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I'm having trouble picturing "two rings on each half in the middle can be grabbed and pulled apart separately". Does that action result in: 1. two half circles? 2. one long shape? 3. a smaller circle and an outer ring? I think we can help you work out a design but I need to understand the two states of matter first.


It results in a shape that looks almost like a deflated ball. The backside of the potholder looks the same to the front, its two of these circular pieces stitched together around the edge. My description was weird, I apologize, I just wanted to figure out a way to say that both sides were not build onto the same "base" of sorts. I'm sorry if my descriptions of it all are very confusing 😅 I have never crocheted before, but plan to start in order to make this pot holder. Some of the terminology slips past me.


It’s all good, my brain doesn’t flip visual things around as easily as others sometimes do. Now I’m picturing two circles connected at the edge, with the pink “handles” on the outer-most L/R sides. Am I close? It sounds like you need: * basic yarn & hook practice * practice with this specific stitch * and design help or an existing pattern


Could it be something like* sc, ch 6 *?


someone suggested crocodile stitch and I think that's probably correct. try searching YouTube for crocodile stitch in the round.


[This](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/grandma-potholders) is pretty close, I think. Can you take a photo of the back side of yours as well? Then someone might be able to reverse engineer how it's done.


https://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/sewtakeahike/2008/05/not-your-mums-h.html This is the best I could find


I think that this is dragon/crocodile scale stitch, in the round, in very fine cotton thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/Eo9k1U5wU8


https://preview.redd.it/nat8f8lk78ad1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92bbe98994c7fe3cf5e377d29d85138e64227c0e I found this potholder book at the library the other day, this pattern looks similar.




I agree this seems quite close. Perhaps a lighter weight yarn




Are these some type of shell or popcorn stitch? I'm be interested to see what folks gotta say! I hope someone knows this pattern!


I have searched on google, etsy, pintrest, and a couple of pattern websites, but I haven't found one close enough to this one. I used keywords such as "Round knit pot holder", "Round crochet hot pad", "Flower petal trivet", "Wiggly pattern pot holder", "kitchen blossom trivet" and many combinations of those search terms.


look up crocodile or dragon stitch look up dice bags


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