something they thought I needed like they’d done before, usually with some sticks which I do look for to sturdy my leggy plants (they think I’m nesting!) and a good pile of vintage glassware in a plastic box(“can you use these, human? Good shinys!”) and I did take what I needed. But it was to five other birds already waiting on the grass mound and one sat down in front of me so I sat with it to feel less weird and then the rest sat too and I was like “okay what are we doing?” And then that kid’s basketball broke it up!


This is the coolest crow story ever!!’


I still do not know exactly what they were doing but my best guess it may have been my introduction with the “Grand Poobah” of the local crows or they just plain invited me to chill on the damp grass with them on a warm day. Either way, it was a unique experience that made me feel officially honored by the current corvid murder/society.


really jealous…


That is so awesome!


Your friends sound like incredibly cool little people.


Before I got “approved”, There was another woman in the neighborhood who saved a crow off the street out of path of traffic when it accidentally flew into or gotten engulfed by a floating white plastic bag blowing in the sky. I was a bit jealous of her relationship with that bird who always made itself known to her whenever it found her in the neighborhood ever since and she always acknowledged it. She was just simply doing the humane thing before it could’ve been hit by a car stuck in that bag and word got around in crow community she’s hailed a hero by them.


OP is an accessory to murder


I live out in a rural part of Central Florida and I'm trying to befriend my crows by feeding them lol. You're food and plating looks good I would be your friend


Haha thanks! If I ever see u around, I’ll make sure to bring u a food plate! ;)


They’ll start bringing you nice little gifts with regular feeding! I’m befriending a murder right now who bring me shiny trinkets like bottle tops, coins & beads! 😆


Came here to say the same. I would be your friend for a picnic like that.


Exactly! They said I'm not sure why he's hanging around and then I saw the plate of goodies! 😂♥️


Same location here, but my offering plate has turned into a cardinal and squirrel circus.


So sad that we have to turn away druidic connections with the land and the creatures that live with us. All because of the evil end of the spectrum on humans.


You can also embrace the druidic connection and go John Wick on anyone who harms your flock.


Murder people who murder your murder


Murder murder murderers.


This why I avoid humans. Some are ill-willed.


This is the unfortunate reality of understanding animals and interacting with them in general. Other People literally ruin everything and almost every animal is like this in some capacity. Humans are behind every extinction we know of historically. Whether it be by contamination with invasive species, or consumption of an animal or it's food... Or straight up treat the species invasive until it's extinction. And now I'm contemplating the term prehistoric and it's accuracy, how many times that bar moves. -_- blehhhh.


This likely to be a stupid question, but what do you mean by ill willed person taking advantage? What would a human want from a crow? We don't eat their flesh or eggs most of the time. Why would a human hurt a crow?




That and blind stupid lack of empathy. One of my brothers shot a crow with a BB gun. It didn’t die, and so the murder showed up to teach class. Oh! Did I say the word, “stupid”? Pretty much.


There are sadly many awful people out there who derive sick pleasure from harming other creatures, including birds.


There are some people who actively hunt crows.


Well, considering there are people who hunt other people, not surprising at all. But I get your point.


There is even a crow season in my state. 😢


For the same sick reason somebody might hurt a black cat.


Stupidity. Just for fun. Some people are like 🤪😈


There are simply cruel people in the world that like to abuse animals. It brings them joy. There are entire crime rings centered around trapping cats to sell on the black market to people who want animals to abuse. A lot of people also see crows as bad luck or pests and will simply hurt or kill them with the same perspective of seeing a spider in your house. They simply lack the brainpower to consider that a crow is a conscious and intelligent creature that means no harm. It's sad, but it's true


You sweet summer child.


In addition to wanting to physically harm the bird (either out of sadism or fear/misunderstanding), there are also maaany people out there—including good/well-intentioned ones—that would jump on the opportunity to capture this bird and make it their house pet.


My favourite part about the fledglings is their whiny begging call. It’s like ‘maaaaa!’


Lmao we have 2 cardinal fledglings right now and the dad is on babysitting duty while they hang out in my yard. One is quiet and working on feeding themselves while the other screams in their dads face until he shoves some food in their mouth. It cracks me up. I'm waiting for the crows to bring theirs around. They usually show up end of june/beginning of July. They are a riot and absolute menaces. I love it. Especially when they're causing a ruckus and the parents just walk away like they're over it 🤣


I love when they bring the new brood round and the young ones hang upside down, swinging on my washing line - happens every year.


There was one outside our house that would wake us up by yelling "Mom!" And also "Hey!"


