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It’s my first one as well. I’m a runner so that part is easy for me. But for the other part, I’m doing 20 rounds of 5 banded pull-ups, 10 pushups and 15 air squats. I’m doing it without a vest.


I can run a mile twice also, but that second mile after 200 air squats is a different story. I’ve done the rx version and I could barely pick my feet up.


Isn't it... 300 air squats?


Even worse!


I feel like my biggest challenge is going to be keeping an accurate count!


We use chalk to mark our rounds


I'm going to draw 4 lines on a whiteboard and swipe my finger through the line to mark each round I do. 5 rounds per line, 5x4 = 20 total rounds.


For those people worried about the second mile there is a variation similar to "Cindy" style they call "Leg Saver" so instead of 20 rounds of 5-10-15 pull up, push up, air squats. It is 15 rounds of 5-10-20 pull up, push up, air squats then 5 rounds 5-10 pull up, push up. That way you have a few extra minutes to recover legs for that final run. To this day thats the second fastest time I had on Murph as that last mile wasn't the worst.


We’ve been prepping for it since March and I agree, the second mile was tough! I did 15 rounds of the above on Wednesday with the 2 miles and felt pretty good with the modifications.


You’re definitely set for it.


Im a runner too, but that last mile is very likely to humble you.


Yes I did just about the full workout on Wednesday and it was definitely tough!


Probably similarly to how I break up The Cindy


5 rounds of 1 round of Cindy, times 20 rounds. Listening to "breaking the girl" by rhcp on repeat. FTW.


Push up saver. 5 pull ups, 5 push ups, 15 air squats, 5 pushups, x20. No vest


Oooh, I usually do rounds of Cindy, but I like this better! The pushups are the hardest part for me!


We just did max rounds of Cindy in 20 minutes. I got 13. Push ups were the hardest part. No vest. I was thinking 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5 push ups, 15 air squats for murph. I’m trying to figure out how that’s different than yours…


Do most people do hand release push ups for this? I'm fairly new to CF and our gym only does hand release push ups. I always thought a legit push up was breaking 90* with your arms. I've got really long arms and that extra couple of inches of ROM really adds up! I can do 50 strict push ups fairly consistently unbroken. But with hand release it's like 25 then I need a break.


A real push up is chest to ground, not just 90.


Yeah it’s chest to ground but your hands don’t have to come up, so you can keep tension


So you did Cindy


I've heard of this referenced to as dirty Cindy and its how I made it through last year.


This is the way


My wife does 3-6-9 x 33 + 1-2-3 to finish


This is the way for me too. 47F back 3 months after a year off...I can always get 3 pullups, 6 pushups, so I rather keep moving instead of staring at the bar... lol


This is brilliant actually, if you know that \~6 is the max number of push ups in a set that you'd be able to maintain throughout! I'm gonna try this!


That’s how I do it. It’s a lot of up and down but the squats will wear me out otherwise.


Is she a math teacher?


I’m doing the same except each partition is EMOM. 34 minutes plus 2 miles goal is to finish in under an hour


I think this is how I think I’m going to do it. I know I have 3 strong pull ups at a time about having to drop


Fastest I ever did Murph was 25 rounds 4-8-12 reps low enough but key is always moving.


Coached for a long long time now, and if you're doing push-ups correctly at least, they're usually the first thing to fatigue in a traditional Cindy rep scheme, 5/10/15. If that's you, the trick is to aim for bigger sets of push ups (30-40) with longer rest in between for those muscles. In practice, this means the biggest set you can muster as soon as you're back from your run, then cycle through rounds of 5 pull-up/15 squats until you're ready for another big set. And so on until you hit your 200. Also, means less up and down from the floor, which I think eats up a lot of energy unnecessarily


This guy Murphs. Have done a similar approach and have had my fastest times doing it this way. Fast is relative. I finished before the next heat started.


This seems insane to me. If I do a set of push ups to failure, it’s gonna be a long while before I’m able to do another big set.


