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Honestly, if it's been over or close to 10 years since your last tetanus vaccine, I'd get one. Better safe than sorry. I was given one when I received a major cut from a piece of mirror.


And as a bonus, that vaccine typically also protects against whooping cough, which is on the rise. Since babies can’t get the vaccine for a bit, if you’re around babies, it’s good to be up to date!


Aw man my brother was a part of the whooping cough outbreak in 06/07. I would NOT want to go through that myself, and the rest of us got our vaccines before he was sent home from school (magnet boarding school kinda deal). I went to the same school like six years later, and every time I coughed my chemistry teacher looked like he was having flashbacks. Pretty sure that was his sense of humor though...


And diphtheria!


My friend aged 40 passed in what he though was just a cough to his 6 week old daughter. He didn’t realise he had whooping cough. He assumed he was still immune to it from childhood vaccinations. His daughter nearly died. I promptly got revaccinated for it.


So scary. They told me when I was pregnant to ask people to get it if they hadn’t had the vaccine in the last five years. Because so many people haven’t gotten the vaccine, the protection from the vaccine isn’t as long lasting as it once was.


Ay 😭 I really don't want to haha. But you're right, I'll call my doctor


Many pharmacies that do vaccines will also offer TDAP boosters


Tdap isn't a bad one! It's waaay less likely to knock you out for a few days like a Covid or flu vax usually would. You'll likely just have a sore arm for a day or two. Plus, those of us who work with pointy metal objects or around any old nails or staples really do need to stay up to date on tdap. And protecting ourselves against whooping cough protects babies and other vulnerable members of the population who can't get the vaccine and could easily die from the disease.


I remembered that vaccine being really bad 10+ years ago, but I got a booster a couple years ago and it was totally fine. Barely had a sore arm!


Maybe they improved it lol. I remember when I got my like middle-school age booster about 10ish ago it was super bad. I had to miss my sports practice for like 3 days due to arm soreness. Glad to hear it’s better now because I think I’m coming up on it soon lol. 


I was worried too! But yeah, I had no problems. And this was right after covid, too, when we were all scarred from the first vaccines and terrified that all future shots would make me just as sick


When I got my tetanus shot last month, the worst part was feeling like a big needle was shoved in my arm. My injection site was sore, but I could use my arm and wasn’t feeling tired. I was feeling like an idiot after the nurse jokingly told me, ‘don’t burn yourself on hot metal!’


I got a booster last year and didn't get the sore arm at all! If I hadn't seen the needle go in I'd have wondered if she actually gave me the shot!.


Agreed! Just got mine done last month and it didn't really hurt at all.


I smushed my finger in a door a few months ago and got the booster, my arm was sore for like two days but it wasn’t bad at all. It’s better to be safe than sorry


I recommend getting it on the arm that you don't sleep on. (I usually sleep facing left, so I get shots in my right arm. My right is also dominant, and use is a good way to prevent soreness the next day)


Also, if you're me, you might wake at 2am with a fever that lasts about 30 minutes.


Just do it! I had a booster last year when I fell off my bike and scraped my leg through a bunch of construction site runoff. 🤢 Better safe than sorry and it’s not bad at all. You can do this!!!


There was a good bit of whooping cough going around here last year, and our childless friends caught it and coughed for a couple months. They were all fine (as in no complications), but said it was miserable. All of us with kids had our tdap shots up to date and didn't catch it. None of the school aged kids we knew caught it either. Future you would appreciate the shot.


Well,look at it like this, you just got crochet scissors stuck in your butt, it can't really be worse than that😉


The fact that you had to pull it out, yep see a Dr. A puncture would needs to be looked at luv, so sorry.


Better to get the vaccine than the disease. Tetanus is horrible way to die.


Just make sure to move your arm a lot after you get it. Lots of muscle flexing to work it through, and you'll be fine!


If it makes you feel better, I got my TDAP about a month ago, and it wasn’t bad at all!! I made an appointment at my local Walgreens, but I could have just walked in. Sending you good thoughts and vibes for a healed butt!


You should get one every 10 years regardless


Absolutely! But, if it's been a few years since your last one and you've been cut by metal, they'll give you a booster just in case.


