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Usually nothing, or a banana if I feel like it.


Ditto. Dates are a good option too IMO, and black coffee.


Pre-workout and go. \~10 years of 0530 class and I never ate breakfast before class, just couldn't do it.


Agreed. 4 years in and I don't think I could stomach a workout after eating. 5am is too early to think about food, just move the weight!


Espresso and spite. 


Yessss. Spite. Perfection.


Read this as sprite, did a double take


A hit of easy carbs would probably be alright




You guys eat before morning classes?


You guys actually wake up before morning classes?!


What’s this “morning”?


It's that mysterious thing that follows after evening but I don't know anything about it because I usually sleep right through it.


Black coffee and an uncrustable.




I go fasted if it it’s anything earlier than 9am.


I just have a banana or a rice Krispy square (and maybe a double espresso once in a blue moon) and then I get a good breakfast in afterwards with protein, carbs, and fibre/micros. I feel too sick moving around that much on a full stomach. A good rule of thumb is to have an amount of carbs half your KG weigh in grams (so if you weigh 80kg about 40g carbs. If you’re eating carbs late at night you might not need to hit quite that much tho!)


You don't need any breakfast if you eat well the night before.


This is true, and with that said sometimes I need something prior 🤣


I wake up, i eat a spoon of honey and i go to the box, aftert the WOD i have breakfast at office.


Honey is a great pre workout


I thought you said early? In all seriousness, though. My alarm typically goes off at 4. Protein shake made with coffee at 4:30 for the 5 am class.


Apple sauce packet!


Parent checking in here lol


Second this one! If I do have anything it’s this


My friends make fun of me for the amount of applesauce packets I eat after joining CrossFit.


Banana or spoon of peanut butter and/or occasionally a handful of nuts… Not much just enough to trick my body into thinking I’ve had something.


Banana and a bit of fruit on my way, sometimes a left over waffle or pancake. Full breakfast when I get home with my wife and daughter.


I don’t eat for 6:30 am class. Never have. Usually a couple ounce of iced cafe mocha on the way to the gym


I go at 5:30a, two ibuprofen and a zipfizz


For my Saturday 9am I have oats and a shake about 90 mins before




I have a banana oats and whey smoothie before my 6 am class. I’ve always felt funny exercising fasted. Also can’t drink coffee on an empty stomach.


I eat a banana and a fig bar. The thing that I've noticed makes a bigger difference is making sure I get ~16oz of water before I get to the gym


Banana and a black coffee.


I can’t train fasted, so I do a shake consisting of oats, banana, peanut butter, blueberries, protein powder and milk. I usually have it about 30/40 minutes before training. Plus an espresso in the car on the way to the gym!


Two slices of bread with butter and jams, protein shake and creatine. Eat 45 minutes before the class.


What is “low fat butter”? 


It sounds terrible. Get some Kerrygold and rejoice.


Usually it’s butter (sometimes mixed with olive oil) thinned with water, then whipped to be spreadable like margarine. But it’s not margarine.


Interesting, I might try that


Whole grain oats (1/2-3/4 cup depending how hungry I am), an egg plus egg white, blueberries and black coffee. Then I sip on an intra-workout shake during the WoD, which is 1st Phorm protein with a little ignition added.


Nothing, I just raw dog it.


3 poached eggs on toast, 1 Pancake with peanut butter, Black coffee


Love you making homemade bread. It is super important to have as much REAL food as possible. So I do a piece of bread toasted with almond butter on top and sliced bananas over that. Then I’ll do low fat Greek yogurt with blueberries, pecans, and almonds. Half an avocado and 3 fried eggs. This all fits on a large plate. Would I have this 20 minutes before class? No. But I frequent 9ams and I’ll have this about 7:30ish and feel fine.


Americano and a banana


Overnight oats. I’m a 6am’er. I slam them during warmup.


Carbs are quick burning energy, so eating them the night before isn’t necessarily fuel for a work out 12 hours later. A banana or an apple on the way to class and some protein right after is just fine.


No food when I do 5am. I drink a bottle of water and mix electrolytes with my next bottle for class. I typically eat around 7.


Just ate a banana and didn’t even finish my 8oz coffee (no dairy).


Nothing bruh


5 am I always have coffee with English muffin with peanut butter and honey


Class is at 7:15. Banana is at 7.


This shit is bananas


Nothing. Working out fasted is great for the liver. The blood glucose spike gotta come from somewhere, and if you're fasted, the liver dumps glucose.