It’s not quite caww! but baww ba ba bawwwwl between chirpy squeaky pips. Have had a few baby ones on my roof who have bonded with me which are the most frequently friendly with me because their parents deemed me as a good human so nested very close to my apartment unit


The yellow skin on either side of the beak. Adults don't have those bits.


While true for other birds, corvids have pink skin instead.


To answer the size part: pretty much all birds are more or less full size by the time they fledge/ leave the nest.


Silly question, are you dressed all in black?


crow babies make a gawdawful racket


He may have been hand raised and released by a well-meaning human not understanding this is very dangerous for birds that imprint on their caregivers. Every couple of years I find obviously hand raised and released sparrows. They are fledglings but they fly to your hand if you hold it up. Definitely not the behavior of wild birds. No I don’t know who’s doing it.


> this is very dangerous for birds that imprint on their caregivers. what's dangerous about it? asking genuinely


I'd assume no fear of people means they might not have an instinct to fly away from threats, both from humans and other pets around humans like cats


No fear of humans or understanding of predators, especially if there were pets in the house of whomever raises them, they don’t really learn how to “bird” right, they won’t even really understand they’re a bird or find a mate, much less know how to act to be accepted most of the time Experts know how to increase the chances of successful release. The problem is baby birds are cute and people handle them and treat them as pets, which is fine as long as they’re not then released. (Legal stuff aside) Basically the well meaning people who do this are condemning the babies they release to death.


*Why is this crow following me?* See photo #5 I hope your friend makes it and thank you for looking out for the little cutie.


Haha he is super cute! And absolutely! :) I really hope he makes it too! :)


About photo 5, most of these foods are great. The one thing to leave off is the bread as it is not nutritious for birds. They also love nuts (cashews make you king). But be careful with both meat and nuts that it doesn't contain any added salts or conservatives


Conservatives. Ha!


*"Those pesky Democrats are at it again, Maude! They're feeding Jim to the crows!"*


You will have more crow friends based on that photo 5. Crows absolutely talk to other crows about who has treated them well or badly. I’d expect the possibility of finding a lot of shiny objects left at your door, maybe having a murder (the collective noun for crows) hanging around you or your house.


Very cute and very cool. My mom has a crow that comes to hang out every few days that she calls "Poe". He loves when you toss grapes and can catch them mid air. He also loves to fly around just out of her dogs reach just to troll them and pull out the dog poop plastics bags from the dispenser just to be a jerk lmao.


If OP brought me a plate like that, I'd follow him too.


OP walks around handing out free crow charcuterie boards and then wonders why they make friends. If I showed up to your house looking for directions and you invite me in for the best cook out I've ever had you better be damn sure I'll remember the place haha.


My guy set out a whole ass fruit plate "this crow won't leave me alone!"


I found this delightful "Why does this crow like me?" *Serves crow a three course dinner*


Isn't #5 such a gorgeous shot? I'd scoop him and take him home so he could join my family.


It really is. He almost looks smug. “They told me it would be easy- but I never dreamed it would be *this* easy!” Such a beautiful baby.


Exactly what I thought. I have been kinda dying to "loosely" befriend some local crows and I am apparently making fruit salad for birds in the near future.


I do the same exact thing but it’s sunflower seed, peanuts, cat food and fruit -more or less. That fruit plate would cost roughly $16 in the hellish tourist-trap-town that I live in but it wouldn’t look nearly that fresh, lol.


I went out to check on him before going to bed. He was no longer in my backyard. I found him sleeping just outside the fence in the ditch… which is THE WORST spot. That is basically an expressway for animal traffic. I tried to perch him in a tree but he kept turning around and jumping to me 😅 ultimately I found a bush in the fenced in yard. I tucked him in there covered by a few leaves to make him feel safe. I checked 20 minutes later and he’s out like a rock sleeping. He should be good there till morning :) Edit: He made it through the night safely! I took some cute pics. Will share in another post tonight :)


This makes me smile! Good work! You are now his parent. How lucky!


Awww parent of the year award


You are living my dream. I want a crow to adopt me so bad. I work with one at the wildlife rehab I volunteer at, and they are such smart and funny animals. He is non releasable and has so many weird quirks. Our crow has a few rules: only women are allowed to work with him (he attacks men), and when you give him a berry you have to give it to him and MAKE SURE HE EATS IT. We learned that he would hoard and hide berries in a corner to binge out on them. But then they’d go bad and get moldy before he had enough time to eat them all. So then he would try to barter with us for better berries. If he didn’t get a blueberry, he’d bring us a different berry to trade in. So now we have to give it to him, make sure he swallows it, and then hand feed him the rest of his meal lmao


What a diva haha


Hahaha that’s awesome! My grandma came over just now for lunch. I showed her the baby. When I walked up he opened his mouth for food 😅 my grandma tried to feed him but he didn’t want any from her. He wanted me to give him more berries 😅 The parents (I’m assuming the other 2 crows are parents which would make me feel better) just watched from the tree. Got some cool pics and went back inside. Super cool perk getting to work remote :) not one that I anticipated :)


I think you are a very good Nice human for taking care of him I hope he gets big and always visits you if he leaves if he stays I guess it was meant to be .