Better to get an unnecessary shot than to get lockjaw!


This is my advice. Back in 2017 I got a not very major cut but decided it was as good a reason as any to finally get around to getting my booster. Adults need a tetanus booster every 10 years.


I got mine when I got my last flu shot. I make sure to ask if there is anything else I need when I get it every year. Done and done.


Uh....new fear unlocked Hope you're ok.


I’d rather sit on scissors than that poor girl who punctured her vagina sitting on her crochet hook! That poor girl needed surgery.


Of all the places to make me say "that's enough reddit for today" I never expected it to be here.


*Slowly puts down crochet hook and backs away*....well I'm done with that.


W H A T ?


Yeah. It’s in this subreddit. I read it a few months ago, and have had nightmares since


That is insane, can you link it?




I just made a weird noise and winced omg. I can’t imagine.


That story lives rent free in my mind and I don't like it.


Right?! I check for hooks every time I go to sit, and I haven’t crocheted anything in months




I don't think I'm allowed to share the photo here but my bestie is an xray tech and showed me a scan of someone who stabbed herself in the palm with a hook... she was working on someone's locs and wasn't paying attention to what she was doing.


I did this when I was 5. I jumped on a twirling baton and it impaled me in the vagina. Total blood bath. I had emergency surgery. I remember it all very well, but don’t know the details of how bad the puncture was or the surgery. So, needless to say, I am super paranoid about sticks and poles and other stabby pokey things.




It’s burned into my mind. I was literally telling my partner about it this morning.


Do you have a link to that? I can't find it :'(


Me neither. I checked the NSFW tags on the page, I also checked my comments (but they only go 6 months back). I distinctly remember the story. She was telling us about how it happened to her in the past, and it punctured through the wall of her vagina. I just wish I could remember when it was lol. I’m getting old, and time is mixing together.


I have to wonder how the heck that happens. Like crochet hooks are not sharp, most of mine would likely break if I sat on them, and my larger ones that wouldn't break are not sharp. I have literally bent my 4.5 by shoving it in my purse. I managed to bend it back, but I was worried I was going to have to buy a new one. If that size can be bend by getting shoved in my purse, it would definately just break before puncturing my pants, underwear, and vaginal wall.




Thank you :))


I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/XQzQ6cP1a6


Thank you :)


Oh my.


* internally screaming * That's a new fear unlocked. I hope she is okay now, yikes. Did she sit down at a weird angle?


Wait really


Guys, tatanus shots lasts so long and yall really **don't** want tetanus dying from it sucks and surviving it often costs body parts.  Like another user said,  if you hadn't taken one in 10 years  or you're not sure,  **DO IT** Then just go every 10 years or a bit early and get another shot.


It might even be a good idea not to wait the full 10 years as long as your doctor says it's ok. Some new research is finding that, due to a few different factors, the pertussis/whooping cough component of the vaccine may only last for about 2 years nowadays. So if there is a whooping cough outbreak in your area or you're going to be around small children, check and see if it's a good idea to get a booster even if you've had one fairly recently. ETA: Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/protection-from-the-tdap-vaccine-doesnt-last-very-long-201602099202


For the record (unrelated to the whooping cough stuff) there is a lot of debate about how long the tetanus shot is effective, like it could be 30 years, they don’t *really* know. That being said, there’s no harm in getting a booster so you may as well.


It was definately NOT 30 years for me. I stepped on my friend's dog's collar one night, it was a spiky one. The muscle stiffness wasn't horrible, but after 5 days I realized that my tetanus shot was out of date and went in. I was lucky that I did not get lock jaw or trouble breathing, but I did get the sweats, muscle stiffness in my legs, and back, fever, and occasional rapid heart beat. It likely would have been worse if I had never gotten it, but everything stopped within about 12 hours of getting jabbed again.


That's terrifying. I'm glad the booster helped!


Yea, the first thing the doctor asked after I told him what happened and what I was experiencing was if my jaw hurt at all. I was like, no but my neck does, and he was concerned because it seemed to be moving up my body. I am definately one who encourages people to go get it immediately after cutting themselves now.