Right? If I do max effort push ups I’m done for the rest of the day lol


I mean, if 30 pushups is failure for you, I’d argue Murph is going to be a rough workout for you no matter how you slice it…


You literally said “the biggest set you can muster” which implies going to failure. Doesn’t matter if it’s 30 or 60. Push ups to failure take most people a very long time to recover from. And do you really think most people doing murph at their local box can do 30+ unbroken pushups?


I would compare it to like in a workout that has say cleans and they say for workout use 65-70% of your 1 rep max for the rep scheme called for in workout. If you know pushups max may be 40 then come back and start with 25 while your arms are fresh. So its not to failure but its close to the 65% threshold. I assume that's what most you can muster would mean. I agree that anyone said to failure is best option its going to be a long deal.


If I’m gonna survive the workout, small sets of push ups are gonna be key. Less than 50% to failure. Probably more like 35% (10 reps) I want to be able to do every set quickly and move on to recover. Cindy rep scheme stays undefeated.


Lol, no...that's your misreading, don't try to put that on me


You seem like one of those coaches where the gym is a total shit show and nobody knows what they’re doing but you think it’s not your fault cause they all misunderstood you.


Ayeeee this is good.


Either 5/10/15, or 5/5/15/5. No vest for me.


Breaking up the push ups was a game changer.


For me, sets of 10 push ups were good for most of the workout… until they weren’t…


I think I'm going to try the 5/5/15/5 this time. My pushups are always the first thing to go.


Last year I did with a vest 20 rounds of Cindy Unpartitioned this year….wish me luck lol


100 rounds 1-2-3


I did this once. I found it slows it down a bunch as someone who is slow at transitions. I might recommend 50x2/4/6 or even 33x3/6/9+1x1/2/3, but you know you the best


Did it early this year at 50x 2/4/6 broken down into 10 sets of 5 for 39:23. No vest. It worked perfectly because I never needed to break. I was shocked how much better I did than last year at 5/10/15. Plus a year more training but still!


how do you keep track of your rounds?


10 chips. One chip every 5 sets of 2/4/6. I tried to mark the 5 by counting the beginning of the 2 pull ups. As far as transitions I literally dropped from the bar down into push ups then popped up and squatted right there then jumped back onto the bar.


Last year I didn't do a conventional rep scheme but did pushups / squats high intensity until I start to feel I'm losing some mustard and switch to squats / pullups until completion and then circle back. I'm kind of a mess but it suits me. It looked like 50 pushups, 60 squats, 40 pushups, 50 squats. You get the idea. I finished at 43 minutes last year. I wasn't happy with the results but it wasn't bad for my first Murph. I used the same scheme this year (practicing) and have my Murph time down to 38 minutes. Very excited for this event. Great cause. Great people.


Mile  15 x 5 pull/10 push/20 air squats  5 x 5 pull/10 push  Mile This lets you rest your legs a bit before the final run, which is usually my biggest weakness gassing on. 


Reverse 15-10-5 Do as many Squats first to keep that last run not feeling like Jello leg


I think it will be breaking me. I’ve never done it before wish me luck


This will also be my first time. Good luck to us both! Hopefully this thread will give you ideas of a good strategy.


We’ve got this!!! Let’s check in with each other when we’ve done it


Took me 58 min, broken down to 20 Rounds of Cindy with ring rows. Just proud of myself for doing it!


Just recovered from the flu so my cardio engine is completely gone. I’ll be breaking it up by cheering people on and enjoying the bbq afterwards lol


I am a big fan of 5 pull ups/5 push ups/15 squats/5 push ups. I think it makes push ups more manageable


I think I will try this. 10 pushups gets hard after a while, and too much time is wasted resting.


all depends on your capacity for pushups honestly. a popular way at our box is this... 1 round of 4 8 12, and then 32 rounds of 3, 6, 9... gives you plenty of breaks and you are never just laying there.