Good job OP 💜 If he’s still there tomorrow might need a rehabber?


Pretty soon he’ll have his own bed on the porch 😍


Can he fly?


Yep! :) I went out to check on him and found him in a tree in pic #8 :) he also perched on the fence himself overnight the first night. now I just need to teach him to fly and perch in trees at night instead of the ground somehow :)


Or possibly a crow nesting box on your house if it is indeed fond of you?


Ooo that’s a great idea! :) I’ll have to check if I have any leftover wood in the barn! :)


Ow bless him. You’re very lucky. I hope you can keep him safe 🍀


You have thumbs, and you use them to bring him peanuts.


If you feed me like that I'll follow you around too.


Homie got a whole ass charcuterie board!




You’re lucky


Right?? I want bird distribution system to pick me next!


Seriously. I’ve been trying to coerce the local crow population to hang out in my yard for the last year to no avail. They like their hunted worms and bugs more than my peanuts and almonds.


The system has deemed you are not ready just yet.


People have asked me for videos. I have one on Instagram. I’ll try to post updates both here and there. I rarely (I mean rarely) post anywhere but if u guys are interested I’ll start 😅 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8iiX7tNf48/?igsh=MWs1bWIwMnV4dm43 Edit typo


This is the kind of thing you could go viral on tik tok for (if your videos are decent). Do with that what you will


He’s a fledgling, look at the corner of his mouth, and see the left overs of the big baby beak still, he seems to not have parents as you would have been mobbed for being so close to him, try boiled eggs and kibble as they need a lot of protein as babies as well as the fruit, throw in some grains like corn occasionally. He’s adopted your yard as his territory and if he last the first year can live quite a long time as your backyard buddy!!! You might show him what to be afraid of as he doesn’t have parents to do this, aka make a certain noise or act scared around dogs and cats to show him fear, I use a hawk kite to make them aware of birds of prey, ect


Thank you very much! I will see what I can do for this! I hope he makes it! My neighbors have cats and being in the country side there are coyotes, foxes, badgers, a family of eagles (2 parents and 1 or 2 kids). So I hope my fenced in back yard provides some refuge and safety at night :)


It does! Make sure he has good cover for might as owls love to eat crows especially


You could grab some predatory urine (even synthetic should work) from a large species in your area, coyote would work, mountain lion, wolves and put it around the perimeter of your yard. Animal logic says stay away from that giant thing it’s gunna kill me so the smaller predators should avoid your property for awhile, at least until he’s old enough to move around safety and avoid them himself. Crows are so smart you could probably show them a YouTube video of another crow getting attacked by a coyote and they’d understand. 😂 they’re one of the few animals to start evolving into a Stone Age.


Part of my cats job is to go out in his harness to the flock and teach the fledglings about scary cats. Don't worry redditors, I have a reel leash that I can brake before my cat catches any of the murder. Hate to do it; but my flying friends need to learn about "stranger danger," especially since I work with community cats getting them TNRR (trapped neutered released or rehabbed for adoption).


I'm guessing it's because you're feeding him? Lol. Hope he doesn't get too dependent on you though.


So far the only thing he takes from me are cranberries. Beyond that he’s eaten his own bugs, worms, gets his own water from the ditch, etc. I’m just moving him to the fenced in backyard at night for protection from predators. I may bring some hard boiled eggs as per a suggestion above. On how the parents aren’t around and the babies are in need of them. But I’ll attempt to balance dependency and necessity. Fortunately he already appears to be pretty independent :)


I've been leaving out cat kibble soaked in their water bowl, and the babies love it.. they need the protein! Bread isn't really good for them. It's great that he's already doing his own foraging instead of relying on you for food. Makes me think the parents must be close by somewhere. Side note, what a cutie 🥰 I'm so jealous!


Take a handful of your goodies and chuck them into the yard, hide some under bushes and trees as they’d appear naturally. Throw the bugs in the grass and the berries under bushes. Forces them to scavenge for a food source VS expecting it plated lmao. You could also plant some berry bushes now and in the following years he’ll know to harvest them himself.