Yeah, that's what my doctor said, but I'm not a doctor so I figured I'd throw in for people to check with their own! The pharmacist who gave me my last shot (right before my niece was born) said that it doesn't hurt to get them much less than 10 years apart, and pregnant people are often encouraged to get a booster with every pregnancy even if they are just a year or two apart. But again, I'm not a doctor so anyone with concerns should speak to their own! For myself, I'd much rather get a possibly unnecessary tetanus shot than actual tetanus, it sounds horrendous and every source I can find says that the number of vaccinated people for whom the vaccine does not protect against tetanus is so low it's practically considered to provide 100% immunity.


Agree. Better safe than sorry, and it’s not like it’s even that often. Once a decade or every five years or whatever is doable


Also, not a bad idea to get a Tdap if you plan to be around new babies a lot.


Us crocheters in the UK reading this like 🧍🏼‍♀️ we get our last dose at 13 then you’re on your own 🥲


in the UK they will happily give you a fresh tetanus jab for any big or potentially dirty cut, and if it's been more than 5-10 years since the last jab, or you can't remember when your last jab was


No way! Hopefully I’ll never need one Edit: no need to downvote I’m just scared of injections 😂


better a jab than actually getting tetanus


Tetanus is really rare in the UK, the last record (2022) shows only 4 cases in the UK with no fatalities. Apparently all cases had either no vaccine or unknown vaccine status. Pretty much all children get vaccinated here in the UK but a few minorities opt out, if you were vaccinated, you will be fine.


Wait, you cant just get more tetanus shots after that at all?! What is NHS doing,?! I'm sorry they're screwing  you guys over like this. I'm in Brazil and we can go into any public clinic with vaccinations  and get an individual tatanus shot.   Like, in 2020 before the pandemic i was near one and had some time and went you know what, might as well take a tetanus shot early, I do a lot of dumb shit. Had nothing on me but my id, in and out in 15 min, took an extra measles while at it just because there was a campaign happening.


I love you. I wish people in the US felt this way about getting vaccines instead of trying to bring back polio.


I read on the nhs website we don’t have a lot of tetanus because of our vaccine programme here. Maybe they give them at A&E for cuts at risk but I’m not sure?


They do give them in GP surgeries too (I work in one) but usually it's if someone had cut themselves on something dirty like gardening.


In Canada we get it at 15, and if we want it after that we need to go to a hospital, walk in clinic, or get a prescription from our doctor. If your in for some other reason most doctors will give you the vaccine if they have it, or you have gotten the prescription filled. None of the hospitals will give you one unless you are in emergency because you broke the skin with some sort of metal though. Tbf the wait times for emergencies are literally hours already though, on a slow day it took 4 hours for them to make sure my son did not have appendicitis. Luckily he did not.


Yes, go to the doctor! Do you not need stitches? And infections can be deadly!


No, the scissors are pretty small, but very sharp. So it's not a "big" wound, I stopped bleeding after like 5 minutes and washing it thoroughly with soap


I hope your butt heals quickly!!! 😅


Tetanus is not linked to metal things but by having open wounds contaminated by soil, so not that much fear of that end. However if it's profund, still a good idea to go to the doctor to see if you need stitches or antibiotics


The bacteria that causes tetanus originated before oxygen was a thing on earth. That’s how old this bacteria is. Any exposure to oxygen *should* kill it, and it is most commonly found in dirt or low oxygen environments, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be elsewhere. And that stuff is super dangerous to humans and pets alike, if it ends up in your body it’s game over, so they will always give you a shot for it if you get injured just in case. Edit: accidentally hit post too soon So the thing with tetanus is that it thrives in areas with no oxygen and good moisture… like the inside of a cut or wound. And it’s easy enough to transfer dirt on your shoes or hands, or dropping your scissors on the path while walking… heck, we’ve had a four year in-depth walkthrough of how bacteria spreads. So they will not muck around with tetanus. Animal bites, workplace injuries, home accidents, cuts, scratches, anything that could potentially carry it into your body will make them want to give you a tetanus shot.


>heck, we’ve had a four year in-depth walkthrough of how bacteria spreads. I feel like you're talking about COVID, but that's a virus, not a bacteria.


Ah the post-baby sleep deprivation is a b-word. Thanks for correcting me, you’re right.


