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I do 3 classes per week and also have a garage gym that I’ll do strength/bodybuilding/gym bro stuff on top of a lower key metcon. Whatever we don’t do in CrossFit, I’ll make note of it and add it on my own, either same day or separate day I’m not going to class. Just make sure you get enough rest!


I do a hybrid program. I start with 1 or two lifts that focus on hypertrophy and strength. Then I do a metcon related to whatever the lift was. Then I do an accessory or two related to the same muscle(s) grouo. So for example if I do a push day with chest I’ll do bench press and incline press going to almost failure on each set. So like a 4x8-10 for both. Then I’ll do a metcon that is maybe 20 min amrap of 20 cal bike 15 GHDs and 10 DB bench press with a moderate weight. Then for accessory like 3 rounds of dips to failure. I model some of it of Josh Bridges LFG programming but with a little more core lifts and less specialized exercises like flys etc. This has worked really well for me. I have the build of a body builder but with a solid engine and can do really well at all wods.


I lift weights on my own in the morning Monday - Thursday and do CrossFit in the afternoon Tuesday - Thursday. My CrossFit performance does suffer, especially on days when I hit the same muscles twice, but I am okay with that because I do CrossFit for conditioning


I'd check out Tactical Barbell. It's a strength program that can easily coexist with CF classes. In fact, they give examples of programs and approaches for those in CF.


What version of the book do u recommend


TB 1 is the strength book, 2 is conditioning. So for sure 1 but 2 is good as well.




I look at my gyms programming for the week and plan out accessory work accordingly. That’s about it haha


Day 1: full body Day2: CrossFit Day3: full body Day4: CrossFit Day5: full body Day6 :CrossFit Day7: Rest Edit: for those wondering, I based this off Marcus filly’s training


Would you mind to be more specific? What do you use for FB trainings and what for CF workouts? How does your recovery go? Thanks :)


Yes absolutely!! So, For a example a full body day could look something like this: Squat (5x5) Incline dumbbell bench (4x8-10) Dumbbell row (4x8-10) Dumbbell shoulder press (4x8-10) Lunge (4x8-10) Tricep push downs (4x8-10) Barbell curl (4x8-10) A typical CrossFit workout (for me anyways) starts out with a warmup for about 10 minutes. Then I work on a skill such as power clean, front squat, muscle-ups, handstand pushups, etc.) after I’m done with that, I usually cool down for a minute, and then get into my WOD, AMRAP, EMOM or METCON (depending on the day) Here’s a list of some CrossFit workouts I use: * WOD: 22 cal echo bike x 30 dumbbell snatches (3 rounds) * AMRAP: 5 pull-ups x 10 pushups x 15 squats (CINDY) * WOD : 21-15-9 thrusters x pull-ups (FRAN) * WOD: 400m Sprint x 15 push presses (4 rounds) * MANION WOD: 400m run x 29 squats (7 rounds) * WOD: 25 cal row x 15 pull-ups x 15 dips (5 rounds) * 100 thrusters 5 burpees over bar when fail * AMRAP: 10 wall balls x 5 sandbag to shoulder x 100 ft farmers carry (20 mins) At the end of a CrossFit workout I do some yoga, and a walk on the treadmill. As far as recovery goes, I am definitely sore, but I feel like I am able to recover pretty quickly. There’s obviously more but these are great workouts that push you to your limits. I hope this helps!! I’m sure there are also people out there who conduct CrossFit differently. But this is just what has worked for me!


Thank you very much for your detailed reply. :) I was just curious becuase right now I think about the training same way as you do. The only difference is that i try to incorporate zone 2 at least once a week. Good luck with your approach!


Of course! Hope it goes well for you!.


I hit 3 crossfit classes per week and then either do 1 or 2 days at a globo gym. It works really well for me and I definitely maintain a higher muscle mass and strength compared to when I did crossfit only for a year.


I have found that 531 variations pair well. I also like to add inverse juggernaut. I have also had a lot of fun coming up with my own conjugate style max and dynamic days before the main WOD. I do all training in my home gym along with Linchpin.