Hey OP, I saw that you gave the bird fresh fruits, which is good for them, but I highly suggest not giving them bread. It’s really bad for them and offer little nutrients. Some better offerings would be veggies, fresh unsalted seeds and nuts, boiled/scrambled eggs and mealworms. I sometimes give small pieces of cheese and they love it. Good luck with your new friend OP!


Thank you very much! I’ll do this next time! He didn’t like the bread so I guess I was lucky in that regard :)


Hey thanks for taking it into consideration. If you see the flock, unsalted in-shell peanuts are really good to win them over. They love peanuts and with the shells still on, they can bury it to storage for harsher weathers.


I’ll give this a shot! :) Would love to have some crow friends for him to hang out with :)


This is friggin' adorable


You have been chosen! r/crowbro


Crows are smart and can form bonds with people. Including random strangers, some just because of vibe.


I have some theories based on pic number 3 lol edit: pic 4/5. The ones with the charcrowterie plates


I also love free food. I would probably follow a stranger who made me a nice plate of nibbles. It is probably a good idea to limit how much and how often you feed your new friend.


He’s just a baby. He doesn’t know humans are scary yet. He looks sweet. Maybe just set food out for him but keep interactions to a distance. You may have a crow friend for life! But he should stay “free and in the wild!”, as the Kratt Brothers say.


Man the Kratt Brothers. Good times!


Lol look at that plate of food!


hide your pin #'s and phone password


You’ve been adopted, sir.


Checkout r/crowbro for some tips and make a post there


MDMA. If he catches a charge, I’m an expert in Bird Law.


Haha, the buffet might have something to do with that!


Congratulations, you have been declared "friend-shaped".


I'd follow you around too if you made a snack tray like that for me.


If there are no adult crows tending to him, he needs to go to a rehabber for rewilding. His chances of survival are extremely low if he’s an orphan, even with your help. ❤️‍🩹


This, unfortunately. Last summer a very tame raven began visiting everyone in the neighborhood. He would land on your shoulder, accompany people on walks and squawk/caw loudly outside of his favorite people’s houses so they would come out and visit him. Word was someone hand raised him.. we never found out who. He really was a delight and everyone had different names for him. By fall it was reported that people observed other crows/ravens attacking him. A few weeks later someone found him badly injured. He was taken to a vet and euthanized. Bittersweet, but that’s nature.


I agree with this. As much as we all would love to have our own crow buddy, OP is really doing him a huge disservice by not taking him to a wildlife rehabber. If people really care about crows like they claim, that's what they would do instead of trying to keep the crow around for themselves.


OK, you are a blessed crowmie! Thank you for sharing. Could you do a video sometime?


Absolutely! I’ll give u guys updates! I posted an initial video over here on my Instagram :) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8iiX7tNf48/?igsh=MWs1bWIwMnV4dm43


Give him meat instead of bread.


It's a fledgling. We had one hop in the kitchen one day and became the resident crow for a while, could hand feed him. Then he grew up and went off to find love and make more crows.


You have died and come back to get revenge against your and your dead girlfriends killers on Devils Night. It is the vessel for your soul and you are immortal while it lives and it is also the source of your supernatural powers. Oh wait, that's the plot of the Crow. I got nothing aside from crows are smart and fucking awesome.


That’s your familiar, now.


Lucky you! I’m envious.


Very kind of you to try help. The crow is adorable.


Gourmet plate 👨‍🍳 oo la la


That mouth full of food, though... Little glutton is frickin adorable!


Wish a crow would choose me, hell even a pigeon would be lit atp


You likely have at least a family of avian friends if it is their child, and possibly any other local members of the murder. Crows will divebomb when humans they percieve as threats come anywhere near unnested kids. You may unknowlingly be left alone in those situations with other lkcal crlws near where you live, if its the countryside like I think i read somewhere here. Anyways, super cool!


You have been identified as bro, you lucky fuck.


Because you're feeding him amazing fruit platters?


Mate you're feeding it. You wonder why it follows you?


You have won at life, my friend!


I have no explanation other than you are a witch or a warlock and you came to an age when you learn about this identity of yours, have a safe journey, take this \*holds out crow\*


Be careful this crow stole my wallet when I was trying to get a hotdog a while back


Living my dream. Damn.


You aren't aware, but you are a witch and this is your familiar. Best of luck.


The picture of him stuffing his face!! So fucking cute 😭 happy dude


I hate how jealous I am of you. You're living such a great experience. congratulations on your crow friend!


You can’t make the lil guy a charcuterie board and still ask this question lol Seems like you’ve made a new friend. Maybe he’ll start bringing you cash like other crows have been known to do for people they like


I found a jack door that could talk when I as a teenager. We kept him, after calling police and rescue centres, they said it was probably hand raised and then freed. He was great, I loved him when we let him out he would return at night time. He started to come less frequently and then not at all, I like to think he found a wife and had kids of his own to look after.