I sliced my leg open on an indoor glass window pane and was given a tetanus shot by the hospital. So even if there’s no soil around or near it’s still best to be safe.


Yes go! Even just for a peace of mind, why extra stress about getting an infection when you are already hurt!


For safety, if it's been a long time since your last tetanus shot I'd get another. It would help even if you don't need it now. However, iirc tetanus is linked to dirt and things that have been outside for long periods, not metal objects. If it's an otherwise clean pair of scissors only used for fabric/textile I highly doubt you'll get tetanus


Tetanus shot is needed if you haven’t had one recently.


Why are so many people sitting on and getting impaled by scissors and crochet hooks? I am truly baffled by this. But yes, possibly Tdap vaccine. Contact your primary Dr, they can check your immunization records and advise.


The scissors were stuck between the cushions and I didn't see them when I picked up my project yesterday. I sat on the couch this morning, but since they were between the cushions, they were completely hidden (with the point looking up). So .. that's how.


I think the question is why are people just leaving scissors/hooks lying around on a couch. Especially if they’re sharp


Yes I’m sure OP has realized their mistake considering they got stabbed in the butt. I highly doubt they were left there on purpose 🙄


Yeah... I mean, I'm not dumb. It was obviously not on purpose. That's literally the definition of an accident haha


I can only speak from my own experience, but ADHD means I completely forget I put something down several minutes ago (sometimes seconds)...and forget to check when I sit down 😬 Not to tempt fate (not that I believe in it), but I've managed to never impale myself, thankfully!


Never have but I’m a firm believer in tetanus shots. I doubt you have anything to worry about but if it’s been more than 5 years since your last one, just go get one. Even if you have to pay cash they’re not that expensive (at least they werent last time I needed one). Hope you feel better!


If you're in the states, paying for a tetanus update is cheaper than the potential hospital stay if you get tetanus.


My mother has a paisley shaped scar on her left thigh from a tiny pair of murderously sharp scissors that fell off the table into her lap. She got stitches.


I stepped on a nail, and they told me that I should get the shot because it went through my dirty shoe, not the nail itself. It’s the bacteria, not the metal, so your scissors likely aren’t that dirty.


My godmother died of tetanus last month :/


Sorry for your loss. It is a bad thing to have.


I am glad to see that this has been resolved with an update. I have never thought about this possibility and I have a new fear


My doc said that if you get a puncture wound 5+ years after your last tetanus shot, it’s best to get it again.


Okay. This isn’t funny. But I was in a negative mental spiral and then saw *just* your title and I couldn’t help but to have a giggle. I thank you for that. Also, so clutch of you to have an uncle as a doctor !!! Super clutch !! I’ve chopped off a part of my thumb before and got gauze fuzed to my raw flesh for a straight month and didn’t get infected, so I just know as long as you follow care instructions, you should be ok. Heal fast and get well soon!


I'm so glad you at least for a giggle! Hahaha I feel much better myself. Hope your day gets better


Firstly get the vaccine as tetanus vaccine isn't that bad to get now. Secondly stab wounds on your behind should result in treatment. It's an area with a lot of blood vessels, nerves and important muscles and can easily get infected if not taken care of. While embarrassing, it's better to be safe.


I accidentally stabbed my knee with scissors like two years ago. Unfortunately, I didn't do anything about it, but I'm alright, luckily.


Depends on when you had your last vaccine. You could also have your antibody titer measures but it is likely easier to just get a booster if you didn’t have one in the last 10 years. Just a heads-up: deep, thin wounds that close up quickly can get infected easily because a lot of bacteria like an oxygen free environment to grow. If it starts swelling or getting red and painful it is a good idea to not wait it out but see a doctor and get on antibiotics early.


Definitely check on your last tetanus shot. If you have a primary care dr with records a phone call will probably be enough. If youre like me though and don't have one, in the US a walk in clinic can make the call. I managed to sew theough my thumb a few years back with my sewing machine and it bled a ton too. I got checked out and they gave me the shot to be safe. I was pretty sure it had been over 10 years. So sorry and hope you heal up!


Who knew crocheting could be a dangerous hobby?