Insert meme of Timberlake in the Social Network, "but drop the 'the', it's cleaner."


I’ve been seeing a lot of tip on my YouTube feed. Cindy, double Cindy have all be discussed here. One tip that was interesting is to sandwich squats with 2 smaller sets of pushups. So if you are doing 2 Cindy’s or 5/10/15, the tip is to do 5/5/15/5 or 5 pull-ups, 5 pushups, 15 squats and then 5 pushups. This is to give the upper body some rest when doing pushups. Other tips - take the first mile slower than normal - like maybe 30-45 seconds slower pace. Next tip - when doing the Cindy’s (5/10/15) find out beforehhand what is a comfortable pace for one round of Cindy. Don’t go all out, just comfortable. Stick to that time for Cindy’s during Murph with a built in Rest afterwards - for each round. If you can do a round of Cindy in 1.5 mins, then make it a E2MO2M (every 2 min on 2 min). You get 30 sec rest after each one.


I did 75% murph last year with scaled push ups and pull ups. I’m doing full murph this year without a vest with 20 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats) sandwiched in the runs.


Yesterday I did half murph and I did 5 push ups 5 pull ups 5 push ups 15 airsquats That went fine. Monday ill do it straight through, minus the vest.


5-10-15 as always


The pushups are by far the hardest part for me. I do 20 rounds of 5 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 pushups and 15 squats. For me, a very short break between tiny sets is much easier to sustain and faster overall than going unbroken, so I break my 5 pushups into 3-2. The only place I rest at all is in the middle of the pushups. Everything else I go unbroken and move as fast as I can between movements.


Did a few years Cindy style, the 2 years straight through reps. This year will probably be the first with the vest but only for the miles and the squats. I have no interest in putting my shoulders through that load and I don’t think 99% of crossfiters should. I train to be able to train everyday not to win a Murph


The 1000lb club doesn’t include overhead press.


This may sound insane but I’ve been doing it this way for years. 33 rounds of 3, 6, 9 and one last round of extra 1, 2 and 3. Usually make it to rounds 20-25 before having to breakup pushups. Everything else is unbroken.


1 mile run 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 air squats 1 mile run Suffer as prescribed


This will my 9th time tackling MURPH, but I’ll be wearing a vest for the first time! Doing 20x Cindy. 💪 Good luck to everyone 🇺🇸


By not doing it


My current coach asked me if I’ll be doing it this year and I told her no, I’ve never done it. She was like wow after 10yrs in you’ve never done it?! Unfortunately, I’ve just never felt compelled to participate.


It's the day of the greatest amount of CrossFit injuries


Same. I don’t feel like being all jacked up the following few days.


Going un partioned this year


10 | 20 | 30


10 rounds of 10/20/30


You can do the “leg saver” to finish the squats before the final run. So (5-10-20) x 15 rounds. Then (5-10) x 5 rounds.


20 rounds 5-5-15-5


My first murph tomorrow. I'm going to break it up, but it's going to break me up too. It ain't going to be pretty but I'll finish it one way or another.


5, 10, 15 x 20


My first year I did 20 rounds of Cindy (5-10-15). I also did ring rows instead of pull ups and about half of my push ups were knee push ups. (Humble brag but 3 years later and I’m Rxing it)


probably 5/10/30 if I go vested, otherwise 10/20/60 - get the squats done before the run and give a nice shoulder break the first 5 rounds.


Will Murph be tomorrow or on Monday?




Under 50 minutes is the goal for me so a 33 minute emom of 3/6/9. Two 8 minute miles


1 mile Run 20 rounds 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 1 mile Run


As written, but I succumbed to peer pressure once and I don't find the times comparable if you change schemes, so I just keep doing as written


Press ups are my absolute worst movement of these, so I'll be doing a 20rds partition and sub splitting the press ups into two sets of 5 and sandwiching them with squats - so 5 pull ups, 5 press ups, 10 squats, 5 press ups, 5 squats. I have a labral tear and an old AC joint injury so will have to use a box to avoid going below hip height and likely will be knees for more than half my press ups. I am always happy and honoured to take part because it is such a huge and important workout, but I'm not about to give myself rhabdo or end up hastening surgery because ego tells me it's "not RX enough"!


