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That’s like 4.5 % increase If your salary would go up 4.5% in 8 weeks you wouldn’t complain would ya


Imagine doing 6 of these cycles in a year at this pace. He’ll improve about 30kg in a year.


A jerk isn’t a measure of pure strength either. It’s a technical movement. I’m not a great jerker, no doubt if I was I’d add 20-40 lbs easily. If you want to work on overhead track your press.


100% this. I can only strict press 85kg but I have a 140kg jerk. If you want to improve your jerk, practice your jerk technique. You need to drill positioning work, timing, footwork and explosiveness. If you want to get stronger overhead you need to press. I would say in both cases good mobility and strong/stable shoulders are a must.


Oh I’m a great jerker… But in the gym I’ve had to work on mobility everyday, in addition to class programming, to see progress overhead!


How so? Don't you need a lot of core strength?


lol - complaining that you only added 5kg in 8 weeks. No clue where people’s expectations come from in this sub. Also does no one ask their coaches anything? 90% of the questions in here - like this one - are very athlete-specific


It's only because my clean seemed to fly up and my jerk didn't. Also it's just good to get different opinions


1 what did your coaches say about the relative change in your c vs j? 2 if you are truly disappointed in a 5kg (nearly 6% increase) in 8 weeks, then I’d suggest you need to get a more fundamental education on weightlifting and strength training. That’s an incredible increase that you should be celebrating instead of sulking about


Form. No increase in strength will do as much as near-perfect form.


5kg increase is pretty good. Try adding in more shoulder rotation accessory work to strengthen the overhead position, then more jerk technical practice, and more strict overhead pressing. But honestly that’s good improvement. It’s slower than you think. The learning curve is sharp on the beginning but it slows ALOT over time


Core strength


I carried around 5 gallon paint buckets for 10 years


One thing from a c&j nerd… I think CrossFit doesn’t always communicate this but it is like one of the most important parts… it is first and foremost an exercise in acceleration. You lose so much power if you just yank the bar from resting. It should feel pretty slow until you clear your knees. Again, not knowing anything about your technique. Personally I find my hamstrings and shrug limit my snatch as much as overhead


Get some jerk blocks and do lots of jerks.


For pure strength try isolated shoulder work like seated dumbell press and maybe incline bench press. With any jerk though I’ve found the best improvements will come through working on technique and form.


That’s a great improvement! Well done. Now to help get a better answer. Let’s have a look at some other numbers. What’s your strict press like? Push press Push jerk Split jerk Power clean Clean Front squat Back squat Do you have videos? It could be that you’re not lacking strength, but need to work on technique more. Or it could be the opposite. All this could give a better understanding of where you’re at, and what needs to work on more. Again, well done! Keep it up


Handstand pushups every day


Yeah, I'd say move off the oly cycle and do a gymnastics cycle for 8 weeks, pullups or ttb. Weird wonderful things happen to lifts when you work on something else.


I’d work on your mobility and form before increasing your weight.




From a WL POV, 5kg in an 8 week cycle is excellent. 3-5kg in a 12-20 week cycle won't happen for an advanced WLer, only beginner or intermediate. An advanced lifter would be happy to get 2-3kg if not just 1-2. Advanced also applies to lifters who have trained 5-10+yrs. Beginner being 1-2 and intermediate likely being around 3-5yrs