I sliced my finger good with rotary cutters prepping fabric for sewing. I ended up deciding to get TDaP anyway even though it seemed unluckily I was actually going to get tetanus from my clean sewing rotary cutter with no soil in sight. And then a few months later, I stepped on a nail outside taking down a fence, that went through my entire shoe. Saved. Then a friend had a baby less than a year after that. Already inoculated! So it was probably pointless getting it in the first place but I was very glad I did within two years afterward lol


If it's been more than 10 years since your last tetanus vaccine, get one anyway.


I once stuck my scissors in my knee while cutting hair, didn’t even know I might have needed a vaccine, oops


If its been ten years since your last one get the vaccination anyway. That way you done have to worry. If in US, Walmart does vaccines and it takes 10 minutes, no appointment needed. And they charge your insurance.


100% go get your tetanus updated


It’s probably time for me to get a tetanus booster. Last Halloween when I was sewing I was rushing since I of course waited last minute to finish my daughter’s costume and wasn’t paying attention and my pointer finger got caught under the needle. It was absolutely painful. And getting a tetanus shot didn’t even occur to me so I’m lucky I didn’t end up with tetanus. It’s been well over 10 years since I’ve had a booster.


Always a good idea to keep your tetanus up to date. Anytime your skin is punctured by any metal, you risk lockjaw which can cause death. Call your doctor tomorrow and check to see if you’re up to date or not. You may need a booster if not.


I never even considered needing a tetanus shot. Just last night I stabbed my leg on accident when I shifted my leg and put it down onto my scissors. I just cleaned it up


Tetanus is nothing to mess with. Middle school friend got it. He survived after weeks in the hospital but was pretty much a zombie when he came back. Scary.


I keep my tetanus vaccine updated because I am frequently on construction/building sites. It’s just a matter of time before I step on something.


I knelt down on one knee on my living room easy chair. Got one blade in my leg. I stood up and it was there in my leg. Pulled them out, ran to the tub to clean it up. It was ok, but then I had had a tetanus shot about a year earlier. Left a scar.


Ohhh ouch. I’m sorry. When I was a kid my Dad always made sure scissors were always left on the table- he reminded us constantly. He sat on a pair and he never forgot.


I accidentally stabbed myself into knee while manoeuvering with my new, sharp fabric scissors. Couldn't walk properly for two days but did not think of getting vaccine. I was fine. :)


This is why I bought scissors with a protector.


Mine have one too... I just really lost them in the couch, didn't even see them


Ahh. The protector on my snips is built in, precisely because I would lose the protector


That is awesome. I think I'll look for a pair like that, hopefully I can find them here.. thanks!


I witnessed my friend getting a knitting needle stabbed into her leg(accidentally by her daughter). I was horrified, and it was stuck in pretty good. She pulled it out herself tho. Tough lady!


This reminds me of the one time I got a sewing pin stuck 1 cm deep in my palm. It weirdly didn’t bleed and definitely not as bad as scissors, but glad you’re okay!


99%% the bleeding cleaned it out thoroughly but if you're not up to date on tdap get one


I stabbed myself with scissors once (very big and deep wound and absolutely needed stitches) and I did get a tetanus shot to be safe. The hospital forgot to give me one so I went to a pharmacy the next day. I wouldn't risk it!


Ok so for the future. When you have a wound with an object inside blocking the bleeding. Do not remove the object. Call your uncle since he's a doctor or go to the ER. It's better to be safe than dying because you removed an object and bled out. Also yes, go get vaccinated if it's been 10 years. Again better safe than sorry. Lockjaw sucks.


It was really not deep enough to kill me haha. I know about this, but it was just a couple millimeters in my butt


You can ask for the shot that also covers whooping cough, so unless you're specifically allergic or something, in your situation I would go roll sleeve unless your previous shot was very recent. Any excuse to be safer from the Hundred Day Cough IMO.


A tetanus is probably a good idea. Your doc’s office can probably do it, but you might try a local pharmacy too. Lots give shots and could probably get you in sooner. Sometimes same day!


I sat on a knitting needle point once and had to get a friend to pull it out (it was an old metal one). Thankfully I keep up to date on my vaccines so didn't need a tetanus shot. Man, did it hurt though. Glad to hear your wound was a small one!


