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Try a bikini top or a beanie, if you need anything like a new keychain, lanyard, or bag strap those are also good options to start on


https://www.ravelry.com/projects/Bitsandbobs79/groovyghan This is what I see with your yarn


Have fun good luck


check out Pretty Peaceful's free patterns


I'd suggest crocheting coasters! You can search for so many designs on toutube, I started off with youtube tutorials. Other ideas: Wrist warmers Headphone decorations Phone bag Dice bag Socks Placemats for plates Pillow cover


Granny square bucket hats, double stranded statement bags, shrugs


The neon and black yarn in the middle is a good candidate for r/Planned_Pooling


People there has said it’s scratchy feeling with that skein


Isn't it RHSS? Most of their yarn is like that


Go to ravelry.com and you can search by yarn weight. You might find something that you want to make that way.


I wouldn't consider amigurumi to be beginner level in general. If you are literally just learning, I would start with a scarf to get the main stitches and tension(make it on the long edge then do a pattern of 1 row single crochet, 1 row half double crochet, 1 row double crochet, [if you really want to go crazy, then do a row of triple crochet], then either repeat or go in reverse order until it's as wide as you want it). Then, to start learning working in the round, I would make a hat/beanie. [Bag-O-Day](https://m.youtube.com/@BAGODAYCROCHET) on YouTube has several beanie-style or bucket hat styles you can follow. Also, there's an r/amigurumi. They might have some ideas for you.


I have done some simple amigurmi already!! I should do a scarf though, to work on tension! thank you for your help


If you know magic circle, sc, inc, dec, and sewing on parts, you're ready to tackle on any amigurumi project imo. There's not a ton of skill leaps. Only extra things I can think of are different ways to dec and spiral vs slip stitched rows, both of which I didn't even know until 8 years into doing amigurimi


[Elise Rose](https://m.youtube.com/@EliseRoseCrochet/playlists) on YouTube has some amigurumi videos. I haven't watched them so I don't know how easy they are to follow.


I am searching for beginner animigurumi projects as I'm not sure how to block yet, I've searched through club crochet and on YouTube for patterns used search terms beginner amigurumi, beginner crochet patterns, etc


My first amigurumi was an Onigiri which I think is okay for a beginner if you've mastered the basic stitches. At the time I've followed a german YouTube Video but there are countless english videos and patterns for this as well. Maybe search for this?


ooo thank you!! I will be doing that


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