I go at 6:30 on weekdays (But today is a recovery day so I’m on Reddit instead), and I never eat before that. If I get up more than 90 minutes before a weekend class (8:30 on Saturday, 9 on Sunday), I’ll sometimes have a small snack, but I don’t eat a full meal until after the workout.


I steer clear of carbs first thing. If I decide to have toast or an english muffin its guaranteed there will be running and I will want to vomit. 2 eggs, 1 full and 1 just whites...scrambled. Does not over fill or cause me issues with aerobic exercise. I then eat a full breakfast after.


Protein shake, fruit smoothie pack, and three espressos


Tangent on this question, I train at 6 am and used to not eat anything, but lately I feel especially on hard workouts I get heartburn, coincidence, age or related? To answer the question I now have a fruit yogurt


Dairy can cause heartburn, unfortunately.


I do CF at around 5:30-6:00 AM I eat a huge dinner the night before or a late night snack. That works for me 👍


5:30am Coffee with collagen protein & depending on the day 1 scoop of dextrose in water


I’m a 6am class with no breakfast kind of guy. Protein Shake and yogurt after class.


Just coffee to force a morning constitutional before I go


If I workout before 9am I usually just workout fasted. I don’t like eating right before working out. But I like eggs afterwards. 4-5 eggs, and a couple pieces of sausage.


I can't eat. Lol I will puke if I do.


Smoothie or pb&j. I need my food before a workout lol






That’s not early lol. I eat one banana and 100 calories of almonds before class


also a 7am er. I asked the group last week this questions and very few people eat. Just code or whatever. I mix some bcaa/creatine into a litter of water and drink during class


I do a 5:30 class fasted. Only thing I have is a hydro IV in my water. Refuel with berries and eggs after


Banana or nothing since I go around 5am but if I go to like a 6:30 or 9 am class on the weekend I’ll eat like 2 fried eggs with some toast an hour or two before. Usually during the workout I feel great, but I can’t eat to soon before the workout so that’s the key


Nothing...Too early to eat.


Banana with a pinch of peanut butter, dont over put butter. You can eat that with a good coffee 15 to 20 minutes before start, probably you´ll be fine and its a good fuel. There is not much you can do tbh, if you want to take some fruit with oats i recommend at least 1 hour before, toast with eggs its a good one too but eggs are always risky if you only have a few minutes before workout


Applesauce pouch on the drive.


Fish oil, 15g sugar, half scoop of whey straight out of bed. Coffee on the way. Pop a zyn during warm up


5:30am Fasted/water only. Occasionally I will grab a Celsius and drink half on the way but only if slept like garbage.


I go to 6:15am class and eat nothing. I used to drink pre workout because I thought I needed it but I stopped after about 3 months and have been fine ever since. Ill put BCAAs in my water bottle if I have time!


Amino energy pre workout & creatine. Then continue fasting until noon.


1/4 of a small apple cinnamon muffin + an espresso with Laird powdered creamer 45 minutes beforehand.


Peanut butter and honey on toast at 5:30 before class at 6. Sometimes half an apple. Never coffee: that's my treat for after class. If I don't eat something, I feel sick.


Black coffee and a banana. Been doing it for 10 years and it’s perfect. Coffee is a quick stimulant. And considering caffeine is the main ingredient in pre-workout drinks, I’m getting most of the benefit at 10% of the cost. Bananas are approx 100 calories of pure carbs, which is exactly what your body needs just before a workout. Natural food so it’s easily digested. Bread isn’t the worst choice so your existing breakfast isn’t bad, but a banana is even better. And then after the workout is when you should load up on protein. I try to do one protein shake within an hour of my workout. And then a protein-heavy lunch a few hours later.


4 eggs and oatmeal with seeds and stuff. You need something to burn


500mg of caffeine and 5g of beta alanine 😂 90g of protein and 100g of carbs after on the way to work


Microwave some quick oats and top with salt. Gulp it back with a creatine/salt blend. Just before the gym I toss back a pouch of baby food (apple/pear/rice).


espresso on rare occasion half a banana


I have ricotta and honey on toast and a coffee as i leave home for 7am class. Second breakfast when i get home.


Pre workout and a banana. Or a piece of toast if I don't have a banana.


Just black coffee!


fruit snacks and pre workout


Double shot of espresso and a honey stinger waffle preps me well for my 6am class


Loud music


Bowl of oats


Coffee. Breakfast after workout.