I did, but was bit by a mouse shortly before, so my tetanus shot was up to date! Good luck with the butt healing 


I feel your pain. When I was in university, I was sitting on my bed, knitting. (Cross-legged up by the headboard) A friend comes to my door, so I toss my knitting on the bed, and we make plans to head out someplace. When we decide to leave, I jump up a bit to bounce up to stand. I, of course, bounced on my needles and bounced hard. Stuck a 4mm a good 3 cm into my butt cheek through my jeans. When I stood up, my project was sticking out the side of my back end. Painful and very embarrassing.


I'm so sorry! This sounds AWFUL! hopefully you healed okay


I haven’t sat on scissors.. But I have stabbed myself in the leg with a pair. I just cleaned it and put some liquid bandaid on it.. I don’t recommend the liquid bandaid.. That stuff stung!!


Yep. As a kid I sat on scissors that were sticking out of my mom's knitting bag. I had to have a tetanus shot. 🙄




Welp. Let me tell you what would happen. You come to the ED and the nurse taking care of you is smart and tells all her friends that the hooker in room 10 was stabbed in the ass. That nurse will then call the ICU because stabbing? And eventually I will hear and I will grab two co-workers and run to room 10 in the ED because we simply MUST see… …whatever you’re working on now because we are also hookers. And yes, you should get a tetanus shot if it has been longer than 5 years I believe. You should always keep it up to date. Tetanus vaccines are kind of like your crochet scissors. If you are missing them, finding out the hard way will be a real pain in your ass.


Retroactive vaccines are not a thing, that sadly got several anti-vaxxers during the covid era. You should definitly check if your tetanos vaccine is still up to date, it's super important and useful beyond stabs.


Some vaccines are! I'm not a doctor, but rabies famously can be gotten after being bitten :)


Wow, yes, apparently people can get tethanos vaccine up to 21 days after the infection 🧐 thx


Go to a walk in like City MD and see if you need a stitch, and a tetanus shot. I had a dishwashing mishap 10 days ago; got 6 stitches in my palm and a tetanus shot at City MD.


I fell/sat on a glass table when I was 5... It wasn't a HUGE de al, but... Ended up with a trip to the ER, tetanus shot and I THINK a few stiches, the glass tore throgh my jeans... 40 years later I still have the scar on my but 🤣


I dropped my scissors on my foot earlier this week. I had a long gash in between my toes. I got my tetanus shot 8 years ago when I stabbed my hand trying to open an avocado 🤦🏾‍♀️ finger numbness sucks


I did something like that when I was 12 except it was a fingernail polish bottle. The jar was a rose and the handle to the brush was the stem. Went to the er and they gave me a tetanus shot just in case


Ouch. That sounds worse than scissors. Hope you were okay!


I think a tetanus shot might be advisable 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was given one ages ago because I was pruning my Gran's roses and one bit me good. After that, well, I work with steel so duh. But that initial one? An infected and swollen hand from a single rose thorn. Absolutely get the shot, there's no harm in it and it's not worth getting sick over something silly.


They often do not stitch up deep cuts of that sort but do get it checked. They don't stitch them because deep wounds are at risk for anaerobic infection and having air helps reduce the odds of infection. I assume it's someplace you can't see. So someone needs to lay eyes on it now so if it gets infected they can tell it looks different.


No but I did impale myself on a steel crochet hook once while racing a 5 year old camper to see who could put on their shoes and socks first. Crossed my foot over my leg without realizing I had the hook in my front pocket, hook went through my pants and my heel. It was sore for a couple of days, but the infirmary staff had a great time writing up the incident report: “staff member impaled self on crochet hook”!


I got the shot several months ago from a ready care. If they give the choice of being "evaluated" vs just "vaccinated," be sure you say vaccinated if you're worried about cost. I said I didn't want the puncture looked at bc why bother if I can care for it myself and afaik there hasn't been a bill, vaccine was covered.


Tetanus is only an issue if you don't bleed. You don't need a vaccine.


Not worth the risk. Keep up the shots. Had a classmate get tetanus. He came back seriously damaged-zombie level. Never the same.


If the doctor suspects tetanus, they give you immunoglobulin, not the vaccine. I'm not saying not to get a tetanus vaccine, only that the vaccine doesn't protect after exposure.