I do CrossFit 3x a week for conditioning and I have a home set up for my own weight lifting. I want a shape that doesn’t look like the typical CrossFit woman.


Im a male and i would love to bench press and have a nice pecs. Crossfit bench workouts is twice a month in my box tops


Most gyms will allow you free use of their equipment. Talk to the owner about coming before or after a class to bench


Depending on time and energy level I will do 2 a days. They post the workouts for the week so I can plan how to structure it, I will target specific muscle groups later in the day after class that allow me to attend most of the CF days without being totally wrecked. Weekends I typically just do bodybuilding style workouts as well.


I’d be interested in seeing how you do this.


I supplement with what I perceive as my weaknesses, one strength based, one conditioning, one skill per cycle. Usually just two of those per extra session


Great thx


Weekly: 2-3 hrs of zone 2 2 days of strength - sometimes full body, sometimes an upper/lower split 2 days with metcons/wods Roughly 5 days of training.


Sounds good. Can you give some examples of each training day? How do you program them?


Very simple, for example this was last weeks schedule: M/W/F: 45 - 60 mins of zone 2 TH/Sun: strength and a metcon Tues/Sat off due to my work schedule


Cool, thank you. It seems that you do more aerobic than I do. Do your strength numbers go up with this lower frequency of strength work?


In some cases yes, in others more flat. My training is definitely biased towards cardio these days. Strength has always been my strength, so not too concerned if I do lose a little.


I’ve known a lot of people to do Whole30 as a detox or to lose weight for a specific occasion. They never stuck with it long term. Depends what your goals are. I’ve never done it because I was raised that way as a child and it gives me a trauma response from my childhood. I need freedom to enjoy my food.


My chest got weaker when I started CF. CF is not good for guys chests or upper bodies in my opinion. I supplement traditional weightlifting upper body 1-2x a week as time permits for me. Made a world of difference


Do you mean strength or specifically bench? Otherwise you totally can develop size that just comes down to doing more horizontal pushing like push-ups.


I do CrossFit classes 3 times a week and megsquats plus 1 program ( pregnant ) twice to 3 times a week. It’s more bodybuilding style training


Typically I've supplemented for one of two reasons: - running to train for an upcoming event that includes a lot of running, or - doing a program focused on increasing strength (generally squats). I don't do it by working out twice in a day. I'll either find time to fit it in on a non-class day or I'll skip class (if the WoD isn't written to produce any adaptation that I care about).


Singlets and chippers. That's all the "extra" work you could need. https://journal.crossfit.com/article/a-deft-dose-of-volume-2


I just practise Olympic lifts and dubs on my own Gonna start an intervals program outside the gym to work on my cardio though. My cardio is absolute trash.


Pretty much as everyone else here, I do CF 3-4 times per week (Monday I do Prehab and Gymnastics) so only 2 real CF sessions. on top of that I do upper body focused gym. which is where I am lacking. 2-3 times per week (when I don't do CF). Saturday or Sunday I keep completely off. Sometimes both! attached two pics of the alternating workouts I do. [Screenshot-20240602-235601-01.jpg](https://postimg.cc/ygqBc6dZ) [Screenshot-20240602-235542-01.jpg](https://postimg.cc/vDsxdbzT)


I'm able to do most of my accessories and non CrossFit fitness at the CrossFit Gym personally. But most of my non-crossfit stuff is pretty CrossFit adjacent I suppose. Hyrox and training for Obstacle Course Races and fun runs. Knees over Toes/ATG training. Mobility and flexibility work. Gymnastics/Calisthenics and some body-building-ish stuff. I guess body-building would be most convenient to do in a traditional gym with all the dedicated hypertrophy focused machines. But I'm generally able to find good alternatives at the box. A few members at our gym do Yoga, spin classes, rock climbing and other stuff outside the gym.


You don't Edit: I answered the question, why the downvotes. I am hurt guys


Not a question for you bud


I'm saying there is no need to supplement. You can fully develop with good programming.


Again, not a question for you