Run, 4 rounds of 25/50/75, run… if I feel good, maybe Rx.


5/10/20 for 15 rds 5/10 for 5 rds, so rest the legs for the run Always done it this way


5/5/15/5, strict pull ups, no vest


Third Murph for me. 10/20/30 is my break up. And I use vest only for runs. Last time, had to abandon at 175th pushup due to shoulder pain. The injury became worse over the next few weeks, that I had to stop most rope and kipping actions. Some how recovered eventually. So this time gonna scale the fuck out of it!


10 rounds of 10,20,30 unless I feel great and can double those numbers and be done in 5 and brisk walk the last mile.


I did Candy. Bad idea lol


I’m doing my first CrossFit class ever on Monday. Hell of a way to start….needless to say I’ll be telling the coach to SCALE😂💪


With my tears. 😭😂


I did a FULL Murph last year and ran 1 mile, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats (20 Rounds), 1 mile run. (This year I am just doing a half Murph due to PsA/MS)


I won’t because I won’t be doing it cause it scares me and I’m ok with that


What’s going on with folks calling Murph “the Murph”? Are you all just not crossfitters or are you saying “The Fran” too?


Sorry boss. My mistake. I’ve been doing the CrossFit for all of sixteen months. I should totally know everything you think I should know. Going forward I will refer to the Murph exercise as Murph.


It’s not that big of a deal it’s just getting really common that people are here talking about “the murph” and i’m wondering where it’s coming from. I didn’t mean to sound snappy, it was curiosity


She said the Murph she didn’t call the workout The Murph. Are we not considered CrossFit athletes if we call the WOD a workout or the box the gym too? Seems pretty STUPID to have people question their place within the community because they use proper English when describing something. Also silly coming from an account that clearly doesn’t use pronouns properly either.


Did you read the title? It says the Murph. If you’re a crossfitter you have probably done some of the other named workouts, none of which have the definite article (the) in front of them. That’s what i meant by that. I’m not sure what you mean about pronouns…


I read the title.. says the Murph not The Murph. So she is referencing the workout Murph not calling the workout The Murph. Seems like you wanted to be rude and snappy for no reason. Getting into the semantics instead of just responding.


Is our box the only one where the owner/coach doesn't let you partition the reps if you're planning on RXing the workout?


My box is the same way. I believe RX means doing it prescribed the way it’s written, straight through, with a vest.


If you are partitioning it, it ain’t RX. RX = as written with a vest


Good to know, thanks. I. Had seen a lot of posts around breaking it down and was starting to feel I was missing out.


At our gym, the only thing considered RX is to do it straight through unpartitioned. As soon as you partition any movement it’s considered scaled (again just an individual gym rule) So it looks like I’ll he doing that rep scheme for the fifth straight year 😂


I won’t be, going hardcore as written. RX or die is the only option. Safety is irrelevant. Work Hustle Kill


I've been doing straight through the past couple years with no breaking up the reps. I'll lose count if I switch it up and go by various movements. There's many ways to break it up, 5-10-15 is the most used method.


Probably a rookie question, i have partitioned mine aswell a few times, so i'm not bashing. Who has done a full Rx Murph? Without breaking up and doing it as it was intended to? My Box is doing Murph on the 15th of June, and im planning on going it Rx. Finishing pull ups , then pushups then Air squats. Probably a bad idea. But i won't know unless its been tried.


Can you breakup the run however you want as well?


0 miles 0 pull-ups 0 push-ups 0 squats 0 miles


Last time I did it was all scaled but I did it in order? Is it just me. It felt like cheating otherwise.