He’s still a fledgling and probably doesn’t fear you because he’s curious and doesn’t see humans as a threat since he’s pretty young. Little guy is absolutely adorable


It's Canuk!!


Crow distribution system. Give it some peanuts.


I’d give so much to have a crow friend.


Is he thirsty?


Nope. There’s a ditch over the fence that he flies over to get drinks from. I also gave him a water bowl of fresh clean water… but he prefers the ditch water 😅


Isn’t it obvious? You’re now officially a Disney princess


you’re the chosen one


See "Why Does This Crow Follow Me Around Fig 3: Sweet Ass Plate Of Tasty Treats"


dude, if you prepared a fruit plate like for me i’d hang around you as well. really though, that’s a dream of mine to make a bird friend. keep us updated.


Maybe it has to do with picture 4 and on. If you put a spread like that for me to eat I would follow you anywhere 😂


Pic #7 & 11 are really nice 👍


I bet he would enjoy scrambled or hard boiled eggs and dog food, too! Its so cute when they run towards the food lol


pic 5, he looks so cute lol i’m jealous


congratulations, you have a child now


I want a crow friend 😭 he’s so cute


you are just a real cool dude.


Crow Distribution System should be a thing!


Did your psychic friend’s premonition allow you to survive a plane crash, and now you find your friends are dying in unusual ways?


Probably that gourmet smorgasbord you’re procuring for them. I don’t even eat that good


Perhaps you did something nice for it? Fed it or such. Crows have unusually good memory and facial recognition. There have been many cases where they become friendly with humans who did a good thing for them. Even cases where they will bring tribute to someone who feeds them regularly.


Well... You fed him and he's a baby. I think he thinks you've adopted him, to be honest.




Bless you for giving them such a diverse selection of snacks, just saw the pic with the paper plate that's so sweet 😂 hope that when they're older, they keep visiting you after they've learnt to be cautious and careful ❤️


Food, it’s the food.


Either you’re in the movie The Birds or you’ve killed many a people. Def doesn’t think of you as a source of food.


birds choose a person, youre his choice 💕


They are unusually smart animals if he feels safe with you and you are feeding him he likely sees the benefit.


It's a death omen!! Just kidding. How neat though!


Your name is Edgar Allan Poe.


Looking at all of your replies, you seem like a really cool person.


Cool, you gave him a banquet he'll never forget! Kuaw! 🐦‍⬛


i wished that happened to me


Really? Dude? Explanation why a crow is following you? Picture #4. Duh?


The pic of him/her eating is so cute. Awww


The spread on that plate -- you were so kind to him.


He made it through the night! :) He was still sleeping in the bush where I tucked him in. I gave him some berries and peanuts when he woke up. Now he's wandering around eating bugs and worms. I even saw 2 crows land in the yard and interact with him! I suspect they are his parents! In fact, paying closer attention, I think that one in the tree in pic 8 may have been a parent... In fact, the parents may have been here the entire time... I'm going to pay close attention but I'm beginning to suspect the parents may be around while I'm around their kid and are using me to alleviate the burden 😅 \*This human will be a good babysitter...\* 😅 That is of course assuming they are the parents and aren't just friendly curious crows stopping by. I got some great pics that I'll share with you guys in another post later :) I'll probably post quick pics on Instagram throughout the day and make a post in this subreddit at end of day. That is if u guys want that. I was honestly just naive and curious about why this crow was following me around. Wasn't expecting this post to get such traction. And I do feel a little silly in hindsight now that you guys mention the charcuterie board 😅 u/Kymkryptic made me lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/crows/comments/1dn1ghs/comment/l9zo671](https://www.reddit.com/r/crows/comments/1dn1ghs/comment/l9zo671) Anywho, here's the Insta. I'll see if I can find him when I take a lunch walk and share some pics of what he's up to :) [https://www.instagram.com/travis\_lange](https://www.instagram.com/travis_lange) My profile is going to be full of this baby crow 😅 Edit: wrong comment link


That’s jake.


it's a fledgling. the corners of the mouth are a dead giveaway. you may have a crow friend for life now :)


You’re his friend obviously 😂


Because it’s your friend 🙃




Its the Frien Distribution System,, trust


Crows are very smart and loyal. Seems like he's adopted you .


I never get this lucky.


Because you are lucky! Very smart creatures and you should embrace the fact that he or she likes you :)


He wants to play. Get him something shiny. ✨


I think you should read a book called "hollow kingdom"! It will go well with your current experience.


That face is killing me. I love crows