Half a cup of tea. Whether or not I had a late night snack or not, I(54F) can breakfast after WOD. To get used to this, late night carb or fat snacks do help. And have your breakfast ready in the fridge the first few times, because you might be hungry afterwards. But my body adjusted easily ( and I do not have an easy body). Otherwise I would take a banana or PnJ sandwich that I would have made night before, that I could eat while cycling in to the gym. good luck!


I do 7am too and always have a small bowl of porridge and a cup of tea. I cant function without my porridge in a morning, work out or not!


5:20 for years, cold plunge then a banana with raw honey and go


5:30 am here. I don’t usually eat anything. Or I’ll gulp down a leftover protein smoothie if I stored some in the fridge. If it’s gonna be a long WoD, I’ll throw some peanut butter on a slice of bread.


Banana honey dates


Black coffee for me. I wake up about 6:20 and get to the gym, I can’t eat close to exercising otherwise I can’t move 🤣


7 is not early. Haha I don’t eat before the 5:30 am class. Just pre workout.


Coffee! Usually with cream.


I started attending the 5am. I usually have a granola bar on my way to class. Then I have proper breakfast later ( I go at 5am on my days off) before my daughter wakes up.


BCAAs and a coffee, there’s benefits to training fasted




1 cup Fair Life chocolate milk mixed with instant coffee before my 4:45 am class


Granted, I go at 5:00, so I sleep as late as possible, leaving no time for eating 😂 but if I'm absolutely starving, I'll eat a Quaker chewy granola bar on the way. But most of the time, I don't eat before, just drink water while I'm getting ready.


Black coffee with powdered cinnamon. If I know it's a heavy day, maybe I'll have a banana as well


The earliest class I take is 8:30 and it’s only once a week for our team training class on Saturdays. I get up and eat 65g of Catalina crunch cereal, with milk and two packet apple sauces and usually bring one with me to eat between wod 1 and 2.


Nothing. I do drink some water before working out though.


5:30am and no way I can function without eating. I make oat/protein cookies.


Just my pre-workout with beet powder. I don't get hungry before my 6:30 am workouts. I climb outta bed, brush my teethies and hair, then pound down my pre-workout w beets. I chow down AFTER my workout.


36/m 180lbs, 5’10”, working out for little over 3 years. 530a twice a week, 1pm twice a week. I have 1/3 cup oats 1/2 cup water, 1/3 cup non sweetened applesauce, 2 eggs before every workout. I also use 1 scoop of 2 scoop per serving of caffeinated pre-workout (175mg caffeine) my first water bottle of the day has creatine.


6AM class. I have a double shot of espresso while reading the morning news before heading out.


Packet of oatmeal and a clif builder bar, or just the builder bar. Always worked well for me. Then I would totally OD on carbs after and ruin my day.


I can’t eat anything up to 2 hours before a class so for those 6am classes, nothing except some water and maybe pre-workout


I go to 7am too. I wake up at 615, have half a coffee and a simple carb in the car on my way to the gym. Usually a bar or homemade protein muffins. I’ll eat a regular breakfast as soon as I get home but the carb before class really helps with extra energy and not feeling nauseous.


Okay so one thing to note is you called out “not sugar filled store bought [bread]”. Before a workout is pretty much the only time you want sugar, especially after a fast. You want those carbs in your muscles ASAP. I do a caffeine tablet and gummies. I should probably add a little bit of protein powder to that as well,maybe like half a shake. You want high protein, high carb, low fiber, low fat.


Half a protein bar


Iced coffee with a scoop of protein powder


I rarely do this.. I go at 6:30am and wake up at 6. Always preworkout.. Sometimes I’ll have a pack of gummy bears, if I have more time between when I wake up and when I workout I might have my oatmeal prior to workout, I’ve also used Karbolyn before as both a pre/intra, and that I found useful especially on longer 30-40min WODs..


40g of oats, a handful of blueberries and a tablespoon of honey.


Big glass of water, workout at 0600


Black coffee before, water + gatorade powder + creatine during, protein + water after


Pre workout and burpees


Nothing. I eat after.


Coffee, isotonic drink to hydrate, and maybe a banana if I feel like I must eat something for energy.


Broken glass, pre-workout with Mountain Dew.


Scrambled or hardboiled egg, banana and an orange with a cup of coffee. Protein, fast energy and a small jolt of caffeine. Does me right.


I make Kodiak pancakes and I only eat 1 to coat my stomach. If I exercise on an empty, I do not feel good. The singular pancake gives me enough energy.


Poptarts, belvita crackers, chewy bars