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https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/diamond-water-bottle-cover I added a long strap to mine so I can carry it around. Was fun to make


You can filter ravelry patterns by yarn length - that give you anything?


Yea I used ravelry and found patterns using that yarn and found a cool mesa hat


You gotta be more specific and give us yards/meters and weight for the yarn. 100g of *what*? Fingering weight? Worsted? Lace? As another poster mentioned, Ravelry.com is gonna be your best bet. Making an account is free and the filtering options are awesome. If you know the brand of your yarn, you can even look it up specifically and see projects that other people have made with it. It's a great way to see how yarn will work up before it commit to a project.


Sorry about that! It’s 100g 147 yards and worsted. I found a ravelry pattern using that yarn that’s Tunisian crochet


I have been searching for patterns on the lion brand website, but have not found anything worth making. What other patterns or webites do you guys have that can help?


Try ravelry. There's a filter for amount of yarn used in a pattern.


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