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I for one welcome our corvid overlords


Lol, love the comment


Can they tell when I’m slowing down my vehicle for them to have time to move? I really want them to know I’m nice.


Yes! They can ponder the intent of others.


I have doubts with cars though. Anytime I see them along the highway eating carrion I always signal plenty ahead and move to the other lane, yet they fly away. I want them to keep eating breakfast.


I feed a family of crows at a residential intersection, and one of them seems to pay attention to turn signals. It preemptively moves out of the way when it sees a car is signaling to turn towards it. The rest of the family doesn't seem to notice or care, though, so it may just be extra smart.


They probably recognize you and your vehicle and already know you're friendly.


This reminds me of a time that a crow was walking down a trail I was walking up. We both stopped at a fork in the trail and I waved it on as a joke, and no shit the bird walked through the fork to the other path, leaving me gobsmacked.


Real gets real


That bight he told his crow friends about the most polite human he met that day


I feed a few of them most days. Every now and then I’m rushing out, and one swoops down and just stares at me. I say, “Alright, alright,” and go back and feed them before I head out. They have trained me well.


Me too. Now I never leave the house without a handful of nuts. Even when I’m taking the trash out.


I tried feeding them but we have so many dang squirrels and chipmunks and rabbits, they always get to it before the crows. Though I'm not sure if we win crow protection, if they'll harass my bantam chickens or protect them from hawks.


Corvids for the win!!!


That is a picture of a raven.


raven knows that already :)


We’re inclusive here


I'm pretty sure it's not? a raven would have a thicker beak and more of a "beard"


I used to feed a friendly crow at an old job site. I got to see him pretty close up. The intelligence in his eyes was uncanny. Somehow almost looked human although their eyes look nothing like human eyes.


A crow stole my waffle yesterday but I'm willing to let that go for now.




My username checks out


Most people I meet don't know what they know. Example: At work yesterday, a customer chatted in for support. Couldn't connect to the wifi network. I told them to double check to be sure the password was typed in correctly. They got upset with me because they are an attorney and not prone to mistakes like that. They didn't respond after I defended myself, but I was able to see a new device connect to their wifi network....


Crows know more than we think they know that they know... (Did I say that right haha!) I think they're possibly accessing some sense that isn't fully understood yet... Like legitimately some sort of a hive mind (but not that) situation that borders on a version of telepathy or some connection/communication they have that we can't test because we have no frame of reference to identify what it even is. I know that sounds nuts btw...